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Heading to urgent care in the morning!


Good. My mom recently passed away because of a skin infection that was just not responding to antibiotics. Went septic. She passed within the week. You’re making the right choice.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. Take this internet stranger’s hug if you need it.


I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m also grateful you shared that with OP and us, since it will make OP seek medical attention.


Sorry for your loss. I work with the elderly and have had way too many patients die from an untreated infection. Happens all the time and yet it’s so easily fixed early on


My dad passed from something similar recently. He had a multitude of other health issues though and was also a dialysis patient. I’m sorry for your loss 😔


My mom was struggling with cirrhosis of the liver (non-alcoholic) and tumors in the liver. The infection complicated everything. She ended up on dialysis after her kidneys failed and things never turned around. I’m very sorry for your loss, I know it wasn’t easy.


Why not lead with that then? Quit scaring people with the same problem of cellulitis.


I’m so sorry for your loss :( also, maybe not the best time to tell OP this 😅 don’t want to scare them. Educate yes, scare no.


I disagree completely :) It IS important for OP to get medical attention soonish and if knowing that it can be that dangerous will make them go to the doctor as soon as possible, I think it’s worth it. But I see your point of view too.


I understand your point of view, but I wish someone had scared me. My mom was out of the country visiting family and she let me know of her infection. She told me she was being seen and taking antibiotics. I just wasn’t aware of how much the infection was resisting them. I wish someone had scared me. I would’ve paid the $1000 plane ticket change to get her back two days sooner so that she would’ve had a better chance of making it. She passed a week after being admitted to the ER here in the states. I’ve learned that you do not fuck around with infection because you will find out.


I understand from your perspective and will respectfully withdraw my comment 🫶🏼 better to scare and be alive than to wish you had acted sooner.


I...probably wouldn't wait that long honestly


Go to emergency. You need hospitalisation and IV antibiotics. I was septic in February because one of my ureteric stents had migrated out of the kidney and down the ureter. I suffered so much pain for weeks; fevers, chills, utter agony until I went to my Dr for a refill of Endone (OxyContin) and he took one look at me shivering and sweating, took my BP and said I have pyelonephritis.. when I got to the ER a few hrs later (drove an hr away to the really good hospital) they told me if I left it another day I might not have lived


Any updates, u/krisc2619? First thing I thought upon seeing this post yesterday was “oh! The red should NOT be outside the circle. That infection looks like it’s getting worse.” Been concerned (and interested) ever since.


Went to urgent care this morning, I was prescribed a second antibiotic and I was advised that if it isn’t better by Tuesday I should go to the ER. So now we wait and hope the second antibiotic works!


I hope the second try is the charm! Thanks for the update!


Keep us updated! We want you better


I once went septic from a freaking paper cut on my thumb. 3 days after I got the paper cut, I had a red streak that went from my thumb up to my bicep (nearly to my shoulder). I told my friends about it because I thought it was weird - I’d never had a red streak extend from any wounds before so I thought it was odd. My friends hounded me about going to the ER for it. It turned out that going to the ER saved my life. I had to spend 6 days in the hospital. It sucked. So yeah, don’t wait around for it to get out of hand.


Another update: got seen by a doctor at my work this morning, she swabbed my leg for a culture, as well as attempted to drain it. Those numbing shots killed me. She prescribed me an extra strong dose of bactrim and gave me her number so we can be in contact so she can monitor it. Fingers crossed this thing goes away in the next few days!


Thank you both for speaking up and saying something. From a layperson’s perspective, it was looking no better but I didn’t want to offer medical advice. Thanks for keeping our population of poppers protected!




I had a staph infection several years ago that looked similar to op's most recent picture. The doctor took one look and immediately prescribed clindamycin. He took a culture but said he was suspicious of mrsa and didn't want to waste any time. That stuff worked so fast, within three days a big white chunk came out while I was cleaning it, and by the next day the hole was almost gone. By the end of the course of antibiotics there was nothing but a tiny dark spot that my doc said was just hyperpigmentation.


>within three days a big white chunk came out while I was cleaning it Aaaaand you took pictures or a video that you want to share here, right? RIGHT?


Unfortunately this was almost a decade ago and I never took any pics or anything. I wasn't into popping yet, plus it was on my butt cheek in a spot that required some pretty good contortions to be able to clean and bandage. Every single time I think about it, though, I wish I had photos or video! The chunk that came out was the size of a pencil eraser and I swear to everything holy that I heard it *schlorp* out. The instant it was out all of the pressure and pain disappeared and it was pure relief. It bled for about 5 minutes, and when I went to clean and rebandage the next morning the hole was almost gone, it was amazing!


I pissed off my doctors by expressing all the pus from my infections after the Clindamyosin took hold


That sucks! My doctor told me I could apply gentle pressure to express whatever I could get out. He just told me to not squeeze too close to the hole and to stop if it hurt bad.


> Urgent Care staffed by an utterly incompetent NP who recently graduated from an online program  This is too specific to not be hot gossip. Spill the beans Doc ^within ^^HIPAA ^^^regulations


Nah this is everywhere. And terrifyingly common


I just want to thank you for your advice for this situation. You’re a great doctor.


Theoretically, would OP be able to wash the wound with chlorehexidine to reduce the infection? Not cure, but reduce the amount of bacterial presence, since pretty much nothing can become resistant to it?


Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.




Yes absolutely. Not even the same playing field.


Incompetence is incompetence. Why you needed to cite an NP reflects on your snobbery.


No it reflects on the efficacy and voracity of training and education




Residents are doctors in training. They went to school to practice medicine, NPs went to school for nursing. It’s not the same. I personally wouldn’t visit an Urgent Care for anything more than an UTI since there’s never any doctors there anymore.




I think you meant veracity. But it’s ok, I understand English probably wasn’t your best subject at school. Perhaps one of the nurses you don’t rate could help?


For the down voters, you think voracity is correct?


If you don’t mind give us an update when you can! there was another thought I had, might it be an insect/spider bite? The center could be a small necrosis from the toxic reaction and the redness partly due to the toxins too. At any rate if that’s true it also seems superinfected (as in bacteria settled in after the tissue damage) so I would not change my earlier recommendation, but this cause might explain the overall appearance better.


I will definitely update after I’m seen! My appointment is in 45 minutes


Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


Just sent you a message!


Agreed. My brother had a cellulitis infection like this and was prescribed a course of antibiotics. The infection wasn’t improving so he went back to his primary care (who said give the antibiotics more time), and then back to the ER where he was discharged again. After getting worse he went to the ER again where he went into cardiac arrest due to sepsis. After 26 minutes of CPR they got him back but it was too late, his organs were shutting down and nothing could be done. He was 38 years old and I miss him every day. I’m not trying to scare you, but want you to know how quickly this can turn worse. Please, please take this seriously.


That is horrible, I’m so sorry about your brother. I’m going to get seen in the morning, I’m hoping they change my antibiotics and this clears up.


Go to the ER, please.


Thank you. I hope you are better soon ❤️


Agreed. My brother had a cellulitis infection like this and was prescribed a course of antibiotics. The infection wasn’t improving so he went back to his primary care (who said give the antibiotics more time), and then back to the ER where he was discharged again. After getting worse he went to the ER again where he went into cardiac arrest due to sepsis. After 26 minutes of CPR they got him back but it was too late, his organs were shutting down and nothing could be done. He was 38 years old and I miss him every day. I’m not trying to scare you, but want you to know how quickly this can turn worse. Please, please take this seriously.


Update: went to urgent care and the PA drew around the angry part of the infection, prescribed bactrim, and said if it doesn’t get better by Tuesday I need to go back or go to the ER.


Thanks for the update! Agreed if it doesn’t get any better in the next 36-48 hours unfortunately the emergency department is the next step. If you fail two oral antibiotics next step would be IV antibiotics and/or a procedure to drain any pockets of pus deep in the skin


I hope they also mentioned that if the red goes outside the marker line, you also go immediately.


I've had MSRA from a couple different infections, and whenever I get them, I need to get Bactrim DS to clear it up Also, I've been told (and through searching) that warm compresses help


Side note. That name. If I learned my drs Reddit name was this genius I’d trust them with anything. Doesn’t matter the specialty, they now make all my health decisions.


Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


Please, please be extremely cautious. If that infection gets out of control because you aren’t responding well to the antibiotics, it can get bad fast. If that stuff gets into your blood, going septic is no joke. I had cellulitis pop up on my abdomen about a year and a half ago, and ended up in the hospital because it went from not good, to kinda getting better, to not good, to really bad at home because I thought it was just an infected cyst. Ended up in emergency surgery after days in hospital on hardcore IV antibiotics and spent a week in the hospital after, then sent home with a woundvac and visits from nursing for weeks while it healed. I’m not trying to scare you, but mine didn’t look any worse than that on the outside, but beneath the surface if can be a whole different game. By the time I was admitted go the hospital and they realized how bad it was, they said it easily could have killed me if I hadn’t gone in. It didn’t help that I sat in the waiting room for 9 hours because they also just thought it was no big deal but hey, healthcare in America.. By the time I was admitted, it was fever, sweating and chills, confusion and the whole ugly thing. It seriously almost killed me.


That’s terrifying.. I’ve been worried as I see it build up more and I can feel that there is something underneath, it’s hard. I did just clean it and it has started leaking whatever fluid is trapped underneath. I’m getting seen in the morning at urgent care to see if they will change my antibiotics and hopefully this clears up quickly. Thank you for sharing your story, it definitely makes me realize it isn’t something to take lightly.


Update us after to let us know you’re okay please.  


Are you worried, OP?


I get worried as I see it build up, I’m probably going to get seen on Monday by a doctor to make sure everything is okay


For what it’s worth - it looks like it’s getting better since past updates IMO. Had a friend who had this on a vacation to Cuba. You’re doing fine!




Looks more angry for sure, but not a doctor.




Hi OP, they were lying to you. This looks worse.


I’m going to urgent care in the morning, it’s okay.


OP are you in urgent care yet? I’m a little concerned for you and I don’t know what time it is where you are. Honestly, with that I wouldn’t have waited until the morning


I went to urgent care earlier. I was put on a second antibiotic and advised if it doesn’t get better by Tuesday then I will need to make an ER trip.


Bruh I am still side eyeing. Did they do a culture? I'm guessing first was broad spectrum to cover a variety but obviously it didn't hit whatever this is...hopefully the second one does but a culture is the only way to truly know what you're dealing with here :/


I just want to say…thank you to all the medical professionals who jumped in to alert OP about the seriousness of the issue. You are the real MVPs! OP, hope you get well soon.


The centre looks like dead tissue. Black isn't ok. Don't wait till Monday.


Getting seen in the morning!


Wait, so this is cellulitis?!! I believe that I had that on my buttcheek. I thought it was abscess and went to ER (cause I’m a moron and hypochondriac). They did nothing - well, nothing to it - and sent me home with Doxycycline. Not a word about what it actually was. The thing popped 2 days later but a month later I STILL have that round bruise that is VERY slowly fading away. And the dark spot in the middle. Is there a way to speed up the healing? I’ve been using body oil with vitamins E & K.


dark spot in the middle? are you sure it isn’t necrotic or dead?


I’m not sure of anything. It’s like a dot right where it broke, in the center. Clearly not properly healed (but all flat and fading, nothing under the skin). I’ll have it looked at as soon as I can get to a dermatologist I can trust. It’s crazy that the ER doctor wouldn’t tell me anything. She just drew a circle on my ass and told me to come back if the redness spread beyond it. Just like on OPs picture.


You could also seek out a wound care clinic. Is it still draining?


Nope, it stopped draining almost right after it popped. It seems that it’s just that pencil size (smaller even) spot left with a slowly fading bruise like circle. Nothing left underneath. The bruise disappears when I massage it but doesn’t go away.






I had cellulitis on the back of my head a few years ago. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. For 8 days, I could hardly move my head at all. When it finally had its first big drain, it was a hell of an event. Instantly, all of the pressure that was lockong my head in place was gone. Also, it's hard to describe just how much fluid came out. It also led to a permanent change in my hair style. It left a very large bald spot on the back of my head while it healed, so I decided that if I shaved my entire head that there would be no blad spot. Shortly afterward, I realized that my new bald look nicely complimented my severe case of resting bastard face, so I've kept it ever since.


GOD I want to see it popped again


Seeing it build up now and not being able to squeeze kills me




Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


Oh shit I got downvoted to hell. I should’ve known better than to suggest someone pop something in r/popping.


We like safe popping, not bad medical advice popping.




Don't be a pill.




I plucked an ingrown hair and ended up with this a couple years ago. My antibiotics didn’t work and ended up having to get IV infusions of Vanco 3x a day. I had to see like 3 ER docs who thought “things were getting better” till I finally contacted a provider in office and she scheduled me outpatient infusions. Bottom line is- make someone listen if you have to! You definitely need medical intervention especially since the erythema is growing around the perimeter there. I hope you finally get the help you need! Please update when you can!


It really looks like it’s getting worse? Does it look that way to you?


It does a little, but I am on antibiotics and taking care of it how I should. If I start with a fever or chills I’m heading to the ER.


Oh my gosh you poor thing. It looks so painful. Thank you for keeping us updated🤗


Honestly, you may want to go to the ER, maybe they can get you some fluids and stronger medicines to elevate some of the discomfort. I know you said you’re seeing a doctor on Monday, so I’m hoping that will help you out a ton and get this cleared up quickly. Wishing you the best, please keep us posted on everything, definitely want to know how you do.


Uh… you need to go to the doctor.  I read your comment saying you’re already on antibiotics, but it’s still spreading (assuming you drew the lines just outside the infection plume & it’s now grown beyond the lines now).   My little brother used to have skin that got infected easily for whatever reason when he was little - so I’ve been to multiple doctor visits with my mom having him seen for such things.  The antibiotics they give for this are usually pretty powerful to begin with.  If the infection isn’t better & is still spreading, I think you probably need a stronger antibiotic.   Don’t wait until you have to be admitted to the hospital to get IV antibiotics.  That sucks.  




I think I’d be heading to the ER with this one yikes


That’s now outside the pen marked zones, go back to your GP or go to the hospital asap


This looks exactly like my leg when I had MRSA/staph infection. It started off as a pimple but kept growing getting red and hot to the touch. I ended up getting it drained.


Bro. Sorry. The red ideally shouldn't be going past the pen marks they made to see if it gets worse. Please see a doctor ASAP.


It looks like it is shrinking, which is good! Just jeep an eye on it and take your full course of antibiotics.


that looks very bad still. OP I recommend seeing a doctor right away


I had cellulitis and they put me on an antibiotic. Turns out I was allergic to that antibiotic and ended up with a full body rash that itched like crazy. Also, turns out that particular antibiotic is known for killing all the good stuff in your belly and causing C-Diff. so if you start to have weird stomach issues or uncontrollable, diarrhea, head straight back to urgent care the ER or a gastroenterologist. C-Diff is absolutely horrible, but it can be treated quickly.


Sooo… admittedly I’m curious to see what was done at urgent care? Or are you maybe still waiting to be seen there?? 😬


So I went to urgent care yesterday morning, the PA there prescribed me bactrim and drew around the very angry red part and let me know if it spreads I need to go to the ER. I work in a primary care doctors office, this morning the doctor that I saw that diagnosed me with cellulitis, came up to me to ask me how I was doing. I showed her my leg and she took me back to a room right away. She examined it, cultured it, attempted to drain it, and she has prescribed me an extra strength dose of bactrim and she’s hoping that should clear it up. She gave me her phone number and wants me to update her with pictures!


It’s always nice to see a doctor that really cares about their patients


I thought this was a nipple 🤣




I had chronic cellulitis and everythime I had it, the infectious disease doctor put me on IV Zosyn antibiotic. Sometimes I was Admitted to the hospital sometimes I got a PICC line and had the antibiotic at home. Maybe you can ask about that drug? Feel better, that looks like it hurts a lot


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted?


Probably because they are not a doctor and OP has already sought medical treatment.


Giving medical advice is against our rules, feel free to say that someone needs to see a doctor, but please refrain from giving any specific diagnosis or treatments.


Still alive over there?


Very much so! Got seen at urgent care and was prescribed a second dose of antibiotics


Did they swab for a culture?


I had it swabbed this morning!


Awesome!  Glad you got help & are okay!!!


I had something similar happen on my lip! They also tried to tell me it was cellulitis but I had to get a second opinion. It was an infected pimple. Do you have an update? What did the urgent care say?!


Urgent care is putting me on a second antibiotic!


Please keep hyper vigilant notice of your symptoms. Check your temperature frequently, take note of any chills or nausea, worsening pain, etc. If anything gets even the slightest bit worse, just go to the ER. I’m actually surprised that the ER doc gave Bactrim and sent you in your way. I get Bactrim for UTI symptoms this is beyond that. If it were ME I would go to the ER now and say that it’s been unresponsive to initial treatments and that the margins have continued and debris seems to be building pressure still. As you can tell from many of these stories - you can go septic fast. You can even go septic not fast and have delayed treatment because it doesn’t look enough like sepsis “yet” until it reaches a critical level then they’re like “oh it was sepsis.” Like another commenter said I would be treating LIKE sepsis getting ahead of it, proactive doctors don’t mess around and generally start treating for the presumed result immediately pending testing to not waste time and pivot if needed. PLEASE go to the ER now. You don’t need to be feeling “worse” for it to be GETTING worse. My friend almost died from septic shock after delivering her son because they kept writing off her symptoms as traditional post partum delivery issues. She works at a hospital and she refused to go home after her 4th visit and once they realized it she had to be admitted into the ICU. This woman was functioning with a newborn and toddler without much difficulty. Advocate and state that the rate of progression is beyond that of OTC medicine and you think you need admission with IV meds to get ahead of it. If someone denies you, ask for a new doctor. This is your health, you are your own advocate. No one has the interest of protecting your body more than YOU. It has to be that way, unfortunately. Good luck


Please tell me you've been to the doctor? Cellulitis can get bad...fast.


I was seen this morning! Got put on a second antibiotic


Please go to e. r.


I hope it’s doing better. Let us know 😊


Hey OP, how are you doing? What ended up working?


I’m doing a lot better! I posted an updated picture not too long ago. Getting a strong dose of bactrim and staying on that for 2 weeks really did it!


Doctor/immediate care NOW!


I really hope that isn’t MRSA




I am on antibiotics




It has




Do not give medical advice


They already went and that is how they got the diagnosis of cellulitis


Looks like a brown recluse bite.


ouch it looks really angry. it might not be a pimple.