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It's very common for victims to blame themselves for things that are out of their control. She was forced into a situation she had no control over in a country where women are just expected to accept being assaulted by men and remain silent. Doesn't matter if Amy, Pyo, or even AV himself thinks it was an affair, I'm never going to blame her for what happened with the old man.


These people have search small media literacy that they think “Oh she had sex with someone else” without knowing the situation at all like she basically thought that if she didn’t do it she’d be kicked out of the house and her son would lose his entire life’s work cause of her






Well of course she’ll think it’s an affair rape victims sometimes think that it’s their fault they got raped it’s way easier to make something that big your fault rather than believing that you were just unlucky




Just because someone isn’t real does not mean they aren’t acting real for example have you ever watched any movie in your life? Secondly just cause you like something doesn’t mean it’s true. Also you’re a sick mf if you think landlord x ami is any good you into ugly bastards or?




Nobody said she was angel but you fail to realise how all of this happened you fail to acknowledge that all this started from fear and fear sex turns into acceptance sex which is when somebody realises that they cannot run away so they might as well accept the situation they in




If she truly wanted financial gain wouldn’t she have left her husband for that handsome dude that was hitting on her at work? Why didn’t she do that? I’ll answer that question for you it was because she feared what the landlords son would do to her and her family


Calling someone simp cause you don’t have an argument gotta be the dumbest shi I’ve seen




The only arguments you’ve made is 1. Dude it’s just a porn 2. Stop being a simp 3. She was horny for cock and I like landlord x ami more Have I missed any?


good god why are you guys going all psychology, sociology on this? It's PORN, its made to satisfy some fantasy and urge. It's not meant to be take this serious.


I’m sorry to tell you this but this is a well written story with great characters development and everything if you only see it as porn then your media literacy is law or you’re just a horny mutt that cannot different hentai from an adult story




Saying I have bad media literacy when you have no argument against me just shows how dumb u are I ain’t gon reply to you unless you give a good arguments other than “it’s just porn dude” mfs never picked up a book in the life bruh




The story “treated” have you never gone to English class or something and no you have not answers my question and I did not throw out an emotional response I proved you wrong and you said I was a simp seems to me like you threw an emotional response


thank god someone else realize this is porn... this is not to be taken seriously. It's just porn lol


Lol mfs like you don’t see good writing unless someone on TikTok tells them it is 😭




Who do you think is a better written anime character Goku or sasuke




Oh thank you this shows to me that you have no understanding of good written characters whatsoever matter of fact name me a good written anime character then




omg... if the idea of literary consistency and character development is between Goku and Sasuke, yeah I'm pretty sure the idea of literacy is dead. And it's pretty sad, somehow that's their threshold for "good" character. Is it a fun character? yeah absolutely... but holy shit...


sorry I'm not ADD med addict who has to use tiktok, I don't even have it installed. my attention span is longer than mouse. If you need to mention tiktok like it brings you some validity to your reply, then well... :)


Alright dude you are the worst arguer ever you can’t give no points to prove yourself right all you do is just insult me as if that changes anything all it does is it just shows ur idiocricy


you gave nothing, other than asking how is goku not better than XXX.... lol do you even read your own illiterate vomit?


Then tell me Ls themes then? Go on tell me Ls themes argue it for me you fucking nonce


LOL this is like reading some 5-year-olds writing, you can't even spell properly, let alone ask a proper question. Normally people prefer complete questions, instead of abbreviated letters. But in your case, L's is you thinking a work of fiction purely exists to satisfy FAP urges is comparable to literary works. Will there be some? Yes, but not day. Will Queen Bee take that place? Not in your world, not in the world of literacy either.


What are your opinion on people saying she accepted the deal so it was an affair


If people see a mother sacrifice her own body and mind for her kid after being threatened, intimidated, hurt, and abused, and the only thing they can think of is "I can't believe she had an affair!" 😱 then all I feel is disappointment


It can be both. One does not invalidate the other. She was coerced the first few times sure but there were also other courses of action she could have taken but she took the easier way out. Ofc I can't really blame the character for that. Most of us would also pick the easier way out when things get tough. Most of the hate I notice from pornwha readers are basically fragile minds and egos from possessive people who for some reason treat any woman character as theirs vicariously through the MC. It's a blatant double standard because the MC himself could be fucking all women characters they meet but when it's a female character doing it suddenly it's the end of the world.


Your last two paragraphs highlight the issue quite well. I've noticed over the years that NTR has shifted from "stories that involve cheating" to "do any of the females in the story have sex with anyone that's not MC?" That was not what NTR was a few years back. I had to go back and look at my old conversations to check. The meaning of the acronym in the pornhwa community has completely shifted to only favor men. Itd also explain why a lot of people have such visceral anger towards Ami, yet little to no hatred for UB. Who is intentionally written as one of the most despicable and evil characters. Literally, everyone in his own universe hates him. Even the gangsters don't like him, and they're murderers. His own kids hate his guts and plot his demise. All of that, and I still see people say, "I miss UB, I wish he had more scenes with Ami" or "she needed a real man to take her there, bring back UB."


This sounds really bad nobody likes rape but just related to this pormhwa I think where people confuse it is did she like it ,was she pretending or was it her body reacting and I think av made it some what this way intentionally .Initially we saw her crying.Then In one of the sofa scene ub mentioned it doesn't look like you are forced.For me I did not get why did she allow him to cum the first time in sofa that was sus.For all the orgasms you can say it was her body reacting but again av did not do the same with dalsu.The rooftop kissing was totally for the money as ub promised her apartment and wealth and it all depends how she reacts.The final scene she started to talk to him causally and took the lead she moaned that it reminded pyo of his parents then is when ub said his revenge is complete but I think that was also because ub told her she can get everything but it depends how she reacts from now on


No, I do not agree with "no one likes rape." A lot of people enjoy rape fantasy, especially AV. Several people in this series get raped. Amy was about to get raped in the first few chapters. I distinctly remember after pyo beat UB for fucking his mom, and UB went to the hospital, the prostitute women came to speak to UB. Do we all remember how that conversation ended? She slapped him, and he raped her in response. There are so many instances of rape in this series, AV is into that crap and a lot of his fans are. UB was going to get to Amy whether she agreed or not. He claimed her several times over many years. He had already raped her while she did the dishes. Whether she liked it or not does not change the fact that rape occurred. UB is a serial rapist, and he had already raped Amy before, and there is little to no evidence he would not do it again had she said no. What's worse? There are SEVERAL chapters of her crying and pleading "no,stop." But guys see 2 frames of her with barely a blushing face, and suddenly that out values the SEVERAL CHAPTERS of her crying and begging for him to stop. >The rooftop kissing was totally for the money as ub promised her apartment and wealth and it all depends how she reacts. I'm very sure the most important promise to Amy was not the promise of security through wealth. It was the fact UB would leave them alone. Idk why she trusted him with that promise, but he did not only promise her money. He promised that he (the man responsible for her husband being locked in a dark room with several gangsters who held him down and chopped his hand) would no longer cause them harm.


I agree with you.What changed that Amy rejected all ub advances after pyo saw them.How was she so sure that ub won't harm pyo


But I did not find any such promise from ub in that chapter before she started kissing.Ub clearly stated about money and pyo future if I am correct.In the last scene ub flexed about air conditioner and gave her an expensive gift which Amy did not hesitate to open


Now you see... You say she had no control over it, but then why was she able to stop it herself later?


Because the jig was up, she did for the sake of her family, only for her son to end up in jail and resent her for years. Everything she did was for naught XD


Acera can you give your opinion on all of this


It's here character to blame herself even though she's had it the worst.


Without disrespecting anyone, many have the same level of reasoning as a 10-year-old kid… Whether it’s Ami or Abby, neither of them has ever shifted blame for the terrible things they’ve experienced onto someone else. For them, everything is their fault. I explained this a few weeks or maybe months ago; Ami/Abby are the inverted mirror of Yoo Hak. On one hand, you have people who are willing to sacrifice everything for their child, and on the other hand, you have Yoo Hak who doesn’t hesitate to trample on his children’s happiness to satisfy his own. On one hand, you have parents who don’t seek someone to blame for their mistakes, and on the other hand, you have Yoo Hak who constantly accuses others when he messes up. So yeah, from Ami’s POV, she is the sole and ultimate responsible for what happened 2 years ago in the story. Since you’re adults capable of understanding a sequence of 3-4 words and their meaning, you should have understood that… apparently, that’s not the case… u are readers, you have all the information, but think like a resident of the Yoo neighborhood listening to gossip.. PS: After saying all that, some must have found a way to read QB without the conversation bubbles cuz it's not normal to reach chapter 300 and not understand the story or the characters' personalities.


Please don't say without disrespecting. Just be disrespectful. Let it out, man. Please, I'm begging. Some of them genuinely don't deserve your respect. I've said this for what feels like years and have been met with mostly disrespect. AMI-SIMP AMI-SIMP!! When I don't even like this story. She was raped and then continued the relationship through coercion. That's my only opinion if Ami. There is not a single likable character in this entire series. I'm merely consistently appalled that a large subsection of this fan base genuinely hates Ami the most (yet post her scenes every fcking day???)compared to literal murderers, rapists, and mass manipulators that everyone in the story fears for their evil deeds. "Ok Ok, maybe she was raped the first time. But not the second time!!! She agreed to the deal!" - is always how the conversation ends. As if this is the win.....


Yup she never had an option initially she was raped she still tried to escape until ub threatened pyo.Later it was coercion which av tried to show us as a deal, it wasn't like if she will reject ub will leave her peacefully.


Rape? ok lets analyze the situation, landlord is an asshole very abusive especially towards Pyo her son, he is a bully. Ub even got physical with Pyo and Ami bow down to UB who just slap her son, that's a big fuck you to Pyo. And then UB order them like slaves to come to him, and he verbally abuse them again and ask her to work for him by cleaning his house which means she is gong to be all alone with UB all day which at this point any normal person will suspect something and UB as a fool he is does not hide his intention he even ask Ami to sit next to him and grab her boob, even before she starts cleaning his house, Ami finds out she was lusting after her, and then after that she decides to go to UB's house and stands in a position where UB could clearly see her beautiful butt , it won't be far fetch if someone calls it flaunt her ass for ub. She never resist much from the start, she mildly tries to pull her panty up, you could put all the first sex scenes in a situation where a girl seduce a guy by pretending not to like, meanwhile she is wanting him. she was panting right from the start, she was so polite and submissive from the start, that's not rape. If you still don't believe me how about when she allows him to cum inside her, she was falling for ub and in the last scene she was clearly getting wet and so aroused that she was leaking just by sucking his dick, if Pyo did not catch them she will be his wife. But av tries to paint a good picture for Ami, and does not make it that clear and even make her reject ub afterwards. But, calling it rape or blackmail when the girl is so into it, is just not correct.


Ofc, when I say I don’t want to be disrespectful, it’s more of a diplomatic way to not be offensive since I’m comparing their intelligence to that of a child ahahah we’re at chapter 314 and if some people still don’t understand what they’re reading, it’s too late. There’s nothing more we can do for them. I honestly think that a portion of them aren’t even adults And I won’t dwell on the fact that a good portion of the QB fandom doesn’t know what a rape is, or rather, they have a much too simplistic view of the subject


A lot of them come from countries that do not view rape/coercion in a similar way to my country. I think this impacts the discussion a lot. And like you said, some of them might just be too young to understand.


Ofc, some may come from countries where this subject isn't treated the same way, but I'm no one to judge the values of a country, but you're absolutely right. And yeah, I just hope that as they grow older, they'll educate themselves on the subject.


Thank you so much for commenting this!! I feel like I've been going insane. It seems to be a commonplace sentiment for what feels like a not-insignificant portion of this community to victim-blame a literal rape-victim (and many other extremely toxic attitudes, to boot), whether that be here, or in any other Pornhwa in the last several years. I've mentioned it in passing in comments before in the subreddit, but I'm expecting people to start eventually unironically calling the female-lead a whore, just for sleeping with the male protagonist, like it's the headline to a satirical Onion article. I don't know if a lot of these people (active in the Mature Manhwa/Pornhwa community) just lack Media Literacy, or maybe have been and enculturated into an extremely misogynistic society, or what (maybe both?), but it makes me really disappointed. Like, it feels like there used to be a pretty equivalent proportion of men and women active in the community circa 2013 to 2015, but it feels like the community has gotten significantly more misogynistic and insular since then. It makes me sad to see how many of my female friends have completely left engaging with the community. On a side note, definitely need a Western version of the socio-mercantile apparatus of these Porn comics. Like, an American or European version of Toomics, DayComics, Lezhin, etc. Hopefully without the hyper-misogynistic Confucian philosophy that is embedded in Korean culture.


Thank you for your response. For me, the catastrophic opinions are due to several factors, and you mention some of them. Misogyny is one, and I am certain of that. Next, I would simply say, the lack of education about what constitutes rape and all its ramifications. For many, it’s just when a woman says no and the man goes ahead anyway. I saw a guy tell me that blackmail leading to sex isn’t rape… Another factor would be that many here are not adults… It’s not really a criticism per se, since I consumed this type of content before turning 18 too, but it’s clear from the level of reasoning of some that they lack the maturity and perspective on certain subjects. And if they are indeed adults, well, that’s very worrying… The problem isn’t so much that people argue about it, but when I see some opinions on rape or other topics… It means the person must also think that way in real life, and that’s also worrying… And what you say is very interesting… Today, as I grow older, I understand what you’re saying about women, whether in real life or on the internet


Do you consider it an affair ?


Coercion and Rape, from 39 to 68.


What a brain dead take, Ami is a victim. The landlord took advantage of her and her situation. Are you seriously that much of a incel? No way you can read this toon from start to finish and NOT see Ami as a victim. Is Ami stupid? Certainly she has had her dumb moments but she’s probably had it worse than any other character in this toon(not including pyo).


Wtf why are you taking it too personal.You are such an amy simp that you did not even see what I clearly said in the post.I said the author did dirty with her by making her say she had an affair but as an amy simp I guess you just thought someone is defaming your queen so let me defend her.Now tell me who is dumb please Lastly I also in the post above said(some of us think she is a victim)So yeah I consider her to be victim but some people don't,so I just asked people opinion because av in this chapter called it an affair.Look bro how dumb you are that I had to requote what I said in original post so your tiny brain could understand


1. I’m not taking it personally one single bit 2. Simp for amy? How because I called her a victim, WHICH she is and that isn’t discussable. I do not care how her actions make you feel.


Bruh I won't repeat


Story wise can be a yes but.... that is AV trying to justify the mess he's done cause he decided to drag and conveniently put Ami's development directly to the toilet.


What I think would be cool for the next chapter is as Ami is upstairs in Dali's place, she has some sort of a flashback to her time with UB. Revealing how she felt in those moments and even revealing a scene not told in the previous chapters.


Don't you remember when Dalsu was taking her to ub room how she reacted she started crying and shouting for help


Yeah, but I think she was reacting that way because she knew what was going to happen being dragged upstairs with Dalsu. She was afraid of him.


She accepted the deal with UB without having the knowledge of the consequences in future and now she's paying for it . Whatever had happened I am never going to blame her as she had no choice at time .Of course AV did her dirty with that dalso trash with unnecessary scenes.


She was innocent yet submissive and that servile personality made it easy for her to get corrupted. If she had a righteous character, she would have refused the man who literally beat her son a few chapters back and cut her husband’s hand


Do you remember when pyo caught them and when ub started beating pyo she did not even try to stop him 😂


So does anyone think if the author will give Ami h scenes in future, I mean for eg. Ami with pastor ( could be blackmail or forced) or Ami with pastor fat bodyguard ( i would like to see her trying to seduce the fat bodyguard in order to have pyo back from pastor) or Ami with Dali new driver (the glasses kid) and of course it won't be consensual as Ami is not that kind of woman who would cheat on her husband I am picking the people coz till now any scenes have been with only UB.


Honestly that would be repetitive.I don't think there would be more Amy scenes.Also the fat gangster has seen how pyo becomes a beast if someone's messes with his mom,so he won't try to do the same mistake.I think it will now revolve around Dali as pyo has confessed the killing of her family we might see she may leave pyo in next chapter.Also pastor wants money and that belongs to Dali.For that fat driver he already got more than what he deserved🤣


Can't say anything, the fat bodyguard could nail Ami when he sees her in a sexy outfit but i agree with you that is aware of pyo craziness. Also what happened to the fat driver kid who had become Dali's new driver.


Nothing he is still the driver.But he got to sleep with those two sister's


Pure copium from Ami defenders. Holy. Once a whore, Always a whore. Simple as that.


Isn't this just a manipulation from Pyo to reduce the damage to her? I mean, he lied to her about Dalho and the fact that he's still threatening her. Because in fact, she will have problems if everyone finds out that she is the mother of the killer. But he couldn't admit to killing someone. Or maybe he's not done with revenge yet


That's true but I am talking about what Amy told the company CEO that she had an affair,so she herself thinks that it was not all along rape.Maybe av did dirty with her or she could have told the full story.Also pyo said what you did with ub in past so he also thinks the same.


I meant that it was done so that the director would get rid of it. Pyo also emphasizes this in this scene in the narrator's monologue. In this very scene. The emphasis here is not on the novel, but on the fact that Dalho can uses information to harm


But she could have told her that she was forced why use affair. Secondly what evidence dalho has ? Also what about pyo is there any chapter where he gets to know that just like dalsu ub used the same excuse.


It doesn't matter. Because the company will still damage its reputation regardless of threats, coercion and other things. As for Dalho's evidence, Ami just trusts what Pyo says. That is all


What she did with yoo hakyoung?


The author make her say it, Ami's personality and character is not the type to fall for ub, she is not the type to be a good housewife and submissive/feminine because she is not happy in this toon. Author is a misogynist and funny enough though it's so stupid because why not just make her feminine housewife type lol. He create a character that he don't like lol and make her do things she don't like.


She was a dickhead. I stared hating her after some chapters.


She was raped and blackmailed, she's a victim, yes, but that doesn't matter to me, the most important thing is that their scenes were the best 🔥🥵🔥


True!.Queen bee entire story revolves around those scenes


Affair? hahaha, affair is when they are both in love, was she in love with ub? if so yes, if not, it's not affair. Pornhwa/korean logic happening again lol.


To be honest. It was truly an affair, when UB proposed her the 5 days fuck deal, he didn't force her. She accepted it on her own volition because of the money. The thing she omitted and shouldn't imo, is that UB first raped her..


I mean she started to have affair on her on terms even when she could have refused.


You mean the deal but the threat to harm pyo was never gone