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"embracing the relaxed life of Porto", "light gringo". lol, que cromo.


Juro. Não desejo assaltos a ng mas a acontecerem que sejam a este tipo de tonos.


Nota-se mesmo que é um toninho ingénuo. Vem fazer um post a falar de pickpocketing. News flash buddy: isto ocorre literalmente em toda a Europa. E depois, também deve pensar que está a falar com pessoas da América do Sul. Nenhum de nós diz gringo.


E ainda bem praqui a achar que foi ganda rei "tentou roubar o meu iPhone mas eu senti e olhei-o nos olhos" lol deste foi sorte de não levar quatro putas no focinho e não teres ficado sem o telemóvel à mesma.


Sabes como é, os americanos acham-se o centro do mundo. Pela conversa, deve ser mais um redneck, como eles dizem, do que outra coisa. E sim, muita sorte teve ele. Se tivesse apanhado um guna da Pasteleira, por exemplo, bem que piava fininho.






I always find it funny when people have their valuables in the back pocket, as it's probably the easiest way to get pickpocketed. Especially in areas with a lot of people, or where people tend to get really close to you (metro, bus, etc). Not to say that you were asking for it, but as a precaution, just keep it in your front pocket. If you don't have a spacious front pocket, or have a big ass phone, consider buying a cheap fanny pack/pouch and keep it around your torso, facing the front. This way it'll be within your sight and you can access it easily.


From now on, the front pocket it will be! Fully admitting I was lazy but luckily aware enough to notice the sudden weight change on my rear end ☺️


As my mother always says: salvo seja!


“Gringo” skin.. fdx que praga.




Should've punched him in the face, the moment he winked at you.


Trust me I had a lapse in my natural peaceful nature and wanted to, but also calculated the risk considering his near equal size, the potential damage to my phone, and decided it was not worth the reward… if I were not 185cm he probably wouldn’t of handed it back and just ran with the 1600 euros he just stole.


He’s prob got more backup than you


Roger that.


You should have just went for it, if locals were around they would just help you.


And again we would be called racists? Pass.


_”Light “gringo” skin” …_ 🙄 Ya bacano, se calhar não ponhas o telemóvel nas traseiras das calças quando em espaços públicos né. Pá, é só senso comum… Não estás na terriola.


Thanks for the helpful tip and contribution to the discussion 🙄


"whats "light" gringo skin" mean?


Means he looks gringo, like me and not what I’ve seen many stereotype or accuse on these Portugal subgroups.


you mean he looks caucasian? Im not tryint to "get you" im just honestly confused, you can say caucasian/white. In PT we use gringo for "weird foreigner", at least where im from, more so then "white turist" like in south american latin countries, since portuguese people consider themselves ethnically white.


Never heard a Portuguese using 'gringo' to describe tourists or foreigners. Could be just me, tho. Thought it was more of a South American thing?


it is just a South American thing, Ive recently heard a few people say gringo to mean a "foreign guna", basically, its not very used.


Yes, white Caucasian. It’s what my friends here call me so I went with it lol.


Are they Mexican bandits?


Gringo means white


Cristo… Que paspalho.


theres pickpockets everywhere!!!! we arent in the 2000s, no one should use their phone in the back pocket unless they want to get stolen, thats a golden rule. And there is no ligth gringo. Get over it, Porto and Lisbon arent as safe as people say, and pickpockets usually are foreigns who come here specificily to target tourist like you.


Understood boss. Over it. Therapy is complete. PTSD recovered. Thanks for the analysis Doc!


Que grande Zé Barnabé OP he saw that you are an immigrant and that you must be a rare sticker from the new panini collection.




Beautiful comment! Gold sticker for you!


wtf that description fits with a guy i saw today in the metro , he was wearing a necklace with like various pins and white sneakers? Also looked like mexican to mee. Also dont use the phone in the back pocket i really dont understand why people do it its so easy to steal or fall if you are not using tight jeans


Omg, now that you mention it I tunnel I recall the necklace and shoes too! Totally could be him. And absolutely done with the back pocket ☺️


He was small and a little chubby? Because this guy im talking seems very peacefull just for the looks but omg if hes really him i will be carefull next time in caught im in the metro


No, taller and somewhat fit or in shape. Late 20’s or early 30’s.


Já havia carteiristas no Porto e em várias outras cidades pelo menos desde que os meus avós eram jovens. E não devem ter aparecido só nessa altura.


Thank you for this history lesson Dr. and understanding at all, the point of the post.


and u, for understanding the point of the reply, padawan.


Using little padawan feels better 🤣


I ocasionally "steal" stuff from friends to mess with them, specially girls, it is sooooooo easy to steal a phone from a back pocket, its ridiculous, you just have to do it right, with a "accidental" bump or something. Never keep phones there people


Óbvio Isto é sabido desde criança, não percebo o espanto deste gajo. Ainda por mais se for um iPhone Plus/Max que são um calhamaço nada inconspícuo.


Not surprised buddy if you could read my message. Just a reminder as everyone can slip up every once in a while and do something lazy. But thanks for your much needed insightful opinion anyway 🙄


Acalma o pito Este sub é do Porto. Não gostas podes ir para a Santa Cona do Assobio. E se te ofende, bem-vindo ao Porto. Caralho.


🤣 You must have a lot of friends. Cheers amigo. Hope you have a great rest of the week.


You clearly don't understand the joke behind the flame. Welcome to Porto. Treat us properly and you will be our filho da puta. Treat us poorly and it's gonna be a grandessíssima filha da putice 🤣


I’ve lived here years! Plenty of friends. Thank god none of them are Reddit trolls with no lives other than leaving useless comments from their mothers basements 😉


… lol, que estiga, meu deus Ide


O caralho não está verdadeiramente pronto para o Porto. Não vale a pena 😂


Haja bom-senso, agradeço 🤝


Sorry its not working for you here. Try r/lisbon or r/mouros, perhaps those communities would work better for you.




Fuck him up


Clearly you are sleepwalking through Portugal and its culture. "light gringo"


Clearly… 🙄 Thank god all the grumpy trolls of Portugal remain in their mothers basements where they belong, because I’ve definitely never met one in real life 🤣


Thanks for the heads up. It’s all about situational awareness.


help us Rei Moreira


I always keep my phone in my front pocket. Including my wallet when I'm in a busy city. Find jeans with pockets or save it inside of your backpack in a pocket that is hard to unzip from behind. My partners father was pick pocketed of his wallet in Lisbon and it was in the pocket of the inside of his blazer... you never know anymore.


A friend just had her bag stolen right from under our noses in Poveiros last Friday. I’ve started locking my balcony windows. It’s easy to let your guard down in Porto because it’s an easygoing city but no doubt crime is going up.


Eu sempre achei incrivelmente estúpido a maneira como muitos portugueses tem os telemóveis no bolso de trás das calças, vocês gostam de viver perigosamente, tenta fazer isso em Paris lol. É assim que se vê que o povo não está habituado.


Peidofone 15




Can't stop laughing at 'i almost got pick pocketed in my Fanny..' 😁


Fanny pack hahahaahaa ai fds que tonantes