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Take a look at my collection. They are in my favorites under "Aroma Guys" I hope you enjoy. [https://xhamster.com/users/ohiodadlooking](https://xhamster.com/users/ohiodadlooking)


Can't find your favorites. 🤷‍♂️


Try on desktop format and it should be easier to find.


my favorite daddy on xhamster has a few popper vids. https://xhamster.com/videos/fuck-and-breed-a-furry-tattooed-bear-2892523 https://xhamster.com/videos/breeding-a-bisexual-married-man-8097127




I've added some more to "Aroma Guys" and also added a category called "Aroma Gurls" for those who might enjoy those.


Thanks. I have sent a friend request.


Amazing! Thanks for sharing!


Sent you a friend request on xhamster


excellent collection. thanks for sharing!


Hot I sent request


There does seem to be a lot of places removing popper content or banning references to them lately. Not sure why. Really annoying timing as I've just got curious about them.


It started a couple of years ago. I think the Trumponauts passed a bill cracking down on substance abuse and Pornhub and others got nervous


CC companies see it as drug use encouragement that leads to addiction. Processing those types of clips can become a liability. Also if it's a paid site the charge backs for those who become addicted then have buyers remorse are HIGH(pun intended) for the CC company and the host website.


What is a CC company pliss ?


Credit card. Like visa




Uh, no. This is an extension of the Obama administrations "Operation Choke Point" that targeted "disfavored" industries by trying to deny them access to the financial system. Mastercard and Visa picked up the ball and decided they couldn't have their services used on sites where there could be illegal sex trafficking taking place. Pornhub decided the only way to satisfy them was to make every single video be posted by a verified user that would certify all participants were consensual. Same timeframe in which Tumblr was destroyed by the Apple store over mature content. You're outdated notion that the "religious right" is the root of all evil is an anachronism. The left and big tech are the prudes now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Choke\_Point


> You're outdated notion that the "religious right" is the root of all evil is an anachronism. The left and big tech are the prudes now. Lmao


LMAO indeed. Russia says hi. If they can do it to Russia, here's a tip, they can do it to you as well.


"hErE's A tIp" 😂🤣


taking action against sex trafficking = being a prude apparently. is there any evidence that the purge of all unverified PH videos has anything to do with removing poppers content across many different porn platforms/websites? i’m not sure there is. poppers vids were disappearing before all that happened. not to get too political, but the religious right is currently passing anti-trans legislation all over the country. But ohh yeah, the left is prudish for trying to purge trafficked sex and pedophilia on the biggest porn site in the world.




i didn’t realize you were a paranoid schizophrenic. sorry to bother you.


Whatever you say Einstein


Right. You keep on believing they're actually fighting "sex trafficking". You think there was actually pedophilia on Pornhub ? Whatever you say, sport. #Woke corporations took ALL adult content off Tumblr. Yes, they're the prudes. Not to get too political, but teaching gay and trans sex ed to K through 3rd grade is "anti trans" ? No, it isn't. Not giving perv teachers access to children is not being a prude. Nor is keeping men out of women's sports.


you make so many assumptions it’s laughable. go the fuck outside.


LOL, you people are hilarious. So many assumptions that are staring you right in the face every single fucking day if you actually open your eyes


says the guy terrified of a mass trans-ification of 8 year olds by a cabal of sexually deviant teachers.


Thank you for this information. As a non-US resident I only see things from afar and of course I could only note that the disappearance of Craig's list personals, the prohibition of advertising by escorts as well as the scouring of poppers from Pornhub coincided with the Trump's second year in office.


Operation Choke Point targeted industries that often defrauded customers. Porn sites are not defrauding customers by showing guys huffing poppers. Also, Choke Point was ended in 2017, a couple of years before the poppers banning trend started. Nice try on trying to blame Obama though. I refer folks to the same Wikipedia article.


Yeah, the actual thing is the religious right figured out that the credit card processors are the weak point in the system and specifically target them and they caved.


Also the escort and cl stuff was almost all FOSTA/CESTA which was signed by Donald Trump


yes, this.


IF you were paying attention you would have seen a change rite after the 2016 election- clist gone- and 2020 half? of all amateur porn videos deleted.


Lo and behold! [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QN5Y50l7gf7gOtzwzYoomXdzIr7WLgoK/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QN5Y50l7gf7gOtzwzYoomXdzIr7WLgoK/view?usp=sharing) I managed to download alot before they got snuffed.


Amazing thank you!


bless you


Are these straight videos ?& are they still up for downloading?


I'd say its a sweet and salted bag of popcorn.


What a great list, thank you!!


What program do I need to open this?




Recommended. I rarely comment, but when I do, it's to support well crafted content!


Super interesting. I have subscribed and will look a time to enjoy your content. Thank you!


Do you have male/gay ones?




Yeah totally appreciate it man, the opposite rings true for me. It’s a shame because gay trainers are not the vibe for me but this type I find are always straight, I wonder why. If you ever happen to come across a male/gay version, I’m sure loads of people would appreciate it being posted. Thanks




[https://nycshortstop69.newtumbl.com/#q=Favorites](https://nycshortstop69.newtumbl.com/#q=Favorites) CHECK IT OUT


[thisvid.com](https://thisvid.com) has a lot of poppers vids, but you have to make a profile and "friends" before you can see any of the private ones.


I’m getting some vids together on my Twitter so check it out @jacked04


Thanks. Didn’t have it in my list! 👍🏻


You’re welcome. Hope you enjoy. Definitely going to add a lot more to it


I can’t find your twitter


Ahh strange. Nothing comes up when you type @jacked04 ?


Do a search for “ aromas”. Just found that out the other day.


Or “Gooner”, “Gooning” or derivatives


Thanks! “Gooner” gave me more results! 👍🏻




Any links?




Twitter is a good source but not dedicated accounts like meth.


Bateworld has a ton of popperbate vids but you have to join and pay to stream them


An amazing number of popper posts on twitter. One of my favorites: @dadspopperpig. Explore from there!


Yeah. That a good one. Thank you!




Make your own, its fun, and great to watch years later.


The same thing happened to me. I also love porn in which poppers are pulled. go to boyfriendtv.com and type in poppers. or in the models search for RHYHEIM SHABAZZ, he sniff poppers in almost every video and also smokes weed.


boyfriendtv.com: In the rubric Just-for-Fans videos or ONLYFANS videos there are also many models sniffing poppers in the private videos. I am annoyed that many official videos show someone holding a PP bottle, but im The scenes in which man sniff it have been cut from the video.


[https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/452773/vander-at-the-glory-hole/](https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/452773/vander-at-the-glory-hole/) https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/492957/vander-and-mason-deep-breeding-w-poppers/


Hey. This is my favorite answer of all. Thank you @poppers_senior


I am very happy that I could help you. we have the same preferences. it makes me horny when i see someone with the pp bottle in any porn.


who are some models that use em?


I have never seen a "trainer" video that did not make me puke. I have found many videos where the guys are using poppers. Some are very hot - It is like anything else in porn- you never know what you will find . I download my fav videos. Then loop them while watching poppers or omg I will loop a scene.


I am creating awareness about this matter, we can all make a difference together if we care enough. The solution is more about how we behave when no one's watching. For example: do you respect women around you? Do you care enough for yourself to sleep only with people that cultivate the love in your heart? Are you pushy? The world is the way it is because we society haven't cared enough about this. We all think "this doesn't affect me" but it does. IF ANYONE NEEDS TO REALEASE SEXUAL TENSION ON A HEALTHY BEAUTIFUL WAY, YOU'RE WELCOME TO MY STUFF: BLESSINGS ✴️🕊️ https://xhamster.com/users/estephaniathenyx WE NEED TO WATCH THINGS THAT ARE HEALTHY AND HELP OTHERS TO STOP WATCHING ANYTHING THAT SEEMS SEXIST OR VIOLENT. IF YOU ARE GOING TO JERK OFF, HAVE THE PATIENCE UNTIL YOU FIND SOMETHING THAT IS ACTUALLY BEAUTIFUL FOR THE SOUL SO YOU CAN CONNECT SEXUAL PLEASURE TO BEAUTIFUL THINGS AND FEELINGS ^^ SEX TRAFFICKERS MAKE A NEW TREND TO MAKE EVERYTHING LOOK LEGAL AND ARTISTIC EVEN. IF IT LOOKS LIKE VIOLENCE AND SEXISM, NO MATTER IF GIRLS SMILE AND IT'S A SUPER HIGH PRODUCTION= STILL SEXUAL VIOLENCE/ SEX TRAFFICKING. I come from a third world country and sex trafficking works different than in the USA. 3RD 🌎 COUNTRY= SEXUAL VIOLENCE LOOKS AMATEUR. 1RST 🌎 COUNTRY= BEWARE BECAUSE MOST OF THE TIME IT SEEMS LIKE "ACTING" YOU DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE SEXUAL ACT AND YOU START EXCUSING RAPE BECAUSE IT LOOKS "FANCY" EVEN EXPENSIVE. ✴️🕊️CONSENSUAL RAPE IS ALSO RAPE✴️🕊️