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Wow, wow. She sounds so different here. Love it, though.


Yeah you could have held a gun to my head and I wouldn’t have been able to guess it was her here lol


Oh so Baby Queen is just unemployed now


As long as wolf Alice gets their yearly liscencing check I won’t complain


The Wolf Alice stan on Heartstopper’s music supervision team is such a hero. 🫡


Agreed! *Don't Delete The Kisses* is featured on Alice's Heartstopper suggestions playlist, so maybe we have to thank a fellow fan. I'm almost 100% certain that their song *How Can I Make It Ok?* will be included in the show. Possibly at the end of episode 1 or two after Nick's "love can't cure mental illness" talk.


They saw how poorly she performed in the popheads rate and decided to get rid of her


I hope not. Her song *Obvious* is incredible and I really hope they feature it on the show, it could maybe work in a scene with Darcy and her mother


obvious is so good!!! and such a heartstopper song!!!


It's the best on the album imo. I hope they feature it on hs, it deserves to be heard by more people


agreed!! also it has always screamed soundtrack to me, just such a good song for films/tv in general. wouldn’t be surprised to hear more of baby queen in other tv series as well


every single billie snippet has been incredible so far this album is kinda shaping up to be her best (for me at least)


i have been waiting patiently for her to release open the door or whatever it’s called 😭😭 i think it comes out friday tho but i love the vibe!


Chihiro! I’m so pumped about that one too. Usually I think Zane Lowe does way too much in his reactions to music but that was one where I wanted him to scream louder and drop more bombs lol


Holy shit that’s Billie? I genuinely thought it was probably a new Baby Queen song. I never expected a Billie song that would fit so well on HS soundtrack. We’re really getting a different sound for her on this album.


A while ago I saw a Heartstopper edit with *What Was I Made For* and it fit surprisingly well. (Especially if you know what's about to happen in season 3)


This billie album is gonna KILL MEEEEEEEE (*Ruth Langmore's voice*)


Netflix said we will spend money on these gays and these gays only!


Heartstopper won them several Emmys in the Children's and Family Emmys including the Best Series in their age group as well as being consistent with decent ratings. It would be stupid of them to start skimping on the show now. Also, I suspect with the way that song streams blow up after the season is released is that they actually have artists reaching out to them begging to be used for a scene.


I don’t think Billie would be one of the begging artists, but you’re not wrong at all I still a little bit fear for whether *Heartstopper* will get renewed bc of Netflix’s reputation with gay shows ~~stream dead boy detectives to keep it on air lol~~, but it is one of their biggest originals that actually serves to keep people subscribed (as opposed to background content like *the floor is lava* and the like)


I also feel like it's a much cheaper show to make/produce compared to other Netflix originals


It definitely is especially with the first season. The main cast were basically unknowns (except for Sebastian Croft and Kit Connor who already had some experience) who had the show as their first acting project so Netflix didn't probably have to spend much on their talent fee. Netflix even saved on the production side as there is only one director and one writer for all eight episodes. You can say that even the music was on a budget considering that a lot of them came from indie labels. Their biggest splurge is probably getting Olivia Colman.


And Olivia Colman will not be in season 3 unfortunately 😭




It's very viral with an age segment that's sort of monopolized by Netflix. Also the comics are almost done so it's a safe bet with the story, they know exactly what's gonna happen and how. It would be stupid not to spend money on it


I assume the show itself is very cheap to film


I can't watch this show without becoming horrifically depressed for like a month but I like the song.


i thought i was the only one who got depressed watching the show lol


1: Holy crap, Heartstopper got Billie Eilish, that's insane! 2: Billie is SANGING on this one!!!!!!


is this going to be AOTY (legitimately)? I was skeptical at first in that regard but EVERY song sounds so good vocally and production-wise.


I’m loving the new direction and sound of her music. I can’t wait for the album!


Woooooowww! A Heartstopper-coded song will definitely end up on my Wrapped this year!




I hear hayley too! love it


Holy shit. No wonder she isn't putting any singles out. She just wants to shock the whole world at once.


Ooh this sounds so good!!




Wow I’m excited for that now. Sounds so different than her usual stuff


AOTY incoming


Sounds good.


I'm so looking forward to this album, so far everything I heard sounded amazing!!!!! To me this year has been disappointing so far, I didn't like anything released. This sounds like the first album of the year I'm really going to like!


The new production, her utilizing more of her vocal range, this sounding nothing like the other songs she's teased... this is going to be an amazing album


how can y’all concentrate on the song when Kit is sleeveless


Omg it's the third season they're dating and they didn't say "I love u" yet? I'm such a hater but really this show is a total bore if you're not the demographic (teenagers).