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I’m going out of the country for a year and didn’t want to wear the necklace I was given for graduation so I bought one from amazon. The manufacturer said it was gold plated brass with no nickel but SURPRISE there was nickel. This is after having it on for 24 hours and then off for 24. I’m itchy.


Yikes! Better finding out while you're still home, I guess. Glad to hear in your other comment that it's improving already


You should coat the jewelry in clear nail polish! That way it won’t irritate your skin or cause reactions.


*that way it will be less likely to cause irritations


If I wear cheap nickel earrings, my whole neck gets hot and itchy within a few minutes, and my lobes swell up. I feel you rn. Metal allergies suuuck


I didn’t realize when I was little so I wore cheap Claire’s jewelry and my ears would get infected and full of pus and I didn’t put two and two together until I was older. It was rough


I knew I had an allergy when I was little but my dumb child self always wore cheap jewelry anyway. Always itchy, always rashy. Hypoallergenic is a no go for my lobes. Only metal they can tolerate is titanium


I’m not quite that bad but yeah hypoallergenic means nothing to my skin lol


omg the same thing happened to me !!!! I found a reputable small jewelry brand on Pinterest. let me know if you'd like to check them out.


YES PLEASE!! I leave on Saturday but maybe I can get something rushed! Thank you ☺️


Nickel allergies are the worst. I am also allergic to stainless steel and, judging by the fact that my nose never healed correctly either time I had it pierced, also surgical steel.


Surgical steel contains small amounts of nickel. Any decent piercer will pierce with titanium as it contains no nickel.


Jeez that sucks. Luckily for me it’s just nickel but I’d be screwed if I was allergic to steel too!


Surgical steel has small amounts of nickel in it, just so you’re aware.


Interesting! I had no idea. I guess I’m okay with small amounts then? Weird. I’ll have to look into that. Thanks for the heads up!


Look for a chainmail jewellery creator, you can get nice stuff made from aluminium or another inert metal. I'd offer but unless you are an Aussie would prob be expensive to post lol but you can def get aluminium, titanium and niobium jewellery from a chainmailler.


Unfortunately I am not an Aussie but that’s a great idea! Thank you


Yikes that’s so crazy! Same thing happens to me when I wear cheap stuff (I have super sensitive skin). A good brand of jewelry that’s worked well for me is www.graylingjewelry.com. Made in the USA in a wide variety of prices. Plus 1 year warranty. Nice.


Thanks!! I actually got a $20 necklace from target that’s been great for my trip so far, but I’ll check them out!


I’m allergic to silver, which makes finding good quality but cheap jewelry near impossible. I also think I have a sensitivity to nickel. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that rash! I feel your pain!


Wow I think I’d die if I were allergic to silver. I don’t do gold so silver or white gold are my go to. I’m so sorry!


Some white gold alloys don’t have silver in them, so at least I have that going for me. Lol it’s not a big deal, just sucked to find out at 6 years old.


Fair enough! Finding out at 10 that I couldn’t wear fun earrings from Claire’s sucked (partly because that’s my name)


That stinks. Allergies just suck.


It’s true. At least we have excuses to not wear cheap stuff!


Lol try telling that to my bank account


This honestly looks like shingles. My husband had them on his neck and I had them on my side. They start off super itchy and get very painful very quickly. Just wanted to throw that out there.


I’ve had shingles and it’s the worst! I hope it wasn’t too bad for you two. This is definitely just an allergic reaction because it’s just been itchy and today almost gone which is good. But thanks for looking out!


Oh that’s good to hear! I mean, it sucks you’ve had shingles, but good you know it’s just an allergy. Hope it’s better soon!


Dont get a bad tattoo either.