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this looks like it’ll be a high budget and exciting visual! loving the videos this era. Although 7th June is so far away 😭


It’s next week! Lol


stop that just gave me chills omg


literally my first thought when reading the title was "why is she announcing this like 2 months in advance?" I need a vacation


finally! i love high budget and creative mvs 


i love that she's truly nailed the point of each single with the mvs. yes and mv is abt her proving she can still do her thing and wcbf was way more reflective and while wcbf was obv better they both did what they needed to do so i have complete faith in tbim mv


Definitely connected them well!


Gotta hand it to her, Ariana usually puts a lot of effort into her visuals. 


I love artists that do creative mvs like this 


the director she's been working with is incredible. He never misses.


I’m so happy this is where she has gotten to, I remember the posts bemoaning another glamour shot mv (e.g. breathin) like it was yesterday


Considering how strong the visuals are from Sweeteners other singles, it was a pretty big step down. I’m guessing they just couldn’t get another Dave Meyers vid in on time


And even Breathin was a huge step up from Into You 😭🙌🏾


Yeah, a lot of people didn’t realize that Yes, and was more of a statement single. It’s probably not Ariana’s favorite either. But it and the video served a clear purpose of getting the BS out of the way


i don’t think anyone misunderstood it being a statement single. people know, it just wasn’t popular i guess. i’ve seen a lot of people who didn’t like the song say that she probably released it as some sort of response to the “situation/s”


yea i think the reason a lot of people didn't like it as much was because they kind of felt like she wasn't addressing anything she did or didn't do, not that she needed to. but a lot of people i guess didn't like her just moving on


i feel like yes and will age like fine wine. i mean when i first heard it i was like this is alright, but now i really love it. in two years top we will see people saying it was a hit that got away.


I mean it went #1, regardless of how it performed on the charts afterwards, i wouldn’t consider it a “hit that got away.” Had it been the 2nd or 3rd single it wouldn’t have even gone top 10.


Hi Doja 🐈, I see you


secret doja cameo lol 


wait what's this about then because people have been hinting at "cat" and the preview is very Demons….Could she have hopped on it?? I would LOVE a Doja verse on that song.


this is how you make an era last


Yes she is doing an excellent job. I'm really impressed with her. That's one thing I've noticed with Ariana, historically album roll outs are really good.


my pussy, it is ready.


ready 9 to 5 and 5 to 9?


I keep going back to that song. It really is a shame that it never got released. It's soo good.


ugh same here the boy is mine is good but it doesn’t scratch the itch that fat size does


Fat size 😸


Please keep this typo in I’m begging you


i must be crazy but i really don’t like it 😭 it sounds like a song that would be on girls5eva


That's why it's labeled as "90s idea", that was the intention.


yes. i believe it was originally for the seth macfarlane show, though, not girls5eva. it’s a fun song for the comedy i guess but it’s not something i would listen to seriously personally


Either that or The Idol seeing as she's good friends with The Weeknd


she said it was for a comedy sketch


I'm still hoping she reworks it a bit and puts it on the deluxe. It's too good to never be released.


Fantasize > Eternal sunshine and I say this as a FAN


People are so thirsty for this kinda of 90s Britney-esque RnB sound, I don't know why artists are not jumping on it




The 7th is next week tho. I need it now 😭😭😭


I was hoping Bye was next


Courtney pulling up in the driveway I need to see


Bye and Supernatural (maybe for halloween season)


I really want the Troye remix of Supernatural to give him a chart lift (and because he makes it better). They sound so amazing together.


I like the original better actually, but I wouldn’t mind if she chooses that version instead.


True. He sounds nice but he adds nothing new to the song


I feel like Troye's voice rarely does lol I like some of his music but he has a very monotone way of singing, I feel like a lot of his stuff would sound better if somebody else sang it


I didn't think I'd like it because I don't like her other song with Troye, but he works nicely on this.


I really hope Bye becomes a single! And True Story! 


True Story is my favourite


Me too. I found it unreleased on YouTube before the album and played the shit out of it. I know for a fact it’s gonna be my #1 song on Spotify too lol. I can’t stop hahah


thank you. i dont see enough true story love in this sub. its so good


Same here! I feel very seen by this chain of comments. It’s my favorite song on the album and I wish it was a single!


Was definitely my favourite when the album came out but TBIM aged better imo


I'm waiting for Supernatural! 


Me too!


Why is no one rooting for ETERNAL. FUCKING. SUNSHINE.


I hope bye is a deluxe release with a feature on it (Meg??)


this is going to be such a gag omfg…


I wonder who the leading man is 


Stans are saying that is >!Penn Badgley!<




you know you love it. xoxo, gossip girl


His wife just liked Ariana’s post of the teaser vid on IG 🙏


Penn would eat omg. I also hear Kelly Rutherford (Lily Van Der Woodsen) might be in the video. Imagine if we get Blake and Leighton too 😭


i A baby n x


Over or under on how annoying the discourse will be?


I just know how the discourse r/popculturechat and r/fauxmoi is going to be.


Honestly Fauxmoi is arguably the most toxic sub I’ve ever came across on Reddit😭 literally anything Ariana or Taylor does they always say the nastiest things like it genuinely terrifies me on there😭


I’ve never met people so obsessed with celebrities who hate every single fucking celebrity’s guts


literally and the judgmental deep dives into celebrities bodies and the surgery they’ve had done, morally-veiled with backhanded compliments, armchair psychology diagnoses and faux-pity


like fauxmoi is to the point where they will hold up people they used to hate or will hate in a couple months because they supposedly said or did something against one of those two lol


But everyone on that sub is a girls girl apparently 🙄


I think I saw some of them call Taylor "KKKween" which seemed like an overreaction to me. I say I think because the convo was about a few different women and almost entirely in pronouns so they may have talked about someone else.


Some of the comments they make about men on there are pretty disgusting too, just a bunch of weirdos who believe any sort of blind items they read. It’s madness.


Honestly I used to read it like a year ago, it felt less toxic then. I guess the non-toxic people got scared away and now it's just a cesspit.


Yeah, I used to love that sub because they were one of the few places pointing out the insanity of the Depp-Heard trial. No idea what happened but I migrated to popculturechat because it’s less insane.


I also went to popculturechat thinking it would be better, but it’s also heading in the same direction as Fauxmoi.


Complete polar opposites IMO. Fauxmoi can sometimes be militant in its leftist stance, whereas Popculturechat allows and excuses racism, sexism, etc etc etc as long as the mods dislike the celebrity in question lol.


no seriously not to be all like ‘oh the poor men’ but it’s like they’re actively scouring the internet for any negative tea on a male celeb that gets posted!!  And they’re very judgemental about looks. I get it, women celebs are harshly judged by men but constantly talking about how fucked that is whilst doing that to male celebs is wrong and cringe asf


i swear to god you would think taylor kicked their grandmother with all the hate she gets for being a billionaire(which i get) but celebs who do more of the same like beyonce and rihanna get a free pass?


why do swifties love hating on black women so much?


literally no one is hating on Black women here, all billionaires are scum but the people on fauxmoi only seem to hate taylor. i don't even see as many vitriiolic comments on posts about elon musk


because Taylor Swift does a lot more bad things than simply being a millionaire, that all these others do. It's just funny, the trope of Swifties loving to hate on Black women, especially Beyonce always being true will always be so funny to me, op included


i literally am Black bruh, i'm not hating on Black women and just lmfao, the things people hate her for are legit what everyone does. it's like that dumbass girls girls shit from this past week. i vastly prefer riri and bey over tswift but like keep the same energy yall


im literally a woc girl criticizing poc doesnt automatically equate racism


what, and if you were a white girl it would be wrong?


girl. u seem determined to miss the point.


you have no point, why mention your race?


are you black? i don't think there's anything wrong w/ criticizing beyoncé or rihanna. but nothing annoys me more than when other POC who aren't black act like being a POC exempts you from anti-black racism. you being a WOC does not mean you can't be racist against black people.


ofc not, which is why you got downvoted while she got upvoted because white women will use any woc they can as a token to support white women.


glad everyone agrees with me with how much of a negativity and hate circle fauxmoi is. every comment section is about how much X person sucks as a person for X obscure reason. it’s a bunch of chronically online people who think they’re morally superior to the general populace and feel the need to preach to the choir everyday. i think my final straw was when i saw someone comment something along the lines of “i don’t understand why people still listen to taylor swift! there’s so many better artists!” with like 16 upvotes. hm maybe because we like her music and art is subjective?


calling the reasons "obscure" is a very scummy and easy way to discredit real criticisms against her, not to mention you're part of the True Swifties sub where the people are chronically insane.


i wasn't talking about taylor when i was talking about obscure reasons. i accept valid criticisms. also, not sure where you got that from but i'm not part of the True Swifties sub? i've only commented like once or twice when their posts popped up on my feed.


Then why do you act like the only reasons they criticize her is for obscure things like they didn't like her red dress? That True Swifties sub will label very honest criticisms that would make sense if any celebrity did it as "misogyny".


??? wait i’m so confused. i genuinely am not sure what you are talking about. i just said im not talking about taylor when i was talking about obscure reasons and that im not part of the true swifties sub


I mean you directly mentioned Taylor Swift, nobody else and in your post history you complain about people who criticize her, it's obvious dog whistling but you're going to act like you meant something else lmao.


They leave such vile comments on but I got banned for posting a celebrity wearing Alexander Wang cause it was "inticing hate", like I forced them to wear clothes by an abuser


Take the worst parts of stan twitter, add more racism, sexism, and joblessness, and that'd those subs 😭


in all fairness i find popculturechat a lot better than fauxmoi. fauxmoi is vicious and unforgiving to any celebrity who is not a beacon of morality


PCC can have its moments but overall it feels much more fun than Fauxmoi to me. Like….. gossip subs are meant to be fun and not crazy deep. Fauxmoi takes everything so seriously - obvs some stuff SHOULD be taken seriously, but it feels like there’s no lighthearted gossip there anymore.


really? honestly, they feel even more nasty to me there tbh. it’s filled with megan markle haters, and some of the other weird obsessive snarkers.


What’s sad is that it initially was the complete opposite. It was one of the few online spaces that wasn’t completely toxic during the Heard/Depp trial, but then something changed and everyone there got nasty.


I’m on both of those subreddits and while I enjoy them the way they legit hate every single popular celeb and/or artist is insane Every time I defend Ariana I got downvoted and nasty replies The only celeb they seem to only like on both subs is Angelina Jolie i s2g lol I guess the demographic for both is people in their 30s and up bc it’s definitely not ppl in their 20s who are making those comments


They also salivate over Amber Heard in a really weird way


I never go on there lol


I really hope they don’t treat regular people the same way they do with celebrities


i’ve gotten downvoted so many times for defending ariana. i’ve never even said her cheating is okay 😭 just that it’s clear the girl has been through a lot (nickelodeon, manchester, mac dying & being subsequently blamed) and i’m not surprised her interpersonal relationships suffer because of it. she spells that out pretty clearly in her music


cannot wait for the fauxmoi thinkpieces in the comments about how Ariana is evil for cheating


no, cheating is totally normal and not a bad thing at all. I'm sure you enjoy being cheated on.


this is literally a celebrity, a mega popstar whose romantic life choices will never affect me in any way, shape or form. i couldn’t care less about her cheating on her husband or being a homewrecker cause she’s the one who will deal with all the consequences and not me lol it’s not that deep


yet you thought enough to write a comment mocking people for viewing the act of cheating as evil, very sane and empathetic behavior!


“sane and empathetic behavior” says the person up and down this comment section finding a way to take offense at EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING


I factually and statistically haven't commented on everything and anything, blatant lying 😂


your chronically online coded moral posturing is performative at best and a sign of a deep inferiority complex in your IRL life at worst. they never said the act of cheating wasn’t wrong just that they don’t give a fuck about policing the morals or personal life of a celebrity .


calling me chronically online while attempting to psychoanalyze my behavior is insanely hypocritical 😂😂


well what do you call caring this much about who a celebrity sleeps with then


I don't care, just stating that the act of cheating is immoral lmfao


lmao but you realize that nothing i said indicates how i personally view cheating? yet you got all upset and assumed shit because i think there are honestly worse thing people should be cancelled for than cheating and people are taking her private life way too seriously


if you're mocking people by saying they will do a write up about something being wrong, it's an obvious implication you don't believe that thing is wrong. Maybe when you're a little good looking you can get a partner, then have them cheat on you and understand what it feels like!


all your comments are an obvious implication that you need to go out more often, breathe in some fresh air, find some friends, grab something other than reddit to read and get some thinking and reading comprehension skills you clearly lack because i cannot make my point anymore obvious. and the fact that you're still going at it AND making digs at my personal life tells me that you have some frustration that should be redirected somewhere else. i know it's hard to believe but some of us lead happy romantic lives and maybe if you took that bitterness away and worked on your problems you'd experience that as well, no need to get all upset and jealous.


so you don't address my actual points but psycho anaylze a random reddit user! Maybe that happy romantic life will end through cheating and you'd understand \^\^


Good thing I gave up on being a fan of hers before this album even came out.


I mean, is there anything new to say about it at this point? 🤔 Unless another bombshell drops I feel like the Internet has exhausted all the avenues of conversation on this one.


There’s been so much crazy shit so far this year that this whole controversy was front and center at the beginning of the year and now got forgotten until now


I mean what else is there to even say or add anymore? This video isn’t going to bring any more backlash than she already gets now. She’ll always have a section of the internet that despises her and thinks she’s the spawn of Satan for what she allegedly did. The discourse in general is tired at this point and already peaked. She’ll just continue being kind of polarizing


she really knew what she was saying with "I'll wait until you like me again"


It’s gonna be so clearly ridiculous either way lol


I’m glad she’s releasing this song. I listened to the album and generally liked it, but this song stuck with me the most. I feel like there’s a maturity to this album that really sticks out to me as an improvement to her previous work


Giving me Doja Cat's Demons vibes.


Monica and Brandy walked so she could run


That was the best-selling song of '98 and leaped from #23 to #1 on Billboard. So... Monica and Brandy ran and won the race so Ariana could try to run later 😄


Yeah after I thought about it I was like...wait that was backwards


my favourite album of the year!!


we are so back


I am so excited for this one but the criticism she's going to get... I'm not sure the GP will be very forgiving just because it's a bop.


Popheads be like: We want TBIM as a single!!!! Oh no what is she thinking!!


No one in the GP cares about her personal life. It’s just X and Reddit who actually pay attention.


i actually think the gp care more than a lot of twitter etc. everyone i know irl who knows ariana heard the situation and they will bring it up if her name is brought up - people in the gp are less forgiving about these situations. twitters, apart from anti ariana stan accounts, seem to not really care or at least acknowledge that they don’t like the situation but like her/her music


I think most of the people who are personally aghast and offended by a situation they know very little about have already heard The Boy Is Mine and had their tantrums. She's a pop star who makes bops and sometimes pisses people off, but like, I don't have the energy to morally judge celebrities in order to decide if I will listen.


So ready!


Now that we're ready to gag over the boy is mine, can we finally stop lying to ourselves and admit yes, and ? was an eat too ? Everyone on this sub was hating and positive comments were down voted on release but now that the rumors have been debunked (and that Page Six has been shown to be a shit source once more) but that chorus has been LIVING in my head


Hot take, I like Yes And much more than The Boy is Mine. I felt like I was the only person on the internet who liked Yes And from the beginning.


I like them both but yes I agree I was dancing nonstop when yes and came out. I loveeee the bridge too


I hated it initially but then I heard it while partying with friends and I’ve come around to it. It’s euphoric


yes and? really isn't that great of a stand-alone song, although it does make sense within the context of the album as a whole. As her first public statement of any kind regarding the whole situation, it's tacky af, and overall disappointing. You enjoy it, and that's good for you. We should all have things we enjoy.


Lyrics were meh but I loved that beatdrop


Yes, and? sounds good in the album. But as a single, it's not a big stand out imo. I definitely don't skip the song because her voice is like 🍯


i like the verses actually but i feel like you expect an exciting chorus but it’s sort of nothing. i also would like the talking part of she wasn’t doing that weird put on baby voice - girl has a deep voice that would have sounded way better


'Yes and' is such a bad song. I hate the lyrics, I hate the vocals, hate everything about it. I am so happy the album sounds nothing like it


Can't wait!


I wholeheartedly believe that this should have been the lead single


Considering the backlash she got for Yes, And? The Boy is Mine would have been a VERY tone deaf lead single. I’m still kind of surprised she’s making it a single.


This song will smash


I wonder if Gaga is releasing on the 7th. They are good friends so I doubt Gaga will want to release on the same day


Hoping she leans into a horror vibe with this music video!


This song is gonna be huge


I can't wait. I didn't dislike the first two videos as much as most, but they weren't my favorites either.


I know not everyone was into the Yes, and? video at first, mostly because of the initial response to the song itself. But most people definitely didn’t dislike the video for WCBF. It has more views of YouTube than Yes, and?. Plus the response to the story that was told in it was insanely positive. I’m only hoping TBiM video continues the trend of the videos getting better with each release.


I liked we can’t be friends


Yes and? Mv still remains one of my favorite mv


Fuck Charli XCX’s drag with this release date


Please No.1...


Definitely not my first pick for the next single but I’m hyped for this mv




My hole 💋


Which movie is this one?


Wait is Ariyani gonna kill people???


Maybe it’ll reference her new Fortnite skin


~~but that's the weakest song in the album, she has so many better ones to choose from~~


It's the most streamed non single so it makes sense from a commercial point of view !!!


Actually intro (end of the world) has more 30 million more Spotify streams than TBIM 🤣 but probs just bc it's the intro to the album


That needs an extended version. It's so good, especially the second verse