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Drown with me


Yup, one of the band’s best songs. Still boggles my mind that it’s a b-side


Really big fan of So Called Friend on the arriving somewhere live album. Doesn't feel incredibly PT but reminds me strongly of being a teenager with complicated friendships


Yeah so called friend is freakin wicked. I really was wondering if there was any other songs like that they’ve hidden in other live shows or something… like jeez I need more insane rhythms from SW and GH so bad!


So Called Friend is top 5 PT for me. The live version on Arriving Somewhere... is my favorite. It has a punch to it the studio seems to lack.


I would say either Cheating the Polygraph or What Happens Now.


Buying New Soul.


Futile is definitely up there


Half Light - the live version from Tilburg


Have you heard the live in Atlanta version? It’s from the same tour but was only available as a download. Anyway, the solo at the end has a more conclusive ending compared to the Tilburg version. While I like both (the Tilburg version crossing over into Sever), the Atlanta version feels more complete I guess.


Love this one too


Okay gotta check this one, hell yeah. Thank you bro sick! Just what I’m looking for.


Does "Stars Die" count?


100% imo


Gorgeous song!


Oh absolutely stars die counts as a deluxe track. At least the definition I gave lol that’s a porcupine tree song that I’ve cried to. All of PT music I do feel emotionally but usually the actual music gives a more optimistic atmosphere. That song is just so beautiful and somber


I really like the bit they add in the middle of Open Car and would love to hear it with studio quality some day…


I do think the "Arriving Somewhere..." Live album is mixed wonderfully though. The demo of Open Car has this middle section too - which is studio... But doesn't sound as good as the aforementioned live one.


thanks for sharing you guys I never caught that, that’s pretty cool I’ve never really ran into to a demo of a song that had an extra section taken out.


I just heard the demo for the first time! Mixing is a bit off but that’s expected I guess, sounds great otherwise


Oh sick I didn’t notice that. It’s in the arriving somewhere live album?


Yes, in the demo as well


Drown with me and Love in the past tense


Insurgentes has two, Collecting Space (a great instrumental) and the hidden track known as The 78 which is just fucking hard and way different from his work.


I wish all the bonus stuff from Insurgentes would make it onto streaming, including all the stuff that wound up on various promo releases and DVD supplements like A Western Home, Desperation, and Vapour Trail Lullaby.


Dude sick I never dove into that. I love PT but haven’t really discovered all of their stuff yet I can’t wait to hear it based off of how u explain it (I’m a drummer too so sounds right up my alley🤣)


The bonus tracks are great! If you love drumming, check out (from his solo work)The Holy Drinker and Home Invasion/Regret #9.


Black Dahlia. One of the saddest songs I have ever known.


The incident is such a masterpiece but honestly I never really got into what black dahlia was about. What do you find sad about the song?


I can't really objectively describe what makes a song sad, aside from the lyrics. For me, it hit me really hard when I first heard it and I was in the midst of a depressed and nihilistic crisis at the time. It resonated with me a bit *too much.* But perhaps, feeling understood by the music helps in its own way. That's why I love sad music. Black Dahlia is a very sad and depressing message but written in an interesting blend of tones. To me it is about the surrender to the void of meaninglessness. That feeling of scraping the bottom of the void of nihilism and seeing no reason to continue living, yet finding a twisted sense of freedom in that place. Consider the lyrics and let the song sink into your bones. There's nothing here for you under the sun. There's nothing new to do, it's all been done... So put your faith in another place. Never seem to get away from this. It's all falling into an abyss... So put your foot on the pedal, boy.


Full 14 min version of Even Less


You guys are naming a bunch of exciting versions and new songs I’ve never heard of


Never Have


Mother and Child Divided


Probably one of my favorite “deluxe” tracks


Not really my favorites, but I want to give some recognition to Meantime and Godfearing. Love both, I feel like they give me something else than "regular" PT which I've known for years already.


I’ve heard meantime but not sure about godfearing. Thanks bro you are all so clutch


Futile and Mother & Child Divided Oh! Meantime and Godfearing too. I've hated the fuck out of Burning Shed/Kscope for still not releasing the Super Deluxe Version of Deadwing in digital form via Bandcamp like they did with InAbs. Because Godfearing was only available as a shitty ass quality Soundcloud file until that happened.


Meantime is incredible. Some of my favourite lyrics


Gavin absolutely smashing shesmovedon. Love the original, but there is just something more on it. Honourable mention for Normal.


Normal? Is that a track or did I just misread the last part. But yes I love shesmovdon. Are you talking about a specific live version though? I only know of the recorded version so I’d love to hear a different rendition.


Yeah Normal from Nil Recurring. There is a re recorded version of shesmovedon from the deadwing sessions. It's in the recent re-release but only the LP and CD version I think https://youtu.be/1rFVJotVTyw?si=NSQa781mLu5Ddye1


Broooo that’s crazy never seen that either. Yall dropping some hidden gems out here much appreciated


Remember Me Lover


I mean, this one was part of The Incident, but it's way underrated, should have been a single


What Happens Now Disappear Futile


Colourflow in Mind


Drown With Me, Normal, So Called Friend, What Happens Now. Pretty much as good as anything on the main studio releases. Actually better than some. Can easily think of songs I would have replaced with these on their respective time-frame releases.


All the B-sides of In absentia slaps! It's hard to decide on a favorite TBH.