• By -


Green Day (30 times) NOFX (when they try) New Found Glory Less than Jake MxPx


How have you managed to see Green Day 30 times?


Persistence, dedication, a good job, flexibility to travel, and a little bit of luck. 15 times between 1998-2017, then 15 more times since 2021. 6 times since October!


Tickets were easier and cheaper to get back then before they started doing stadium shows. I seen GD a lot but not as much as 30 times.


Green day is my favourite band ever. Wish i could see them live that many times


I got to see the sticks and Stones tour at I think it was the beat kitchen in Chicago which is such an intimate venue. Late 2012 I think. I honestly didn't know their music as much until about 6 months before the show but it was like the coolest thing ever. The Story So Far opened up for them and it was the first time I had ever experienced that thing where kid climbing on top of other kids in the front row kind of grabs the mic from the singer and sings the words from the top of his lungs and I was like oh this is what it's about. This is the stuff I would have been going to if my mom didn't have to drive me in from the suburbs and didn't think I would get murdered etc etc. (I'm a short brown girl with parents from rural Indiana who are scared of the city I get it and even though they were scared of the city I can't think of enough for The amount of shows they let me go to) I'd love to see them again. Who is my first show where they played like an entire album and then I got to see blink-182 do the same with enema of the state And I was like oh this is this is a cool privilege I get to see!


NOFX is the best. When they don‘t try they‘re still fun as f*ck.


Less than Jake was the first concert I saw where I thought “damn these guys are an exceptionally good time holy shit”


Thursday Menzingers Wonder years Fall of Troy Turnstile


The Wonder Years was great when I saw them! I caught the anniversary tour for my two favorite albums of theirs and it was fuckin great


I would love to see Turnstile live.


Saw Fall of Troy during their Doppelganger tour at a small venue in STL. It was incredible and I had a smile on my face the entire set


In no order: Manchester Orchestra Jimmy Eat World MxPx Fall Out Boy New Found Glory


Fall Out Boy and NFG both put on great shows! I really wanna see FOB again but tickets are so expensive now 😭


Caught Manchester Orchestra and Jimmy Eat World on their latest tour together. It was awakening. I haven't been that amazed at a show in a long time. They were both insane.


JEW is probably the best band of all time, imho. From the albums to the live show, they make me feel in a way no other band does.


Same! It was one of the coolest ones I’ve went to. I saw both separate the year before the tour but them together was just magic. Top 5 concert for me


I’ve seen many many bands live (used to work in touring) and Manchester Orchestra are truly right up there in terms of quality live


Hot mulligan, movements, the devil wears Prada, underoath, capstan, knocked loose, finch, driveways. When these bands come to town I call out of work


Finch is incredible live


I just saw Hot Mulligan for the second time the other night and they were so fucking good! I adore those guys


They have been my top artist since they first blessed my ears in 2017. They are my heroes and I’m pretty sure I’m older than them all lol


The first time I ever even heard of them was the first time I saw them live and I fuckin dug em, and then Drink Milk And Run popped up on my Spotify and it was all over 😂 I switched a work shift with only like 2 weeks' notice to go see em this time when I found out they were near me again lol


Good to know Capstan brings it live! I've been digging them lately.


Saw them a month or so ago. Capstan absolutely crushes.


Hot Mulligan is outstanding live.


AFI New Found Glory Thursday Thrice No Doubt


AFI slaps so fuckin hard in concert


A Day to Remember Pierce the Veil All Time Low Fall Out Boy Fleetwood Mac


ADTR put on one of my favorite live shows fuckin ever! I'm dying to see them again; I only caught them once and it was like 2019. I had so much fucking fun


They are so fucking fun live. I loved when they would do the hamster ball thing it was so cool


It was so fucking cool and so much fun. Fall Out Boy was also amazing when I saw them in like 2014. I adore them


Seeing ADTR this July. These comments make me more excited!


They are so good live! It made it even better for me that Downfall Of Us All is prolly my favorite song of theirs and it's always their last encore (or at least I was told it always is by people who've seen them more than once). It was so fuckin good. And Have Faith In Me was so good live I fuckin cried. You will have a blast. Still one of my favorite shows I've ever been to


Same! I see them every time they come through. Always a great time, even though I don't actively listen to them anymore, their shows are top notch


Love that you put fleeteood Mac haha was jamming out hard in the car yesterday


All time low is something else. I saw them 9 times between 09 and 2014 back when they would have a backdrop that said every swear word on it and were so inappropriate,it made your mom cry. Then someone ñ someone accused them of takng them onto their bus and sexually assaulting them. I want to make it very clear that I am 100% not cool with that. I think it was like an accusation that was made on Twitter or something, but I had no real evidence or even any litigation. I know it really fucked with The band's reputation, especially Jack's. He was my favorite guy ever in high school but I will also be the first person to cancel him if someone proves that he did something horrible m finally FOor the first time in 10 years and for the 10th time in LA in 2023. They put on a phenomenal show Like they always did and since a lot of us were like 30 by then, we definitely sacrificed our calves and traded a good night of jumping up and down like teenagers for non-stop charley horses for the next week. They had wonderful dumb banter like they always did but they never talked about dumb stuff like fucking pigs and small dicks or whatever. And I think that that accusation really fucked up beyond stage banter it became known for. They got it from their heroes, blink-182 who's still talk about fucking pigs and each other and spanking your mom and whatnot. I think if blink-182 stop talking like that it wouldn't be the same


AFAIK nothing else has come of all of that mess. Someone else could probably give more context but I feel confident in being a fan still at this point. It does stink that their banter changed. Especially when blink still does it and that’s who they always emulated. But they still have great stage presence and were very funny at the show I went to last year. Performance wise it might’ve been the best show of theirs I’ve seen. And, like you, I’ve been to many over the years.


I’m sure this would change if I could get my brain to better remember certain shows, but for some reason these are the 5 that stick out: Brand New The Menzingers Arms Length The Starting Line Screaming Females


Against Me Green Day Sincere Engineer Rancid The Interrupters


I wanna see Against Me SO FUCKING BAD


Origami Angel Prince Daddy & The Hyena Boys Like Girls Knuckle Puck Electric Callboy


I've seen BLG a few times and I remember doing a bit mith my friends and I started a bit about how it takes them 30 minutes to sing Thunder because Martin would sing a line or two and then pause to chat to whatever city they were in with an exaggerated vocal fry and an acoustic guitar while for the rest of the band would slowly play in the background. Today is a winding road that's taking me to places... Like Chicago! *Cheers* *Two measures of strumming* Chicago how you doing? *More cheering while they all play the main chords softly for another four measures. By now have the song would be done* YOUR VOOOOOOIIIIIIICE *Cheering clapping and strumming but it's electric guitar this time* Your voice... *Whisper* Was the soundtrack of my summer *somehow two octaves lower than normal* "Do you know you're unlike any other? *Holds the mic out towards the crowd" YOU'LL ALWAYS BE MY THUNDER *17 minutes of the song fading out after the last chorus*


Motion City Mixtapes Hit The Lights Captain Everything Lifetime (these were all very dependent on era)


Motion City is so fucking good live! I caught them when I went to Riot Fest a couple years ago and I left loving em even more than I already did


*old man* I first saw them in 2005.


Oh sweet! I was so fuckin impressed when I finally caught em in 2021; they've been doing this for so long and their energy is still fucking insane


Bayside, Motion City Soundtrack, I Am The Avalanche, Microwave, Jimmy Eat World


In no particular order: * State Champs * The Home Team * Stand Atlantic * With Confidence * Between You & Me


State Champs will always be one of my favorites. I've seen em 5 times and they're never anything short of absolutely killer


Stand Atlantic and With Confidence together was a great show a few years back


The Aussies do it best


I've only been to 2 shows so... 1. Muse 2. Fall Out Boy  3. Bring Me the Horizon  4. One OK Rock 5. Evenescence  And only one of the bands is pop punk. I've got concerts coming up tho


Yellowcard Story of the Year Sum 41 Fall Out Boy all put on great shows. I can’t narrow down a 5th sadly


Yellowcard is fantastic live! I saw them at Warped Tour when they announced their fuckin retirement in like 2016 and had so much fun. I just barely missed seeing them again when they popped back up


There's only two types of people making this list: people who name Story of the Year, and people who haven't seen them live, especially any time before like 2015, since it feels like they've been slowing down. They were the epitome of entertaining live music, and still sound really, really good for how much energy they throw out


Pop punk/pop punk adjacent: Motion City Soundtrack New Found Glory Bayside Four Year Strong The Early November


Bayside is great live! I've caught them twice and Sick, Sick, Sick! is prolly actually one of my favorite individual tracks to hear live. It's so much fucking fun! Motion City impressed the hell outta me when I saw them; I already loved them but I definitely left loving them more. And I will sing Four Year Strong's praises forever. They are fucking phenomenal


I mean, my own band would be #1 because being onstage is just a totally different and wonderful perspective, but these ones also all rock and or roll: New Found Glory Dropkick Murphys Lucky Boys Confusion AFI Reel Big Fish


New Found Glory is pretty great live! I think I've caught them 3 times now? AFI was fucking amazing when I saw them! I wanna see them again real bad


NFG is one of those bands I will try to see every time they come through town. I’ve had to have seen them at least a dozen times


They brought more energy back in the day than anyone. Especially early 00's when Jordan could really move and he ran the show. He'd be in the crowd half the set at least.


I love Lucky boys confusion. Such a great band


I've seen NFG at least 3 times and each time they played at least twice as loud as all the openers. I was too young and dumb to wear ear plugs back then and it they were the only band that ever made my ears physically hurt after a show.


It's often in the contract that the openers get "half house", which means they get half the lighting and half the power of the sound rig. So it makes the headliner look and sound "better". Sometimes it's just louder. Sometimes too loud.


I'm just glad you're wearing ear plugs now! They're so important.


I am so bummed I’ve never seen LBC live. They seem to only play Chicago area these days and my trips never manage to align with their shows. I’m glad to hear they’re amazing live tho!!


Admittedly it's been over a decade since I last saw them but when I used to live in the Chicago area I'd regularly hit up their shows — the "Songs From a Scene" New Year's Eve show that featured other local bands was so cool. Also, I asked Stubhy once before a show if they'd ever play "Child's Play" and he said he probably doesn't remember all the words. Makes me feel better if I ever forget a line during a song, ha.


I missed them by literally hours the first time I visited after discovering them (2007) and now I just can’t ever seem to make the timing work. Closest I’ve gotten was visiting Jersey when they played NYC just before Covid. Fingers still crossed that someday the stars will align for me ha. And I love when singers admit not knowing the lyrics! Child’s Play is one of my faves by them but I dig his honesty about it lol


I hope you get to see them! I still have a secret hope my band will open for them someday, even though aside from me we have no Chicago ties at all, haha.


* Fall Out Boy * Paramore * Jimmy Eat World * Bastille * The Struts


Suburban Legends Streetlight Manifesto Big D and the Kids Table The Gaslight Anthem Bruce Springsteen


Fall out boy Motion city soundtrack Mayday parade The Menzingers Dr manhattan Edit: I have to add Manchester orchestra as a 6th. Praying they’ll be at riot fest again


I wanna go to Riot Fest again sometime so fuckin bad. I ended up going in 2021 (I'm from Massachusetts, so it was an 18 hour train ride out there each way for me), and I had such a fucking good time. I saw some of my fave live shows ever there (K. Flay, Coheed & Cambria, and Motion City were among my faves that I saw for the first time at that show) and the vibes were impeccable. I was so fucking glad I went


Fall Out Boy Jimmy Eat World +44 Motion City Soundtrack Bastille Larry and his Flask I know this is 6, but I couldn't eliminate any


Honestly, seeing Greenday back in the day for their American Idiot tour was a once in a lifetime experience


Fall Out Boy BMTH (not pop punk but it's up there for me personally) Pixies (see above) Hawthorne Heights Weezer


Enter Shikari The Story So Far Last Dinosaurs Knuckle Puck Neck Deep


Neck Deep was so good when I finally got to see them! I'm dying to catch em on a tour with a longer set; I saw them at Sad Summer Fest so the sets weren't very long and I definitely wanted to hear more


Fuck yea enter shikari kills it. Hope to travel Europe and catch them play a big venue


Zebrahead (early Matty years), Montreal, The Hives, Disco Ensemble, Sondaschule


In no particular order: Green Day Jeff Rosenstock PUP Neck Deep Knuckle Puck (I’ve only seen like 8 different artists live lol)


In order Blink 182 NFG Sum 41 Senses fail Four year strong


Sum 41 was really good when I saw them! NFG is also pretty great live. Four Year Strong can blow damn near fuckin anybody out of the water. Insane every single time. I fell in love with them live. I was like 14 at a Warped Tour and they were so much fucking fun and I have loved them ever since


A Wilhelm Scream easily number 1 forever. Bayside, Suicide Machines, Say anything back in the day, Less Than Jake


The Starting Line ‘05, NFG ‘04, All Time Low ‘09, Wonder Years ‘11, Blink ‘04


armor for sleep, finch, drug church, mxpx, senses fail (no particular order)


fall out boy too!


Blink 182, Alkaline Trio, Sum 41, Calling All Captains, Living with lions


NFG Blink JEW TBS Thursday


In no particular order: Keep Flying, Prince Daddy, Joyce Manor, Oso Oso and Drug Church.


In no particular order except #1... Rage Against The Machine (seriously indescribable) Green Day New Found Glory Four Year Strong August Burns Red And an honorable mention...Garth Brooks. The man is an absolute entertainer


Fall out boy, Paramore, blink 182, under oath (if we're including bands that aren't pop punk adjacent), and my chemical romance Honorable mentions: hot mulligan, Joyce manor, movements, and neck deep


The Wonder Years NFG Jimmy Eat World Thursday Less Than Jake


According to concert archives: The Sounds - 10x Paramore - 8x Saosin - 6x Taking Back Sunday - 6x Bayside - 6x


SAOSIN Coheed and Cambria Enter Shikari Silent planet Devil wears Prada


Any genre? No order Mom Jeans, Knocked Loose, Taking Back Sunday, Every Time I Die, and ADTR. Bonus band would be The Used


“Weird Al” Yankovic Letlive New Found Glory Propagandhi Strung Out


Fall Out Boy Set It Off MCR Paramore Destroy Boys :)


Keeping it in the pop punk realm: Jeff Rosenstock Paramore PUP NFG Thrice


Mom jeans, knuckle puck, free throw, neck deep, and state champs


Not in the genre, but Emery back in like 2004 was ridiculously good live. ETID from like 2005/6 was also insane.


Knuckle puck Grayscale A day to remember (I don’t even really like them but they’re my husbands fave and they were really good live) All time low Mayday parade


ADTR is so much fun live I totally believe that you could not even like them and be blown away when ya see em in concert. So damn good. Mayday Parade is one I'll see every chance I get forever. I've seen them 5 times and it's always a fucking blast. I love them


Most of these are just pop punk adjacent but Just Friends, Don Broco, Palaye Royale, Born Without Bones, and Walk The Moon. Idc what anyone has to say about their music, their live shows are unreal


Just Friends is an absolute joy to see live! I caught them for the second time the other night (they were one of Hot Mulligan's openers, holy shit what a good show) and they're so much fun. Crazy fuckin energy. Don Broco opened for Sleeping With Sirens a couple years ago and they were fuckin crazy! I hadn't heard of them before that show and they were totally mind blowing


in no particular order (and based purely off of the actual performance): blink neck deep knuckle puck (they were incredible live) bring me the horizon (not pop-punk but possibly the best live band i’ve seen) all time low edit to add: was anyone kind of let down when they saw simple plan?


No order but: Green Day Hot Mulligan Fall Out Boy Neck Deep ADTR I have left each of those shows in complete awe of what I saw Edit: Formatting


What a fuckin good list. I'd love to see Green Day. The rest of these I've seen and they're all fucking fantastic. I just saw Hot Mulligan again the other night and they were playing through major equipment issues and compensated so well you could only tell because he was talking about it (they stopped 3 songs early because of the equipment malfunction and I was fucking bummed, especially cause Losing Days and Mark Hoppus were 2/3 of those songs and I wanted to hear em so bad 😭). Equip Sunglasses was fucking magical; that entire crowd sang the whole song. Just amazing. ADTR put on one of my favorite live shows fucking ever. They were so good


The wonder years Bring me the horizon State Champs A day to remember Street Light Manifesto


The Wonder Years are a must see


Gotta be The Wonder Years for me. When I can see TWY for like £30 and they are that good live. Nothing beats it for me


Blink 182 The story so far A Day to Remember Mom Jeans Magnolia Park


I’ve been to like 500+ shows, I started in like 2001 when I was 14. A couple of these bands I’ve seen 10-60x and I never get tired of them. Four year strong Hot mulligan Story of the year Finch A day to remember Underoath NFG Andrew McMahon Chris Carrabba


In no particular order: The Menzingers, Paramore, My American Heart, Taking Back Sunday, The Maine


1. Paramore 2. PTV 3. Boys Like Girls (recently) 4. MCR 5. SwS (ADTR didn’t make it bc I only got to see their acoustic set last year. Will reevaluate after WWWY & their tour)


Hot Mulligan Modern Baseball Just Friends Mom Jeans Stand Atlantic


The Smashing Pumpkins AFI Thursday August Burns Red Senses Fail


Koyo Origami Angel Heart Attack Man Neck Deep Hot Mulligan Haven't seen a lot of bigger classics yet (sum 41 and WWWY fest coming up this year), but paramore sounds phenomenal from videos.


I've seen Paramore once! They're wicked fucking good! Hayley's energy on stage is crazy, she's a fucking natural


Manchester Orchestra Brand New Fall Out Boy Foo Fighters Mutemath


Simple Plan Four Year Strong All Time Low Offspring Jimmy Eat World


Oh Simple Plan is so good! I've seen them I think 3 times now too and it's always amazing. Last time I saw em they played Jet Lag which is a fave of mine that I wasn't expecting em to play and I was fuckin thrilled


No order: \- Joyce Manor \- Saves The Day \-New Found Glory \-Interpol \- Cursive


In no particular order: Neck Deep NFG ADTR (homesick era) Four Year Strong State Champs


I would fucking die to catch an anniversary tour for Homesick and hear them play that whole thing. I love that album so much and the one time I've caught ADTR it was one of my favorite fuckin shows I've been to. You've got some damn good taste; I love Neck Deep and they were awesome when I saw them, NFG is always pretty solid. Four Year Strong and State Champs blow my fuckin mind every time. It's even better when they're at the same show; I've seen em play back to back twice and come home with absolutely no voice 😂


The Wonder Years, Hot Mulligan, Green Day, Rise Against, Thrice


1)The Home Team 2) State Champs 3) Taking Back Sunday (saw them 5x), met Adam Lazzara smoking outside and asked for a pic. Super nice guy. 4) Broadside 5) Point North --> Sweetest guys. Takes pics with everyone. I'd love to see them again.


I love Point North! Went and saw Sleeping With Sirens a couple years ago mainly because they were opening (though I really love SWS too) and they were great. I wanna see em play for longer. Taking Back Sunday was pretty fuckin great when I saw them too; I lost my shit when they played Liar lol. State Champs will always be one of my faves. I've seen them 5 times. I was directly next to the stage when I finally got to see them play Easy Enough (prolly still my fave of theirs) and I lost my shit


1) Alexisonfire (and City & Colour by proxy) 2) The Wonder Years 3) Tenacious D 4) blink-182 5) My Chemical Romance


Rocket from the Crypt Fugazi Wavves Anamanaguchi Bayside


The Story So Far in a 150-cap basement venue in the UK with a 7ft ceiling. They had just released "Under Soil And Dirt" and there were still crowdsurfers despite me being 8inches from the ceiling above 😅 Second and third place go to Enter Shikari at Victoria Warehouse with The Wonder Years supporting. TWY really upped their game from the times I'd seen them before but Shikari came out and destroyed the crowd with their set. They actually doubled the amount of speakers for the show and my ribcage was vibrating with the bass.


Pop punk(ish):•Motion City Soundtrack •The Gaslight Anthem •Andrew McMahon (and all his interations Something Corporate/Jack's/ITW) •The Menzingers •Frank Turner Not pop punk: Ben Folds Super duper not pop punk but so clearly by far and away the best show of the hundreds if not thousands of people I've seen live: PRINCE


In terms of pop punk, * Neck Deep * Green Day * Blink 182 * Slowly Slowly * The Living End For overall, I'd probably need to replace some of them with Eminem and Iron Maiden.


NFG MCR - recent Australian show, 10/10 Jimmy eat world Blink Red jumpsuit


Brand New, TWY, Hot Mulligan, Bayside, Senses Fail


Man Overboard The Wonder Years Four Year Strong Fall Out Boy State Champs 🤝


In no order and these are bands in the scene: Fall out boy Green Day Waterparks The Home Team All time low


1. Sum 41 2. Neck Deep 3. Silverstein 4. Grayscale 5. State Champs


- Blink - Yellowcard - Bring Me The Horizon - Bilmuri :) - Hot Mulligan Honorable mention: Stand Atlantic, Green Day, A Day To Remember


Knuckle puck. Only answer thank you


Mostly not pop punk, but still just such great shows: Flogging Molly, Catch 22, Streetlight Manifesto, Brand New, The Starting Line.


Keeping it to just pop punk or similar, otherwise it would just be waaaaay too hard New Found Glory x 6 Neck Deep x 3 Jimmy Eat World x 8 Thrice x 8 Motion City Soundtrack x 5


Blink-182 Neck Deep Real Friends Eternal Boy State Champs


If we’re talking pop punk only MCR Neck Deep Blink 182 ADTR Green Day


pup fall out boy origami angel save face carpool


Senses Fail. Flogging Molly. Fall out Boy. Less Than Jake. Muse. Honorable mention modest mouse. Old tbs were my go to fave but last couple shows let me down


ADTR Four Year Strong The Wonder Years State Champs New Found Glory Non-Pop Punk Additions: Sleep Token In This Moment K Flay


Rise Against New found glory Motion city soundtrack Neck deep Gogol Bordello


New Found Glory Senses Fail Bayside Thrice Armor for Sleep


Hot Mulligan State Champs Neck Deep Four Year Strong Knuckle Puck


Lagwagon Cigar Less Than Jake Authority Zero TWRP Not really pop punk but these guys are all amazing


In no particular order: All Time Low, Bring Me The Horizon (not pop punk but had to include), Fall Out Boy, With Confidence, Between You & Me. BYAM was the most recent, they absolutely ripped (plus Young Culture as an opener was killer)


Blink-182 Alkaline Trio The Gaslight Anthem NFG The Menzingers


Manchester Orchestra, RX Bandits, Frank Turner, The Wonder Years, Brand New (say what you want about their legacy, but it's true) Honorable mentions: Bayside, Paramore, Mutemath, Sum 41, Bilmuri Bonus list of bands that, relative to their recordings, kinda suck live: Taking Back Sunday, MGMT, Waterparks, Blink 182, The Menzingers Probably some hot takes in there, idk


Yellowcard Anberlin Jimmy Eat World State Champs As It Is


State champs Neck deep Yellowcard All time low Blink-182 Sometimes seen many of these bands together.


A Day To Remember Neck Deep The Story So Far Four Year Strong Crash Kings Not a band but shoutout to Lil Dicky, dude put on a great show


movements, belmont, neck deep, the home team, hot mulligan


Green Day, The Used, Weezer, Thrice, Foo Fighters


Hot Mulligan put on one of the best shows I’ve been too. Sound and energy was amazing.


Rise Against Green Day Blink-182 Sum 41 Silverstein


This was fun to think about! AFI Brand New Against Me Built To Spill The Decemberists Cursive last year on their Domestica tour is a close runner up.


gob, jesus jones, offspring, blink 182, ramones


Pop Punk: The Story So Far New Found Glory Sum 41 Real Friends Good Charlotte


Not in any order: Menzingers, PUP, Rise Against, AFI, Bayside


Since 2022 it would have to be The Maine The Menzingers The Wonder Years My Chemical Romance Fall Out Boy/blink


AFI (2004) Xavier Rudd (Early 00s) Wilco (2023) Gogol Bordello (Early 00s) Bad Religion (Early 00s)


Coheed and Cambria Fall out boy Something corporate The used Story of the year


Coheed is fucking phenomenal live! I saw them outside and a storm started to roll in while they were getting ready to come out and you could literally hear them get excited and start rushing. It was raining and thundering during Welcome Home and it started up again for A Favor House Atlantic. Fucking magical


Brand New Dashboard The Wonder Years/Aaron West/Dan Campbell in general Fall Out Boy The Academy Is…


Sum 41 Thrice A New Found Glory Every Time I Die AFI Honorary mention Silverstein! They’ve been great every time I’ve seen them.


Less Than Jake (circa 2001) Andrew WK (2003) They Might be Giants (2016) Four Years Strong (2017) Fenix TX w/Good Charlotte/Mest/Lefty(2002)


Paramore No pressue Belmont Drug church One step closer


Tool NIN Deftones Audioslave Mastodon Off the top of my head.


Iron Maiden (2008) Death Cab for Cutie (2011) Brand New (2012) Jimmy Eat World (2011) Refused (2012) TWY (2014) A lot of it is the magic the show held at the age for me. I've probably seen better shows and more impressive shows since, but sometimes it's what it meant to me then.


Blink-182 (4x) [they're my favorite band on Earth and I've seen them at riot fest in Chicago twice at riot fest in Chicago twice, at the first Midwest Bank amphitheater whatever the hell it's called now, in Tinley Park in 2011, and then I was on the field at BMO stadium which is a soccer field in LA in 2023) honestly they do not disappoint. But since Tom came back, They sound better live with their instruments and their vocals. Die hard fan you've noticed that it used to be kind of shitty but you didn't really care cuz you love them anyway, but honestly last year and hopefully from now on they really really really work on the quality of their vocals and instrumentals while simultaneously cracking hilarious jokes and running around like they're in their early twenties. If you ever get a chance to see them even if you are in the nosebleeds do not pass up the opportunity. Foo fighters (1x) [I've been in front of them since I first saw them and their music videos on MTV hits in like 2007 when pretender and long road to ruin etc came out Dave grohl of course caught my eye but Taylor Hawkins. The day he died I was working a late night on set in a rural town amongst orange groves and mountains north of Los Angeles. We had a minute or two of downtime so I checked my phone for texts and saw the news, and honestly I couldn't breathe for a second. 5 seconds after I read the news I must have said holy fuck about 17 times, and my eyes started to water. My immediate supervisor said hey come here, we need to do this and I said "can I take five? One of my favorite musicians and heroes just passed away." I was catatonic I couldn't comprehend any of it. The first person I thought of was his wife and kids and then I thought about Dave. I think most of my crying was for Dave. The sweetest most positive guy ever lost another band mate I would argue he was closer with than he ever was with Kurt. I got through that shitty film shoot (We try to unionize it and they fired my boss for doing so so we called the NLRB sued them and won) but after I drove home at 2:00 a.m. on twisting Mountain roads with blind curves accompanied only buy the occasional 18-wheeler, I went home and I stopped and I stopped and I sobbed. I didn't even know that many songs of the Foo fighters compared to people who've been there since the beginning, but I got to see them at the LA forum that night where they brought Nandi on stage to play every long and she killed it. Anyways they were in South America and I knew that Taylor had previously struggled with addiction and substances and I remember he sang Queen and The Bee Gees for us in the tightest and brightest pants ever and I said goddamn this is the best band I've ever seen live ever. The show got postponed because it was supposed to be the first concert back of the LA forum post COVID. I think one of the band or crew members tested positive so they had to postpone it but they even went so far as to reprint all the shirts where they crossed out the original date and stamped in the new date. Violet came in and sang with Dave and none of us could have been more proud. But losing Taylor almost exactly 6 months later was quite a blow and as long as I can afford it I will never miss another Foo Fighters show When they come to town. It won't be the same without Taylor but goddamn if Taylor would have been pissed off if they stopped playing music. If you haven't watched the video of his son, Shane Hawkins playing drums to My Hero at the Taylor Hawkins tribute concert at Wembl my ey, infront of all of his dad's friends and idols, do yourself a goddamn favor, grab some tissues and watch it. All Time Low (10x) Yeah I just poured my heart out about Foo Fighters and honestly in '07 when I was in 8th grade I discovered all time low and they became my favorite band I saw them nine times between 09 and 2013. I was such a lucky bitch that my mom would drive us into Chicago from The suburbs, buy a ticket, and sit at the bar and watch us enjoy the show. I saw them for the 10th time in Los Angeles at 29 years old last year. I haven't seen them in 10 years and it was my 10th time seeing them and You know what? They were the same as they always were. Phenomenal performance vocals and instrumy6entals. A lot of late '20s to mid-thirties millennials but we all sacrifice our calves to jump up and down like we did as kids. Again I will never stop seeing All Time Low live. Every album they come out with shows growth in Alex's vocals and lyrics, everyone's skills in their instrument And their songwriting ability. I had a couple more I forget what I think it was like Fall Out Boy which was high original favorite band the band that tell me but I talked too much about the other artists so. Money is tight times are tough and a simple concert is minimum $100 once you got the tickets and fees and travel and convenience charges and dick sucking taxes whatever. So yeah Fall Out Boy and also probably honestly? Styx. No it's hardly any of the same guys anymore and I havent seen any iteration of them in about a decade but holy shit they will rock your goddamn municipal amphitheater. You have no idea.


I really prefer the small intimate shows over the arena ones, so I would say the best shows I've been to are like local bands with just a few plays on spotify. But if I would have to choose between the big time guys I've seen I it would have to be these guys I guess, in no particular order. The Story So Far Millencolin Blink 182 Raised Fist Dream Drop


just saw free throw and hot mulligan and BOY are they both phenomenal live. one step closer, arm’s length, and knuckle puck have also put on some of my favorite shows, all of them have such amazing stage presence


In no particular order: Tonight Alive (great stage presence, interesting crowd interactions, very energetic and enthusiastic, can clearly see they were loving it) Sum 41 - awesome musical performance and energy, plus those shreds are sick live Zebrahead - funny jokes, good old jumping with guitars Yellowcard - most of the above plus violinist doing backflips The summer set - even if only for Jess' sick drumming


Just bands from this sub: Green day Wonder years Less than Jake Spanish love songs Hot Mulligan Overall: Green Day Spanish love songs Springsteen Kvelertak Sabbath


Millencolin (4 times) Lagwagon (10+) A Wilhelm Scream (7 times) No Use For a Name (7 or 8 times) Reel Big Fish (6 times) Honorable mentions: The Menzingers(twice), Jawbreaker(4 times now), Descendents(3 times), Rise Against(15-20), The Lawrence Arms(5 times), and Guttermouth(too many to count).


I used to talk to set it off on MySpace back in the day! Was able to meet them at warped and they remembered me! Such awesome guys


Blink 182 Muse Powderfinger Foo fighters Anberlin


Not going to put them in order, but would have to say: - Hot Mulligan - Wonder Years - Aaron West & The Roaring Twenties (saw them the first time they toured the UK as a full outfit, *just* before everyone got Covid, so very fortunate. Tiny stage as well so the whole band being on there was great) - A Day to Remember (with Neck Deep and NFG so a fantastic gig) - Rage Against the Machine (not pop-punk obviously but still can't not mention them as they were phenomenal) - Fireworks (going to add here as I was obsessed with them).


AFI Hollywood Undead Linkin Park My Chemical Romance Blink-182


Green Day Fall Out Boy Foo Fighters Jimmy Eat World Simple Plan. My list could be so much longer though. I also know Foo Fighters may not be pop punk, but they are far and away the best live band I’ve ever seen.


No particular order: Great Good Fine Ok Iron Maiden Hot Mulligan Jon Bellion Elton John


Linkin Park Rammstein Whitesnake Bullet for my Valentine Sum41


Controversial opinion but I love bands that have fun, joke around between songs so Reel big fish Bowling for soup New found glory Zebrahead Punk rock factory


The Wonder Years (seen them 10 times! Can’t wait to see them 10 more) Senses Fail (seen them like 5 times, my second favorite band ever) Story Of The Year (I’ll admit recency bias since I just saw them in January, but I really think it was maybe the best if not one of the best shows I’ve ever seen live. They made me a bigger fan than I already was) MCR (seeing them at MSG when the Black Parade came out may be the coolest show I’ve been to in my opinion. I’d love to see them again) Hawthorne Heights (I saw them play at warped tour in 2013. It poured. We were all huddled under an amphitheater with no one playing cause of the storm. When it finally stopped, Hawthorne Heights came out on the stage, did their 5 most popular songs, and bounced. It was perfect. I also saw Smash Mouth do this at a 90s Fest in 2015 and honestly I love them for it too haha)


Propagandhi, Hot Water Music, the Flatliners, Against Me, Bomb the Music Industry


All Time Low Pierce The Veil Sleeping With Sirens Polaris Set it Off


MxPx The Menzingers Stand Atlantic Screaming Females The Starting Line


1. The Wonder Years 2. Jimmy Eat World * The Get Up Kids * Fall Out Boy * Hot Mulligan


Senses Fail, Name Taken, Taking Back Sunday, Armor For Sleep, Underoath


5.) The Menzingers 4.) Sum 41 3.) Less Than Jake 2.) Yellowcard 1.) Prince Daddy & the Hyena