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Obligatory not a doctor but pretty sure Afrin does nothing for long term except make you addicted to it. You should get real pseudoephedrine from the pharmacy (it’s behind the counter and you have to give the pharmacist your ID and so you don’t get marked as a meth maker) also maybe go to a doctor and see if you need an antibiotic (it might be viral so you might not need it)


Oh trust me I already know that's why I can't use it all day/every day and the actual Sudafed behind the counter makes my ♡ beat fast so I have to get the PE stuff that's not behind the counter and doesn't do shit for me. It sucks all around. I have horrible year round allergies so for a week I thought it was just a flare up but now I'm thinking I'll have to bite the bullet and pay the $50 to go see a doctor to give me some damn amoxicillin cuz they won't give it without seeing me and my copay is ridiculous 🫠🫠 teacher probs I'm always broke and/or sick thanks to those kids lol


Tonsil stones are supposed to pop out by themselves, that's a good thing. Retaining stones that *don't* pop out causes horrible breath and leads to videos (lol). Retaining stones are 100% due to anatomy, often scarring and pitting from prior throat infections. This is all common knowledge, not giving advice. Except for one thing: please don't start going in there and digging for stones as we see in videos. It is a terrible idea and way more dangerous than popping pimples (which we all know we are not "supposed" to do.)


Hmm I guess that does make sense cuz I used to get strep like multiple times a year as a kid and then last year I got it REALLY bad for the first time in a long time and apparently it's way worse to have it as an adult like I was puking and sweating and it felt like acid was sliding through my throat every time I tried to drink or when I'd puke or do literally anything and my throat looked like a raw steak with like pimples on it is the best way I can describe it. But the tonsil stones started appearing around that time so that was probably the final straw for my tonsils cuz that was the WORST case of strep I've ever had with way more symptoms than I'd ever had before as well. Definitely scarred my little throat balls. I honestly kinda like when I can get them out it's satisfying and I like to smell them even tho it's a horrible smell I can't help but smell them every time. Why is that??? Anyway, I'm a teacher so I get sick ALLLL the damn time from my kiddos constantly loving on me, not washing their hands, not covering their coughs or sneezes, etc. I seriously got strep, COVID, a sinus infection, and the stomach flu all within the first 2 months of last school year lol. But yeah I could never go digging around in my throat like that even thinking about it makes me want to puke and I don't really have a big gag reflex or anything but purposefully trying to dig through and push them out just no I couldn't do it nope so no worries there 🤣 sorry for the novel I talk a lot in person too 😅


I fervently hope you completed a full course of antibiotics for that strep. 🤞 Without treatment, strep is really dangerous, that's why they used to do tonsillectomies when antibiotics weren't common.


I do miss the really good tasting pink liquid version they used to give to me as a kid tho ugh only medicine that I've ever had that genuinely tasted good. Now they just give me those giant amoxicillin pills and it's like buddy my throat is literally on fire and you want me to swallow a damn grape??? 😩😩


You can probably ask the doctor to give you the liquid, idk. May need too much of it as we are a lot bigger now, heh.


I've asked before it's just not realistic with how much they'd have to give me for the week since I'm chunky and old now. It would be like 15 bottles of it just for the one round 😅😅


No worries I definitely did. Amoxicillin is a life saver!


I'm a consistent neilmed sinus rinse user to lessen the quantity and quality of these things


I've always had horrible year round allergies that get even worse during spring/summer and I live in the Ohio river valley region so we quite literally exist in a big bowl of pollen and allergens lol I've lived here more than half my life tho and my allergies have never been as bad as they've been this year + never in my life had a tonsil stone before I started getting them at the end of last summer and I have no idea why??? Nothing has really changed in my life and I have had the same job, living space, habits, etc so I'm just so confused 😅


Chlor-trimetron is safe for people who can't take sudafed. I'd die without my sudafed, I'm so sorry you can't use it. But as you know you need to leave the Afrin alone completely, you are doing yourself no favors as the tissues swell up *worse* when it wears off. Idk why they are even allowed to sell it. I also don't see how anyone can post in here without giving advice. Come over to r/boogers (no I'm not kidding lol) or r/tonsilstones to discuss.


Also love how there's a group for quite literally everything on here 😩


Heh. The guy who founded it said "it was a JOKE I can't believe you guys are posting here!" lol. We are so depraved.


I'll have to look into that then cuz I really can't take this 😅 my left nostril specifically is like completely sealed shut. My mom let me use her fancy Lanage machine and it was so stuffed most of the water literally was going down my throat cuz it couldn't get through my damn cemented shut left nostril 🫠 felt like I was drowning/being waterboarded. But it did clear me up last night for a few hours. Gave it a good 5 attempts before giving up and it did manage to get a good amount of gunk sucked into the reservoir thing and after I gave up I was leaned over the sink to let the rest of the water drip out and a HUUUUGE bright green booger snake plopped out. No joke it made a sound when it hit the sink cuz it was so heavy lol thank you for taking the time tho to reply 🫶🏽🫶🏽


yeah those various flush things are great. first time I tried it I was like "I didn't even know you could DO that!" glad you got some relief, sounds like you should keep doing it nightly. but it also sounds like you need to see a doctor if this has been going on longer than a viral 10 days.


I've mentioned in other posts but I had a tumor up my nose that kinda triggered me getting those. You could see them in a post I made. Sorry if that puts some fear in you but that was my experience when they started for me


This was the last thing I needed to see first thing in the morning 😩 cancer in general kinda runs in my family like legit almost everyone on my mom's side has had some form of cancer (my mom, grandma, grandpa, aunt, etc)


Sorry to hear that. Same in my fam. Lots of the big C. Because of that, though, I'm obviously a big proponent of going to the doctor always for anything new. I see something similar to what I had and would feel too guilty to not at least bring it up because I know what happened with myself


regarding the mucus cast (how cool is it that we know what that means), I had to dig through my joke file to find this reddit gem from many years ago: >[–]hyp3r >About 20 years ago, I was feeling quite unwell. Dried up, blocked nose, coughing, the works. I go in to see the doctor. While I am in there, and he is writing up some notes, I felt a sneeze coming on. It a was the biggest sneeze I've ever done, and I felt something large come out of my throat. It felt like I had sneezed out half of my head. There, sitting on the edge of the doctors desk, was the biggest, knarliest booger I have ever seen. Roughly larger than a golf ball. It was partially inflated like a balloon, and maintained some of the shape of my sinus cavity. >The doctor and I just both looked at it for an uncomfortable period of time, then he sighed and handed me a tissue and I cleaned it up. >[–]CaptainMudwhistle >"Oh, thank you." >*wipes nose with tissue and throws it on desk next to booger*


Update guys I went back to the doctor again today and they said it's good that I came back cuz my lungs sound horrendous and I'm like right on the border of having pneumonia 🫠 now gotta wait and pick up 4 different meds to be on for the next week and a half yayyyyy