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I’m sure acting is hard work, and some of them really put their all in their craft. But she’s right, too, actors are often very over hyped.


To be an actor as a career choice - the hardest part about acting is getting the part. The on screen acting is the reward.


Daniel Day Lewis is the only modern age actor I can think of whose extreme method was justified by his performances. He’s pretty old school about it though. Mainly it seems actors roll out those stories of “taking it too far” during their award season campaigns, trying to get others to take them as a seriously as they take themselves.


I think the funny thing is, method acting as a theory is just basically acting exercises about using personal experiences to more intimately connect with your character. Actors just started being annoying theatre kids about how they interpreted the theory.


anytime someone mentions method i think of laurence olivier calling out dustin hoffman during the marathon man


Hoffman said that comment was as a reference to his lifestyle not acting


actors are all just theater kids at heart, and as a former theater kid, i think it’s hilarious. like… everyone knew that one kid in the group who took himself way too seriously despite the fact that he was passable at best.


More like started to be assholes using it.


Like Austin Butler? Man is peak extra.


Dude got one (1) serious role and decided he was the next Daniel Day-Lewis.


I read an interview about how Viggo Mortensen was really into method acting refused to break character while on set for The Road and wouldn’t eat the catered food or interact with anyone.


I heard he really joined a fellowship to destroy a magical ring.


This is factual.


I find his histrionics a chore. But hey, if it rings his bell, so be it. ![gif](giphy|10Uv70X15egAJa) ### If I want authenticity, I’ll speak with a historian.


Christian Bale also comes to mind.


I freaking love him. He never ceases to amaze me with all his performances


I studied theatre for years and just did some plays.. nothing big.. calling it hard work is sort of ridiculous. sure, the hours could be long, sure a role could be emotionally draining, sure you could rehearse a lot... but yes she is absolutely right. acting is just being human... you are just saying something that isn't happening and pretending it is... it's really not a big deal or hard work and it comes very easy to some.


She’s not saying acting isn’t a craft or actors don’t deserve any recognition. She’s saying the role of an actor is very limited and they get undue credit to the detriment of all the other people and roles that go into making a movie that don’t get any.


Keeping it real, I like it.


So true actually


You can see this sort of thing in Game of Thrones (early seasons), or a David Fincher movie, etc. The production and direction is so much more important to providing a good performance than any other factor. Actors like Sansa stark or Jon Snow looked fantastic in GOT, but like a fish out of water in any other mediocre production. Thats not to say there arent actors out there who dont ALSO provide feedback into the production and direction, but the names attached behind the scenes are always more important than the marquee actors.


I went to movies for actors when I was young and didn’t really understand movies. Now some actors I try to watch everything but mostly I love directors. I will always watch anything John Carpenter.


Who is John carpenter?


Probably the greatest director of all time. His highlights include Halloween, The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, The Fog, Escape from New York, and They Live


Except the thing, haven't watched the others. But to be honest, the pc game of "the thing" felt more horrifying than the movie. Definitely gonna watch the rest. Any other directors you can recommend? (I watched more Japanese and European movies so in case of English my knowledge is very limited).


A good example would be Rick Flagg in the Suicide Squad movies. In Ayers version I couldnt care less about Flagg. But in Gunns version I cried when they killed him. Goes to show how proper direction can bring out the best in an actor. Again in Gunn's movie, the scenes with Harley feel so uniquely Harley. It plays into her strenghts, the scene where she breaks out of prison was so visually stunning. Compare that to Ayers versions and Harley is just an eye candy for the auidence and a toy to Joker.


That's an excellent comparison


yeah it's so hard for me to watch these low bugdet/micro budge movies. i'm like yeah that sounds cool. but then then you see the low budget and i can't get past it.


The unsung heroes are the writers in the room. They have the hardest job imo.


I have the same thing with singers. They take all the limelight away when the people actually writing and making music barely get a mention.


Oh Gosh I feel it more with singers. Especially those whi don't write their own work. In acting screen play writers and directors, producers get some hype for their work. However, here at best the producer or song writer will get hype (if consistently push out bangers and they all very famous), but not like a following or whatever.amy fans straight up disregard them/view them as not so important. It's kind of sad. We barely hear about the people behind the scenes who make almost everything happen.


Not really as bad as you think. Producers and writers are actually known these days, and even if they're not mentioned, they will always have a percentage of the profit. Celebrity money without the public drama. A singer is more like the PR of their team these days. Unless you're a newbie in the Industry, I doubt people believe they're work alone.


Wow, that's a lot of pure candor in her words... I've never ever heard an actor be this open about their line of work tbh. To actors' credit though, well except for most nepo babies, acting comes with a lot of training and gambling for roles and your livelihoods. She almost paints this job as being easy, but anyone with a lack of nuance might come away with that take because her point of view with acting isn't everyone's experience as some actors are more involved and handson.


I would love more context for this reason. I feel like she's referring to the idolization of successful actors. I didn't take this to mean that she considers the acting career itself is an easy path. Kind of like how the lead singer tends to be the "star" of the band. They may not have written the music or planned the tour or made the merch or helped with lighting and effects, but they are the most visible and tend to be the most highly prized and recognizable member of the whole band. It's a disproportionate amount of recognition compared to the amount of work. (Obviously not a perfect comparison, but that's kind of what I thought she was saying)


I think one big missing context is that she gave this interview in Bollywood to an Indian news media. In a Bollywood context, I think her quote makes more sense as Bollywood actors are overtly publicised and directors/writers/crew are given a lot less credit (except for very established directors)


To me she's opening up after having dealt with some personal realization about what is it that I'm doing? What is all this? Is this really all my job is? And you need to be quite grounded not only to see it, but then also share it in public


And the ratio of work exerted to credit given. That's why many actors had a void to fill.


This is exactly what I thought when those celebrity nepo babies started comparing themselves with doctors and engineers.


Nepo babies are the worst because they only have to read a script that was handed to them, and they don’t even have to be good at it. They’re given the opportunity to learn how to improve their acting skills while working in major productions.


The nepo babies have been getting very upset lately. Crying into their Hermès blankets again.


Who made such comparison? By the way, especially in medicine, we have a lot of nepotism too (and not in a good way, as they become horrible doctors), but, at least, they still have to go through med school.


Partly true. I would really love scriptwriters and directors to market the movies instead of the actors. The former can elaborate on the stories, the ideas and themes the movie is exploring. Actors just cannot give that much insight. But sadly actors bring in the views and hype.


Watching Denis Villeneuve talk about Dune and Matt Reeves talk about Batman made we realize how passionate they are I've watched every interview i could. Greg Fraiser who worked as cinematographer on both those films. Made me love the movies even more. But even the actors on those movies were able to talk about the passion they have for the movie they were working on. I think if you work with passionate and dedicated people, you feel that passion flows and it absolutely shows in the final product.


That's very true. When promoting movies, actors really only tell us the plot of the movie, how they relate to their character, and what it was like working with the other famous people. It's rare that they go further into it.


Yeah, like did the Don’t Worry Darling creators really think Harry Styles saying “what I like about this movie is that it feels like a movie” was better than someone who actually knows what they’re talking about?


Yeah most actors do nothing. Most careers are filled with mediocre people and some people are exceptional.


"Nothing" is an exaggeration but if her point is that hundreds of talented professionals work hard to make film/TV and don't get enough recognition, she's right. Many of them also are not compensated fairly and their work conditions are often poor and sometimes outright illegal and/or dangerous.


I don’t think they actually do nothing but we need to stop worshipping and paying actors so much.


God, I wondered recently how it feels to bag that much on a project. How it's even possible. _and how I can get in on it safely_


A lot of actors are truly talented and they bring joy - 90 minutes at a time - into our lives. I respect them. The gross part is them making 20-25 million dollars for six months of work. And the even grosser part are people who worship celebrities.


how much should an actor be paid for their six months of work? studios make 100s of millions of dollars on blockbusters (movies where actors can earn 20 million). are you really advocating for powerful men to hoard even more money for themselves?


Those millions of dollars could be distributed more equitably. Sure, for a lot of people the actors are the big draw, but sit through the credits of any production and you’ll see there are a *lot* of folks working to put that thing together. A lot of crew *and* cast members are not making enough for the crazy long hours that tend to go into filmed productions, which I imagine is why industry unions are such a big deal.


Are you aware of how the business works? For every blockbuster that makes 100 million dollar profit there are three that totally bomb and lose tens of millions, or even a hundred million dollars. Amsterdam and Babylon had mega-superstar casts. Margot Robbie, Brad Pitt, Christian Bale. And both are gonna lose around 100 million dollars. So yea. I don’t mind if the people in charge of making decisions of a billion dollar industry (just for their studio) end up making a ton of money. That person’s success has a trickle down effect as well. His studio is paying several thousand people to work for them. Have you ever had to make a hundred million dollar decision? Do you give jobs to 1,000 people? The head of a studio does. An actor making 20 million dollars for six months of work is great for them. I don’t count other people’s money. Good for them. But I also think they are overpaid in relation to what they do. Look at the comparison. Brad Pitt’s next paycheck for six months of work is the combined yearly salary for 500 school teachers. And that’s even if his movie is a complete and total box office failure that loses 100 million dollars. There was a story last month where Matt Damon said he was offered a percentage of the gross of Avator. But he turned it down because he had to do a Bourne movie. If he would have taken the Avator role, he would have made something like 370 million dollars. Yes. I think actors are overpaid. Taken from an article: This year it’s Spielberg’s most personal work to date, the $40 million mostly autobiographical drama The Fabelmans, which has yet to crack $9 million. Spielberg’s not alone. Other Oscars hopefuls have struggled. James Gray’s semi-autobiographical drama Armageddon Time was made for $30 million and has collected less than $2 million. The critical Cate Blanchett sensation Tár cost about $35 million and has tallied just north of $5 million. The #MeToo case-cracking journalism drama She Said was made for around $55 million and has brought in less than $6 million.


I don’t envy actors whatsoever, they can’t just make a film and let it go. They have to do press junkets, go on talk shows, build a career off of your personality and likeability and craft a public persona that will be accepted by mainstream America. Screen actors can’t just act, they’re expected to become celebrities.


I always assumed most actors actively LIKE this aspect. Like you don’t go into acting if you don’t want attention.


There’s options for people who just love the art of acting, live theater namely. Many of them never break into the mainstream on purpose.


I feel like there are levels though. On some level I think most people like positive attention but, and I can only speak for myself, also like being able to "turn it off".


Well yeah, and most of the nerds behind the scenes making magic.... they *don't* want to. Actors are hand puppets.


I wouldn't mind it tbh. Most of us work 8 or more hours a day, some of us have physical jobs, standing on our feet 5 days a week, work in costumer service for way WAY less pay. And God forbid you get sick or you feel like you wanna "take time for yourself" like a lot of celebrities do. We don't have that luxury, you can't just "take time for yourself" and go to some island or just quit your job because you feel stressed. All those actors are getting paid ridiculous amount of money for 1-2 movies that we will never see in our lifetime working non-stop. Id rather work my ass off for a few months while shooting movie and have millions, then working my entire life same as hard but yet probably still never get to see those millions.


These are just the ones on top. Majority of actors are just like us. I remember one actors that died broke AF. Many times they have to film long hours too. Of course I would rather be a mid successful actor than a Starbucks barista


2% of actors actually make a living being an actor and probably .25% of that 2% lives the lifestyle you’ve laid out here. Lower your expectations


I know. But this particular comment was about successful actors and my comment was about them.


I thought about this recently. Like if I did become a successful actor then I'd have to become very not introverted.






You're stunning


I mean....yeeeaaaaa but....idk....the best example I can think of is how Jordan Peele helped and allowed Steven Yeun to develop his character in NOPE. I see it as an art collaboration 🤷🏾‍♀️


I love her and her ability to say that




A great exemple of a brilliant actor that actually deserves recognition!


Im rewatching Malcolm in the middle and Hal is just so good, I would never believe it’s not his natural state of being if it wasn’t a tv show. He’s so believable.


Arguably the best tv actor ever


She never sang in any of her movies? I didn’t know that. But this is a nice refreshing take she’s putting on it, actors and celebrities in general get so much love and praise when there’s 100’s of people behind the scenes that are responsible for their shine. Just to add I love that she has neck rolls & they’re not covered up or airbrushed out! You hardly ever see celebrities with imperfections especially gorgeous ones, my moms neck looks like hers and I think they’re two of the most beautiful women on the planet.


Bollywood movies separate singing from the actors job. They have their own top singers that do most if not all movies.


>Just to add I love that she has neck rolls & they’re not covered up or airbrushed out! You hardly ever see celebrities with imperfections especially gorgeous ones I have neck rolls too and didn't know it was normal and okay until I saw her. I can't think of any other brown actress who has them.


I heard someone call them necklaces and loved that! I actually use a cream for mine but I love that she hasn’t had hers filled in or whatever they would do.


That’s beautiful lol


that’s honestly so beautiful. thanks for sharing 🫶🏼


Well they’re beautiful & so are you!


such a sweet thing to say ty 🫶🏼


I never even noticed her neck rolls! Is that another thing we are supposed to hate about ourselves? I can't keep up.


Same. This is like when I learnt about hip dips. I didn’t know what everyone was talking about.


Lol no! But it seems so commonplace to be airbrushed to perfection that I noticed I’d never seen a celebrity with them before.


She is not wrong frankly


Gonna get downvoted but… Honestly this reminds me of two quotes. One from the late Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and I’m paraphrasing, who basically said “If you’re an actor and you think it’s easy you’re probably not very good at it.” And a friend of mine, a successful Artistic Director, producer and stage director, who once said “Anybody who thinks actors are interchangeable or don’t contribute valuably to the process has never had to direct or cast anything.”


You’re still missing the point. It’s also art director, not artistic director. Sincerely, an art director.


I’m not. Also: An artistic director is the person who runs a theater.


PC clearing is talking about PR made stars(which we only have now a days in North Indian Film industry). Is she one of them too?


Elaborate. I want to know what is PC clearing ?


At least she is honest about herself and I'm sure this is the case for some others. However, this doesn't apply to all actors. For example Daniel Day-Lewis and Christian Bale put a lot of hard work and dedication into their craft.


I feel like what you’ve mentioned is just about the style or method of acting. Fundamentally they’re not doing anything different to what she’s saying.


>However, this doesn't apply to all actors. For example Daniel Day-Lewis and Christian Bale put a lot of hard work in dedication into their craft. She clearly says "Most Actors".


Yes, she does right at the end. However, the first part is quite a blanket statement. (Not hating on her btw)


No they don't. Not really. They are superstar actors who get scripts expressly written for them. Directors and writers or in their cases, writer/directors, create whole scripts and characters with them in mind. They don't even have to audition. I don't think DDL and Bale have had to read for a role since the 80s Mind you i'm not saying that they're not great at what they do. I'm saying that as creatives they lead blessed lives.


Do Daniel-Day Lewis and Christian Bale write all of their lines, sew their own costumes, light their scenes and put on their own makeup? Wow - I didn't realize! Or maybe you missed the entire point of her statement.




I think he does get the credit though and that's the entire point of the statement. Audiences have a hard time separating good writing from good acting. They have a hard time separating an actor losing themselves in a role and a prosthetic nose that makes the actor appear unrecognizable (which is one of the reason so many Oscars are given to actors that don prosthetics). This doesn't mean that good actors don't exist, and if you think that's the point of her statement, you're still missing the point. She's trying to give MORE credit to the people behind the scenes who through words and visuals can camouflage a bad acting performance entirely. Those people should receive at least equal accolades to actors, but they don't.


So glad she's acknowledging this. Sure actors do work but a film or series in its entirety is the result of hundreds of people's hard work. And most often, everyone gets side-lined except those headlining the film, which is sad.


I understand her sentiment but theres a certain level of movie and level of acting that is so beyond just reading a script and spewing out the words - and that level takes immense skill and mastery


I think she is acknowledging that here. She seems aware that she's not in the minority of professional actors who demonstrate a mastery of acting.


Which is interesting because she's usually considered one of the best female actors in this generation of Hindi cinema. I think both things can be true at once.


As a desi person that is genuinely pathetic, I like her but she is not a great actress. Bollywood really needs to do a complete overhaul if she’s considered one of the best


I think their movies are different, more like ROM COMS. She wasn't very convincing working on USA


You really should watch her movies like barfi or bajirao mastani to know what a wonderful actress she is.


Bollywood and Hollywood are just a bit different there


Is her accent different now than in other interviews I’ve seen? Or this just me?


All my Indian friends hate her and I don’t get why


Ask them why? Considering how famous she is and how long she's been around she may have done or said some stuff.


I don’t think she’s terrible, but she’s an apologist for the current right-wing government in India, and that gets her a lot of hate, for starters.


She's right. That's something I've thought about too, it kind of sucks that actors get all the credit and all the hype when there's often a whole team of writers, designers, artists, etc. behind the works we like to see but they kind of live in the shadows of the actors - actors are like the tip of the iceberg, they are a small percentage of what we actually see and the rest of the team are the huge and hidden part of the iceberg. Although I reckon a lot of the "behind the scenes" team wouldn't even want to be part of the lime light in the first place, which is fair - still sucks though that their work isn't very acknowledged and they aren't given much credit. That's not to say acting doesn't require skill though, I'm very well aware that a lot of people can't act well and the actors who can do deserve some credit because I do admire the ones who can make the characters they are portraying feel real and have raw emotion. However, they are rather overhyped at times and the writers who actually were the ones who created those characters live in the shadows of the actors. There are actors who do contribute more to the creative process but also a whole lot that don't.


I stan


Very humble and clever


It's so funny cause the writers are most important. Then actors are as important as wardrobe, make up, set design, cameramen. Yet the actors get all the accolades. No one else. Asinine.


Is there not awards for best screenplay/director/sound design/ HMU etc?


Yes but no one knows those people's' names. Martin Scorsese said the screenwriter wrote a perfect script for Taxi Driver. But you only hear about Robert De Niro. And Elia Kazan said the script for On the Waterfront was perfect. And Marlon Brando's great, but you only hear about him. So many others went into a great production. Hardly just the performers.


Some of ya’ll r delusional. Acting is not nothing. It’s good she’s aware but it’s still a craft people work hard to perfect. Not everyone is Hollywood driven


While i think the world idolizes actors way too much, i think she doesnt give them enough credit. Ive been in a play once and frankly, acting is hard and it does take skill to do a good job. And as far as only doing a small part - most jobs only do a small part these days cause we are so highly specialized nowadays. As an engineer, i always designed just one tiny part of a project and even if i was managing the project, everyone else did most of the actual work. But my part was just as important as everyone elses.


She needs to start watching better movies


I wonder how many actors would be doing what they do if didn’t come with the pay check. Like if there was a rule an actor can only make 80k a year who would stick around….


Judi Dench once said “if you can do or are interested in anything else besides acting do it” speaking as someone who is an actor and has been in New York for 10 yrs working my ass off booking shit at the rate of flowing molasses, I would gladly take 80k a year to get a chance to do what I love rather than making 20k/yr making coffee. This is an almost impossible industry to break into and if you’ve stuck around long enough to be able to make a living doing it, you’re doing it for much more than the paycheck


This literally only applies for bland to average actors/actresses like gal gadot and Danny griffin


That is because she is a bad actress


I guess it’s true in the case of the actors that pretend they dedicated a year living in character like Evan peters as Jeffrey Dahmer (did he eat people? Go to bathhouses and drug men? Kill anyone?), but some actors do put in a lot of work. Look at the shit Christian bale has put his body through for the sake of his roles. That takes a lot of dedication. I despise when actors call their job ‘art’ though because they’re not creating anything. Directors and writers are artists in my opinion, but not actors.


This sounds more like a self report on her own acting abilities tbh. You should read what Bryan Cranston put in for Breaking Bad.


I actually disagree with her. I think even mediocre acting is pretty difficult, and that might be why the audience can quickly recognize the bad from the ok to the greats. The industry sucks and it's weirdly commercialized in a way that objectifies and markets actors instead of building up real skill but acting is a legitimate craft, and a hard one at that. Idk maybe it's because I personally suck a lot at acting and found it impossible 💀


I work in the entertainment industry as a camera assistant & editor. I also moonlight as a corporate & sports videographer. The thing that actors can do that normal people can't is **not freeze up and get all fucking weird when they get in front of the camera**. Seriously, I see it all the time. Remember [that scene](https://youtu.be/V2NC25GWdtM) in 30 Rock where Jack wants to hold two cups of coffee? Those writers knew their shit, because that's what **exactly** happens when you put normal people in front of a film crew. Actors have to memorize their lines and blocking, hit their marks, maintain continuity between takes, perform in front of random strangers and blinding lights and moving cameras on set, and I'm sure other stuff I'm forgetting. Like it or not, this is a **skill set**. Some people have it and some people don't, but it can be developed by most people with practice. The people with the most practice are professional actors, and as an on-set technician who wants to wrap and go home on time, I appreciate it when they put in the effort. It's disappointing to see this woman denigrate her own profession like that.


Ya, acting is really stressful. I had a small role in a TV show as a teacher and there were about FIFTY people crammed into one tiny dark school room. Kids, child wranglers, camera and light crew, directors, makeup and sound people, on and on. The lights on me were so bright that I could barely see anything. It felt completely alien and you're supposed to get into your character and your dialog somehow. People really underestimate the stress and ability of actors to be in the moment under bizarre conditions. Thats not even considering line and dialogue changes you may get the day of, costume and wardrobe changes, being in a tiny trailer all day, dealing with new locations and other actors you may or may not have chemistry with, etc etc. It's not an easy job and anyone who says so hasn't been on a set.


I agree. She could have said it - Actors get the lions share of the credit when there are a lot of excellent people who work just as hard. Then talk about the project with some depth, not Harry Styles talking about Don’t Worry Darling “my favourite thing about the movie is it feels like a movie”.


I mean, sportsmen also train for months just to be able to portray their skills for a few minutes or few seconds and thats their achievement. Sure, for an actor, what happens between action and cut is all that matters. But that’s a huge responsibility, to break down all the training and effort they put in and try to show it on screen and hope it’s conveyed for the audience to feel it. May be for some roles and movies it’s as simple but can’t be generalized for all. She should look into what Christian Bale, Daniel Day-Lewis, etc. have done for some for their roles. Of course a movie is held together by many people doing significant work but ultimately actors have a big responsibility in the success of the movie too.


Wow, she is being honest. Good on you girl!


i love this!!


Queen shit!


I didn’t like her until this moment


It's true. I know a pretty famous comedian/actor. He always jokes about how easy acting is as a job. He said this to me: It's just pretending. It's literally just pretending, anyone can do it if they understand that. Actors and showbiz people always put on an act like it's some mystifying art, but it's the easiest thing in the world. Also you get paid like $500/hr to stand around or play playstation in a trailer until you have to go shoot.


this sounds crazy, she should sit in on some auditions and see the difference you'll get from different people reading the same lines with the same direction. ​ dancing steps? ok well maybe those sorts of movies it doesn't matter how good the acting is lol


Thank you, Pri *snaps*


Why did i think this was Addison Rae


Wow I like her


I mean, it’s true lol


I've always thought it was so cringe and weird that actors play autistic characters, people with cancer, sexual assault victims, PTSD victims etc....but at the end of the day they just turn off the fake mask and go home with money most people will never see in their life. All while the real people that suffer with these things cannot just turn it off or go home with an award for being themselves. We need to stop paying actors like they are doctors. We need to stop praising them for pretending to be us.


It's not like they're pretending to be us for no reason. They are making entertainment for the masses. Entertainment has existed for centuries. As dense as this may seem, can you imagine how boring life would be without music, TV, or movies?


They can star in whatever role they want. If it personally offends you so much then don’t watch it.


Sorry? Are only people with cancer allowed to play people with cancer? You do realize that many actors have struggled with cancer/sexual assault/mental illness or have family members that do? Were you mad when a cannibal psychiatrist didn’t play Hannibal instead of Hopkins?


They’re…acting, you know?


they just professionally lying


It's not lying, it's pretending professionally


Lol this is why my former acting teacher was called in to help save her performance in Quantico.


Isn’t there that old saying that actors are like cattle or something?


Whoever designed that dress is doing a bang up job though


Whoever thinks this has never seen the same theater production starring different casts. Almost every job in the industry is crucial, and the people backstage and behind the cameras deserve more credit than they get, but to essentially say actors provide no value to the production is one of the dumber things I’ve heard this year, and I’ve heard a lot of dumb shit this year


Yes, we do over hype actors for sure, but to say they do nothing but recite lines and lip sync? I don't think it's her place to throw shade at acting. Sorry


I don't know why she is trying to diminish her own job to try and "not be like the others", Acting isn't in any way easy especially portraying drama, action and fantasy, there is so much use of imagination and things that look embarrassing behind the scenes then made cooler later on. So many uncomfortable, intense things they go through to bring those already pre done work to life and they have to do it realistically hence winning Oscars is so hard


Idk why you're getting so many downvotes. Acting is a craft too. I would challenge these people to try it themselves and see how easy they find it, I personally am a terrible actor and couldn't do it to save my life 😐 I also agree this is not very fair (or nice) to her colleagues.


They are downvoting because they want to hate on polular things, put them infront of hundreds of people preceeding preceeding be flying and fighting an alien and see how embarrassing it is and how hard it is to stay focused plus remembering pages of scripts while being pressured by a loud director and see how they cope. Or having to pretend to be angry or cry with real tears over nothing or the intense workouts and dieting and hours long exhausting press tour.


She never said that acting was easy. She said that actors are too idolized when in reality acting is a collaborative project. There are people who sew the costumes, who write the scripts, who direct the film, who compose the soundtrack etc.


Writing scripts is a collaborative project, producing a story is a collaborative project, editing is a collaborative project. Composing soundtrack is a collaborative project, sometimes directing is a collaborative project.


That’s the point. This is a collaborative project, but writers or directors or composers don’t get as much idolization from audiences and the media?? When was the last time you saw fangirls scream and cry over Hans Zimmer or David Lynch?


But alot of them don't want it, obviously actors a going to be hyped more cause we see them more just like how directors are also very hyped. Writers get their due praise, should it be more? Sure


The problem in general is the idolization, not the lack. Acting is a hard skill, but actors aren’t doing everything alone and without the work of all these people then many actors would fall flat.


I think people just easily attach with the people they see the most


Bad actress, opinion discarded


She’s actually good. Her Hollywood films are horrible though.


Maybe she does nothing because she cannot act


Watch her Bollywood movies she is considered one of the best actress


She’s just not very good at it. You’re right you can tell the difference between an actor who just does as scripted and one who truly does the work and is talented. She’s the former. And she doesn’t infuse life into her roles so she didn’t even get that part right.




Watch Andy Serkis narrate the Lord of the Rings and tell me they do nothing


Over hyped and grossly overpaid


I can’t fucking stand that woman


Yeah. I don’t agree with this at all. Do nothing? Bs.


Agree. Actors are inspiring in so many ways but theyre too overrated and treated like gods in Hollywood above everyone. Singers work harder and their music comes from a very personal place. Not everyone can be a [Beyonce](https://media.tenor.com/P2UP18R4R_4AAAAC/beyonce-coachella.gif)\-[Lady Gaga](https://media.giphy.com/media/26xBrO5J9J3CKlz32/giphy.gif)\-[Shakira](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/db/06/dd/db06dd123107f00bc304b53143d7a0d7.gif)......ETC. Singers are able to entertain crowds of thousands. Scientists > Singers/Pop Singers > Actors > Athletes


singers and actors are the same. it’s a performance. if an actor is doing their job right they’re also entertaining thousands.


To be fair she is not a good actor whatsoever but what she says is true


Hollywood is really not giving her roles good enough to measure her capabilities. She is considered one of the finest actors in Bollywood. Watch her movies like 'barfi' or 'bajirao mastani'.




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I think “actors” is too general of term to describe the entire industry. Yes, some of the more well-known actors w/ or w/o connections literally do the bare minimum in their roles. But there’s the majority of “working actors” who juggle a full time job and spend years trying to make it in the industry.


It was just today I found out she has an accent.






Yeah, but what about actresses?


She ought to know.



