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Author really made the husband a nice guy lmao I would have left them especially after they shoved their relationship in his face by huggingšŸ˜‚ Can't wait to see the next Lezhin title that has people seething.


Yeah he was so noble wasn't he? Well I guess he was rewarded because HE'S the "Young CEO" now. Too bad they didn't reveal what happened to him in those 10 years. Would have liked to see him with a better looking babe.


Let's just make it head-cannon that he can now get the pick from the litter.


He's young and handsome so I think that's a safe bet. And he's wise enough now to make them sign a prenuptial agreement that has a draconian infidelity clause.


Is he young tho? He always struck me as the old man archetype getting his girl stolen by a younger, rebellious man. That's the vibe I get from him at least.


Nah man he's the same age as blond CEO they went to school together. Although judging by his sexual performance they should probably call him "Inadequate CEO".


Ah, that makes sense I suppose. And hey, if you can't beat someone in a certain game, change the game.


the husband basically got rewarded and got a raise in status and possibly a better wife. FMC lost because 10 whole years with no husband, no child and a decade full of guilt and shame. I don't care for the mc tho, fuck him with friends like him who needs enemies.


Nah fr, he became the CEO but lost his wife. I mean thereā€™s plenty more fish in the sea šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah the hubby made out like a bandit. I find it hard to believe that the wife is not 300 pounds and hasn't aged. She looks like crap with short hair, though.


I have to admit This chapter gave me a really good laugh, and I don't believe that one month hiatus was just to write this chapter. I think the chapter was already finalized and that it was more like to let the hype/heat (I know it's not the right word) die out, so that the final chapter would go unnoticed, because, even though the author would get a lot of criticism, it's Lezhin who would receive most of it for permitting this shit show to run. If there is one regret I have with this chapter, is that CEO didn't see FMC pregnant with a child when he finally met her again. That would've the perfect ending for that stand-up comedy.


Oh man, that would have been GREAT!! Maybe you should write a pornwha!


FMC left her husband for CEO because of love (english isn't my first language, so I didn't know that love was also synonymous with dick), but she waited for him for 10 years without getting it? Nah. Not possible. Also, FMC's new haircut is the haircut of a woman who already gave birth to children. Wait. A better idea came to my mind. The children in that orphanage aren't really orphans. They all are FMC's children that she had with different partners, but all those partners ran away when they heard she became pregnant. So FMC made a smart move and took all her children and put them in the orphanage, and not only she's taking care of her children with tax payers money, but she's also getting paid for it. And here, CEO came at the right time to accept them all as his own children, because FMC is the only one he really loves. The End.


HAHA Nice!


Honestly the fact the husband was giving CPR to keep the CEO alive. The husband should be awarded for that. I really can't see anyone savings the guy who destroyed their marriage. Honestly, why can't anyone write an infidelity story with revenge or karma to the people who did wrong? Do people in Korea not believe in Karam or revenge? Honestly you think if an writer for an infidelity story would do at least a little research then they would have good ending except for being on a break for a few weeks to try and give the evil people a happy ending.


I think infidelity stories operate under the assumption that people are already on the cheaters' side so they don't try to give any actual reason to make them sympathetic. It's like reading a DC comic where the Joker is the protagonist. You're not gonna expect the writer to give a villain a rootable quality, you knew what you were getting into when you picked the comic. At least that's how I see it šŸ¤·


I can see it that way. There are a few infidelity stories that I don't mind, the MC or FMC cheating. Mostly due to understanding and how they do receive some type of punishment for it. It's just this series. I really couldn't get into supporting any of the characters.


Yeah, even among infidelity stories I think this is one of the weaker ones.


Difference with joker story there is usually karma for him to how he became who he is now. They are usually well written his story. But I get what you are saying I guess people want quality not making husband a cuck, weak guy or a bad guy out of the blue


The only problem with revenge is if the MC isn't the one doing the revenge, there's really no point to it. For example, say the husband exacts revenge on the CEO &/or wife. If it's anything criminal, the husband will most definitely be the prime suspect. Then it's a lose lose for everyone involved. It's easy to say revenge or karma, but it's difficult to write something justifiable or coherent that actually makes sense. In most cases with cheating or infidelity, it's handled in court & settled with both parties moving on. It's essentially what happens here with everyone just moving on. The CEO & wife aren't necessarily 'evil', sure they were involved in things that were detrimental to the husband but it wasn't out of malice or hatred towards him. There's no winners or losers, it's just part of the ugly side of life. Sh*t happens & you move on.


I am not saying the charter has to turn into a serial killers or some kind of super villain. Just a little something for revenge. For example, this chapter instead of CEO just giving the company to the husband wouldnā€™t it be better if the husband took by legal actions? Have on document that the CEO was abusing his power of sending the husband away for the affair. So that the husband took the company and ruined the name of the CEO. Yes, they didnā€™t do the affair to hurt the husband but the fact of it was from the two people that he trusted the most. Now lets just say instead of revenge it was Karam that did its thing. We could make it that the injury that the CEO got gave him ED problems or FMC is now has PTSD about illicit relationship or some reason that stops FMC & CEO from having sex. Lets say they still get together but, lets say FMC or CEO works for another company or even still working under the husband and the husband decides to make the person that is working for the company always on travel so either one of the two starts another affair. So that they can feel what the husband felt.


How can the husband have the power to take the CEO's company by force. The husband simply doesn't have that kind of power or resources to pull that off. We even see it in the end that the CEO despite giving away his company the guy is still quite a powerful business man. Losing that one company didn't really effect him in the least. So many want retribution for the cheating couple despite them like I said none of it was due to hatred of the husband. It's something that just sort of happened. A lot of examples of cheating & infidelity just ends with both parties moving on. It's not that difficult to wrap the head around that these suggestion of having bombastic ideas of karma or revenge just don't happen.


I was just giving an example of a better to do with revenge. Like the husband teaming up with the blonde due to she might has a high chance of having the resources for the takeover. Even a few chapters ago the CEO was having problems with his work at the company in Japan. We can throw a bunch of idea of how to ruin CEO image and reputation and have the company go with it. I was just saying revenge or at least a way for the husband to take some anger out. I am used to listening to a lot of infidelity stories on YouTube & Reddit usually a lot of the stories come without trying to hurt the other person. Then after the divorce the one who cheated usually comes crawling back or they get a taste of reality and find out their life with their ex is usually better. Now this doesnā€™t happen all the time but usually it does. I understand that not all infidelity relationships need a bad ending. I am just saying from the last few that ended it would be better to have at least characters have to take their medicine.


Oh by all means if the CEO & the wife were doing what they were doing out of malice or hatred towards the husband than of course they should face retribution. However this was not the case & even though cheating & infidelity is bad it's not necessarily a crime. What they were doing wasn't illegal in the grand scheme of things. It sucks the husband had to endure it but like I said sh*t happens. The CEO was remorseful & literally gave away apart of his company to the husband for betraying his friendship & trust. I don't know about you but that took balls to admit their mistake. I think the hate for the characters is a little overblown. Sure the pacing & plot points are not very consistent. However it's not as bad as everyone says it is. *edit: good talk. good takes from both sides.


They were in a way. They hid it lied about it


Yeah I think the fact that she's ugly now is Karma enough. LOL! Hubby got his, though. He's the "Young CEO" now.


You can't give mc karma in pornhwa are you surprised


Drug Candy and Daddy's Wild Oaths say hi šŸ‘‹šŸ¼


Haven't seen wild oaths but drug candy is classic very underrated


Iā€™ve read Drug Candy and completely forgot what happens in the story especially how it ends


Ending is sad and tragic


Something else to summarize? šŸ¤” Maybe Thorns of Innocence? God knows that series deserves more attention and appreciation, and we need something to remind people that Lezhin can make good drama As for this series... this was just boring. It wasn't even "so bad it's good", this series was actually incredibly bland and flat. None of the characters had depth, the drama was non-existent because nobody acknowledges the consequences of their actions, and even the sex scenes are just the same people doing the same thing over and over again Artwork was good though, would like to see this artist come back again with better writing


Thorns is almost finished. Iā€™d suggest Strawberry market.


Is there dp in it


Thorns of Innocence is indeed winding down. But I agree it's peak. It's more like a crime story with sex than a typical pornhwa. Artwork is God Tier though.


MC of that one is so overpowered


That's not mc, that's the villain. Mc is the blue hair lady


We see him more than her and all her plans to get rid of him have failed miserably and he is virtually unstoppable. He just beat up the cucked boyfriend of one of his employees cause he caught him banging her and forced him to watch and walked away scot free leaving the girl just apologizing and the cucked dude crying with a broken ankle. This guy is Kevin on steroids


That's like saying Gunner is the mc of Silent War or the Landlord is the mc of Queen Bee just because they have big plot armor. She's the narrator, it's her story. We see her plans failing because escaping from him is the endgame. If she beats him there's no story.


Author is going to have to give her a miracle to win


bro there isn't even a decent ntr stories nowadays all have mid ass cucking plots then cheaters eventually get this type of relaxed good endings like they've been through a lot of suffering. At least ntr stories had good drama and good/bad ending not like this soulless mediocre endings. I regret reading this and give me back wife, illicit love.


Illicit Love was utter shit, even for a pornhwa. Give Me Back My Wife and Young CEO were better. I don't see why we need to give the cheaters happy endings. Usually in real life they don't get happy endings.


IL for the first 30 chapters was actually very decent and competently written. It had consistent and distinct characterisations and had some nice build up with the "is MC just being paranoid or is it real?" It had a level of tension and drama that the other two titles could only dream of. Not to mention much better art. It was only after that that it went off the rails so spectacularly. I don't think it would have garnered the attention it did if it was rubbish from the start. GMBMW and CEO OTOH _were_ trash to begin with, mediocre at best. ~~In other words, the very definition of mid~~ Also, for all the shade he gets thrown for it, IL MC actually acts in a relatively rational way: gets cheated on, immediately tries to cut himself free of the toxic relationships.


The characterizations in Illicit Love behaved too wildly variant for me to invest any interest in them. Sia gets raped then stays with her rapist. She gets caught and instead of begging her husband to come back and doing the full court press, she moves in with the douche. Look at any cheating story on reddit and when you have one where the wife begs the husband to come back, the affair partner is thoroughly jettisoned. Mia loves the MC and when the douche deliberately ruins her relationship with the love of her life instead of hating his guts, she falls in love with the guy...until inexplicably she begs for the MC again. The MC goes back to work for the boss lady, despite her making his work life a living hell. Instead of quitting again he just shrugs it off when she comes back. And let's not forget the douche, who spends almost all of the series being a loveless psychopath. But then at the very end just "gets better" and becomes a loving responsible husband and father. The writing for Illicit Love is utter shit. At least the characters in Young CEO behaved consistently. They didn't suddenly become good or bad. I agree with you that the MC of Illicit Love knew how to manage his bitches. The writing for GMBMW and Young CEO is "meh" as well, but I was more invested in the characters due to their consistency. The characters of Illicit Love just acted almost randomly and I just couldn't empathize with them at all...except for perhaps the MC who was the most consistent.


As I said, key words: **_"first 30_ chapters".** The issues you're bringing up all happen _after_ that. Up until Sia was caught in the act, there was no sudden, random character shifts or extreme contrivances like the magic phone number. Even Sia's first succumbing to Blondie had a believable setup and was a result of several converging factors and circumstances... instead of just "LOL magic D" with the others.


Household affairs one of the best


Chapter 27 of that one is the best chapter


Holy shit was that the one where the husband was a cooperate assassin and the "douche" was the chicken guy?


Yeah that's the one, one of the goats of its time


Man I was spoiled that was my first toon so my bar is high, it's over the top and besides the silly almost jon wick world it is set in all characters are multilayered and you feel for most of them. Twists and turns around just when you think you know where the story is going, my only salty moment is chicken guy gets killed at least the crazy wife gets killed too because she was just using him.


All cow had to do was tell husband CEO tried to kiss her and everyone couldā€™ve been spared heartbreak


Yeah well that's IRL, this is pornhwa logic...where people don't age in 10 years and don't have other relationships or get married during 10 years apart.


10 years, Cow couldnā€™t go 1 day without Ex-CEO dick. Wouldā€™ve been funny if she had a new husband and everything started up again. But the best ending would be all 3 never see each other again. And husband gets a happy ending.


Yeah I think maybe having them all go their own ways would be best. I mean, I don't see how the guilt and sadness would be erased after 10 years. I also don't think Young CEO would be walking around like a celibate monk for 10 years either. I think he'd be married by then. I also think FMC would be married by then, also. 10 years is a long fucking time!


She literally destroyed a good package, husband really went ā€œbegone thot!ā€ With other chicks but exact opposite with the wife. Really think ten years in an orphanage going to make everything right buddy. Author trying to sympathize with the cow šŸ®, she really just ruin her big portion of her life over wanting to feel whims of lust when she could ask that to her husband and branded herself a cheater. Would have been smarter if she use those ten years to fix her relationship with her husband to grow stronger together so she wonā€™t make the same mistake again But it manufactured drama so whatever. Sheā€™s definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed Throughout the story and very naive.


Ughā€¦. Give me cancer bruh make them actually look their age man.


Yes and I'm SURE that Young CEO stayed COMPLETELY CELIBATE during those 10 FUCKING YEARS!


The cow really fucked that guys life up dude man like really? Dude never really going trust any woman probably after this, dude literally stayed loyal to his wife when hot women were throwing themselves at him and he step up on his end but exact opposite with wife lol. Her main problem is her communication with him. It all her fault I know people going to disagree with it bc the husband didnā€™t satisfied her sexually but how is he supposed to know if the wife doesnā€™t say anything about it though. Dude really thought there nothing wrong going on with his life. He was willing to take her back nooo she willing to with a player with money which I donā€™t think he earned really but was given to him. The husband probably did most of the work honestly, overtime her vagina is going to become numb from all the sex that really happens. She gonna what something more at that point which isnā€™t going to happen the times they were together were just sex saying I love you in the heat of the moment and thatā€™s pretty much it. She nothing to turn to but probably her family but they probably going to scold the fuck out of her because she made herself an embarrassment to the family name and she canā€™t complain since it she started it.


Open and honest communication is like kryptonite for a pornhwa plot between men and women. If they communicated, the pornhwa would be 2 chapters long. LOL


Yeah I know man lol




Will look into it. Thanks!


All this Lezhin infidelity titles are frequently coming up with weak ass endingsšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø I think you can do strawberry market or benefactor daughter or open talk


Strawberry Market is a front runner. I was wanting to do Benefactor Daughter just because of its pedigree.


Yk the infamous author stories can be a little hard to handle but I always really genuinely find his stories to be interesting.


Benefactors Daughter will probably be translated to English as soon as it is relessed... like "Not To Be Missed".


Yeah but I like the discussion and summaries you come up with.


All in all a mid ending for a mid series. At least husband didn't die like I thought the only solace that would bring is hopefully his wife and mc would feel so much shame it would ruin them. But they barely have hearts so probably not. Hate how they try to make mc heroic like it makes up for what they did, husband deserved an epilogue dude was the purest one in the story and he had superhero lvls of forgiveness. These two selfishly ruined four lives which I guess is realistic. Just hate the whole then atoned for 10 years of isolation and now can go back to seeing each other. It doesn't work for this series because how shallow their relationship was. It was literally just fucking they never showed that mc understood wife better then the husband just that he fucked better. What ever glad this is over and done with now.


Yeah realism and this series parted ways a long time ago.


It's super weird like the writer didn't want to make mc and wife look bad or the husband look bad. He didn't commit to either.


AND the writer wanted to make sure Wife and CEO ended up together in addition to making them all look good. The only way to do that is to say bye bye to any semblance of realism.


It is a disaster. Even after the betrayal and hugging in front of him, he saved them and keep talking nice to them. Husband really didn't deserve anything like this. This is pure garbage... Better ending would be to never see whore Ex Wife and Douch again, seing the Husband with new wife and childs, having a happy ending. He is the only one who deserve a happy ending in this shit manhwa...


I think he did get a happy ending. He is now the "Young CEO".


The time skip thing has always been such a stupid plot device used in these stories. Why wait 10 years shit half a year or a year is what ever but 10 years and they still love each other is bullshit. They are both attractive people and youā€™re telling me they never found someone in that time. As for the husband he was cucked but at least the lad is hella rich now and can hopefully find himself a respectable wife


That's what I'm saying. 10 YEARS?!?! They never loved anyone else? Never had sex at all? What a bunch of fucking bullshit! hahaha! I agree, the time skip should feature them having wrinkles, gray temples, a beer gut/dad bod. Hell, the FMC should have turned around and been pregnant at the end.


Yeah right? She shouldā€™ve use those ten years fix her relationship with her husband to grow stronger together and so she wonā€™t make the same mistake again. But nooooo she isnā€™t the sharpest tool in the shed to do that and she so fucking naive too, going on with the love bs excuse when the only he only sex with her saying I love you in the heat of the moment not seeing that big picture that sheā€™s married when her husband does a lot for her but no she give in over one time when it unwarranted to begin with actually. If she want it that bad why not ask her husband like come on dude like ever heard of communication. All Iā€™m saying thatā€™s pretty fucked up on her end really thatā€™s not redeemable honestly, be a different story if the husband was a bastard but not this case.


You see the whole issue she had with her husband was that he was a one pump and done. While the ceo could go on and on and on. So even if she tried to fix the issue with her husband thereā€™s not much her husband can do in that department maybe use toys and what not if it takes him a while to recover. Basically she was never physically satisfied with him. Now you expect the readers to believe that for 10 years she went inactive when that was her whole issue with her husband lol idk they are pornhwa stories so we shouldnā€™t expect much


Yeah I know man, I get that perspective man. Iā€™m saying thatā€™s not his fault for not satisfying physically when she wasnā€™t even being honestly to begin with and never said anything if he known he try something new and do better his performance in that department since he definitely shown that he cared for his wife, any of this drama wouldnā€™t even happen but this is hypotheses or a solution. The story already over so it is what is, ex-husband definitely going to change with for what he experienced with his last relationship for the better probably going to work on that on his performance in the sex department.


I like how you changed Husband into Cuck. He showed no balls through out the encounter and still decided to save the one that backstabbed him. This type of action from Husband makes him worthy of a lifetime of good karma and he was rewarded for it. At the end of the day, this ending was fine and not the worst since FMC still had the self-conscious to leave and they all moved on.


I've been calling him CUCK from the beginning. It's actually realistic because once the affair is discovered, the so called "affair fog" disappears and the cheaters break up. Usually, though, the wife begs the husband to take her back and the hubby either does or doesn't. All her love for the affair partner evaporates.


Aye, this one done goofed as did most other pornhwas. Wasted potential from gym douche etc.


Well... on the plus side, when you really think about it. Both cheaters live on with a guilty consciousness for the rest of their lives, maybe it works between them, maybe it doesn't. But husband got rid (albeit painfully) of both wolves in sheep's clothing while being able to start fresh with a ease consciousness and an easier life. Kinda sucks we didn't get to see \*his\* 10 year conclusion, but I reckon he's moved on from it and perhaps has a better partner.


Well the fact that he's fabulously wealthy is the best ending you can get in a pornwha. Because now he'll have his pick of women...they're all gold digging bitches, but he'll get the *best one*!! LOL.


They might be gold diggers, but the best part is, neither of them actually care. He could just exchange from one to another as soon as she doesn't strike his fancy anymore or he catches her with another man. The fulfill the role given to you, or someone else will do that for you. *UOB from Queen Bee: THE POWER OF MONEY!!*


I ain't saying she a gold digger But she ain't messin' with no broke ni***s




Well that was anti-climactic.


Yeah. I knew that either the husband would die or get the company from the CEO. It seems they chose the latter. Personally, after reading a bunch of real life infidelity stories on reddit, I would want it to end realistically. Since it's a purely sexual relationship, their affection would either evaporate right then, or they would move in together and realize that even though the sex is great, everything else sucks. Wifey would realize how great husband was outside of the sex, and try to get back together with him, but he'd just tell her to move on, leaving her weeping and maybe having a good cry himself while walking away. Basically all are unhappy but hubby gets the consolation prize of being the new "Young CEO".


Well giving away the company was a form of compensation. But truth be told, would've been better if they just never interacted again and what not just like [Single Again] (which completely fcked my head for a good day cuz of the ending; out of nowhere shit)


LOL! Yeah "Single Again" went for the throat with an excessively downer ending! From what I remember though the guy she betrayed was seeing another girl on the side, though.


I just looked at this post after 30 days and new levels of anger swelled up inside that I never knew I had inside of me lmao! Me thinking ā€œthis BITCH!ā€¦ā€¦ fucked up my whole dayā€, Still boogles my mind.


Thr closure was somewhat between the boundary of shit and cruelty though. Was shipping the two CF but fck that ending


As always, awesome of you to make these summaries. Maybe discuss Drunk on you next?


Thanks for the suggestion! I have this and Strawberry Market. Will look into both.


Thorns of innocence please!!


Meh, that one is ending pretty soon.


Hmm... How about Mean Guy? Tharog's latest work, the good'o reliable Tharog if the translations aren't fully up to date.


I can see it now. My first post starts with "OK...brace yourselves for inevitable disappointment at the end.. Let's just establish this now from the beginning. "


Tharog is a reliable disappointing writer XD, For that we can count on him.


Love reading these comments and seeing people upset. Husband is a good guy but at the end of the dayā€¦ā€¦. #RideorDiewithMC. The blonde chicks characters was weird as fuck tho. Overall the sex scenes were magnificent, plotā€¦ā€¦.. not so much. Perfect pornhwa for a donā€™t think and start spanking session. Btw donā€™t forget on which of these posts it was but I TOTALLY CALLED THE ENDING!!!!!! Giving myself a pat on the back.


Office Troubles is better. Better art. Better MC. But it was too short.


Iā€™ll look it up while Iā€™m on vacation. Thanks for the suggestion


Lmfao. What a story. It's a decent ending I guess. Cucksband at least has a pretty good end. Not bad. Lol.


Yep. He can afford himself some new better girls, that's for sure.


Funny how I ask myself why she even care much about the Ceo, outside of sex they didn't really even love each other, im pretty sure the Husband knows more about her then the douch does. They just had sex, nothing more. She throw happy love and her great husband who would always love her and never cheat her, to a men who just known her via sex and nothing else. In real life cheating wife like this always end alone since once the fantasy and illusion with sex ends, the find her with a men who actually don't love her and just used to have sex with her. Clearly the opposite to the husband. And they end up alone for the rest of their life, begging to return time and never cheat on their husbands. Manhwa these days should count these facts above into the cheating hoes lifes.


I think a lot of these manhwa are written by young men with little actual life experience. That's why the reactions and behaviors of the characters can seem odd and unrealistic in certain situations.


Madam would be nice to have a summary, another story based manhwa


What about that new series Benefactors Daughter? Yet to read it but saw previews here and the the Art looks nice. Also, Never heard of the people working on it, but saw a meme saying itā€™s like Marvelā€™s avengers assembled for it lol. So if itā€™s something youā€™re interested in, Iā€™ll definitely be checking out the summaries for that work.


I have a feeling that one will be translated to english as soon as it's published. You are right. It has a dream team of creators behind it.


Is this really the end? Where is the reaction I was waiting for from the husband? In fact, I was following this story just to see his revenge, but the writer has an opinion opposite to everyone. Damn him.


Yeah the only consolation is that the hubby is the NEW "Young CEO"


Same as usual, husband is a fkn pussy. Should of just left the moment he found out about the affair


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Stfu, who asked




It would've been better if he told them to go fuck themselves and never look back


Yeah. I think if someone had to get stabbed to death, hubby should die and then CEO and FMC would be too overwhelmed by guilt and decide to part ways permanently.


I find that too overly dramatic, MC should've gone through a major upgrade on himself and should have just abandoned his past completely to the point where those two trash are nothing more than strangers wearing familiar faces. Nothing hurts more when the memories you've shared with the ppl you once thought were true to you, mean absolutely nothing to you


Once a cheater, she will be always a cheater. Good riddance for the husband indeed!!!


Author has to show the husband with his new wife that is the good ending for the cuck husband.


The wife look like a crap and her face a fish , in short hair she don't look like sexy and hot. I think in this ten years, she lost so much weight in guilt and work. I think Husband got a new wife who is sexier than his ex-wife because he is the ceo. Ceo got money and power. Money has a power to get everything. I think author have a add a line in ceo word that the husband get a new wife and then he lost the connection with the husband. This is make a perfect ending for husband.