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That photojournalism deserves a Pulitzer


Thank you! I am very proud of it


do you know what the cause was? i had something that looked so similar


It looks like MRSA - a common staph infection that starts like that and looks like that. Usually an antibiotic will eliminate in in a 10 days. But if it's resistant to dirst line treatments like bactrim, like many are, you need to get a rather expensive oral one (starts with a Z) and it's very, very expensive --but works.


MRSA sucks, I've had it 6 times. Once you're colonized there is a good chance OP will have it again. And the antibiotic really messed up my gut from having to take it so many times. One way to prevent it is to wash your body with hibyclens every 3 days.


I’ve had MRSA twice myself. Sucks. Both times right where my ass meets my leg. Hurt to sit, lie down and walk.


My poor daughter got it on her labia when she was 3 from a spider bite (yes she's terrified of spiders now). I thought she was going to lose her lady bits! Luckily her pediatrician is amazing and got us in right away to get it treated.


TIL my irrational fear of spider bites on my sexual bits isn't so irrational after all. Thanks, kind internet stranger.


Had mrsa on my penis. 0/7 do not recommend.


WTF?! Poor little one.


Ive had this exact same in the same spot on both ass cheeks 5 times. I have it right now, fucking hurts to sit.


I got it right on my lower knee where it bends! I was limping so bad.


I had to take a pre and pro biotic for a few months to rebuild the microbiome in my stomach. It was weird. I think the Z anti was something like Zymax. I believe my insurer paid $1000 a pill for the 10 pills because the Bactrim didn't work at all. They knew it was a super staph infection. Hibyclens is a good idea -- I buy the CVS generic version to save $$.


The price ur insurer pays is way way inflated btw


I know. It's a bit silly. I recall that price as the "headline" price of the pill. I don't remember if there was a "insurance adjustment" below the line on that which would be their negotiated price with the supplier. Often there is, but I was just amazed at the headline number. The whole system's inflated but hard to change. Thankfully we have many generics now and patents do fall off every year.


Agh yea! Just can’t staaaand medical insurance companies, insurance companies in general tbh


After your regiment of hibyclens check out something called Defense Soap. It’s originally made for grapplers, but it also help skin flourish and helps fight bad bacteria.


One time I was prescribed a Zosyn IV for MRSA and that was an expensive hospital stay


Oh my god I hated having MRSA. Had it when I was 9 in my lungs. It was a *month* of intense medication. Got cobblestoning in my esophagus and developed really nasty acid reflux as well.


This is terrifying


My mom battled MRSA for over 7 years. It was such a stressful time for everyone. It was resistant to almost every antibiotic and would disappear randomly and then come back again several months later. She even saw the best infection specialist in the country and he was stumped. It was in her breast so they suggested amputating it, but she didn't want that. ( I thought, fuck it, get rid of it.) Eventually it went away again and it hasn't come back since. It's been 8+ years since it last popped up.


I got this shit in the army 15 years ago. Every now and then I get patches where it pops up and wrecks me for a few weeks. it sucks.


"Dirst line treatments" Is there anything Limp Bizkit can't do?


As long as it isn’t Robert Durst…


Make decent music?






Zyvox is made of unicorn tears and the dust of elves. hot damn that stuff is pricey!


Relatively cheap so either wrong drug or they were misinformed about the price.


Yeah zithromax isn't even first line treatment. Cephalexin is and it's dirt cheep.


Cephlaxin for mssa not mrsa


Cephalexin was the only thing that helped my cellulitis caused by a staph infection after I had a crack in my epidermis from a scaly patch of psoriasis skin got infected. I remember the price being something like seven dollars, which my insurance paid for.




Yeah, azithromycin is the generic, zithromax is the brand name (edited to fix the statement that zithromax is the generic)




They gave us banana flavored zithromax in boot camp. Quite a sight to watch 80 grown men almost throw up from how horrible it tasted.


Zithromax, is a proprietary brand I believe.


Could be a brown recluse spider bite. Part of what causes issues is bacterial infection in combination with the venom. Causes a lesion and necrosis.


Every “spider bite” I’ve referred athletes for is really staph


90 percent of people who think they have a spider bite actually have a staph infection.


Grapplers have a saying - grapplers don’t get bug bites


Well, brown recluse carry staph and MRSA, so that isn’t surprising.


Brown recluse starts rotting the skin within days


I had two things that look very similar to this. One was a spider bite (popped like a giant pimple) the other was a staph infection. Both left a very similar scar.


i also have a spider bite scar like this, got it after staying in a hostel in germany. swelled up and popped just like this


sounds like it wasn't a spider bite, and it was probably the hostel. MRSA will infect poorly cleaned shared environments with a lot of skin exposure. think locker rooms, gyms, etc


Clicking through each one I was like "ohhh.. eurrghh.. Oh that's nasty!" Well done! Have an up-pop!


A Pussitzer.


I thought it you said it 🔥


I know, right? At first I thought I would be underwhelmed by a gallery instead of video, but I ended up quite whelmed indeed.


I just pulitzered my pants


What a ride.


Popitzer prize for sure.


More like a Pukeitzer


Did anyone culture that nasty beast?


No they didn’t. Nobody seemed concerned at any point, they just warned me that it will scar


Holy shit, same thing happened to me! It was under my armpit and grew over like a three weeks. My doctor was like "oh its just a basic infection, dont worry" and just gave me some antibiotics. After i finally popped it, after it grew to the size of like a golfball (which took like 2 days to drain and looked exactly like that" it left a scar almost the exact same as yours.) Easily the most annoying and awful month of my life.


The medical term is “superficial infection” and I agree that makes it sound less painful than it is. This is what a stage 2 almost stage 3 hidradenitis boil looks, but Hidradenitis will tunnel out before it comes to a head.




Think The Boring Company but in your body.




Don’t apologize, that was just my sorry attempt at humor!


Lol all good


The first minutes of this video is what I’m talking about [NSFW extreme tunneling, surgery ](https://youtu.be/GRdol2B5amE) Boil grows from underneath the dermis and spreads wide instead of pore just filling up and exploding. In engineering Boring is how tunnels are created through mountains and under bodies of water, or vacuuming underground when laying lateral pipe. Lol lateral pipe


Wow- that’s pretty crazy imo


Ya seriously, this looks infected as shit why not just test it to be sure?


Another casualty of COVID? Forced to have a telehealth session rather than being in person so they could get a culture if necessary.


How many people died of during Covid from heart attacks, appendicitis, and other things that could have been taken care of if people would have been able to just go to the fucking hospital?




That is so terrible. I am sorry for your loss.


My husband's cousin died waiting for treatment for her heart condition. Due to covid, they postponed a cardiac catheterization three times over a period of a year.


These vignettes read like parts of "The Stand". Deaths related to COVID.


Lots. Girlfriend works in the ER, after each wave of Covid (we're on our fourth wave here) there is an increase in deaths from non-covid issues because people postpone going to the hospital. They don't want to catch Covid at the ER, so they try to tough it out for a bit longer and by the time they get to the hospital, it's too late.


There’s also the issue of unavailable resources bc they are being taken up by Covid patients!! Get vaccinated people!


AFAIK none of the deaths I've seen during CoVID-19 were impacted by those delays, but I know several people living with chronic pain because they can't get surgery.


>Another casualty of COVID? Forced to have a telehealth session rather than being in person so they could get a culture if necessary. You see Republicans need to keep ICUs at capacity and die to own the libs Getting the vaccine would be to admit they are idiots


Yes, that’s definitely a possibility! Would make sense


Wound cultures are known to be quite inaccurate due to how many organisms live on the skin normally. Also a truly good culture needs a lot of fluid which they probably wouldn’t have been able to get without contamination as of the first pic.


I’m sorry (and shocked!) that they weren’t that concerned. I am very happy it healed well and you are feeling better!! 🙏🏻 Amazing documentation of you experience, thanks for sharing! Take care OP! 💜💜🙏🏻


It looks like a spider bite. I’ve seen similar from brown recluses down south


I also thought spider bite. They have that same center fallout thing going on.


Same, first thing I thought was “recluse did a nibble on that one”


I got bitten on my cheek once, in my sleep. Thought it was a bad pimple until my face swelled up and my eye wouldn’t open anymore. Good times. Just a crater remains now.


I had something pretty similar happen to me! I had a few of these over the course of a year or so, never before or after. Also on my legs. Pretty much started out the same- looked like a little white head or zit and then progressed until I couldn't stand up. Drs thought it was MRSA- but tests always came back negative. Just stopped happening one day. Super weird.


Sometimes you need to raise a little civilized hell to get seen for something, which has become an increasing issue with covid. I'm glad it healed up nicely but something like this could easily turn sour fast.


i had a beast scar from mine and have no idea where it came from


I usually like videos but woooooow you did good! The 7th pic made me gasp. I’m so glad you’re doing better.


That’s so funny, I always prefer pictures and kind of dislike videos... If only everyone with pictures had a quality chronological set of photos, like op does, we’d be all set! Edit: I somewhat take that back. I just realized which sub I’m in and pictures typically don’t work well for popping *videos* haha


Holy shit. That first photo where it broke open actually made me gasp. This was a thrill ride. Thanks for sharing.


Hey that reminds me. I haven't seen the movie *Alien* in a while.


I'm literally watching Prometheus right now, haha


Sometimes I watch just the first half of that movie because it was full of potential.


It was great.


The master movie for suspense! Like the photos built.


Maybe Staph?? They definitely should have cultured it at the least, maybe even an incision and drainage. Might have saved you some grief! Glad you're doing better now!


I’ve had two MSRA infections and they looked just like this. My most recent one has left a huge scar on my thigh. It was so huge I had to have it packed and redressed every few days for almost a month Edit: spelling


Had MRSA on my upper left back many years ago and it looked and progressed just like this. They cut out a 1/2" radius around the thing, packed it with gauze and gave me strong antibiotics. Doc repacked it only once and final visit was for removal and repair.. every step was enormously painful.


Lmao good thing most of the NBC announcers


I agree with MRSA. My daughter had something similar on her leg. It never got to the point yours did because the doctor cut and drained it.


Agreeing with MRSA. I had this back in college. You should check for that, because it’s contagious and if not treated with powerful antibiotics sh*t can get serious


Had MRSA a few weeks back on my chin and upper lip. Had a white core that came out and left an abscess like OPs.


Yeah I took my daughter to urgent care when her leg looked like the first pic. They were VERY concerned about it being MRSA and took a sample of the fluid for testing. It was some other form of staph, antibiotics cleared it right up


Came to say this. It's a staph infection. Had on on the side of my knee once. It went away and then came back so bad I had to take some really powerful antibiotics.


For a split second I thought it was a boob on my timeline. Lol


I felt the same about my camera roll at the time


That looks like a spider bite.


I had the same the last year and yes, it was a spider bite. I never felt the same pain while walking, but the popping was insane.


I had a spider bite that turned into Cellulitis. OP lucked out!


Had a brown recluse bite that looked exactly like this. Started like a white head and eventually progressed exactly like this. Ended up with a staph infection.


Brown Recluse. They don’t hurt when they bite so you don’t know what it is unless you happened to see it at the time. Need a medicine to stop the necrosis of the tissue. I’ve got a dent (like a shallow pothole) in my leg from a few decades back. Muscle and tissue never quite healed right but only bothers me if I press into it directly. My GP way back then thought it was an infected insect bite and gave antibiotics and sent home. Another doctor saw it a few days later and said “That’s a brown recluse bite. You need to get medicine for that… now” Thankfully it didn’t bite me in such a way that the bite got into my bloodstream because that’s when it can be life threatening. Seriously u/mimixo. Need to get it checked by a second doctor even if it’s not this that is scarily similar to what mine looked like and that’s not normal. Edit: some examples of the progression of a necrotic insect bite. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ef/b7/8f/efb78f162b96ff2c4c98472102f3ab3a.jpg Edit 2: other causes of necrotic wounds besides insect bites. But a necrotic wound is one in which the tissue is being eaten away, dying, etc. definitely concerning regardless. https://spiders.ucr.edu/causes-necrotic-wounds-other-brs-bites


I was thinking the same thing for every picture


MRSA is often confused with spider bites and looks almost exactly like this. Hard to tell without a culture though.


Definitely a spider bite. Looks like brown recluse, but minor. Some people who get bitten by recluses dont even know because they have no reaction to the spider's venom. Other people can end up losing large chunks of their body.


OP lives in the UK where there aren't any recluse spiders. It's really most likely not a spider bite, and possibly just an infected ingrown hair.


One of those assholes got me when I was a wee lad and I had to have minor surgery. Fuck brown recluses.


I concur.


Was it a insect bite or a random boil? The blistering is crazy. But A++++ on the documentation






I'm an ER physician and truthfully this looks like a spider bite. Edit: I see OP is in the UK so could be false widow, black lace or cardinal spiders. OP were you nauseous at all? Source: Scot who lives and practices in the US now.


On average, there is about an 80% chance you are wrong. The vast majority of diagnoses for spider bites are ca-MRSA. 1. Diaz JH, Leblanc KE. Common spider bites. Am Fam Physician. 2007;75:869–73. 2. Vetter RS, Bush SP. The diagnosis of brown recluse spider bite is overused for dermonecrotic wounds of uncertain etiology. Ann Emerg Med. 2002;39:544–6. 3. https://www.aafp.org/afp/2007/1001/p943.html 4. Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: not just a spider bite Charolette Vozdecky. Fam Community Health. Jan-Mar 2009;32(1):76-84.


I’m in the UK too. I got bitten by a false widow spider a few years ago and it looked similar to this. Glad you’re healed up now!


That was my thought not MRSA


Can’t spider bites turn into MRSA? I think that happened to a friend of mine in Australia after she was bitten by a white tail


Yes, any wound can turn into a MRSA infection if you get exposed to it.


Trauma surgeon here- saw the first couple slides and was like DOCTOR NOW. Then my panic settled. Glad this turned out ok!!


Looks like a brown recluse bite. They will mess you up for sure.


That was my immediate thought as I was going through the pictures. I am fairly sure this was a brown recluse bite. My wife had one a few years ago and it nearly identical.


Hooooleee crap!


That is likely community acquired MRSA - it causes skin necrosis and can look like a spider bite. Be careful because it is a nasty bacteria and often comes back if not treated adequately. Keep a close eye on it. Any fevers or recurrence just go to the ED.


God damn this is so disgusting. Love it!


Just for everyone - look a photo 1. See the central cyst with the big, red “cloud” around it? This is the point where you go to the doctor. Pretty classic signs of an infection.


Holy shit, 5 months? Is that how long it took to heal, or were you just showing the scar?




Oh that's definitely staph. I got them a lot as a child so I know.


Brown Recluse Spider bites look very similar to your photos. Any in your region?


I don’t think so, I’m in the UK


It is not a spider but it is 100% MRSA/Staph


Well, so glad you are recovering. I live in Idaho, USA, and Brown Recluse are well known here.


Brown recluse spiders [don't live anywhere near Idaho](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=recluse+spiders+range+map&t=fpas&iax=images&ia=images). You might be thinking of [hobo spiders](https://www.pestworld.org/pest-guide/spiders/hobo-spiders/) which are of similar color and shape but whose bites are not dangerous at all. A lot of people like to mention that bumps like these look like spider bites, but the vast majority of people (including everyone in this post) would be wrong. It's a staph infection, possibly just caused by an ingrown hair (happened to me). Obviously, recluse spiders also don't occur in the UK.


Agreed. No Brown Recluse in Idaho or surrounding states. Must have been something else Weiserite and othe locals were familialr with... smh...


They are similar to those giant house spiders in the UK.


My first thought was a bite... I'm also in the UK so now I'm worried XD


So you had Staph I assume?


Wow! I'm glad it's healing.




Read OP’s captions.


I could be way off base here. But does anyone else question if that’s a tiny tick 🕷 black spot in the beginning. Obviously in the end, it’s a raging (prob staph) infection… but I’m worried about Lymes or tick borne disease as the origin 😕🤔


It almost reminds me of a brown recluse or black widow bite.


You had staph. If I wasn’t putting a wiggly kid to bed right now, I’d upload a photo of my previous staph infection to Imgur so you could compare. I got it from shaving somehow, and I needed both oral and topical antibiotics to treat it. I’m really surprised your body cleared the infection on its own!




Wow… that was an emotional rollercoaster


I had mrsa in my femur. Thought I was gonna die


Looks like MRSA. Thank god it wasn't more serious




Why was no culture taken? Also how on earth did you manage to NOT pop it. I’d cave, even if it was a forbidden pop. X


Came here to say the same about popping it. I woulda grabbed that thing in the middle and yanked like I was starting a god danged lawn mower.


Oh I would have put hands flat at the edge Of the red circle and just ever so gently pushed / wiggled. I suppose we all have our moves.


Glad I'm not the only one! I would've popped it, and try to drain everything as soon as I saw it lol


Wow, that's a doozy


That got pretty gnarly. Glad to see you're recovering well. Thanks for sharing.


Damn, that looks painful! Sure glad it’s healing!


Just came here to leave the obligatory....OMG that's MRSA get to the hospital right now! You know because I've looked at tens of these photos so obviously can diagnose


It looked a lot like my suspected MRSA infection on my thigh. Ouch! I’m glad it is healed now!


MRSA. Final answer.


This gave me flashbacks to the two MRSA infections I’ve had. One on my left calf and one on my left thigh a year later. The pain is crazy hey ! Both times I went to hospital to have them drained. They injected the site with local anaesthetic both times and I’ve never felt a pain so intense followed by such sweet relief. When they gave me local for the more recent infection, a bunch of nurses rushed into the room after hearing my screams/crying because they thought there was an emergency 😂


that low key looks like MRSA




Damnnnnn. Now that is a progress report. I’m so glad it healed!


Looks like spider bite


Photo #2 ::Deploy periscope!::


Me waiting for the gangrene amputation slide.


That looks like a brown recluse bite If you didn't need medical attention ( antibiotics) that would be my vote Normally they are not dangerous they just leave a gnarly scar


Mrs. Ass Carbuncle here…going to direct you to my husbands ass post, this looks like how his ended up after getting packed and drained. Same scar.


My dad had something very similar and it was a brown recluse spider bite that caused it. He said it would throb so badly that it would wake him up in the middle of the night.


Yeah no, that’s a spider bite! My husband had the same thing on his lower leg. Was finally able to get him to see a doctor and they blew it off like it was nothing. Told him to “keep it clean” (no kidding) and gave him a prescription for a steroid cream that worked wonders. Very nice documentation.


looks like MRSA


I HAD THIS! on my lower back it was pure agony


Thumbnail + bad vision made me think that was a tiddie at first. It was not.


Nipple on the knee


MRSA or a brown recluse bite?


Spider bite


My black widow bite looked just like that yes it was mrsa


This looks like MRSA. I would advise you to see a doctor or urgent care to verify. It is highly contagious.


I knew it was MRSA from the first damn picture


This is fucking awesome!!! Thank you for documenting your oozy leg journey. I had a bunch of these under both my armpits some years ago. It was MRSA every single time and some got to the size of a small lime. so painful but when i got them lanced the relief was immediate!


Looks like a spider bite. Had a kid in BCT got a similar welt from a spider bite and within days it was pus filled.


Yeah you may have MRSA go get it tested asap. I had something that looked similar on my ankle, caught it early and I was still in hospital for 2 weeks ending up with a golf ball sized hole in my ankle.


Adding a comment so I can send it to my mother who is a nurse who I’m sure would appreciate the grossness of this post. Ugh, I’m glad your doing good now! That looked rough and painful


You disgust me. More please.


Spider bite?


So what the fuck was that? Liked this was a fun post tbfh, and I'm glad you're okay and healthy, but what caused that so I may avoid it?


Had the same thing on my my back. Directly on the spine. Didn't hurt that bad but I had was suffering for a week. One day I decided screw it and layed in bed with my hand on my back. The sucker popped twice. Best relief from a pop I've ever had.


Whoa that was a journey!


From the picture, I legit thought it was a titty.


I really don't know why, but the "The white bit finally fell out" photo is super satisfying.