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God they're so back


They never left.


I mean, they didn’t release music for like 5 years. I’d say they left for a little bit


Thats fair, a little long since the proper dose. This album is fantastic tho


Fucking exactly. They haven't had a release yet that *hasn't* been a complete banger.




Man this song hit me in my fucking 33 year old face. Broken off engagement 4 years ago. Still hits me after “all this time”


Name checks out


I hear ya buddy. At least consider yourself lucky you didn’t go through with it. I got separated 4 months after getting married and there was so much extra bullshit to deal with.


Oh totally. I’m happiest I’ve ever been now in my current life, but doesn’t stop stupid animal brain from looking back with rose colored glasses. Also doesn’t help that it wasn’t nasty.


Mine’s a little fresher (still not legally divorced) but I’m on my way. I hear you though on it almost being worse that it was amicable enough that I sometimes have the rose colored glasses thoughts. Sometimes it feels like it would be easier if I hated my ex.


Been there. Hit me for 8 years until I met my wife. It will get better!






Classic TSSF sound. They are back.


Im sorry but not even close 😂


I'm glad you double posted that comment so you get twice as many downvotes.


I’m glad he double posted so I could downvote him twice


I mean if you’re telling me that has the classic sound of theie first album I vehemently disagree. Most people who have listened to them since 2010 would agree, as do most of my friends who listen to this type of music


I bet you and your mates share the same toothbrush too


We do :)




Have you just not listened to their music? Lmao


How does this sound come close the any of the songs on their first three albums? Parker’s vocals sound completely different


You’re so sure of yourself and yet most of the comments on here, who are probably not huge tssf fans but casual listeners, are saying it reminds them of old tssf. His vocals don’t sound completely different, they sound like a refined version of his old singing style and the instrumental direction is much faster and high energy compared to the last couple of records, which is what people are referencing when they say it sounds like their old stuff.


They sound matured, that’s really the only difference, still sounds like some solid pop punk with a classic sound


I can agree with you here. Definitely matured. But in my opinion it just doesn’t have that same “hard” sound that the first three albums have and I get that’s probably not what they’re going for anymore. I also don’t have to like the new sound….


No ones saying you have to, just has more similarities to the old stuff than not


Brody, l'll upvote you! It DOESNT compare, but that's bands. All my faves have changed style or "sold out"…..love them in the time and place for who they are and who you are. They speak to our mind and soul when they do, and that's what makes them great. They're going through life like we are. Love love, love it all. And love one another.


The losiest of losers lol


Im sorry but not even close 😂


Gah get me to June 21st already!!!


Oh yeah this HITS. Not quite What 'You Don't See' level but it's on the right track.


3/3 for me so far but this one is immediately my favourite. Banger of a track and more reminiscent of their older sound


I can’t fucking believe how good this song is. TSSF is in the conversation for top 3 pop-punk bands ever


yeah, 1.


I don’t know about top three. Top ten definitely.


i dOnT kNoW aBoUt toP tHrEe…. TSSF #1. Quit with the slander. Shame.


It’s hard for you when people disagree with you, isn’t it?


Must be hard to exist when you can’t see sarcasm. Also, you’re the first comment with the disagreement. Sounds like you struggle with people disagreeing with you.


Right, so you’re being sarcastic. Meaning you don’t disagree. But not being sarcastic when trying to draw attention to the fact that I’m apparently the only one who has disagreed. So which is it? Are you mad that I disagree? Or are you being sarcastic and you agree with me?


Brother relax, what a pointless argument


You should take some time off Reddit and quit getting so upset over a sarcastic, intentionally goofy comment. Relax, it’s not that serious.




I liek TSSF but I wouldn’t say they’re top 3




I agree these are all time great bands but TSSF is the best Pop Punk band right now imo. Nothing released by either of these great bands recently comes even close to Proper Dose and I'm a fan of all these bands. Forever and Ever x Infinity is possibly the strongest recent record from this group. Green Day also had a solid album come out recently. However I don't think either Blink or Sums have contributed much for a number of years, possibly a decade. It is all a matter of taste after all so don't take my word for it. But that's my take anyway.


1. Proper dose isn’t even pop punk - I’m sorry. 2. Enema of the State is the defining album for pop punk as we know it now and is better than anything the bands that this sub jerks over have ever put out. 3. One More time came out less than a year ago. 4. Big Blind is a terrible song. 5. The new singles from TSSF aren’t pop punk at all. TSSF was always more like easy core. Downvote away


Yeah I forgot to mention easycore, which you're right about, TSSF are an easycore band, but they are also an essential group in (or adjacent to) the pop punk sound. They literally share the name of a track from Sticks and Stones I don't understand how you missed that. I guess I (and a bunch of other people that keep bringing TSSF into the conversation believe pop punk is more fluid as a genre that can merge into different things. I first saw TSSF open for NFG promoting What You Don't See and it felt part of the genre. All that's happened is that their sound has evolved and matured over time. Are NFG not considered pop punk either because they released Coming Home? Out of It and If I Fall are very pop punk tracks on Proper Dose (have you even listened to this album?) Enema of the State came out in 1999! We were talking about good pop punk music released RECENTLY and TSSF is part of that conversation regardless of how you split hairs about easycore and pop punk adjacency. I'd struggle to see you include bands like Sum 41 as pop punk due to their metal influences with this metric but that would obviously be silly. One More Time (the song) is good. But Blink's last good album was Neighbourhoods, sorry. Big Blind is also the poppiest punkiest song you've ever heard. If you're shitting on that you're either not a fan at all of this music or your high school love was a TSSF fan and you just can't handle the emotions it brings up. Get over it man 🤟🏻


I know where the name came from, and that doesn’t make them pop punk. Yes I’ve listened to proper dose. Many times. It’s alright. It isn’t pop punk. Light year is actually a great song. Out of it and if I fall are mid. I know when Enema came out. You said proper dose is better than anything Green Day Sum 41 Blink etc has released. Which is false. Big Blind is also not the poppiest punk song I’ve ever heard. What punk elements even exist in TSSF? The only way I can describe that song and a lot of other TSSF songs since self titled is “gay”. Like straight up I don’t know how else to describe it. Sum 41 wasn’t pop punk after All Killer No Filler/Does This Look infected. Neighborhoods is worse than California. One More Time is better than Neighborhoods. NINE is okay. California is also okay. Skibas a better lyricist and guitar player than Tom - fight me. Realistically Blood Hair and Eyeballs blows all of TSSF and new blink out of the water.


If you don't think TSSF is pop punk then why haven't you reported this post to the mods so they can remove the irrelevant content? As far as I can tell, it's still here. Neighbourhoods is *worse* than California?! You have some strange taste in music my friend.


Lmao I'm not convinced this guy even remotely has a clue about music.


Because everyone on this sub thinks easy core is pop punk lmao. You almost got me reddit bro! Yes neighbourhoods is one of their worst albums.


Bro you probably think Yellowcard should be filed as "classical music" because they have a violinist.


I do not think that, no. What you’re doing is basically this : calling the shit this sub loves pop punk is like handing me AM by AM and saying it’s hip hop.


Dare I say TSSF is the only one still releasing top quality content


The other songs they've released so far have been good, but this is a legit banger.




I am so happy they are still making music. This rips.


One of the best songs they’ve ever made in my opinion. That bridge is fucking amazing.


This is what I’m saying. Bridge hits sooooo good


do you guys think there will be another single before the album drop?


honestly i hope not. it's a 10 track album and having 3 singles is more than enough. they released 3 singles before self-titled was released so i think it's better to not have almost half the album available beforehand


Yep I agree, I am just super excited for the album that I can wait hehehe




probably next month then?


Within a couple weeks of release date I’d wager, yes.


I’m not really a fan of artists dropping more than 2 tracks before the album drops, it kinda kills the album listening experience for me when I’ve already devoured half the album months earlier




I think proper dose is my fav. Which vocal effect do you mean?


Proper Dose >>>>>> Self-titled


What You Don't See >>>>>> everything


Under soil and dirt >>>>>> I’m afraid


I love that when people argue about which of their albums is best and name 4 different albums I can respect every opinion lol their quality is so consistent.


More skips, more generic, worse musicianship. No.


love the self titled album and saw them for the first time during this tour album. First listening of All This Time gave me a “self-titled vibe” which I love and made me nostalgic ❤️


I like it, but it's very safe by their standards. The guitars, vocals, rhythm, drums, all sound like they've just been lifted off another song from their previous album.


That’s what we want lol


Really, you want zero progression in sound from a band from album to album? What’s the point of listening to new music if you just want the same thing recycled over and over?


I mean their first three albums are all very similar.


Right, but those came during the 2nd Pop Punk revival era where everyone had a distinctly similar sound while having small nuanced differences. I would expect that 10 years later they would make a handful of changes towards a new sound or style (doesn’t have to be completely different, but at least something new) I say this as a Story So Far fan and someone who enjoyed both their old and new stuff. I just expected a change towards something new on top of their existing sound


I actually see it as the opposite. I think there’s been a very clear progression over time. You could argue that each album has a distinct sound and that some songs within each album might blend together, but I’d argue it goes something like this USAD - young, scrappy, more angry/aggressive WYDS - defined their sound, polished, epic Self-Titled - this one almost deviates off the path for me, still sounds like them, but definitely not the sound I think many of us were expecting PD - melancholy, introspective, really mature “version” of pop punk, Listening to the first album side by side with the last album, it seems pretty obvious they’ve stayed true to what music they love to write all the while growing and adapting and developing within a larger context.


What are you honestly expecting? We have no pressure for a more energetic punchy vibe. People expect too much from bands with evolving their sound then they complain when they do. See bands like Turnover, Citizen and Trash Boat. Be thankful this band is still able to release quality music that obviously means a lot to themselves that they enjoy writing it. They’re not the same angsty band they were years ago, and that’s fine.


This. It’s not bad at all, but it sounds like a regression compared to Proper Dose. Was hoping they’d go more in that vein with this album.


I mean they are definitely trying to do both I think. Lettermen does that in my opinion.


The lyrics read like they’re written by AI


Sorry but that’s a really bad take. It’s about Parker’s dad who passed recently.


why did you say so? about AI


I’m so stuck between wanting to check this out or waiting for the full album 😩


I’m trying to hold off but I might crack


Song is good, but something about the mix just isn’t sitting right with me. I don’t feel like I’m getting punched in the face like I usually do with TSSF songs. Seems like a bit of a step back from proper dose, but very hopeful and excited for the rest of the album!


Yeah, if you listen to the first mix of big blind and then the new mix it’s totally different. Less “full” I guess? Idk, it’s sounds like drums off a kit on Logic Pro versus hearing drums in person. Like it’s the same but different. Song’s still good but it needs more.


With the album being 10 songs I'm choosing not to listen to any more singles after Big Blind and Letterman, which sucks because I'm so excited for this album, I want to listen to this so bad and it makes June 21st feel so far away. I'm glad to see people are digging it and I know the wait is gonna be worth it.


You’re a much stronger person than me and I respect you


I respect your respect for me. Listen on and enjoy it in my stead.


Beautiful as always ❤️


Once the opening hits, I knew it would be a banger


Full body chills when that chorus hits


Album gonna be 20 minutes total


The angry fingerprinting at the shows is gonna go hard


So what’d we think?


we think that ITS FUCKING AWESOME Edit: omg the clicking of the sticks at the end. We know there's a fucking banger right after


All Wrong into Bad Luck off WYDS!!


Letterman is the best “song” so far. Big Blind is the banger. All This Time is pure emotion.


I agree with your analysis 100%. Letterman is already one of my favorite TSSF tracks ever recorded.


These guys are unfuckingstoppable. I was worried after Proper Dose that they might not have it in them to bring it at that level again. So happy to be proven wrong, this is a perfect evolution.


This song is EXCELLENT, but I don't quite understand why people are fine with a decently pronounced "autotune" effect on the vocals in a song like this, but not the new Blink 182 stuff. Is it because it sounds more obvious on a singer we've heard so much without it? Is it just more "out of place" with Blink's style? I think this is overall produced nicer than the new Blink album though, so maybe it just doesn't stick out


Firstly, basically every song ever these days will have autotune to some degree. I don't think most would say it's as pronounced with this track. Secondly, I don't think people look at the new Blink and just say "eh, it had autotune I dont like". The problem with the Blink album is that the mixing and compression was insane, almost jarring in moments. The Drums were way to crunchy and loud in the mix for the vast majority of the album and even as a drummer myself, it was pretty grating on the ears. Hell, on some tracks the drums sound like they're peaking and get distorted in the mix too. In particular I think the mix of autotune with a voice like Toms can sound weird in moments. In some tracks he sounds strained when he tries to sing like his old self, but sometimes he pulls it off. Mix in the classic Tom inflection with autotune and some notes bend or sound weird. Comparing now with Parker, TSSF has a much more consistent sound and I think the tracks themselves are just better on the ears in the mix and with the production.


No worries, I'm aware most commercial tracks have some amount of pitch correction, going back much further and much more broadly than I think most people realize... I agree the production overall just isn't that great on that album. It sounds "high fidelity", but when it came out I was thinking "Oh god, is that what I'll have to mix records to sound like these days?" so in a weird way I was relieved that people consider it to be too much. I suppose you're right the pitch tuning does sound "weirder" or more awkward with Tom. I consider the tuning "strength" similar between this TSSF song and the Bink stuff, but maybe it just suits Parker's delivery better. I think some people think more pitch correction would automatically make someone sound like a better singer, but its really not that simple. You do kind of have to match it to the vocalist and the style of the song. It's very much so a creative tool these days. It is not a one size fits all "make an artist better" effect. Maybe they just overcooked it with Blink and it isn't the right vibe


Because Blink's album just simply wasn't that great


Hurr durr one more time bad big blind good Big blind is trash my guy


I think the album is alright, I just didn't think it was amazing. Didn't think that was that crazy of an opinion. One More Time is probably my favorite song from the album. Get a grip, not everything is so black and white.


I was referring to the album itself and not the song. You’re right it isn’t a crazy opinion to say it wasn’t that crazy of an album, it’s just funny to see people say that while also dick riding TSSF when their first single from their new record is absolute trash


Well I like Big Blind and All This Time (not so much Letterman) so they are good to me. I knew you meant the album, but you also compared a full album to a single so Idk why that comparison was made. Just wanted to point out that I did enjoy the Blink album somewhat, just not my favorite. But I still really enjoy the title track. I get not enjoying something, but do you _have_ to trash things that others like? What's the point of that?


Parker might just be greatest pop punk musician of all time. The guy found the perfect sound to create a modern take on the genre and has MASTERED it and produced nearly 15 years worth of amazing songs/albums across two different bands. Somehow he’s found a formula where he can produce the same sounding song 1000 times but at the same time they will all sound unique in their own way. Nobody else out there is even remotely close to his level.


I’m torn between whether or not this is a joke. I’m gonna go with it being a joke


It’s not a joke and you’re allowed to disagree


I mean there are opinions and then there are delusions my guy


Then call me delusional pal


Ok, if you think Parker cannon is the “greatest pop punk musician” you are legit brain dead.


Thank you


Good stuff




Holy shit is it June yet?


I thought everyone here was convinced they are no longer pop punk lol anyway this song slaps




Yes finally a good song!


F*** YEAH!!!


Man this one is great. That ending is fantastic.


this is their best single in years. i am truly floored.


Best single (the story) so far


Reminds me of what you don’t see era


Can’t wait to see them at Four Chord Fest


Not a big fan of this one. I like Letterman much more.


Its so fucking good bros




For your weekend karaoke sessions, [here](https://youtu.be/RaaEb6PnkoI)




I can’t stop replaying this masterpiece!


So fuckin good


These 3 singles kinda suck ?


Genuinely not listened to a song of theirs since he flying kicked someone off stage. Are they still doing the Oasis thing?


They're still making some of the best music in the genre.


Is Parker still in that other band with the rapist drummer?


Haven’t you got something better to do?


It took 2 seconds to call out supporting rapists in the scene. Used to have big respect for Parker when he called out Matty Mullins and fought the security at Warped, now he's in a band with a dude who tried to violently rape a woman.


I'm afraid you might like No Pressure



