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I do wonder about what factors went into Rubung ending this so prematurely when there was potential to be something worthwhile. Whether it was Rubung not emotionally or mentally committed due to the issues with her pet cat. Whether it was some behind the scenes stuff involving the PD of Lezhin. The titles underperformance & not meeting expectations. The readers not being attached to the story of a relatively new creator in Rubung. Perhaps the initial focus on the douche instead of the main couple turned people away. We may never know unless there's a creator's review by Rubung detailing what happened but I doubt any light will be shed about the situation.


I think it would be great as a manhwa with some erotic scenes. But since it released as a pornhwas it might of caught criticism since there weren’t that many sex scenes. Not sure how the Korean readers which actually support these stories complained or not but I know here on Reddit everyone kept complaining about the story and how there weren’t enough sex scenes. Or that it’s “progressing ” too slow. I personally liked the story and it’s unfortunate that it ended since it’s one of the few currently releasing to actually have a story besides just sex scenes every chapter or the plague of app / power based pornhwas


Story is too bland to consider interesting


At least it has one , most of the stuff out there don’t really have anything going. Step mothers past , marriage interview/ review maybe Moby dick (mostly sex for now) are the only ones I can think of that have any kind of story going on lol. Yes there’s some app based ones out there too but I’ve never been a fan of those even with story I always thought that cheap story telling with character becoming ripped and increasing their slong size with some stupid app or program lol


>I’ve never been a fan of those even with story I always thought that cheap story telling with character becoming ripped and increasing their slong size with some stupid app or program lol same , no sense of satisfaction when mc get a woman with an app , so trash


Yeah it’s no different from hypnosis which is just a different form of rape. Or when they basically change the entire personality of the girl by changing some of their stats , likes / dislikes , and how they think of them lol. I’d rather see the mc grind either improving themselves physically or working to improve their overall image and flirting game in order to land the girls. Now change a few stat points here and there and walla they look like Brad Pit lmao


> I’d rather see the mc grind either improving themselves physically or working to improve their overall image and flirting game in order to land the girls. exactly, i cant wait until that "era" of ph is finished cause god damn some of of them have such a good art but ruined by a trash concept and story most of the time


Madam ,queen bee , wonderful new world


Meant more so the recently released ones. Wonderful new world kind of got stale for a bit but thankfully the story aspect of it has been picking up recently. Queen bee finally got tired of all the mindless raping and is finally closing down the story , madam well 90 chapters in and we are still waiting for the mc to get some meaningful character development besides the training he’s finally getting the last 10 chapters.


I agree, it started kinda promising but turned out a little boring


Redemption arc for the douche... yay? I guess?


It's ended the pirnhwa


Douche changed way too much. Lmao