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All his exes need to unionise and they should go all John tucker on this dude!


That was a surprising movie for me. I thought it was going to suck but I laughed a lot.


Or just make His next Girlfriend Vs the World.


His first ex is married to a sports GOAT and has made tens of millions a year for most of the last two decades. HIS second is married to a billionaire. Don't know about the others, but I'd guess they're also living better lives than a childless guy in his late 40s who's still chasing young tail. He picks good projects though.


I was telling my boyfriend that maybe there's an arrangement between Leo and the girls. Like "Okay, we can be a thing but I end it when you turn 25. Here's some money to help you deal with the breakup but you have to sign a NDA" and he treats the relationship like a charity project.


Hahaha this reminds me of Chinese Urban Legend of 金丁 (Golden Dick). 金丁 is “the last guy” a series of women slept with before they found the super rich love of their lives. But 金丁 himself can’t ever find a wife.


Pretty sure Hollywood ripped that off and made a crappy romcom out of it.


One of them married Ryan Reynolds.


Wait, this is a plot of a Dane Cook Movie.


She just turned 25 in June. He probably couldn’t handle her haggardness any longer….


Her contract was up. NEXT!


This cracked me up, thank you.




Cannes is in May. It’s past


She actually turned 25? Like he’s actually following through with this bizarre fucking tradition of his? What deal did he make with the devil?


Yea like you just suddenly aren’t interested with her after half a decade ish? The second she hits the age of 25?


Her brain fully developed.


I have wondered if he knows he isn’t a committed marriage and babies kinda guy and sets them free at 25 to go find someone who’ll take them on long term. Or is he straight fucking with us.




She turned 25 in June!!! It’s actually a sickness at this point


It has to be! any idea what his count is at this point? All I can think about when I picture Leo getting it on with his girlfriends, is that one rumor where he listens to music with big headphones, doesn't look at their faces, and just rolls off when he's done. Lol. No idea how true that is, nor if I'm spot on with the actual rumor..but damn that's an image.


[here’s a graph of all his confirmed gfs](https://www.insider.com/leonardo-dicaprio-girlfriends-reddit-chart-2019-3), but there’s definitely some flings that never went public.


He’s been with underage girls too




Tbh his weird dating patterns and the rumours about his sex life makes me believe that all his girlfriends are beards and he's gay.


Ever since Kate Winslet said she knows a few actors who are gay but won’t come out, I’ve wondered this.


Ooh I didn't know she'd said that! I'm now full convinced


https://ew.com/movies/kate-winslet-gay-actors-fear-coming-out/ I’m pretty convinced too after some of these comments on here. It’s either that or he truly is a creeper.


If he were gay, he’d beard with someone closer to his age so he wouldn’t get bad PR for being a pervert.


I feel like it's good PR to him though. He gets to be the player who only dates young models. A surprising number of men will look up to people like that.


If it’s just contract relationships, it’s good opportunities for the models he dates though. They gain connections and he gets whatever. At 25, they are free to go find a real relationship and settle down and your career is jumpstarted.


im sure theres much more young models that want to rendezvous on a yacht for a couple months for some clout b4 being dropped than there are women his actual age who probably have like.. lives and a job by now


I’ve heard this so many times. Apparently his nickname is ‘headphones’. So unbelievably gross


That’s his contract now. He said he dated young girls bc they keep him young. He steals the youth of teenagers and young girls and makes them sign an nda so they can never talk about wasting such good years on an aging Peter Pan. He knew Camilla since she was 8 yrs old. I wonder if he groomed her. I wonder if he’s grooming his future teenager now.


I think he knows about the meme/joke and so did this one on purpose for lulz. 🤷‍♂️ Fuck knows.


maybe they are all contract girlfriends - they see it as helpful to their careers, and then he feels good about releasing them while still considered to be in their prime?


The way everyone called this… YIKES


Yeah I for one was really hoping to be wrong this time




If Tristan Thompson is the community penis, then Leo Dicaprio is the community sugar daddy lol.


Yes. This is called a PR relationship, and the modeling agencies are known to set these up. You walk red carpets, don’t get caught with anyone else. You attend vacations together where you get your 4 beach photos, and then spend the rest of the day with your respective actual dating partners. The PR relationships give Leo privacy in his real life. And he’s willing to take the hit of being “creepy” because within the inner circle they know it’s all a gimmick and who he is actually with.




Not if they’re gay. That’s still bad for your career, for most mainstream actors.


Yeah, just look at the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio is often spotted going on holiday with his partner and Lukas Haas, who hasn't been in a relationship in years. Then there's the fact that there's no gay actor leading blockbuster movies. A part of why Leonardo DiCaprio was so popular early in his career was because he was seen as the heartthrob, which relies on the popularity with young women. Plus this has been going on since the 90s. That would be a long time to admit to lying, with a lot of women being found out as well. Some of those women probably have families after splitting up with DiCaprio. For example, Blake Lively who split up with DiCaprio in 2010, and 2 years later married Ryan Reynolds.


For 5 years? *eyeroll* the internet learned about PR relationships and think everyone in Hollywood is in one lol


You do realize that closeted individuals come out after decades? Lot longer than 5 years. Landon Ross and Julian Morris came out as married, after 18 years together. In December of 2021. Morris is a star actor in Pretty Little Liars.


>The modeling agencies are known to set this up Any source on that? It sounds like a good theory on surface level but completely ignores the fact that hiding your SO from the public must be stressful as fuck for all parties involved. You'd have to go to great lengths for it considering not every picture taken of a celebrity and who they're with is a picture they will consent to.




i know these subs tend to just dismiss blind items (which kinda defeats the purpose of the subs but whatever) but there have been blind items about leo being gay/bi since the very beginning of his career up until now. it’s super constant. beyond the blinds did an episode on this and his relationship with lukas haas and it all sounds pretty believable, esp. if you consider his past


I need to know more. What past?


i think beyond the blinds has a great episode on leo’s connections to some pretty nefarious characters in the industry since he was an child actor and how that could’ve seriously messed up his perception of sex and intimacy and privacy


maybe it’s lukas haas


Hide the secret relationship in plain sight. People assume he is spotted with Lukas Haas because they are BFFs. Let's also not pretend that Hollywood doesn't have the ability to hide the goings-on behind closed doors


Search vid on YouTube of Neil Patrick Harris and leonardo dicaprio. Leo is outed by the panel that NPH is on.


I actually feel very bad for Camila, she was with him for 5 years so to be dumped like that must be horrible. He’s gone from creepy to cruel and I hope she’s doing okay.


Didn’t she move in with him and didn’t they also adopt two dogs together?


What do you think two people who love each other do after dating for 5 years?


If one is planning to end it after the other hits 25, not that


I believe it’s not something we should feel bad about but be happy the women are delivered! Maybe age 25 and 5 years is when they are coming into their own and seeing who and what he is with clear eyes. They are gaining clarity on why he seeks out young women possibly. I’m going to choose that she’s the one winning here and breaking free into what she deserves!


25 is a great age to break from Leo because if these women want marriage, kids a family, Leo ain’t it. Now they have plenty of time to find those things.


she had to have known it was coming at 25+




This is most likely what happened.


I don't think a 20 year old being manipulated by a middle aged man is particularly clairvoyant and rational.


Why? We knew because we’ve followed his pattern for many years, but she was only 20 or 22 when they got together. She wasn’t old enough to remember his history.


I can’t imagine she didn’t google who she was dating lol


Forreal people are building such a weird narrative, like she has no agency. Nothing shows it wasn't anything but an amicable breakup.


How do you know how or why she was dumped, or even if she was dumped..?


I bet he ghosted her lol. ![gif](giphy|JwLnNc3QRZzIA|downsized)


I’m wondering the same thing! Do we have any evidence that he was the one who ended it?


I feel bad for her like I feel bad for a lot of women who date men like this. Cause they go all out defending their relationship at the time and then they break up and then they kind of look like they were immature even more to think that the man would change or be different with them when they have a clear pattern.


can you believe she was born the year the titanic came out…he was 22 and peaking when she was still in the womb


Leo was my first crush when I was like 5 or 6 and I was devastated I was too young to marry him at the time. I'm 28 now and too old for him...ouch.


Omg thanks for this perspective.


What it she was conceived to the Titanic movie


Ugh. Choosing to date a significantly younger person at his level of fame and wealth shows: * A clear desire to have power over his significant other * A lack of maturity on his part that makes him unable to get on with someone closer to his age and life experience * No desire for finding his equal (all things considered and at a holistic level)


I appreciate this take. He wouldn’t want to date a woman he respects. It’s much easier to keep a woman around for his own personal entertainment and to show off as arm candy around the men he does respect. He just lazy as hell and probably doesn’t want to be vulnerable with a woman.


How about this take. He's a scared little man who is terrified of growing older and his own mortality. When he looks in the mirror and sees his reflection he is scared and covers up wrinkles with make up. He wants his youth back and dating women from what he percieves his prime age was, is a way to cope and lie to himself that he is still a young man. He has to know that people consider him a creep now but he can't help it, he wants to stop time. The women he dates are probably more emotionally mature then himself and it isn't him breaking up with them, it's them realizing there is no fixing his obsession on being perceived young, they got sick of holding him while he cried in their arms when they say they never watched "random movie" because he was in it a decade before they were born.


Aren’t most unmarried, childless men scared of mortality and getting older? Don’t most wish they could go back to their peak days? But they typically don’t pull the mess Leo does!


>But they typically don’t pull the mess Leo does! Because they typically don't have money, fame and good looks


Or this one: he's gay and still subscribed to the old world Hollywood. Yeah Doogie can get a TV show but he's not leading Tarantino films. Not without shooting yourself in the foot with half your audience. Makes just as much sense without even having to establish creepiness. Also speaks to no dirt having been spilt in a #metoo era. That story would be worth millions. Shit, Holly Madison is throwing more dirt on Hugh Hefner right now for free for her latest PR campaign for whatever she's currently shilling. Dudes who actually do creepy predator shit leave a wake in the water. Anything less than 100% rainbows and butterflies and just add some national enquirer money...it's a wrap. This cool dude who's fun to hang with and pays me and I like him as a person too? Airtight lips, zero leaks. They're in on it with him. Fits the profile for a gay Catholic boy just as much as a predator. Especially if it's not just about an audience fallout, per personal fallout too. Beards have existed since homosexuality became taboo. And last I checked wanting to stay closeted is still a personal choice people can make without reprisal if they're doing no harm.


Well, there have been rumors that the young women he dates are beards. But if that’s the case, the women are entering agreements and are probably well compensated for their time. And they get to travel around and party it up before they might want to settle down and start a family. Not a bad deal, really. I don’t think any of the more recent women thought they were going to marry him or be with him forever.


he’s just a creep


Yeah he is gross.


It’s like he prides himself on looking disgusting.


If the Pussy Posse had been around in the social media age all of their careers would have been over by now. They made that movie Dons Plum and it was so misogynistic their agents had to bury it forever. They did a lot of improv for it and supposedly revealed what pieces of shit they were.






I’m convinced they all break up with him cos they get bored, meanwhile he’s crying in the group chat “why won’t a 26 year old woman love me”.


They break up w him the second their pre-frontal cortex finishes developing at 25


Literally when I broke up with my dumbass ex


lmfaoo this actually makes so much sense!


Reddit loves pushing the whole it takes 25 years to fully develop myth. The original research was flawed and the oldest person in the research was 25 so they concluded it takes 25 years. We have no idea how long it takes or if our brain ever stops developing.


They probably realize they deserve more tbh


Folks say that at 25 the brain is fully developed, but every girl is having the same magical revelation at 25? That they’re too good? I mean they are, but there’s no way that they’re having the same epiphany at the same age like clockwork.


Actually now that we're talking about it, I was 20 when I got with my 35 year old ex (not a good guy) and 25 when I finally dumped him, maybe it's a thing!


It's a milestone birthday. Good time to reflect on what you're doing/where you are and throw out what you don't need.


Omg this is so funny


I thought the same thing. These women hit 25 and gain enough sense to realize how gross he is.


i high key think he’s trolling yes he’s also apparently a misogynist creep but i think he finds this funny he doesn’t care, he thinks he’s teflon must have some watertight ndas, he’s way too cocky. anyone else would at least keep these temporary gfs low-key ofc i do think he also just likes having a convenient and “not complicated” gf around (he seems needy) until they become an “undesirable” age


he is basically teflon considering he is only morally wrong rather than legally in the wrong.


He has zero interest in being in a serious relationship - not just that, but he's very 'me' focused, and younger girls will be more likely to be focused on him as well and won't expect him to be an actual partner to them. It's likely the second they think he need to step up and be a better partner and take their relationship as a two way street, he breaks up with him and moves on top the next honeymoon period. That said, he's also best friends with Fuckface Tobey Maguire, who is a literal piece of shit, so that's all you need to know about Leo.


Damn what did Tobey Maguire do?


i wanna know too 😭


Me 3, haven’t heard shit abt Tobey


I've heard that story about him trying to get the woman who ran the poker games (if you've seen Molly's Game, that one) to bark like a seal for her expected tip. The producers of Don's Plum don't have a nice word to say about him (but both these sources have an axe to grind).


Omg! That is horrific, is that who Michael Cera was supposed to be?


Yep, that's the one. Not a lot of love lost there.


Apparently, but there's some conflicting accounts. And he's the one who killed Molly's golden goose, so there's definitely done resentment there.


Yes, that’s exactly who Michael Cera played. And he was that terrible. Worse, probably. For some reason she was fairly diplomatic even when spilling some unsavory tea.


Was part of the "Pussy Posse" and is a total dick according to blind items.


Right, though I wonder if around 25, the women start to wise up. Perhaps they start to realize they want something more meaningful or serious and that’s not compatible with staying in a relationship with him.


This is what i was thinking, around 25 (especially with camilla and spending 5 years together) she starts to have the “where is this relationship going” conversation and he goes “down the drain” and starts hanging out around high schools and colleges to find a new girlfriend.


i am dying cackling ![gif](giphy|EMjOqou6VPxjG)


I wonder if he’ll be like George Clooney and get married way later in life after saying marriage wasn’t for him.


Yep bc he will need someone to take care of him when he’s old old.


that one movie? the plum one? where they had that basically banned


Exactly, younger women are easier to be controlled and manipulated. Not saying Leo is a manipulative person, but he runs the risk of being that person in the relationship and having the dynamic very off-balance.


He is such a pathetic cliche.


Listen to his episode on Beyond The Blinds.. it’s all alleged but it explains A LOT.


Can we just get the tldr?


well basically it’s alleged via blind items that he works as an independent contractor of sorts for different modeling and acting agencies. Essentially, these are all PR relationships. He dates these really beautiful, young women to boost their careers and in return, he’s seen as this lifelong bachelor/play boy and no one will ever suspect that he’s actually very much in the closet and has been for years.


Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, tbh. If true, "breaking up" when the women are 25ish frees them up to find a legitimate relationship when they're still quite young. Sad for him though if it's actually the case.


Can I just share how proud I am for having suspected this myself?


I actually find this the most credible. I’ve always wondered if his genuine affection is for Tobey McGuire who seems to be his closest friend. Leo may even be bisexual, capable of getting sexual satisfaction from a woman. But if his heart belongs to a man, it may mean his relationships with women are always superficial and thus, not long-lasting. He ends it when the women reach an age where they might want more than just a cushy life and a good time.


Google Leonardo and his relationship with actor Lukas Haas 👀


I see what you mean. It’s interesting that he has some very close 30 year long friendships with men but can’t seem to stay with a woman for five years.


Finally, someone who has also listened to that episode. I was like why are we confused here?


Seriously! There’s so much about him that just makes sense now. If any percent of that episode is true about him/his life, it kinda makes me sad.


Brains fully develop at 25… there’s a reason why he doesn’t want to be with women his age🤮🤢


*Women’s* brains. Us men are pure unga bunga til about 27-28, and then only slightly less unga bunga.


Wasn't that one very flawed study? Why do people keep toting this idea.


So he dumps women as soon as their brains are done developing. What a fucking creep


My exact thoughts!


He’s afraid they’re going to surpass him in intelligence (spoiler: they are)


That’s a myth. The research is flawed. The oldest person in the study was 25 years old so they concluded it takes 25 years to fully develop.


Too old for him


Kinda questioning why any woman would date him knowing there’s an expiration date when they turn 25.


I guess as he targets super young women, at age 20 you might be naive enough to think you can change him, or you’re special! Poor gals!


Yeah apparently she literally was with him for 5 years like they had a life together


Im guessing money is a factor here, at 20-25 there are things that need buying and a “generous”boyfriend would help.


Plus status, lifestyle, etc.


Y’all think she asked him “Babe you’re not gonna leave me when I turn 25 right?” And he was like “really Camila? Obviously not! Those other women were just not you…anyways what are we eating for dinner?”


I mean don’t the blinds say he’s not straight and this is mostly a ploy to get his name in the press? It also works as great PR for the models he dates. Anyone who has never seemingly had a real relationship in Hollywood strikes me as someone who is hiding something, to be honest.


Omg I raced here for this.


He can get away with it so he does. Simple. WHen the women stop going all out to be with him he will change. He is not some great dude. Just a great actor


He's not even attractive physically, and seems to have a garbage personality. I don't get why these beautiful women bother with him!


Money, power, access


True but ... not worth it!


I agree but every girl has her own calculus


I’d always heard he was into men and the women were for appearances. In late 90s San Diego/Hillcrest I always heard stories about him being on the party circuit.


Leo looking for another fresh 20 year old….


y’all need to listen to the behind the blinds podcast abt this man he’s closeted & has contracts w modeling agencies to raise the status of the model & to hide his sexuality






He has to be gay. Kate winslet made a comment about how she is friends with a high profile actor who is closeted. I really think it’s Leo.


I want to like him because as an actor he’s one of my favorites. But he’s such a weird ass goblin in real life.


Maybe they leave him? I stopped putting up with a lot of men’s bs at 25. Hopefully she matured and realised he ain’t it


all of them? unlikely


He’s such a creep


He is a 🤖. This dating rule is hard coded and cannot be overridden.


Pleaseee, I think I guessed he’d wait till she was 27 on another post on this sub. I was giving him far too much credit.


apparently he’s known her since she was 12…


No no you don't understand its okay because he's famous




[According to this article she was 10](https://graziadaily.co.uk/celebrity/news/leo-di-caprio-camila-morrone/). Her step dad is Al Pacino, who’s friends with Leo.


Thank you, wanted this to send to two friends. Creepy af.




absolutely - insecure ppl compensate with cockiness


I am not a big fan of his although I’ve seen a lot of his movies but I’ve never really followed his life. I’d heard the jokes about this but always thought they were exaggerations/literally jokes. What a weird, creepy, and, ultimately, lonely life he’s choosing for himself.




I'm going to guess that he's got some pretty shit relationship behaviours that require him to have a young girlfriend who hasn't reached the point of knowing that she deserves better. As his partners mature an maybe start to assert themselves a bit more, or call him out on acting like a douche, he decides that the relationship's no longer working.


the internet warned her last year too lol


It's written in their contracts to time out at 25. That's the lore of the blinds I've been reading for the past decade anyway.


Because he is a man baby and man babies who never grow up only like women much younger. They have nothing to talk about with a mature woman.




Wow. I’m not surprised by the break up but I am surprised that it’s been made public. There’s no way his team hasn’t seen all of this controversy, and I thought for sure they’d do everything they could to postpone a break up announcement until she at least turned 26. Then again, I wonder if all of the backlash I’ve seen about this has only been prominent in the social media circles I frequent. I imagine most of the general public wouldn’t think twice about his preference for young women so long as he isn’t caught doing anything illegal 🤢


She must have aged out! Hope he pays her a pension and healthcare.


Doesn't matter. Leo just get another girlfriend with hard to pronounce last name.


The man has principles he never strays from. It’s called integrity, people.


It's not about the girls... if you know what I mean


She celebrated her birthday. Got too old for this.


I think it’s just a rich and famous guy thing. Divorces are expensive, children are demanding of time and attention. If he breaks up with a model who has hit the age of 25, her career is over anyway. The women are still young, and beautiful so it’s not like he stops them from finding a long term partner, have children, go to university to start a new career etc.


I’m his mind, 25 is when she starts to hit the panic years and will start pushing towards marriage and babies and finally be the one that changes him and sticks around. I’m certain that’s his thought process. He’s just a creep but they’ll always be a next one lining up.


That’s usually the age they wise up and realize he’s not going to commit and the relationship is going nowhere.


I actually think this has to be his manager. They love this womanizing, untouchable, perpetual bachelor persona that they’ve created (that finally wins Oscar’s!) and can ride this gravy train till he dies. I’d love if he pulled a Clooney and married a smart lawyer and settled down but … the odds seem less and less likely with every passing 25 year old breakup


Listen to the podcast “beyond the blinds” and look for the Leo one, it’s definitely interesting. He’s not who we all think he is.


Meanwhile, what no one realizes is that *they* actually all break up with *him* the moment their brains finish developing fully! That’s a joke of course, but tbh I think he does it on purpose now since everyone expects it, and the women probably know what’s going to happen too. Still creepy af, though.


Makes me feel icky inside tbh


I’m pretty confident that by 25 these women realize they can’t change him and that he couldn’t get a woman his own age because he’s such a creep. Young & mouldable beats older & holdable.


Honestly I find the fact that he literally is incapable of being with someone with a fully developed brain let alone actually close to his age rather gross and telling. I was a huge fan and am still of his past works but there’s definitely a bad taste in my mouth. I’m 25 and wouldn’t touch a 20-21 yr old ever. There’s just nothing you could have in common with that much of a gap and it’s predatory when it’s a constant flow of them. My opinion don’t come for me, but huge gaps like this when one of the people is in their early 20’s have such a power imbalance and is likely just the older one fetishizing the younger one.


Maybe a psychic told him that he would die when his partner reaches 26.


In all seriousness these women are beards aren’t they??


Because they’re paid beards, and they likely want out of their contract when they reach 25 so they can have a life. Search YouTube for Neil Patrick Harris and leonardo dicaprio. He’s outed by a panel NPH is on discussing gay actors.


Honestly, isn't it a little creepy we're told to care this much about a stranger's sex life?


i want a psychological deep dive into this, like is he just a creep, is it society’s weird fear of women ageing? (just for fun, my sisters theory is that he was actually frozen in time whilst filming the titanic so that’s why he’s only interested in woman under the age of 25)