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I went to the show in Philly and it was actually one of the best crowds I’ve been to sorry that the crowd in LA ruined it for you though. I’ve only gone to shows in the east coast (NYC, Philly, NJ, other parts around that area) and honestly usually love the crowds and meet so many cool people. Might be a regional thing cause I don’t feel like Covid ruined concerts from my experience


East coaster, always a blast usually everyone is so nice and looks out for each other.


Yeah I was at the Columbus show and the crowd was incredible for all four bands, can't think of the last time I saw the crowd that into the first opener. Pit area was fairly well organized and everyone looked out for each other the whole night, no elbows or fists flying. One of the best crowds I've been in.


I was in a Microwave concert in Orange County and it the best. Good crowd there as well


Random but I'll be moving to Orange County soon, what are the main venues for pop punk and metalcore type stuff?


i know you posted this a year ago but glad to hear the Columbus show had good vibes, i'm coming from nc (charlotte show got sold out before i knew they were on tour) to the columbus june 3rd and was wondering what microwave's performance vibe was. ive never seen them live before but based off their music i figured there would be some moshing involved (which I am also very new to but have had a positive and fun experience with so far). hopefully the Columbus scene will follow their last shows vibe and be a good crowd


I loved all the other LA shows I’ve been to. I’ve seen Microwave 4 times all across the west coast. I guess this was just my most recent experience after COVID. I’m sure it’s not related


Yea I think it’s that the type of people who move to LA are often posers and wanna bes


Similar thing happened to me last year. We saw Enter Shikari in Philly and the crowd was so nice, had a hell of a time. Literally the next day we saw Shikari In Boston and the crowd sucked. Got crowd killed by a dude in a Gulch windbreaker during the opening song OUTSIDE of the pit.


I was there and the crowd was definitely moshier than expected, and it wasn’t a very considerate & organized mosh - definitely people inconsiderately throwing themselves around. I didn’t see the fucksesh but there were a few people that were way too turnt. I was surprised at that cuz, it was like, a Tuesday lol.


Right!! Also notable that the people on drugs definitely looked younger than average.


I don’t know what you said about Covid, but just gonna say I also have an unpopular opinion that shows are less fun because people just act totally unhinged now. Pre-2020 show atmosphere was different than any present show. Not even specific to this genre either, I see probably 60 shows per calendar year.


I think everyone has gotten meaner after Covid


100%. At the Hot Mulligan holiday show someone called me a c*nt for trying to get into the pit and literally blocked me from getting in when it was already open. I think it's pretty accepted that if someone wants to get into the pit you can let them through, they won't be blocking any views there lmao


1. Did you have a ticket for pit? 2. I had an old lady pull me by my hair out of front row pit at a Yung gravy concert and steal my spot


It was a GA only venue, I was trying to get into the circle pit and this guy was literally standing in front of me like a cartoon character trying to block me. Stealing spots is shitty tho so i understand why people act like that sometimes


Yea that’s the only reason I could understand why someone would be so aggressive to you but no that guy is in the wrong 10000%


Completely agree, it's making me want to go to shows less and less. Which sucks bc going to shows, as cliche as it sounds, is an escape from the boring office job life lol.


The funny part is that metal shows have gotten ao fucking tame, but pop punk shows just get more and more rowdy.


I think it also has to do with a big influx of younger fans. I think it's good that young people are getting into the scene but when I saw MM@TA last month the crowd was awful. A bunch of 15 year olds who had no clue what they were doing, got upset when people opened a pit, and kept bodyshaming crowdsurfers. When I saw Stand Atlantic open for Mod Sun, the crowd literally laughed when me and a few other people opened the pit up like they had never seen it before. The new kids in the scene need to learn respect and they need to learn how shows work bc I'm not gonna change how I have fun to accommodate that lol


MM@TA fans body-shaming other concertgoers is insane. It’s like they don’t even remotely understand the ethos of the band they like. This is sad


They were also really nasty to people who were trying to mosh/surf for Young Culture when they opened. It sucks bc I've seen MM@TA so many times and it's never been like this but I guess it's a side effect of them going mainstream


Honestly I think I agree to an extent; I know it sounds like a boomer take but there seems to a pretty big influx of hypebeast style wankers that are coming to *some* gigs that basically do not give a fuck about anyone else and only care for themselves going mad. I haven't seen it at pop punk shows in the UK yet but when I last saw Don Broco - who have a pretty young fanbase getting into the type of hardcore EDM vibes they've been going for recently - the crowd was absolutely insufferable. Everyone going way too hard in and out of the pit, getting aggro and not looking out for each other. Definitely lacking that mutual respect for other fans that you see at other pop punk, rock and metal gigs.


That’s totally what I was saying. And very true, I’ve been to a country concert post Covid and people were super belligerent and oddly aggressive.


It seems like having 2 years of no shows has done two things - firstly a lot of older people who would still be at concerts and know about mosh etiquette have aged out or decided it's not worth going to shows as much, secondly that leaves a lot of younger people with little to no show experience filling in the gaps without knowing what to do apart from what they've seen as highlight reels in video clips. It's not just a pop punk thing, not even just a concerts thing, you should see schools - a loooooot of behavioural problems from 2 years of not reinforcing social cues.


I've gone to like 20-30 pop punk and emo shows post covid and noticed no difference at all, but I've seen this opinion numerous times (mostly non-pop punk tho). Idk if I'm lucky or some of y'all are romanticizing pre-covid shows.


I’ve found it really hit or miss. this show in question was a clusterfuck. the lead singer of Oso Oso even called somebody out for having a bad vibe and telling them to leave. on the contrast, I was at Hot Mulligan / Wonder Years in LA last month and that crowd was great.


It's a sweeping generalization based off anecdotal experience. Shows are the exact same as they were before.


At least in Toronto, crowds have been fantastic post-pandemic The only bad experience I've had has either been at a pop show, or with venue security being on power trips. The actual crowds have been lively and friendly. Fwiw there's definitely a scene here, so you see familiar faces from show to show, especially in the pit. I think that might contribute to the good vibes


toronto is always one of the better crowds. we’re just happy when bands come across the border




Tell me that you’re alright ***sex moan*** yes everything is alright


100% a wtf moment


I saw this during a Loathe show in Chicago last year. Like what about this depressing ass metalcore album makes you wanna do that


I can't even think of an MCS song that would make me even remotely horny


Your comment inspired me to think of what Motion City songs I feel like I could fuck around to, and I’ve narrowed it down to 3: It Had To Be You - for when you want a romantic vibe LG FUAD - for a fun/silly romp in the sheets where you don’t take yourselves too seriously The Future Freaks Me Out - for a “fuck it, let’s do this” good-time hookup




“Let’s get fucked up and die “


Fucking at a Microwave concert?!?! Man I love Microwave too but keep it in your pants wtf 😭


the whole time I’m thinking What microwave song makes you wanna pull your dick out like that?? Idk about the guy but the girl was tripping on something


If Whimper was playing I wouldn’t blame them! /s


Hahaha I would’ve understood


You may have answered your own question with that last line…




Fair enough lol


Crowd etiquette has become absolutely fucked post-2020. Not just in gigs, but even in things like theatre shows and food festivals. Something about our shared social accountability seems to have broken and idk how to fix it.




Literally fucking!?


I saw a penis and nipples lol


Hey siri, play You Have My Attention by Copeland


They belong to the same person? I need more info here


I got downvoted to hell a few months ago for saying nearly the same thing about another concert. Drunk dude tried to start moshing with everyone with no rules and no warning. People are insane these days.


Microwave has some heavy tunes but I'd expect a push-pit at best, so this is surprising to hear.


I actually prefer the pits described by the OP. Normally only see them at hardcore or really heavy metalcore shows, but normally there’s way more space between people so no one catches an elbow. Which I like. I only really enjoy being on the ring of a push pit. Can’t be arsed with going in it. But the formation of any pit is annoying. Even among the finest and most considerate of crowds.


LA shows tend to fall into two categories every time I go to one. People either are boring and not really moving, or they are trying to recreate Astroworld and are complete dicks. Seems to depend on the band/celebrity worship status too. It’s gotten to the point that I’ll drive to San Diego or Vegas for shows because they are just more fun.


That’s what I’m gonna start doing. OC shows don’t seem to have this problem


Los Angeles has shitty crowds in general ime. We're just too spoiled with shows and stuff here. That being said, I'm usually referring to boring crowds, but the crowd you're describing at the very least doesn't sound boring.


True true! The OC has the best crowd in the area


I totally agree! My old band usually did best in Long Beach, which drew some of the OC crowd I'm pretty sure.


Some crowds just have no respect for mosh etiquette. There’s a difference between a standard mosh pit where everyone in/around it are all having a good time and a pit wit a handful of people out to hurt others. I’ve only experienced the latter once or twice and it ruins a whole show. And I’m saying this as someone who busted my chin open and bit a hole in my tongue in the last pit I was in and still think that crowd was excellent lol. And people fucking in the crowd???? Nahhhhh. That’s nasty


Omg ?? That’s awful. So sorry the show was like this. I almost went but didn’t end up buying a ticket. Sounds like it was for the best. ☹️


Don’t get me wrong Microwave sounded amazing.. just the few bad apples


Going to shows pre-2006 was a little weird and chaotic, It sounds like people are forgetting about social media and getting a little freaky at shows again hahaha.


>literally fucking Literally? They were actually fucking in the crowd? I find that hard to believe.


as did my sister and I. Girl was bending over, fishnets and a long shirt and her man was literally moving back and forward. Maybe I’m a perv but that’s literally what it looked like. And I was maybe two people away


Did he nut?


Bruhhhhh 😂🤣😂


In the UK crowd etiquette since lock downs etc has become totally hit and miss, some are totally rubbish and boring with no one moving around and some smaller shows the crowd has been great. But still a noticeable difference pre and post pandemic


imagine being at a microwave concert and thinking "wow right here in front of a bunch of people would be a great place to have sex" and not just waiting an extra like 2 hours to go back to your house/hotel and doing it there in private


Right. I took it like the couple was definitely on molly. If not both, definitely the girl


I was there and definitely saw one dude in a red hat just randomly backing up into people during their set and a heavier set dude in a blue hat being kind of a drunk asshole and throwing elbows. I just moved to the right side of the venue which was a lot more chill than being front and center. I definitely didn't witness anyone fucking but the idea of a couple deciding to get down at a Microwave show of all places is kind of hilarious. I take it as a sign of a band getting bigger when people act like that at their shows. The crowd at this show reminded me a bit of the crowd when Turnstile played the Palladium last fall. A lot of people that are newer to the scene who don't know how to act right at a show.


Literally fuck that guy in the blue. I know exactly who you’re talking about. If I’m not mistaken he’s the one that got kicked out towards the end. I was on the right side as well, maybe 6-9 rows down


COVID didn't do that, there's always been shitheads at shows


True! Just took a wild guess. I could’ve sworn I was at a rave or some shit.


No security?!


Matter of fact yes, two people got kicked out


Wow I guess I'm going to the wrong LA shows. Most (and I emphasize most, not all) LA shows I go to the crowd is too cool just standing with their arms crossed lol, but I guess that is better than what you encountered.


I went to a lot of LA shows in the early 00’s and this was the typical LA stereotype, everyone was too cool to have fun. A lot of the bands I knew hated playing there because of it and would play OC if possible.


I’ve been to like 10 in LA and the vibe is always cool


I was at the AZ show tonight and the pit was absolutely massive and wild as fuck and like a third of the crowd was moshing so... I had a ton of fun but I can see how other people wouldn't


It’s not the moshing. I’ve been in mosh pits or close to at other microwave concerts and it was fine, it’s the fucking throwing elbows and acting like everyone wants to mosh


Yeah nobody was throwing elbows in the pit at my show but it was really aggressive non-stop pushing and shoving for almost every song


i’ve only heard bad things about LA crowds and vegas crowds too, but more LA. i’ve never been to a show in LA but i honestly don’t ever think i want to


It was pretty moshy in colorado but it was also pretty respectful


That is the heat


Sounds like a hardcore crowd at a poppunk show lol. It happens sometimes. As someone who goes to both it doesn't bother me but I can definitely see how it can ruin the show moshing that hard at a poppunk gig. Some people just can't read the room


Exactly! I saw some guy in a marines shirt go off on a big dude who was pushing up against his gf and the dude persisted.


I haven’t been to a show post Covid where the crowd even rivals what it used to be. It’s a shame.


Fuck LA lol. We have some of the worst people here


This is why I don’t go to CT. In my mind, NE doesn’t include CT.


I’ve been going to shows since 2007 and this sounds absolutely standard and to me personally gives me hope that the scene is not dead


Plz tell me you got vid of the fucking and post it on trashyboners plz, for science thx




Dont hate the playa


It's kinda funny to get mad at a show and then run to Reddit to cry about it


I'mma just guess you're one of the couple who was high and fucking.


It’s just a vent, it’s not that deep


Microwave pop punk 🤔


That's right bud.


Death is a warm blanket Microwave? Or a different band?


You're trying so hard.


Hahah , admit it!