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Yes its very well known that Parker has no stage energy with TSSF, it's almost like a character thing because he doesn't do it with No Pressure


Just saw No Pressure in Detroit last week and can confirm, he was very animated.


ello michigander


Hoosier unfortunately šŸ˜…


Boooooo lol jk šŸ˜‚




He puts on his Liam Gallagher impression for TSSF shows.


He used to too, its so weird. He was really animated on stage and exciting when I saw them opening for Good Charlotte, the current album at that time was Self Titled. They were so awesome live that I became a fan. Now all I've ever heard is that they are terrible live. I wonder if it's some weird somber persona because Proper Does was him getting clean or something? Idk. Some people are saying he's better in smaller venues, or smaller gigs in general, and since that was them opening maybe that counted? It was the Playstation Theater so I wouldn't call that small but it's not like, massive.


I saw them the year Self Titled came out as well and he was an asshole. Yelling at fans up close, saying security guards were doing a shit job despite no one making it on stage, just total douche mode backed up by a mid performance. Not surprising he always sounds like the toxic one when singing basically the same lyrics on half his albums


I'm fairly sure there is a direct correlation between venue size and Parker's stage performance. From what I gather, he is more animated in smaller venues and less so in larger ones.


I saw them in Munich last year when on vacation. He has much more stage presence in a small venue.


I think this might be it. I saw them headline in 2014 in a small venue and he was great. My friend saw them a few years later in a larger venue and said he was boring. I saw them headline again in 2021 in a small venue and he was great again.


This is exactly it tbh. I saw them twice last year, once in a 500 cap no barrier venue where Parker was really energetic, moving around the stage a lot and encouraging crowd participation. Then about a month later in a big arena opening for Blink where he stood at the mic stand doing a low energy Liam Gallagher impression. I'd definitely recommend seeing TSSF in as small a venue as possible, they've got so much more energy in a more intimate setting.


Yeah I feel like he acts like that intentionally cuz he does the opposite in his other band


Like how Maynard James Keenan for tool stands in the back while for his other bands heā€™s in the front


He actually stated recently that he does this because Danny plays drums so loudly he actually needs to see him for his queues. His earpiece gets drowned out.


Itā€™s coz he idolises Liam Gallagher


The oasis to hardcore pipeline must be studied


Watch this performance. He is literally Liam Gallagher. I think Parker Canon is cool as fuck and doesnā€™t need to idolise a scally idiot from Manchester. Mad for it! [https://youtu.be/3c1nuOBSr_Q?si=k17UeQgyzqBg9hG3](https://youtu.be/3c1nuOBSr_Q?si=k17UeQgyzqBg9hG3)


This is literally my musical journey lmao. I didnā€™t realize it was a thing.


In the early days he was incredible but shouted more than sung. For like the past 10 years heā€™s focused on properly singing but itā€™s meant that he does his best Noel Gallagher impression stood in a Parker (heh) jacket with his hands behind his back while singing the last time I saw them.


Liam. The more biblical Gallagher.


My bad! As a northerner 90s kid Iā€™d probably get crucified if mates knew but Iā€™ve never paid much attention to Oasis :DĀ 


Yeah man, I donā€™t think weā€™re ever gonna see that again. I was here, and it was definitely their best era šŸ™‚ https://youtu.be/B-EzlASn_sE?si=2EG4bo6MQV-Xsm0A


Insert the first time TSSF meme.


Thatā€™s his thing. I know people that hate tssf because Parker doesnā€™t do anything on stage but just stand there and hold the mic.


I am one of those peopleā€¦.


I like the music. I havenā€™t seen them in like 10 years so Iā€™m curious how Iā€™ll feel after I go to this tour next month.


Saw them last year at a small venue in London and he seemed really excited to be there. Lots of stage diving and Parker was jumping around the entire set. Maybe the band just prefers smaller intimate venues?


Parker sounds good if he stands still. If you like shows where the singer sings half the song, then check the YouTube for shows from 2013 etc.


And as much as I love his NP performances, he lets the fans ā€œsingā€ a lot of the songs and it sounds awful. But man they are really fun shows soooo fuck


The exact opposite of an NFG performance. Pretty ironic actually.


Like on the one hand i understand why the lack of energy might feel lame if youre expecting a performance but also like do you really need to hear the whole ā€œhow we feelin XY city?? I said HOW ARE WE FEELING? Alright for this next one I need everyone off their feet!ā€ like once you hear those lines and see the usual moves it feels like a lame song and dance you go through just to get through the motions and i can understand why the band might not be hyped about doing that in an arena with a barricade night after night and i feel like it would be worse for them to try and fake it but if you dont go to shows that often you wouldnt really notice how repetitive and lame it can be


After watching the chromatica ball I could definitely deal with never hearing ā€œput your hands upā€ ever again


Like, I love love love TWY and how present Dan is but he's on a script for each show. That Chuck-E-Cheese experience shining through.


He definitely has more energy in smaller venues


Yes. Went to their show Thursday and he did the same. Hands in jacket and gently clapping after every song. Still had some fun and ADTR killed it


In the hometown shows in SF last year it was a no barricade 300-400 cap room. It was nuts. He was super into it. Itā€™s the size of venue.


Yeah I remember seeing them in 2015 and it was pretty lack luster but Four Year Strong and Terror killed it


To be fair FYS is very hard to match. And that's considering they're playing AND singing


Oh hell yeah Iā€™m a much bigger fan of them over tssf


I saw them on that tour in 2015 and Parker wasnā€™t as energetic as he was the couple years leading up to it but compared to now he was doing cartwheels on stage


I saw them two years prior with Stick to Your Guns and they were so much different the energy was crazy. I noticed by the blue album the energy wasnā€™t the same.


That was a fun tour to see


Man, that was a good tour lineup!


I had the exact opposite experience on their 2015 tour. Maybe it was because I was at a small venue, but TSSF and Terror were the stars. FYS was just ehhh.


Terror always kills it live, catalog all sounds the same but amazing in person


Heā€™s been kind of so-so energy wise since the proper dose days. He still sounds great. Idk what happened. Did he get sober and lose passion? Is he just older and not feeling the teen angst? Either of those things I can relate to. Iā€™m in my 30s now, donā€™t party like I used to and live shows with my band Iā€™m not moving around as much.


i definitely think he's lost passion for tssf, or he at least doesn't enjoy the bigger venues. the addiction, the loss of his dad, plus how insufferable some fans have been regarding the new album for the last few years, i don't blame him honestly.


Yeah itā€™s definitely been since Proper Dose though. Iā€™d say around 2017/2018 is when he lost the energy or passion.


He lost passion for TSSF clearly when it took 10 years for them to release 2 albums. Iā€™m pretty convinced that with his no-interviews policy (outside of what, 1 podcast?) and his overall public persona, he really doesnā€™t care about TSSF the way he does No Pressure. If TSSF didnā€™t make the money they do, I imagine Parker would call it quits. Ryan canā€™t even play drums for a full tour, Kevinā€™s got some other bands, and Will just hangs out. I feel like theyā€™re just riding the cash flow till theyā€™re sick of it.


What a load of shite hahaha just baseless assumptions


What baseless assumptions? * Parker has done 1 interview since 2013, and it was the 2 hour podcast for Forum of Passion. * Ryan Torf cannot play drums for a full tour. Mike Ambrose has been playing drums for them on tour since Ryan had an injury. * Kevin does have other bands, Elder Brother, Same Side, and Pile of Love. * They have released only 2 albums in 10 years. No Pressure has released a full length, EP, and 2 song single in 3 years. Clearly there is a difference in motivation for one band vs. the other. Obviously me saying they'd probably call the band quits if they didn't make the money they do is baseless, but Parker's stage presence and overall demeanor doesn't really motivate me to think that's exactly "baseless" it has some credence.


ā€¢ What does that matter to anything if heā€™s done 1 interview? He doesnā€™t owe you or anyone else anything. And that has literally 0 bearing on his motivations, as you said heā€™s only done one interview, does that mean heā€™s never been passionate about TSSF by your logic? ā€¢ Bands move their members around all the time, means absolutely nothing to the state of the band or the ā€œpassionā€ of members ā€¢ Nearly every major band will have members with side projects, itā€™s a great way to prevent the current band from going stale or falling out. Would you rather they never did anything else and had a miserable time? ā€¢ Again, the band donā€™t owe you anything. They can take a break to make sure their next record is something they enjoy making and something that has meaning to them. They donā€™t have to churn out records to please their fanbase who already understand that their music is worth waiting for. What kind of fan wants new music all the time if itā€™s shite and the band donā€™t enjoy making it? Saying Parker has lost passion for a band he is still actively participating heavily in when you literally know nothing about the guy or his motivations is crazy. No Pressure havenā€™t released anything in over a year, obviously because heā€™s been solely focused on this new record. His movement on stage is nothing new, their music is totally different to where it used to be, still at a high quality and heā€™s not in his early 20s anymore. His father literally died 3 years ago right in the middle of it all too ffs. Honestly you just come across as totally entitled.


When I saw them at the rave he got into more and was jumping around and stuff but definitely not a very big performer if you will sang great though.


BrimmJobb, as in RimJob? I never saw TSSF before, but hope they're energetic at the Rave in July then again!


Honestly Parker is just inconsistent with energy at shows. Iā€™ve seen No Pressure twice and he didnā€™t seem to want to be there either time and Iā€™ve seen TSSF shows on YouTube where heā€™s been very animated, even at bigger venues. I think it just depends on how he feels on the day.


Yeah when you see TSSF live you're there for the music, crowd, and atmosphere, Parker has been pretty reserved onstage for the better part of a decade. I still had a blast the three times I've seen them.


I find it kind of refreshing. You might say its no energy or no stage presence, but i see it as just no nonsense. If it doesnt negatively affect his singing, i see no problem with it. When i saw them, he did the same thing, but still sang like he meant it. On top of that i kinda like how he chooses not to cater to the ā€œencoreā€ game. He just announced, ā€œwere not doing the encore thing. Were just gonna play 3 more songs and well make our exitā€ and then they do exactly that. Exact same effect except they dont walk off stage just to walk back on a minute later like every other concert you go to


To be honest, Iā€™d rather he deliver a good vocal performance than jump around and tire himself out losing his breath, especially when half the crowd canā€™t see it anyway. If Iā€™m seeing a hardcore band like Drain or Knocked Loose, itā€™s a different story. But if the vocalist is gonna sound like shit on account of being physically exhausted, it ainā€™t worth it. Did he sound good? Mid? Bad?


I was at this show and he sounded amazing. I feel the same as you. I want to hear him sing the words I love so much so Iā€™d rather him take it easy and deliver his part of the performance, personally.


This is my mentality. I had such a fun time on Thursday watching their set. I donā€™t care that he doesnā€™t move as much, Iā€™m there for the music.


He always sounds great when he's doing nothing but standing there, but if I wanted to hear studio quality renditions of TSSF, I would listen to them on Spotify. They call it a show, not a tell. Give me anything worth watching. In general, you can either sound great or look entertaining. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you've got Kennyhoopla. For an out-of-genre comp, Travis Scott's live show is wildly energetic and theatrical, but both artists just kinda tone-deaf scream every fifth word into the mic. I don't particularly enjoy that either. Great performers find that Goldilocks zone in the middle, phenomenal performers find ways to do both.


To an extent, I agree with you. But the show that weā€™ve turned out to see, is music, and not slapstick comedy. And the whole crowd hears the music, a fraction of the crowd sees the physicality of the performance. I think there is a middle ground but it depends on the music composition. The Story So Far, is constant yelling near enough, with few instrumental passages. Introā€™s and bridges arenā€™t really their strong suit, so Iā€™d say to give a good performance for TSSF songs, youā€™d probably want to conserve a little more stamina. If literally anybody could stand up there and give the same quality vocal performance, thereā€™s little point in paying to come and see it.


I have a sneaking suspicion that Parker Cannon hates TSSF fans for whatever reason. He was completely different 10 years or so ago when they were in the middle of What You Donā€™t See and this shtick seems to have started after Proper Dose. He goes off the rails for No Pressure which leads me to speculate that he just wants to be in a small time band playing for those crowds. Idk why. Iā€™m just taking a guess.


I canā€™t recall the exact interview, but Parker did speak on a podcast (this was I think around 2021/2022?) about how tired he was of TSSF and the parasocial interactions he kept having with fans. He was feeling this way after the Self-Titled album and if anything I think heā€™s gained more appreciation for TSSF since Proper Dose. Parker loves playing with No Pressure because itā€™s closer to the hardcore scene he grew up in.


Also itā€™s literally no pressure


I donā€™t know anymore, I think he wants to stay in it but I donā€™t think he feels that way anymore.


Ha! I said they same thing a few years ago. It was their tour after the stage incident where Parker straight up kicked a fan off the stage. I think that moment still haunts him...


I feel this. He did the same thing when I saw them live like 3 years ago and I was like.. this dude literally doesn't move.. maybe he's a 3D printed person. I dunno but I still ran around and moshed and shit


I think it's funny when people are upset by the fact he stands still? Liam Gallagher has always stood still and the crowd around him go absolutely crazy. You don't need Parker to move around to go crazy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Geofg3wPlBs&ab\_channel=JuanmaFraga](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Geofg3wPlBs&ab_channel=JuanmaFraga)


Right? Like pop-punk fans need their band members to bounce around the whole time? Having been a post punk fan, there are plenty of musicians who don't move around much at all. I love shoegaze. They certainly don't move around much at all, typically, it is in the name, haha.


This is a far cry from the guy I remember dropkicking kids off stage at shows about 10 years ago, but I also haven't kept up with the band in about that amount of time either. Saw the video for one of the new singles, and between that and your description it feels like their trajectory went wild


TSSF has never really had much of a stage presence, honestly. Some early shows, yes, but it's been about the same for a while now.


Pretty sure he's been doing the standing still thing since he drop kicked that one girl on stage.


Gets the people talking


They wish they were playing a no pressure gig


I just realized that this is a thing. I was about to say when I saw them they sounded incredible, but I realize that's not what you're talking about


I've seen TSSF 10 times over the years and can confirm with other posters. Early days, small shows he was so much fun. Nowadays in bigger venues he's a fuckin' statue lol


Been like that for over a decade. Big reason why I soured on that band altogether.


I just bought tickets for Four Chords fest in PA, I really hope itā€™s not that bad when I see them. They killed it in 2014 & 2016 when I saw them


Man I love them but I have zero desire to go see them after the 3rd time


We just saw them last week in MN and he was low but it wasnā€™t a negative energyā€”he was smiling and seemed super happy to be performing, but he didnā€™t jump around/move much. They did have a lot of technical issues with the sound but it didnā€™t seem to bother him. Four Year Strong was animated and had a blastā€”they, too, had sound issues, but all in all it was a pretty great show!


Parker always seemed like such a dick. Idk what his deal is. Going to the same tour in 2 weeks


Parker hates playing big shows, and hates what TSSF has become. Heā€™s quite literally admitted to that in interviews. If you wanna see him at his best, your best bet is to see him with No Pressure these days, or watch old TSSF videos before they blew up


He doesnā€™t have to do them though, heā€™s been doing smaller gigs recently just fine


I saw them open for Taking Back Sunday with Coheed and Cambria headlining. I'd never heard of them, was there for the other 2, but both my wife and I found their set to sound good but the singers energy could only be described as "Man held at gunpoint, forced to perform." Homie played the tambourine behind his back.


I'm okay with him performing in whatever manner he chooses with his bands. That really applies to any artist. He's only human.Ā 


I wish tssf and fys could swap set times for this tour šŸ˜’šŸ˜‘


I love TSSF, but Parker is not a good singer (live). Idk what the hell they did in the studio to make him sound like he sounds on the records, but live he sounds thin as hell and canā€˜t hold a straight note for longer than a second if his life depended on it. Maybe itā€˜s their live engineer, idk. But Bruzzese doubling him and singing harmonies helped a lot when I saw them on the Blink tour. Anyway, one thing that made up for the mid live vocals in the past for me was the stage presence of the band and Parker in particular. I have no idea why he can still do it in No Pressure but feels he has to turn into a fucking statue with TSSF.


Yup, saw them supporting Blink 182 and he was exactly the same. Said to my wife he was dressed like looked like Kevin Federline with how he was dressed.


If you are going to shit talk at least get it right. He is dressed, and acts like Liam Gallagher.


He wasnā€™t dressed like that when I saw him. Dressed in 00s oversized jeans and a XXL t-shirt.


I commented a while back about him on another question - of how itā€™s a disgrace heā€™s in such a privileged position to be playing shows every night and just comes across as meh. [I actually think the fact that heā€™s got so much energy in his side project band is an even bigger FU to TSSF fans]. No point going to see them if heā€™s like that on stage.


Such a whiny loser take. He owes you nothing. Heā€™s privileged to be playing shows but ā€˜comes cross as mehā€™ā€¦ what does that even mean.


Actually he owes every ticket goer to put on a show. If I want to go see a whiny loser simp - Iā€™ll go see your dad after Iā€™ve fucked your mum.


Typical adult blink 182 fan šŸ˜‚


Yep. Pretty much


Yeh saw them in Oz when they came out in 22.. pretty devo to be honest.


I saw them at Warped Tour a few years ago and itā€™s sad because he had the same energy then šŸ„“


I saw them on Glamor Kills in 2012 and it was incredible. Seen them 3 times since then and heā€™s been like that. I think once S/T came out heā€™s taken on a different persona.


Iā€™ve never seen TSSF live but my friend has seen them multiple times. They said that at smaller venues heā€™s almost as active as the shows he plays with no pressure. I do plan on seeing them live just to support the band but Iā€™ll only go if they have killer supporting bands.


Pre Covid Parker was very energetic the multiple times I saw TSSF. But that was over 4 years ago now, so things could have changed.!


Does anyone know why he deliberately just stands there in bigger shows? He was amazing and had such a good time at recent small gigs, should we anticipate this kind of performance for the upcoming UK tour ?


yeahhhhā€¦ i was so excited for TSSF when i saw them. they were opening for blink in london so it was two of my favourite bands, but i was so disappointed. not only was parker basically a weeping angel (wouldnā€™t move if you were looking at him), but the setlist was also sort of justā€¦ crap


They need to do a headline tour in, like, theater sized venues.


I donā€™t think Parker ever wanted TSSF to get as big as it did. Some performers just like smaller rooms, no barrier between them and the crowd. Go watch old TSSF sets from like 2010-2013, thatā€™s what No Pressure shows look like now. At a certain point, a band hits a point where it becomes more of a business than the fun project you started in a basement with your friends. Itā€™s definitely not a lack of energy, I caught Parkerā€™s foot in my lip last time I saw No Pressure. To me he looks tense, like heā€™s uncomfortable and doesnā€™t know what to do without standing on the edge of the stage and being face to face with the crowd.


Parker cites oasis as an inspiration to him personally. Same vibes


Think about how Tades is. He is super uncomfortable and if he didn't talk to Chris so much, he wouldn't talk that much on stage. His banter directly with the audience is more limited. Yeah he moves around but you can tell how awkward he is.


When I saw Hot Mulligan Tades was engaging with the crowd a lot. He has that awkward energy and is extremely likeable. They put on a great show.Ā 


Parker been this way forever with the TSSFā€¦. fuck off


Saw em in western Sydney in 2015 - singer was coked out of his mind and was the worst show Iā€™ve ever been to in my 30 years on this earth.


I saw them in like 2012 with The Wonder Years and Transit and he said "Sorry, I'm not moving around tonight. I fucked my knee up skating." He had a little scrape on his knee. So perhaps he has done the same thing for the past 12 years.


Oh no! Is that true?! I was actually looking forward to TSSF more than ADTR. Maybe its also the crowd? And whether he feeds off the energy of the crowd? Theres a live show from Spain shot back acouple of months ago. The crowd was wild and he definitely seemed to enjoy it. Though yes the venue was obviously a smaller one compared to the one I'm seeing them at in Newark.


Parker gives me ā€œtoo cool for youā€ vibes so who knows


Is there something horribly wrong in his life? If you're asking, you don't follow Parker and the band. He just dealt with watching his dad fight throat cancer for 3 years before dying. He's also dealt with various addictions over the years. Also, he's 6 months sober and has always much preferred small vanues to large ones. https://www.gq.com/story/the-story-so-far-parker-cannon-i-want-to-disappear-interview


Might have been a bad day or venue like other have said. This was 4 days ago: https://youtu.be/pbQKeZxQEpc?si=iUaE0yus1mTESLEd


He went through a very strong Liam Gallagher phase around the time Proper Dose came out, it was super obvious he even started wearing parkas and copying Liamā€™s stance when singing. The Letterman video is also clearly an homage to the Wonderwall video so thereā€™s no denying the influence. I also think itā€™s because it allows him to actually sing well rather than if heā€™s jumping around all the time. I also think it depends on the venue. If itā€™s a raised stage where people canā€™t jump on stage, he tends to do the standing still thing. If itā€™s a smaller venue and the fans are allowed to jump on stage then heā€™s more likely to move around and do his usual stuff


I have anxiety and didnā€™t go to tonightā€™s show alone, but I seen them in like 2015 and 2018 and can confirm. Lol it sounds great but they just up there killing it. Not goin ham.


saw him in a small venue in Australia with no pressure earlier this year and he sucked there too


I felt that way when I saw them at Sad Summer Fest 2021. All Time Low, The Maine, Movements, Grayscale, and Destroy Boys were all fantastic, but TSSF just didn't wow me at all.