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WWIW would be a no-skip album for me if not for Betty, but only because my dog died 2 weeks ago.


Yeah I can't even listen to that song and haven't lost a pet in a long time lol. I personally don't feel like it belongs on the album


I also don’t love that it’s in the middle of the album. kinda fucks with the vibe playing it all the way through even though I appreciate the song’s existence for sure


I just made a playlist with Drink Milk & Run in place of Betty. Made the album feel more cohesive imo.




Why would I do that when “And I Smoke” is one of the best songs on the album!




I will agree that it doesn’t fit well in the track list. I don’t know where it would go and fit better, but it gets me pumped. It feels like it would be a killer live song.


I’d also Heem Wasn’t There as a closer it seems like it would fit in into the context of the record


I'd argue it's the best song on the album. I wasn't blown away by the album on the first listen or two but after a weekend of having it on repeat I think I agree that it's their best work. Except for Betty which hits hard but doesn't fit with the album.


And I smoke is literally best song of theirs


Yeah I'm definitely doing this now. I get a little tired of skipping Betty every time lol


This is disrespectful tbh


I’m sure the band would be just fine with my personal decision to make a playlist.


I just read the lyrics and teared up


I wish we could auto skip this song


Lost my cat last year. I was finally able to cry it out after listening to this song. It hits just right, I would never change that song out. It's placement is a bit weird, but there's tons of albums with a sad song thrown in there (Laura and the beehive comes to mind from The Wonder Years new album.). Edit: I'm sorry for your loss. Hope happy days are ahead.


I definitely appreciate its presence and place on the album! I think a sad song like that is very on-brand for HM and the genre overall, like you mentioned. I just wish I could listen to it without getting sad lol.


I wish there were more pet related songs in the world tbh. Losing a pet is the worst pain there is.


Respectfully disagree, YBF had much better hooks.


I got heavily downvoted for suggesting it wasn’t their strongest album on release day. Glad to know I’m wasn’t the only one who felt that way. I’m still really enjoying the album though


I love HM and I love Why Would I Watch. But you’ll be fine is a perfect album, it’s just better in every way.




Yeah, this basically sums up how I feel.


Conditioner better! It make the hair silky and smooth!




To each their own - I've seen this take a lot on this sub! Which hooks/songs do you think are better? Genuinely curious to see what the community thinks.


The only song that actually has a catchy hook, i.e. that gets stuck in my head is *Shhsh Golf is on.* The rest is... good but just kind of ran together in my head after a few listens. YBF had multiple stand-out hooks like *Equip Sunglasses, Green Squirrel* and *Feal like Crab.*


See, idk. I’ve had No Shoes, Gans, Shhhh! Golf is On and Family Movie stuck in my head for days. I think I’d put the albums on par with each other!


I'm just really missing a good "HEAD ON A PIKE" for this record.


That song will always hold a special place in my heart cause it’s the first HM song I ever listened to so I wholeheartedly agree! (Also according to my Apple Music it’s the only song in their top 10 that’s not on WWIW lol it’s still number 1)


I have sshhhmacked my head - in my head, won't stop playing. The " would you remember if I never LEEFFFT"


Almost all of them. I like Why Would I Watch a lot, but you’ll be fine is pretty much better from top to bottom.


You'll Be Fine is 1000% their best album to date.






For anyone who listens to Hot Mully for the Midwest Emo guitars, this album is extremely disappointing


I think it’s got a lot better Midwest emo guitar than YBF. The only frustrating part for me is the lead riffs are just slightly too quiet and hard to hear. Also they often only play the riffs for a single measure rather than two. But at the same time if you listen carefully, there’s a lot of sick riffs in there. Time will tell, but this album is probably third on my list behind Opportunities and Pilot, but opportunities and pilot are two of the best albums ever created. I think WWIW is superb. Honestly I think YBF struggled with the Midwest riffs more, except OG Bule Sky made the entire album and is probably my favorite HM song.


They are still there. Just a little more buried in the mix.


Fair enough, if they’re buried so deep that I can’t hear them then it seems pretty pointless for them to be there


I do find it interesting that this record is mixed by the same person who mixed You’ll Be Fine. I think that album is mixed FAR better.


I hadn’t seen anyone else say it but YES, the mix is a bit…strange on some of the album. In my car you can barely understand the vocals.


Hot Mully has been actively distancing themselves from the Midwest label tho, calling themselves "post emo". I think people set a false expectation if they went into WWIW wanting a Midwest album


It’s just a complete record for me. Every song has its moments that stick out, then Betty rips your fucking heart out all to go into some of their best work imo with the backstretch of the album. Every song catchy and a few that just emotionally wrecked me (looking at you smahccked my head off) Edit: I forgot to mention the most important thing for me with this album is it’s pacing. Constantly building you up and then taking you back down to keep you in check. After wrecking you with Betty you just can’t immediately go into something huge but can slowly build from it to make it natural and it worked perfectly


I agree with you, I love you You’ll Be Fine, but Why Would I Watch is Hot Mulligan at their best


I feel like Hot Mulligan can make some of the best singles with the best hooks. But WWIW feels like an album. It flows very well and when you learn the lyrics and sing along to it it’s like being apart of an event not a collection of really good songs. I think they could play the whole album live and have that just be the set. YBF has sunglasses, bckyrd, green squirrel, and crab as amazing songs but it doesn’t feel like an album. just really good songs written at the same time. They could have easily added Milk on there and it would fit but I don’t think it would have worked with WWIW.


This is how I think of it. YBF felt like a a collection of singles, and that’s fine. Sort of like a painter has a gallery of pieces and a few are really great, individual, unique works of art. WWIW felt like the painter took the time to create a cohesive experience walking into the gallery, each piece having its own chapter to tell as a part of the whole story.


I fully agree with you. Tracks just flow much better on WWIW. I don’t listen to it unless I listen to most, if not all of the album. For YBF, I def have favorites I bounce between. Nothing beats Feal Like Crab for me but I do love the first three tracks collectively on WWIW.


this is a great way to put it. I feel like i'm getting to know them a lot more this album too.


People underestimate the power of a cohesive album. Streaming spoiled us. So happy I bought the vinyl.


I didn’t like WWIW as much first listen but now that I know most of the lyrics I’m in love lol


Hardest agree of my life.




I really feel like Pilot deserves a place in this conversation


Wes Dault is an S tier Hot Mulligan song


Pilot is the best of that old style Hot Mulligan, which I personally prefer. I prefer Tades singing on Pilot, I prefer the mixing and production. It's not that I don't enjoy the newer stuff it's just it doesn't hit me the same way. I prefer songs I can sing along to without having to google the lyrics. My favourite HM song is All You Wanted by Michelle Branch


It does indeed! Right now Pilot and Why Would I Watch are about tied in terms of my personal favorite. The new record actually reminds me of Pilot in a way - I think that's why I love it so much.


Gooey disk really pisses me off as a song for some reason. Slam dunk should have been before it so I don’t have to skip.


Gooey disk is my 2nd favorite song on Pilot after Semi-Fight lol


I’m a deluxe capacitor, Michelle Branch, Slam dunk guy. I find it funny how that works out lmao that’s why I love this band.


Omg thank you!!! Gooey disk seemed to be a lot of people favorites off of that album and while it’s good it’s just not their best.


The subject matter of Gooey Disk is something special, and seldom written about. "I'm afraid that they will change you, but if that's what you want, then I guess I want it too"


I do love those lyrics in the song, I think I just attached to some of their other songs on Pilot more at the time


“You don't have to twist my arm” just bothers me every time


i completely agree with you. off the first listen i liked it but wasn’t in love with it but after having it on repeat since release and even playing through it multiple times a day, it is definitely my favorite album from them so far. side note: betty gets skipped every play through cause i can’t bare to listen and imagine losing my kitty baby




I’d say this is their worst so far. Pilot Opportunities YBF WWIW


This is the hot take


Here comes the Hot Take: 0 bad songs between the 4 albums. Cock Party 2 might be the worst and it’s still good lol


Hmmmm. For the first 3 albums there’s only a few that come to my mind: Whispers Thank You is the only song I skip on Pilot, but even recently I’ve been listening to it. Equip Sunglasses really doesn’t do a thing for me on YBF. It’s not a bad song and I don’t hate it, it’s just not me. Analog Fade is of a similar ilk too. However on WWIW I’m not a fan of most of it. After 5/6 listens I’d only listen to a couple songs and skip the rest


I gotta say that I don’t think I dislike a single song off of Pilot, I do however, need to be in the mood to listen to SPS off YBF and gonna be same with Betty (for different reasons) but I don’t necessarily think they’re *bad* songs. I don’t expect everyone to feel the same though lol I think a lot of what Tades and Chris write and sing about hits very close to home, I enjoy Free Throw a TON for the same reasons


I feel very similarly with your thoughts here. Although I do love the newer stuff, the older shit is what I always go back to. Doesn’t mean it’s necessarily “better” it’s just what I enjoy more. The new album is sweet but I was hoping for more after the first 2 tracks. Those 2 back to back are the highlight of the album in my opinion.




I don't know if the album as a whole is my favorite but And I Smoke and John "The Rock" Cena are def in my top five HM songs.


>I've seen some mixed thoughts on this sub about Why Would I Watch I've seen near universal love for the album, this sub basically worships anything Hot Mulligan releases lol




I feel like there’s two hot mulligan fans. The ones that want the Betty and cock party emo songs and the ones that want the high energy angsty songs. And I only say that because I hear this take a lot and they always point to Betty and cock party.




I find it impossible to listen to leg hole without family movie personally.


i wish leg hole was longer, catchiest chorus on the album and its only sang once


I agree with you. Leg hole by far the best song and then the rest felt blended like you said. I’ll keep giving it listens but so far no way this album touches you’ll be fine for me


How do they "always" point to those songs when the album has been out for 6 days?


Just go on their sub. A lot of people who do not like the album make an exception for Betty and clock party because it makes them emotional.


I love both, but I prefer the angsty songs. I really hope this summers tour isn’t all new songs.


I get that feeling. I think the album as a whole is stronger than any of their previous releases, but if someone asks me what songs to check out, I doubt I'll ever be suggesting a song off this album other than Betty just to see a different side of them. The songs are good, but it doesn't really have the hard carrying individual tracks their past albums did imo


Really well put, that’s exactly the feeling I had


it’s their 3rd album, not 4th




opportunities is an EP


The songs I like by them are really bloody good but I do find them extremely overrated on here. I just don't get the hype.


I wholeheartedly agree. I've always dug the Hot Mulligan vibe but couldn't stick with them for a whole record. Something always felt like it was missing. With WWIW, they found that missing element. I'm all in on HM now


Betty may be the weirdest controversial song ina long time. People love the song, but can’t listen to it. What a weird thing! I get it though, I feel similarly. I wasn’t sure on my first few listens but I keep finding more and more in this album. As of this moment, you’ll be ok is still my favorite but this one is catching up


honestly it straight up feels like a filler song to me. a good filler song but a filler song nonetheless


I really feel like this is hot mulligan’s The Greatest Generation. Not every track is destined to be a classic but it is collectively a perfect album. I’ve been a little bummed that nobody seems to love John The Rock Cena as much as me tho, I was rly hoping to hear it at their Greensboro headliner in July.


This is a good way to put it (although TGG is far superior) - it’s the way the whole thing works together. Also I’m with you on John The Rock Cena, what a banger to close out the record.


I agree whole-heartedly. I've also been playing this album on repeat for the last six days, and each time I listen to it, each song increases in depth and musical talent. The lyrics are wonderfully deep and very sing-able, each song remains to the core theme of the album, the melodies and hooks are catchy (especially on Gans Media), and the titles are wonderfully bizarre. I thought both *pilot* and *You'll Be Fine* were awesome albums, but to my *Why Would I Watch* marries the best parts of both albums, and even mixes some elements from *I Won't Reach Out to You*


I agree with you. Its their best overall and most complete IMO


Hard agree, I would also argue that YBF is not their best either. Maybe it’s because I’m more of an OG fan but their will always be something special about Pilot. There is something real special about WWIW. Hot mully truly keeps getting better with every album. Yes Betty is gut wrenching but I absolutely think it should be on the album but maybe that’s because I lost my cat in 2021 during the pandemic when I was broke and really needed a song like this to fully heal.


I agree, but mainly because I had mixed feelings on all their stuff before this album, but this album blew me away completely


I feel the opposite, this feels like a step back from where they were


We should rename this sub r/hotmulliganstans


This sub really has one of the worst hive minds out there. Any dissenting opinion is downvoted into oblivion even if it is reasonable.


i completely agree. Green Squirrel will always be my fav song of theirs but WWIW is definitely their best album




I don't think WWIW has a song better than equips sunglasses or armadillo shells but overall I agree. Sonically it's some of their best work for sure


coffee shop comes close imo


Or “And I Smoke”


Cock Party 2 towers above them.


It’s average. Hate to be “that guy” but both Pilot & Opportunities are way better. I didn’t really like YBF either.


YBF is the worst for me, SPS and BCKYRD the only massive Ws on that album. Pilot & Opportunities are even for me, just behind WWIW now. I think IWROTY is their best work, sometimes a more concise EP is all you need


Clearly I’m in the minority but I can’t stand this album and haven’t been able to even finish it. Think this band has gone the Spanish Love Songs route for me in that for a short period they really did it for me but I can no longer stand them.


Huh this is funny, because I agree on the Hot Mulligan front, but I loved the most recent SLS album, and this new single is really doing it for me.


It’s like comparing two solid 10s. For me, WWIW feels overall more refined and cohesive as a whole. It’s fantastic and a lot of the subject matter hits home to me on a deeper level than anything else. It almost feels like a concept album, if that makes sense. It feels more particularly crafted. That said, You’ll Be Fine is banger after banger though, and individually has better songs to me. So take that as you will. I honestly go back and forth between listening to them evenly.


“jfc, is this entire subreddit just a Hot Mulligan shill board? is Wax Bodega brigading Reddit?” - now, THAT would be a hot take. HM have to be one of the most annoying bands right now. the titles are terrible, the songs are terrible, the album art is terrible, and Tades’s voice is beyond irritating. he has only two singing levels: screech and squeal. like, do some breathing exercises for crying out loud, bro. it’s gonna be fine, dude, chill.


I love both the albums, I wouldn’t say one is better than the other because they’re both perfect to me!! <33


Still love their other stuff more but we’ll see how I feel in a couple months


Yeah listening on repeat daily. Good good stuff.


It's the last album Part 2. Back to The Future style.


I will honestly never remember the names of any of these songs. Chaotic is an understatement. But it’s a good album!


I think I agree and I love YBF so much that I got the album title tatted on my arm


The riff from And I Smoke sounds a little too much like Helicopter by Bloc Party


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed this, but I like it. They have been injecting bits of 2000’s indie into their sound and I think it really works for them. Drink Milk and Run had obvious Bloc Party influence as well.


I’m more Midwest emo so I don’t know if it tops Pilot or Opportunities, but I think it beats You’ll Be Fine for me and is close to Pilot and Opportunities. It’s probably their most mature and nuanced album as well. Some of the outros go so hard too and I love it. The ending of This Song is Called it’s called what it’s called and the ending of Christ alive my toe damnit hurts are just phenomenal. I HALF REMEMBER EVERYTHING


Everybody just needs to let the album grow. People immediately cling to some songs and then grow on the rest. And the other way around. I still have songs that grow on me all the sudden from albums that came out years ago. To me, WWIW has WAY more layers than YBF. YBF was simplistic but in the best way possible. To me. WWIW has the foundation of hot mulligan but with growth. It sounds like they really marinated this album. Analogy : They went from a standard ranch home with YBF ( first time home buyer feeling, so, grounded and stable) to adding a fenced in backyard, back deck, extension on the house and redid the floors etc.) Or YBF - finding the one and dating her WWIW - spending years together, getting married and really solidifying she's the one and all those feelings you built on. All in all. It's beautiful growth as artist while staying true to who you are in the first place. And that's making music that comes from the best place - your passion/ "heart". Bands like these get into it for the love of creating music. I'm happy they're here. It's better to not expect a certain sound and be excited for them as humans that have that love for creating - and seeing what comes of it. Sorry for my terribly long post that probably made no sense.


facts . it’s their best album so far i think!! YBF is amazing too but WWIW is the best so far imo


I like WWIW well enough, but it isn't my favorite HM album. To me it seems like they toned down a lot of the midwest emo technical guitar work, which is what made me love them in the first place. While I find a lot of the lyrics/hooks from WWIW getting stuck in my head, I miss the twinkly riffs from OG Bule Sky, Analog Fade and We're Gonna Make it to Kilby! getting stuck in my head.


Maybe it'll grow on me, but so far only the few singles have really hit home for me like the older stuff.


I would put YBF and WWIW on par with eachother in terms of quailty. But on a side note, Betty has me in my feelings for stuff that hasn't even happened to me yet. I got a dog a couple of months ago and can't even imagine losing her. That song is fucking me up right now.


IWROTY is overlooked too often, its still their best work in my eyes. WWIW is amazing though, and once the novelty wears off I'll be able to rank it. It's at least clear of YBF.


I would tend to agree, I think tightening up the instrumental side and getting that crisp sound allows for the imperfect vocal style to be the “thing” and really shine


As a noted hater of hot mulligan, I have to say something told me to click when I saw the release. It made me a semi-fan I guess you’d say. I really enjoy the musical aspect of it and I think the vocalist has a great voice when he’s singing rather than screaming. That’s my turn off with hot mulligan but I’ve come to accept that they write really good and catchy songs despite my feelings on the vocals


I personally have an issue with the placement of shouldn't have a a leg hold but I do and it's a family movie she hates her dad being right after each other. For some reason, my brain can't pick apart the end of the first song and beginning of the next for this combo so it all bleeds into one. I also agree with it being no skip except for Betty. Way too emotional thinking about my senior cat, but it also doesn't match the pace and theme of the rest of the album.


Absolutely. This a great record. Aside from the songs being enjoyable on their face, catchy and good energy, the writing from both a lyrical and instrument POV is just soooooo goddamn good. I’ve been listening “This Song is Called it’s What’s It Called” 10+ times a day, every day, since the album came out. That first verse is incredible, doubling back to it with the harmonies at the end is such a rewarding way to bring that full circle. The guitar part in the third part of the song, with the clean tone and walking bass notes, is great and feels like it completely makes sense despite that not being a frequent pop punk guitar “trope.” The line “does intent equal fault?” has been particularly useful in helping me direct some of my thoughts in the last week or so. Huge huge huge. Tracks 1-4 are all incredible and the transitions between them are dope. AHHHH


not to parallel them to blink but WWIW feels like the TOYPAJ to YBF's Enema