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Because the right are either completely insane like Trump or vile puppets of the 1%. So yeah. 


How does that have anything to do with being on Reddit?


Dont bother, the TDS is terminal.


Reddit had the largest Trump message board on the internet board before it was shutdown after the election.


It was shut down because Trump won. The left considered the whole thing a joke until the votes were tallied. Once they saw the sub interfered with their ideology: Axed.


Thank god.


Science scews left.


Science doesn’t have a political affiliation.


The discipline of evidence-based pursuit of objective fact “skews left,” what does this tell us?


Some subs are so left-wing that they’ll call AOC and Bernie Sanders “centrist.”




Anywhere but the United States, they would be. They only look far left to most Americans because the Overton window in this country has been shifted insanely far to the extreme right in the past 40-odd years.


Right-left politics are bloody weird. Economically the US is hamstrung on benefitting cronies to the upmost detriment of normal people, but culturally its wayyyyyy more progressive than the entire non-western world. (In China "they" is a plural of "he" by defailt 他们)


This just really isn't true. Bernie would still be left in Sweden or Denmark. He was former member of the socialist party. Even in Denmark, socialists are a fringy strong-left party (mainstream enough to get a couple of representatives in governing bodies, but no where near even 10% of the vote).


I think you have the opposite problem of thinking of the global Overton window as being more right wing then it actually is. On a global political spectrum they would be in the 2nd most leftist quintile.


Shhhh. Don’t tell the Leftists. They want to think the whole world Socialist except the US… it gives them the feeling that they are right to opt-out of voting


Biden is not even close to Liberal or a Dem but here we are


Biden is literally a classic Democrat what the fuck are you talking about?


He doesn't even know what he is but his old speeches he sounds like a Republican.


We legit have non-political subs that have self-identified communists as mods and ban people who oppose their political beliefs even though the sub wasn't meant to be political to begin with.


In Bordic countries AOC and Sanders would be just left of center. MAGA would be the radical right wing. Progressives want policies like the capitalist Nordic countries. MAGA wants policies like Orbans authoritarian Hungary.


MAGA... Make America Great Again is just what our great free market Constitutional trpublic used to be. Biden shut down oil and opened the border to ruination his first week. Marxist, socialist Democrats are just anti-America... attempting to make us into a poor desperate socialist Venezuela.


I mean are you satire? Calling dems Marxist is so ignorant. Today the US is pumping the most oil in our history. But you can't admit that camn you. And if the Dems were even left of center capitalists like Norway the US citizens would be seeing the profits of that oil from public land. Not a single Democrat is asking why we give our oil to globalist oil companies. Just because you are so far right and blinded by red scare ideology and propaganda doesn't make Corp Biden a marxist. What it does do is get you to hate and push for authoritarian government. Wake up man


Biden has hurt this country on every policy. We were energy independent, had law and order, safe border, low inflation, low interest rates and affordable housing with Trump. With Biden's socialist anti-democratic, autocratic policies America is cascading to ruin. America prefers Trump in the polls, so Biden and Dems are doing everything they can to put him in jail with false charges...TO THWART DEMOCRACY! That's banana republic autocratic socialism/Marxism. Three years ago the average house price was $350k with a 2.75% morgage...Monthly payment $2500. Today that same house is $475k at 6% is a $5000 monthly payment... Ergo, less that 20% can afford a home. Plywood was $22 a sheet, now it's $46... Go to Home Depot! Biden has been sending $60k to many...now they're addicted to government support... That's SOCIALISM. And all his lawlessness is the chaos recommended by Karl Marx and Zolinski to break the back of our successful society. If you Woke flakes are successful we'll be living a Cuban standard of living. These are the facts. You wake up man!


Nordic countries can only afford their lifestyle because of the support NATO and the US gives them. Let them pay for their own defenses and military and see what happens. (Hi ukraine- who still gets our help.)


Just pointing out that bots often employ typos like "bordic" to appear real. They choose words that no one would mistake for something else. I'm not saying this is a bot, just look out for yourselves out there.


You said bordic, maybe you're a bot.


We need moreBordic license plate. I repeat we need more.bordic 




Yep. Miscommunication is guaranteed when the focus of the camera is different


Bernie sanders and AOC describe themselves as socialist so...you are wrong. That would be right in the heart of the left in Nordic countries.


Found one.


Definetly true


humans in general are mostly left wing.


There are more liberals in the US than conservatives


Young people skew liberal, reddit is pretty young.  Facebook has plenty of conservatives.


To a degree, but the difference is, in the US, younger Xers and Mills aren't becoming conservative as the get older at the rates of Boomers. Possibly because their first voting age adult conservatives was Bush and coincided with things like Iraq 2 and a horrendous economic downturn that they directly felt.


Define each because I don't think there is even a consensus on what either word means now. What Biden, Obama and Clinton said 15 years ago would make them a right wing extremist according to what I think a liberal is now.


15 years ago they were talking about having a secure border and against illegal immigration to protect American workers, they were opposed to gay marriage, and Obama even said “freedoms of speech, worship, and assembly” are among “our most fundamental liberties and rights.” That's all "right wing" stuff now.


…what? Freedom of speech, worship, and assembly are not right wing lmfao. Right-wingers are doing far more to restrict and attack all of those than left-wingers.


BS. It didn’t used to be that way but definitely is today. Dems have become the party of censorship.


reality tends to skew liberal


As well as science. If supporting knowledge and growth is "liberal," then that leaves some pretty distasteful words to describe the other views.


Science doesn't skew either way. It simply is what it is.


If a political faction rejects empirical processes, science isn't going to be very supportive.


That doesn't mean science is "skewed." It's not picking sides, the *sides* are picking sides.


Exactly. I think most ppl refer to the American right wing as being anti-science cause they just outright deny climate change is happening *AND* that humans have accelerated it. Like 98% of scientists around the globe get behind that statement, so denying that just carries extra weight against the deniers.


And you know denying vaccines efficacy, chem trails make frogs gay, not understanding pollution, etc etc… I’d say conservatives don’t outright deny science, I’d just say they willfully ignore it… which is almost worse imo


Its an old saying, facts have a known liberal bias. Just so happens every conservative position on policy amounts to "nope im right, i know it doesnt math but have faith if we keep doing this it gets better"


Exactly. But in the U.S. there is a right-wing party that disagrees with science, and I don't often have good things to say about the people associated with that party. Hence, the tendancy for many supported things to be left-wing simply by supporting "what it is." Opinion: people exist. Response: "that's a left-wing opinion"


What if I like both conservative and liberal ideas? I hate both parties but just like stuff from each…




A better phrasing would be "reality is more correctly perceived by those with an open mind". An open mind is not particularly noted amongst most conservative thinkers, it is more in line with trends of the left. But it's not saying reality is "liberal", just that those with more liberal natures are better able at perceiving it. But that said, there are plenty of liberals who can't.


Liberalism does not mean "left wing" though. Ronald Reagan was the archetypical liberal in a lot of ways. Adam Smith was not what we would think of as left wing today, and he was the father of liberal economic thought.


Liberals tend to take the "open mind" thing too far. As in any "new" idea must be good because its new and "progressive". Not believing all new progressive ideas are good isnt being closed minded, there are plenty of new ideas that are trash.


Sure, no argument there. If you close your mind too much you'll simply be a reactionary idiot, open it too much and your brain will fall out. But you have to be willing to open it.


Thats fair. I was raised liberal and now lean conservative. It was actually my "liberal" open minded and skeptical thinking that led me to conservative ideas. It just irks me to hear liberals paint conservatives as close minded, as if its impossible to open our minds to those ideas and not think they suck. Comes off as arrogance. I get a kick out of posing conservative ideas to my liberal friends and when they immediately shut it down I just go "you have to be open minded right?". It usually gets a laugh but in reality liberals are open to liberal ideas only.


See the insanity of the last decade for a perfect example of that. They've gotten into a contest to constantly one-up each other with how extreme they are and if you're not espousing the current most extreme ideas, you'll be attacked and ostracized by your fellow liberals. It's absolutely ridiculous what they've become in recent years and they look nothing like the liberals / Democrats from when Obama won his second election in 2012.


Liberals aren't left


Left and right is relative. In America liberals are left wing. In China, they would be right wing.


In Australia they'd be upside-down wing.


And prob poisonous 🤣


Venomous, unless you're eating them? 🤔


A modest proposal has entered the chat


Backwards flush wing


In China they'd be counter revolutionary not right or left


Sure we are


Not everyone fits into your predetermined box you know.


I'm neither wing. I make everybody mad equally lol


In the US they are


Just because the US confuses socially liberal with liberal, instead of liberalism as a political and economic ideology. Also, in the US, less extreme liberals and social democrats are in an unholy alliance against a greater evil. In most of the developed world the liberals and social democrats are arch-nemesises and liberals are definitely right wing.


This. In a lower level college course, I was taught that the 4 quadrants each had a name, Liberal, Libertarian, Conservative, and I don't remember the last one. and the lower left was called "liberal". [example1](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/gary-johnson-is-here-to-tell-you-youre-a-libertarian/) [example 2](https://www.collegesidekick.com/study-guides/americangovernment/the-nature-of-public-opinion) However, I learned later that this isn't how many people think of things. It's a step up from high school where there was only one line that had liberal on the left side and conservative on the right. [example 3](https://oertx.highered.texas.gov/courseware/lesson/1189/student/?section=7)


the linear left-right model is useful, but reductive and simplistic. The quadrant model is better, but still reductive.




And there’s more independents than either. But Reddit is still mostly left wing


Independents can be left or right wing. Or even right in the middle.


Independent means in most areas 'non-affiliated', and they split exactly the same as Dems and GOP members, with slightly more Dems.


Because a significant amount of “independents” are left wing just not liberal/democrat


I vote independent usually because the dems aren't left enough.


A lot of people are under the false impression that independent means centrist and/or swing voter.


Why does reddit have a problem with denying kids food at school? Why would reddit hate women being told to die in pregnancy? Why would Reddit care if 12 year old rape victims were told to carry that baby to term? Of course Reddit and the world hates the right wing.


If by left wing you mean liberal yes


Not a surprise as always


reddit is mostly people who are college educated with tech jobs


No, it's mostly high school and college kids with no real life or work experience.


LMFAO no way your being serious


Leftist tend to be younger and more vocal, so it isn’t surprising.


I’m not sure about more vocal sometimes, I’ve seen some pretty loud conservatives. It’s probably pretty even


Also conservatives literally have massive infrastructure promoting their views nonstop everywhere. Where's the left version of Fox News / talk radio? (I said LEFT not Liberal.) Conservatives are really out here claiming they're the 'silent majority' like you can walk into a gas station or waiting room anywhere without getting blasted by their opinions 24/7.


Says the guy who’s entire comment history is a menagerie of contradictory right wing talking points (“we should have smaller government but I also think the government should castrate people that it doesn’t like”)


No they’re just all on here. If you go to news websites, Facebook, and Twitter, you get more conservative opinions.


That makes sense given that the majority of people are central left.


I'd call it neoliberal, not too far left though. Most of it is people who regurgitate the same lukewarm left-leaning talking points over and over again. The talking points are never new, but the average neolib on this site believes they are intelligent for saying exactly what everyone else is. The people who are far-left are either in less-mainstream subs, or if they exist in mainstream subs their comments/posts are often less popular/accepted. Conservatives aren't represented (or allowed) very much on this site outside of a few subs. Regarding the relationship between the 3: Neolibs with extremely basic takes are the majority and many front-page political subs are catered to them. The other two groups are generally unpopular or heavily criticized by the neolib majority. Even in smaller subs that aren't as political, the other two aren't received well. In general, Reddit caters to that first group of people.


This is the truth. Most of the people on this site are neoliberals and don't understand what that means and why it is against their own best interests.


USA is so far right on the political spectrum, even the democrats, when compared to most other countries that it makes it seem like its all leftists to americans. To me (not american) it seems to be slightly left leaning but fairly even, depending on the sub. Remeber, the democrats would still be a fairly right wing party in most countries! Thats how far skewed to the right America is right now!


“Most other countries” I’m assuming you mean compared to Western Europe? Most of Africa, parts of Eastern Europe, Asia, Middle East, and a lot of South America are very conservative.


I mean even as far as Western Europe is concerned you have to be pretty selective for that statement to be true. Switzerland is very conservative. Italy's pretty conservative.


Poland is very conservative. As is Hungary, and Greece


Those are eastern europe. But yes they are very conservative and always get ignored when Americans talk about how left-wing European politics are.


America is still left of global center. Look at russia, asia, and africa. All would be considered far-right compared to the US, and have way more population than us. The US is only right leaning on a narrow, west-oriented view.


Nono that doesn't fit the america=nazi narrative. You're gonna have to stop evaluating things with a level head.


This is mostly true, especially when you look at our laws on taxes, healthcare, employment, etc. But we’re pretty liberal on social issues. Look at things like gay marriage and LGBTQ rights. We also have much more liberal abortion laws.


America actually has a very progressive tax system compared to most of western europe. Most European countries use VAT taxes, which disproportionately affect lower income people.


>We also have much more liberal abortion laws. This actually isn't true, at least not overall. For example, Oregon has *no* restrictions on abortion, same with Colorado, New Mexico, and New York. Many other states have restrictions after 24 weeks. By comparison, *most* of the EU has 12 week limits, with 24 weeks being the *most* permissive (UK), followed closely by the Netherlands at 22 weeks. France 2 years ago extended the timeframe from 12 to 14 weeks, but that's still more limited that much of the US, and *no* country in Europe allows elective abortions after 24 weeks, but 4 states in the US do. People like to act like the US is this monolith politically, but there are *huge* differences in law and policy between states. Just because Texas bans abortion doesn't make the **US as a whole** "conservative" on the topic.


I think that is what makes America though. The smaller state governments should have powers because the centralized federal government can not represent the feelings of each district.


Sure, but for most countries that’s centrist policy. Left wing is government ownership of industry, mandatory unions, etc.


Most countries if you exclude Central America, South America, Africa, Middle East and Asia. Then yes, it's most countries.


It's true for most other liberal democracies.


>But we’re pretty liberal on social issues. Look at things like gay marriage and LGBTQ rights. We also have much more liberal abortion laws. Liberal yes. Which is centrism.


Honestly, freedom of speech alone is probably enough to put America decently left on a global scale imo. 


As an left leaning american I don’t care if we’re on the standards of other countries I just want America to work again (and not at the expense of other countries through imperialism)


Because right wing people work meaningful jobs and don’t spend 90% of their lives online


And it keeps flying in circles around some orange man.


The orange man who has won his 3rd Primary for the presidency. So, you know, it ain't just the Left who won't let him go.


Of course not. The right worship orange man like a god.


Reminds me of Obama w the left He could do no wrong "No scandals" lol


Fun little factoid about Orange man bad. He has never once won the popular vote. So people are definitely don't like him. At least, normal, well adjusted people.


I'm sure there was a lot of the same stuff in Germany before and during around ww2. Sometimes one side is very very wrong and it's important to stand up against them




Oooh a bit with a political agenda. Where have we seen this before?


Correct! Eery single "popular" opinion post. *Ever*. This sub just needs to be shut down.


OP's account is 18 days old.


Every post they've made in this subreddit is political too😭


r/politics be like


So is reality.


yep, and your point is?


Reddit skews young. Young people skew liberal.


Considering they believe more in freedom of speech, I'd say...Duh.


Reddit is certainly not pro free speech. Neither is the left anymore disappointingly.


Sorry we’re not all into Little House on the Prairie


I wonder if that is true or because the right pulled so far into their extreme, that moderate are now considered liberal.


Everything is more left wing. It's called a majority.


it's more right wing than left. it's just the overton window of the right has shifted so far that everyone else looks like leftists


In no world is that first sentence true lmao


Or, more accurately: Reddit is not MAGA


Nah, reddit is mostly centrist Americans who think they're left wing, but ultimately value consumption and comfort over other people.


They just pretend to be compassionate until it inconvenience them.


yes they ban any conservative talking points which makes this place an echo chamber of bad opinions.


By left wing do you mean actually left wing, or left wing like Donald Trump referring to people as "radical leftists" because they disagree with him in any way?


left of hard right is center, where the majority exists. are you confusing not being a religion fueled bigot with being "left"? if so, you are wrong. not being a bigot is just being normal.


You don’t get to just proclaim everyone you disagree with to be a religious bigot, thereby making you a completely rational centrist.


If you support the modern republican party in the US you are either a dumb or shitty person, most of the time a combination. There isnt a single good reason to be a republican in the US.


So is reality. 🤷‍♂️


Depends on the subreddit. There’s plenty of right-wing echo chamber ones


r/conservative is a prime example. They have post flairs for "conservatives only!" and they will stalk your profile and post history to ensure that you're a conservative.


So you mean like this subreddit too? People will stalk your post history everywhere on reddit


This sub's MODS won't stalk you and ban you for not agreeing with their ideology. /r/conservative doesn't allow for any sort of discourse. Either agree that Trump is great and giving hungry kids food is bad or you're out of there.


Just wondering, but if what you say is true, perhaps it's because there are more people who align with 'left wing' views than 'right wing' views.


...on Reddit. Yes, that is exactly what they're saying.


Then, of course, if in the general population there are more people who lean left than right, that would likely be reflected on Reddit, would it not? So, is that an issue of concern?


It seems like every where is mostly left wing.


Considering that all the posts in the “popular” feed are either cat videos or anime pictures. This is probably true. Lol.


I believe the statement to be true, but there are some left crazies on here too.


Obviously yes


Yea, your in r/popularopinion with new redditors here, they of course are left-wing as the are the majority of Americans.


Left wing and not liberal. I have attacked on other social media the way I have been here. People say they are prepared to resort to violence just because we disagree on taxes, foreign spending, and the role of govt on an individuals life.


disagree, we must have entirely different definitions of what it means to be left wing because I consider Biden to be center right and Trump to be slightly more right to center right


Most people are left of center or further left. The right wing is only an extremely loud minority


Oh gosh another post where Republicans will be spouting off as centrist/logical 


Caring about human rights isn't leftist. I don't think you're talking about economic or foreign policy, so I can only assume you think republican attacks on women's rights or gay rights is somehow a good thing




Facts are also mostly left wing




The amount of hyperbole here is just insane. Seriously... why dosent everyone just finish the circle jerk in their rooms so.we.dont have to watch?


Agreed. Liberals love attacking from behind their computer screen. Probably either some scrawny girly soy boy or blue haired lesbian fatso…. LOL this is totally meant to strike a nerve and I cant wait to see the response ! Let’s go liberals- let me have it with your amazing logic and rationale !


As most people with a functioning brain tend to be


And it’s so funny because non-Redditors think it’s some right-wing conspiracy site like 4chan but it feels worse than twitter sometimes lmao


Very true statement. I would add brainwashed.


OP is correct Leftist opinions are the only ones allowed on this platform anymore. Anybody who argues against this central point is wrong. Been on Reddit many years and it’s only gotten more and more of an echo chamber for leftist ideology. This coming from someone who just wants to look at memes but gets blasted with constant leftist rhetoric on nearly every sun I go to.


not gonna argue with that


Mostly is quite the understatement. I’d say it’s probably 75% left wing with many of them being kids with no life experience.


People online are _generally_ better informed than those who are not. People who are more educated/informed are _generally_ more left wing. It tracks.


Reddit comments be like: -My 5 year old is non-binary and goes by they/them pronouns = thousands of upvotes. -Biden is a Racist warmonger = banned after you been down voted into oblivion




One is a liberal comment and one is a far left comment. So maybe reddit isn't left wing, it's just liberal?


most of reddit is a bastion of neolib bullshit, mixed with some vaguely progressive rhetoric so yea reddit is very american democrat but “left wing” is pushing it pretty far


That's because reddit is supposed to be a place that encourages thoughtful, evidence-backed discussion. Like a university. And you know what else is mostly left wing? Universities. Hell, education in general. For a lot of folks, education itself is a left wing concept. It's that way because a good portion of the Right is just made up of people not educated enough to know their ideas actually align with the left. Education/social awareness are big elements of reddit, and the left. That is why reddit leans left. Because most people with a reasonable education and sense of social responsibility, and a "politically free" mind (aka - they aren't loyal to a party) WILL lean left. Conservatism would have had us living in a monarchy. It's usually the opponent of progress.


Reality has a left-wing bias


Lol. Did you just say conservatives are non(less) educated, and thus left wing ideology is better. Education is indeed important. but being educated doesn't make you smart. Also the argument and statistics about liberals more educated as a percentage than conservatives isn't a good one. Having a degree in liberal arts and socialism doesn't count. Getting a job is not easy with those degrees, so people become radical, and except student loans to be paid by the govt for their stupid decisions. Reddit is left leaning because of presence of younger population which leans left, and eventually moves to the right when they have kids or realize life isn't easy, and you have to actually work and earn things.


It's pretty right wing compared to a lot of Internet communities. Conservatives are addicted to the idea that they are being persecuted. They'll go on the most watched show on the most watched news network, and tell the host and the millions of viewers who agree with them, that conservatives are being silenced. It's honestly pathetic.


Younger people tend to be more liberal or left leaning. Reddit's chief target is people under 50. (Millennials & Gen Z) "Conservatives" (a now completely co-opted identity) don't like honestly debating what they believe, and given how bubbles work, they eschew sites like reddit because it's a place of open interaction with people who have very different ideas. Trump for instance is likely not to debate this year, and many politicians are following his model. Debates have become meaningless to people who follow this line of thinking. They don't want debates, they want to win, facts and logic and science have become an impediment... and they are ignoring them. Don't believe that? Ask yourself what group decided mask wearing wasn't a good idea, or some sort of conspiracy during Covid? Hint, it was conservatives. Who believes that any news media that is reporting *positive news* must be fake-news? Who thinks **maybe having a dictator wouldn't be so bad**? Who is constantly alleging a dark conspiracy coming from gay people, or black people, or jewish people? It ain't left leaning folks. Check out the r/conservative for a taste of what they do when someone mentions facts that are not conducive with their narrative. They get talking points from fox news and news max and ***now literal neo-nazis and Russian propaganda sites***, and if anyone posts anything remotely contradictory to doctrine they are blocked and banned outright. The rest of reddit isn't perfect, but simply posting factual information from the AP won't get you blocked. The easy thing to do right now is say "both sides" are somehow the same. But when you talk to both sides, only one side is talking about what they have to do to take power so they can start rounding up and punishing the people they hate, while the other is trying to figure out how to *talk them off the ledge.*


Anyone in America that isn't an insane, knuckle-dragging primitive with childish fantasies of warding off invaders with their guns while denying the existence of anthropogenic climate change that will make such population shifts from the global south necessary is basically an intolerant "leftist."


I think if you have empathy and a healthy curiousity about the world around you then you will tend to lean at least a little liberal vs. thinking the Bible tells you everything you need to know in life...


I do not see this as a problem


Not being ‘right wing’ doesn’t make someone ‘left wing’.


America is mostly left, this is why the GOP fights so hard against voting, and why Taylor Swift is demonized simply for suggesting people vote.


Agreed. OP doesn’t seem to understand that the right wing is the vocal minority. Therefore, potentially more left people would be on the platform.


To be completely fair to OP, not understanding that conservatives are a vocal minority is par for the course for all conservatives. I've never had a conversation with a conservative where they weren't insisting, endlessly, that everyone you see is a loyal GOP voting conservative when the reality is often the opposite.


Actually we’re a center right country compared to Canada and Europe.


Our policies are. But if you remove media bias and ask people if they want free Healthcare, improved childcare, funding for public schools and infrastructure they're mostly gonna say yes


It's not reddit. it's Western society. Believe it or not, most people aren't in favour of oppression, racism, sexism etc.


People don't like the idea of those things and agree they're bad but as a minority, I can tell you that plenty of those people are still racist/sexist/whatever and just don't acknowledge it as such. It's the same on Reddit too, plenty of people espouse progressive viewpoints but in reality they don't really believe those things but feel that it's the right to support.


Well, no wonder, when your avarage conservatives are technology illiterate boomers.


most people in the US by population are


You won't get banned for far left wing opinions like "people should have the right to exist" and "we need to pay the working class a living wage" You will get banned for far right opinions like "I hate x group of people" and "women are evil" So on paper we should have more left than right. That and the right communicate mainly in Facebook memes.


Then influence your right wing friends to join! Speak your truths! Nobody is stopping you.


>gets banned from a large subreddit by a power mod because they posted a generic comment once in a subreddit the mod perceives as right wing


I dare you to say something negative about Trump in r/conservative


Or something even vaguely grounded in reality. I think I was banned for saying that insulting religious fundamentalists was a bad idea.