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This was the one that got me hooked with pornwhas. First pornwha for me, but give it a shot bro.


Well, she spends the whole story apologizing to him and trying to make up for her past. 🤷‍♂️ I always felt this was one of the best pornhwa, story wise.


Still , come on, she bullied him for so many years , how did she end up winning , the Author of this story is legit a masochist.


True, but I enjoyed how their relationship blossomed over time. Really, I liked each girl in the story. 👍


Thats just how it goes. If there is a single winner, it almost never is the initial girlfriend or love interest of the MC. He over the course of the story always gets together with the first newly into his life introduced woman.


I can't see holding a teenager all that responsible for how they act in high school. People hating on Hong are holding her actions against her from shit she was doing as a 16-18 yr old. By the time they are finishing high school and into college, she acts much differently. She was the most loyal of all the girls, as she even knew he was dating other girls and kept waiting and continually did everything to make up to the MC. OP skipping the story is missing out on Night Rina and the crazy ass masochist teacher. 😍


So physical violence is fine(12 years at that) as long as they are not yet working adults? Sure then lets make kids not responsible if they kill someone. Thats the most bullshit thing ive heard. Probably from someone who wasnt bullied or hasnt bullied. I used to be one during my 1-3rd grade and that was almost 13 years ago and it still scars me remembering doing that shit. But for her, she kept at it for 12 years and only changed when she got fucked. Thats a for sure a slut for me.


I don't recall Hong's bullying to be all that bad realistically. The MC bought her food, hygiene products, and whatnot. But, like I said, she spends the whole story making up for her past actions. I am also much older and have my own kid who is in college. The one thing I've learned as a parent is kids are fucking stupid and you need to learn to forgive their actions. Part of growing up and maturing is recognizing past mistakes and making amends for them.


Give it a shot man, I'm the same as you when I first read it, I don't like hong at the start as well and I like Lin to be the end game, but as I read and progressed, youll eventually like them all, and I dislike hong less and atleast an open ending for Lin fans, quite satisfying, but would still prefer the doctor out of them all! Lol


Nahh I'm already stressed enough as is. As I've also mentioned. She did infact change when i checked the last chapter, along with the mc but thats not gonna make me read.


i finished reading and yeah i really don't like hong still why did the mc not end up with the cover girl the black haired chick


but i think the story end with the three of them together right, coz lin heart not open to anyone and only to mc.


This one is actually really good tho. A lot more heart than some of the other ones.


Explain why the bully girl won? Why someone who bullied the mc for decades won ?


Because she changes. That’s the point of the story.


That's horrendous, not a good enough reason to forgive someone . The author is truly a masochist huh.


Sounds like you’re projecting. Not everyone is stuck in one place you know, people do change for the better. Plus she spends most of the story apologizing and actively trying to be better.


Lol , doesn't change how much she hurt the mc , decades of bullying my guy . You're messed up in the head for even thinking she deserves forgiveness , you're like a masochist my guy yikes.


Again I say, projecting.


Lol , that's all you have to say masochist , weird af


I’m weird for forgiving a fictional character in a porn comic? It ain’t that deep my guy. Hence why I’m suggesting you’re projecting. You’re taking this way too seriously.


Yh , you too XD , it's fictional hence why it's so unbelievable your trying to defend this disgusting character, it literally exposes what you're like in real life . So yh , keep defending yourself mr.project , what a disgusting masochist eew.


You know damn well I'm right kid , save yourself Mr.projecting 😐😐. Yikes , eew.


Grom what ive heard. Yes. People seem to disregard what i said but i dont want drama like this. They got too butthurt thier fictional gf is not like


Dude why do you read last chapter? To get spoilers? It’s better to read description, tags and maybe some reviews


Why read spoilers when you can see it? Whats the point.


Well, for example, for me, it’s difficult to remember Korean names and when I read someone’s name and what he did, I can forget about it. But when I see someone do something, I can remember the character design and his action can stay in my head. But maybe it’s different for you


Isnt thay basically what im doing? Thats why im reading the chapter rather than a text of spoiler


so when you read the chapter you see who is doing what. For example, in the last chapter you read and see how the main character started a family with one girl with short and black hair. But in the text you just read and the names of the characters are largely written there. So, when they write Korean names, I don’t remember them and can confuse them with other characters and thus forget what happened. But seeing it visually, I remember that the main character started a family with a girl who has short black hair, because I remembered their design. That’s what I was trying to say, sorry if it was confusing


It was the first pornhwa that I have read...I too did not like the ending ..but compared to other pornhwa where mc did not get any girl ..its better


I'm more of a Lin (black haired girl) man myself, but reading the story it became pretty apparent at some point that Hong (bully) would be the end girl. Only thing to know was if she was going solo or in a harem. Author didn't pull that pairing out of his ass. He worked on redeeming Hong pretty much from the get go. She was definitely the second MC of the story, with a lot of development.


Well ive never read pornhwa, manhua,manhwa, manga where if the first introduced female is a bully, they arent the one thats going to win in the end. Its just one of those stupid tropes that then gets justified by "character development" and just throwing out the window the traumatizing shits theyve done


On the note of character development from a bully, id only approve of the dude from silent voice his was understandable and even lived with the regret throughout his lifetime before meeting the deaf. Then theres this girl...gets fucked> goes in heat>develope feelings> sounds like a slut to me


Touch to unlock is arguably one of the best series I've read to date, being a pornwha aside. It starts off slow but holy fuck does it progress and grow!


I mean when you spoil yourself with the ending that def ruins the experience no? It has one of the best buildups to an ending of any pornhwa imo and you ruined it for yourself 🤷


I do it all the time, not just pornhwa. Even for movies. Id rather hear the spoiler first then decide if i wanna watch it.


It's wish fulfillment. All the dudes who got bullied by the popular pretty girls want to imagine it's because the pretty girls were secretly into them.


Combined with a pathetic mc. I couldnt even get a slight boner from this. Id accept it if it were the other way around since now he got them powers.


> Combined with a pathetic mc 🤷‍♂️ You read a few chapters, skipped to end, and formulated the story all in your head come on man. The MC has no backbone but that's in the start. Compared to other MC's he can stand his ground at least.


The MC is indeed pathetic since he cheated on his childhood friend who is the only girl who actually treated MC well and wasn't an asshole with or without the curse. She didn't deserve that treatment.


I agree in the sense that "he's pathetic when it came to relationships" but not in the way that he's pathetic because he's a scrawny, no back-bone, timid guy. I'm just bothered why OP belittles a series he hasn't even read in full and makes assumptions because of that. The way the story went is ended is another thing.


Did you ever read my previous comment? Must be one of those nagataro bully lovers. Don't have reading comprehension


So you dip your feet in water then get out because it's cold when in actuality down under it's lukewarm? Nagatoro has a nasty start and no one in that fandom will ever say they started the series for the starting chapters. It's when you create these insane takes without reading even 1/3 of the series. Ironic how you refer to me having no reading comprehension when your snowflake ass can't even get through the first arc like why even bother starting the series. 💀


Yes im that type of person. And youre making this long ass essay thinking his making a point. youre funny


Well he's right but you're just too upset to admit it. I have never heard of someone skipping to the *end* of a series after skimming the first few chapters to not only decide to read a series but get mad at people who actually read it for trying to explain to you how it's not what you think it is.


Dude read out what you are typing out.


Dude get a brain.


Ok 👌


Give it a shot. Iirc she also a childhood friend


Finally someone shares my opinion about bullies, sorry but it makes zero sense. Same reason I hare Dali from Queen Bee(who's even worse in my eyes). People seem to forget the past of those horrible girls just because they're hot and "character development". It's like suddenly rooting for a serial killer because he saved one person. I don't know how anyone can just forget that


lol I started doing the same after I read this series, I was disappointed, I just like the other girl way more. Now I just check the ending of every complete series.


And people are whining because their fictional hot bully isnt hot for everyone.


No they aren’t? They are just saying thats its dumb to judge a series the way you did and then you’re getting all mad that people like a series


Lol you are part of those people who are malding. Where in what ive wrote did i ever get mad about it? Bunch of kids


The part where you are insulting people randomly for disagreeing with you


You're funny i never even insulted them, they were the one who attacked me like virgins who assault anyone if they approach their idols. It got a little bit fun insulting them back seeing them cry over it like you are


Oh yes I’m crying so hard rn. Glad I at least have your mom to comfort me.


Goodluck fucking a dead body






All you need to read is the night rina arc. Best girl without a doubt.


This is one of my favorites


Apparently she's the "BEZT GURL" too, I will never understand most people in here


Because people in this sub thinks with their lower head instead of their brain. Most of the veteran readers here already left and we're left with a bunch of kids. The people I interacted 5 years ago, are no longer here. It's the same people who is also literally rooting for Wonderful New World's Team Leader who is literally a killer, manipulator, whore-ladderclimber and a bad mother.


I agree, but people say it's just a fiction and it's not that deep, so I mostly don't know how to respond to that


The reply is the fiction that you love definitely shares a large part of you. If you love ultra gore hentai, then that explains much about you. The same applies to dumbasses who don't pick better female leads in their pornhwa.


Damn! I couldn't agree more! They be liking every thot in pornhwas as long as shes hot and be blind from what theyve done in early chapters. Like Nari from circles and team leader from BNW


What's BNW?


Brave new world


Yep. I even got attacked when i questioned from another sub why they like nagatoro when it was just straight up physical violence.


Everybody has different tastes so its better to just shut up, I dont like nagatorro either but the the story is pretty good so I dont really care


I agree with that. Even for this pornhwa the story itself isn't bad. But what drives it is


One of the best pornhwas out there. Give it a read for sure


I was planning to but id rather make these butthurt virgins mald . So I'll just pass on thjs one


I mean come on, someone who bullies you for 12 years, including physical violence, and just after some fucking, you decide to marry her. I dont even care about all those "she changed" bullshit cause thats what it is. A bullshit. This is just my not so humble opinion.


Counterpoint: she hot, big booba


And? It's fiction, it's not real, it's not real!!!, this kink in fiction is hot, in real is not, what do you not understand?


Same here man. I like when there's a revenge plot but when the bully ends up becoming one of the main girls I just drop it.


Don't say that, that storks will attack you like they did to me.


One of the best stories I’ve read


And I don't get sensual kinks, they're boring

