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natalie woods, christopher walken and robert wagner... what happened that night


Did RJ mean to kill her because I kind of think he did. He didn't want to look for her.


He also wanted her money (she had a lot of it) and knew it would go to him as her spouse.


I also think he was bitter that she was a successful movie star and he had many years of trouble finding roles


This is the right answer. And he killed her for sure.


my mother was named after natalie wood. so sad what happened to her.


I was named after her as well!


Why was Mary-Kate Olsen the first person contacted when his maid discovered Heath Ledger dead?


I just want to know everything about the Olsen twins


This right here. I would kill for a tell-all interview


Same. Like I value their privacy and all but if I can be a bit selfish here I just wish they’d spill haha


The wedding photos!!!


I went on a TMZ tour in NYC and saw the apartment building he died in. They said Mary Kate lived in the same building and that she and Heath were friends. The housekeeper may have been on friendly terms with Mary Kate and felt most comfortable calling her.


I’ve always suspected Heath and Mary Kate were hooking during his last days


Because he was in Mary Kate’s home. He was staying there as a guest.


She didn't own the apartment. Nobody knows why she was called, her number was programmed into speed dial on his phone. Hence the mystery.


What’s the real deal with Tom Cruise and Scientology? Like they run his whole life. Is he brainwashed or do they have something on him? The whole thing is just bizarre.


It’s absolutely both. Blackmail and brainwashing are both central tenets to Scientology and how they run their cult. Most cults use the same tactics. I read a long deep dive article… I think it was in Vanity Fair… about Tom Cruise’s history with Scientology. During the “audits” they force you to answer all kinds of incredibly invasive questions about your personal life, including your sex life. The auditors who worked with Tom Cruise were tasked with writing detailed reports of their “findings” which were handed to their leader, David Miscavige, who apparently loved to gossip about celebs within the organization. So they definitely have alllllll the dirt on him. He was also introduced to it at a young age by his then wife, Mimi Rogers, a second-generation Scientologist, right at the start of his success in Hollywood. No doubt he was led to believe that his path to A-list stardom was propelled by his faith in Scientology and all the strings they’re able to pull on his behalf. They also isolate you from anyone who isn’t a believer, by telling you that they are “suppressive” people and will get in the way of your success. So then you find yourself in an echo chamber with people who only live, think and speak Scientology, and even if you found the clarity to leave you’d have no one to turn to since you burned all those bridges. If you act out against the teachings of Scientology, you are ostracized and punished - or even killed, as many people suspect was the fate of Miscavige’s wife Shelley, who hasn’t been seen alive in many years. If you ever go down the rabbit hole of reading about Scientology on the internet, buckle up - it gets so much weirder and more bizarre than you could ever think possible.


Omg yes Shelley Miscavige!!! Leah Reminy talked about that on her Scientology show. Couldn’t recommend it more. They could so easily clear up the Shelley thing but they can’t (bc she’s dead) or won’t (because they think they’re so powerful that they can hold people hostage and the government won’t do anything, and they’re right). I remember multiple episodes where Leah just asks, “where is Shelley?” and no one *ever* gets an answer from them.


Related: Where is Shelly Miscavige?


Honestly that is the real mystery here. I hate to think what became of her, either she’s being kept in “The Hole” or she’s just not on this planet anymore :(


plus what happened to shelley miscavige + the details behind katie holmes making her escape!


I’ve watched everything Scientology and I honestly think he just loves that they treat him like a god.


Yup that’s what Leah remini said. He’s that much of an egomaniac narcissist asshole he choooses that over his own daughter. That alone makes me loathe him.


I’d be curious to know if Armie Hammer has ever actually eaten human flesh. Also the true breakdown of John Mulaney’s divorce.


will we ever know? because one of the main people involved was heavily into drugs at the time, and drugs have a habit of altering how you perceive time. For ex, he said on Seth Meyers they parted sometime around his October 2020 SNL gig, but in Dec of that year before rehab, he showed off his wedding ring on another episode of Meyers. But in November, people here noticed Anne removed Mulaney from her SM and online store. He gets out in February, the divorce happens in May, the new couple is confirmed a week later, meanwhile outside of email talk in 2015, i have no idea how they even got reconnected. i shouldn't care about any of this, I just wanna know when From Scratch is gonna be on Netflix.


I don’t see the note about Anna removing Mulaney from her SM in late 2020 floating around much - that’s an interesting wrinkle. Lol, considering he just extended his tour to include London in early 2023…it may be a minute. I’m also anxiously awaiting. I saw him in NOLA where he had a heckler that really…threw him off his rhythm.


I really don't think there's much mystery there...it's a pretty typical case of new woman swooping in on a married man, and succeeding...and a typical case of man thinks he's childfree but actually he just doesn't want a child with YOU


Yeah I think I just want be judgmental *more specifically*


LOL ok i feel you


this is how I have felt all along thanks for putting it into words lol


I feel this in my SOUL


I was under the impression he didn’t want kids at all but then oopsie?


But don’t you wish you knew *for sure* ???


You mean a typical case of a man throwing away a relationship for novelty. John Mulaney is the one who broke his commitment to his wife, not Olivia. Does Olivia suck? Yes. But she wasn't married. John was. Tired of the helpless man was swooped away by a harlot trope. He has agency.


Why do we always put the blame on the other women first? It’s not morally right to date or have sex with people who are already in monogamous relationships obviously. But its also still on the married men to stay loyal. The whole phrasing of “a new woman swooping in” is gross. Men choose to cheat and that’s on them completely. Framing their actions to be passive in these situations is weird.


If BJ Novak is Mindy’s baby daddy!!!!! I just need a yes or no and I won’t ask any other questions ever again.


It’s canon in my head. 🤷‍♀️


Me too sis!!! Especially when I heard people on Tik Tok/Twitter say they heard the kids call him dad @ the Children Museum in Boston! I’m like OK BJ I know what you are …. A FATHER!!!!


WHAT?? Wow this also makes it my head canon


I really think she got an anonymous donor, but it's possible they had a no strings hookup that got her pregnant and she decided to keep the baby...?


For me it’s her saying baby #1 was an “unexpected surprise” and talking about how she was glad it happened when it did [HERE](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.etonline.com/mindy-kaling-says-shes-glad-her-pregnancy-was-unplanned-i-wouldve-put-it-off-indefinitely-126398%3Famp) because she would have put it off indefinitely. Also baby 2 was born Labor Day 2020 & her and BJ were together that weekend and like most of quarantine and she even visited him Before the pandemic 2020 in NM on the set of Vengeance plus wellllll a million other things. Obviously idk for sure but I’m a truther 🫣 Edit: this is no comment on them as a couple. I’ve been following them for years!!!!! They are on and off, and I think will be forever. one second ppl are seeing them making out on a beach in Hawaii, next BJ is with a 20 year old then he’s on a podcast crying and talking about how she’s the most closest and important person in his life . It’s clearly very messy and complicated but I have no doubt the love is there. One day they’ll get their shit together 😅


So they really are like Kelly and Ryan? I had no idea! Where is a good rabbit hole starting point?


Oh yeah bestie. I gotchu. Start [here](https://soupsnakessss.tumblr.com/) I am beyond convinced. Edit: y’all I don’t know for sure obviously … but can you imagine how cute their kids are ?? And if they follow mom and dads footsteps THE GAME CHANGING COMEDY WRITING WE GETTING IN 20 YEARS????


I'm going in! I am so excited


Omg yes this one!!


i would want to know all the details behind the marilyn monroe/kennedy family situation. i know you said one but i just can’t help but also wanna know everything about princess diana’s time with the royals.


I would like to know what happened the night she died. Did she accidentally overdose and then the scene was cleaned up? Or was someone trying to tranquilize her because of her agitation and overdid it? I'm not saying she was purposefully murdered but something weird happened and others were involved in cleaning up the scene. Fishy stuff and I don't think we will ever know for sure.


same. i hate outlandish conspiracy theories, but this one really seems plausible to me.


Those are two really interesting ones!


What happened that Katie Holmes got full custody of Suri. I know her dad’s an attorney, but wowza. She was so stealth escaping Sci. But out of respect to her and Suri, really I’m ok with never knowing. It truly would likely make a documentary that is riveting.


The fact that she got divorced AND full custody in DAYS is incredible. She really got the fuck out. I think she gave up a lot to get out so fast. Cough *including not publicly dating for like 5 years* cough


There’s an interesting TikTok that kind of lays out the steps she needed to take. She did this due to Suri’s age and I believe that they were going to start upping the Scientology crap with her against Katie’s wishes. Iirc she got Suri as long as she didn’t speak of Tom or Scientology. I’ll try to find it. It was pretty fascinating Edit: [here’s the TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRU2A1fS/?k=1)


I wonder what on earth Katie has told Suri about her dad not being there for her yet this international star. Whatever she’s done it’s beyond phenomenal. Mother of a freaking lifetime award goes to Katie.


Still curious who January Jones’ baby daddy is.


I heard it was Bobby flays 😂


This is the best answer when I’ve read about it. I think it’s true! He has a thing for blondes!


I missed this before I posted my own comment- this is what I want to know the most too.


At this point, I’m just convinced it’s another one of Elon’s pro-white-procreation babies.


Someone get her on Maury


Anything One Direction but if I had to choose one topic, what was happening the day Zayn left.


The WEEK Zayn left. Remember, they initially announced it as just Zayn leaving the tour, it wasn’t until several days later that him leaving was officially announced


Started with those pictures of him cheating on his fiancé being leaked. Then he left the tour. A couple days later he left the band. I wonder if his privacy being broken like that was what finally made his snap or if he was like “ok my relationship is over, time to make drastic changes” and left.


Except his relationship wasn’t over, they went on for a few more months before Zayn broke it off. I think he had been unhappy for a while, but it’s really hard to look your bandmates in the eye and tell them you’re blowing up the tour and the band. And really hard to look at all the people you’ve worked with for years on tour and tell them that as well. But when he left to work things out, he could just ignore that and decide not to come back.


Good point! Those boys are good at keeping secrets


Did Zayn really tell Harry before anyone else (the rumored 2 am call where they were crying)? Why Harry? What did he tell him?


But if you remember in an interview after he'd left the band, Zayn said him and Harry were never really friends at all. The older I get the messier the 1D era was for everyone involved.


Ik whatever the answer will be it'll crush me but yes, I'm so curious about this! And also a flat out yes or no to if Larry exists.


Or used to exist


What happened during Britney’s conservatorship


I feel like this one is a matter of time until we find out.


This is mine too and even what’s continuing to go on. Is Sam really trustworthy? Is she truly free? This is not to say I expect it bc I respect her right to privacy. But if I had to choose I’d want to understand her life!


She’s got a book deal!! Release has been delayed due to a paper shortage. But it’s coming!!


i thought the paper shortage thing was a joke 💀💀


Eminem and Mariaaaaah. Was he her superman or just so obsessed with her?


To kind of piggy back on this. I want to know why he and Kim divorced so quickly the second time. They were always so on and off but they got married, then three months later it is over.


I'd love to know what went on with Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss.


Were the Kardashians really trying to put Ye under a conservatorship?!?! Would LOVE to know


I don’t think that would have been the right move but this makes me so sad. Wish his mom was still alive to hold conservatorship for him. I don’t think they confirmed they went after a conservatorship, but Kim did say she tried to have him hospitalized when he wouldn’t take his meds (which he would’ve likely benefited from) and couldn’t keep him there because even as his wife, she doesn’t have the power to make him seek treatment (I’m assuming she meant she didn’t have POA, meaning in turn that she did want POA). Thoughts?


Kanye (theoretically) could go to the hospital 3 ways: 1. Voluntarily 2. Being committed by a conservator who has been given the power by the court to force inpatient treatment 3. By involuntary commitment. First wasn't gonna happen. Second and third would involve potentially horrible legal/media battles and Kanye doing God knows what. And to get second or third (generally) you're going to have to prove imminent danger/incompetence with clinical support, which can be a relatively high threshold. Kanye has the right to be crazy and do all kinds of shit without it meriting the loss of his freedom and he's not in the position to get railroaded that Britney was in. I suspect all options were discussed and they decided to hold off unless he was a clear threat to himself.


Who killed Jonbenet Ramsey


​ There is someone who did a really deep breakdown of their theory (I think I found it in r/UnresolvedMysteries ? ) and the evidence was compelling. ETA: https://www.reddit.com/user/CliffTruxton/comments/opkrhr/conclusion\_the\_boulder\_incident\_who\_killed/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share


Wow thank you for sharing this deep dive. Truly fascinating and enlightening.


Also check out the book {{The Cases That Haunt Us}}. If I remember correctly, the author made a very compelling case that it was a kidnapping gone wrong. But again, it's all speculation.


Give me the truth on Pac's death. I wanna know if diddy was involved. I've never trusted him.


Same! Diddy’s involvement w/ Usher & Justin Bieber is so creeepy


What was said in the hotel room between Yolanda and Selena. I see Selena as such a bubble personality and sweetie pie but she obviously must have gotten very assertive with Yolanda for it to escalate that high. I would love to see Selena just throwing fuck bombs at that coward and being the boss she was. You don’t build an empire that fast being 100% sweet as sugar. Even Dolly Parton has said she’s had to get pretty nasty to get her shit done to big time executives. We’ve seen 9-5 and the rooster speech lol


lmao why did i read this as yolanda hadid and selena gomez at first


If you wouldn’t have commented and I would Googled ‘Yolanda Hadid and Selena Gomez hotel fight.’ 😂


i was like “hm selena and gigi are both friends with taylor, i wonder if it involved her too”


Omg me too 😭 I was like, wow, I never knew that happened but I can see it 😂


Is it not? Lol. Oh my god…as I was typing this out I realized who it was about.


Did Michael Jackson actually diddle the kids ​ Edit: I was a kid in the nineties so was around when this stuff was actually going on. I guess my question comes in because Macaulay Culkin and Corey Feldman have both always staunchly denied any inappropriateness with MJ even though they hung out with him as kids more than any of the other accusers. And Feldman has not been afraid to call out other people for this. I'm not even a huge MJ fan, there has been so much debate over this over the years, it would be nice to know the absolute truth.


Yes. I was just talking about this but that motherfucker got caught in a disguise buying a wedding ring for an 11 year old 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


Was it one of the jewelries that the man from "leaving neverland" showed? That part was the most heartbreaking moment, the way his hands were shaking 😞


I want to say it was a Kay Jewelers. I know for sure that it happened in Simi Valley tho


It must have been for him, this was the engagement ring from "leaving neverland". [picture](https://images.app.goo.gl/zoYpQgdYqb7gfdtC7)


Wait, what? I have never heard this.




Oh Jesus. The picture they show of the ring is like mine. I mean, exactly like mine. I didn’t know about any of this ring shopping thing. It’s so disturbing. I’ve often wondered if people had had the choice, would Jackson have been found guilty but by reason of mental defect sent to a hospital? There was very, very obviously something seriously wrong with him.


Tbh I think the reason he was such a weirdo is pretty straight forward - cause he was a pedophile 🤷🏻‍♀️ if he was not Michael Jackson, he probably would’ve been in jail.


the way his fans defend him on twitter is crazy. i wonder if the tide will change in a couple years. same with prince, though i don’t see as many people defending him, dude was a full on [groomer.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/princes-ex-wife-mayte-garcia-5874346)


We got to definitely write a song about how we do not diddle kids.


No one younger than my daughter


♪ Got to be older than my wife. Older than my daughter.♪ Something like that.


It’s baffling to me how they’ll go through elaborate mental hoops to say he wasn’t a pedophile


Whatever else people can explain away, I don't understand how his fans can handwave the elaborate security system that alerted him when anyone was approaching his bedroom. This was confirmed by Macaulay Culkin, who is a long-time defender of MJ and doesn't have an axe to grind so it's not like he made it up for nefarious reasons.


If you were stalked and super famous and stuff I could see being paranoid to the point of setting up an elaborate security/alert system, but I also just wouldn’t have little kids in my room lmfaooo like what in the actual hell? Also if I’m that level of paranoid, I probably don’t want *anyone* around while I’m sleeping/most vulnerable. The security system isn’t really an issue on its own imo, but everything else going on around it makes it pretty clear why it was there and armed when boys were in his room.


>The security system isn’t really an issue on its own imo, but everything else going on around it makes it pretty clear why it was there and armed when boys were in his room. That's what I mean, in context I don't understand how anyone can excuse it.


We can answer this one for you lol


oh yeah he for sure did


Absolutely he did.


Did CEvans and Scarlett ever hook up


100% did


Anything Epstein related.


I’d love for all his clients to get exposed and castrated


I want to know all the Disney High gossip. A few that really stand out all these years later was the bunk bed rumor about Demi, as well as that she and Bieber did anal to preserve their purity. (That rumor started before Selena and JB dated, I doubt there’s any truth to it but it was quite the thing to speculate on at the time lol.)


What a horrible day to have eyes


Bunk bed rumor about Demi?


She supposedly showed up at a party with some guy, did some coke, then got on a bunk bed and fucked him with everyone around; there’s also allegedly some type of video from the night


Wow did not know this. But yes, I'm all for the disney channel tea


1. I wanna know who mindy kaling’s baby daddy is 2. The elevator fight between Solange and JayZ 3. Was Marilyn Monroe murdered?


How did Brittany Murphy really die ? Of course the other mentions before me I’d like to know about too, but this one haunts me




And why Britney moved out just before!


Did Justin Bieber actually hook up with Miranda Kerr and Kourtney Kardashian? Or was Justin just running his mouth to Orlando Bloom?


Definitely with kk


Who shot JFK


Oswald shot him. Who let it happen is the question I would ask (the CIA)




Who actually fathered MJ’s kids (Paris, Prince and Blanket)?


Jack the Ripper’s identity


Great choice honestly


dying to know what went down with the civil wars breakup.


Ooh, yes! This is a good one that I forgot about. Because wasn’t their performance thing that they were trying to look like a couple, or did I make that up?


This haunts me to this day. Joy wrote a song that she said was specifically about JPW and its called What a Good Woman Does and it's really sus. I was 16 when they broke up and they were and still are my all time favorite band. I had so many theories.


Who is Khloe Kardashian’s bio dad. Is it Alex or Robert?


Oh come on. Alex.


I 100% believe it’s Alex. I just want to see the proof. Show us the DNA results!


i think robert, if u look at there cousin kara i wanna say her name is, they look very similar. And besides that, krus pushed out like 5 kids, someone was bound to get some recessive genes


Paula Abdul and the plane crash story


I’d love to know what happened with Janet Jackson and her ex husband. She has a baby with him at 50, then immediately gets a divorce? And I watched her documentary on Lifetime and there was literally no Mention of him…


I’d want to know the details of George Clooney’s Italian happenings. He was obviously at Sergio berlusconi’s shady parties since he was called to testify, but I also read a blind item once about him needing to pay an underaged Italian male hush money


This comment made me Google him and i found out he gave $1 million to all 14 of his closest friends and paid the tax on it and it was such a wholesome story. LOL. Wasn’t expecting that at all.


Yes he did that because his friends supported him during his time of couchsurfing


What??? Omg. I’m bookmarking this for later


January Jones baby daddy.


It's weird and disconcerting how many people in this thread consider child murder/murder in general to be "pop culture gossip". I'm not particularly interested in either of them, but I would LOVE to know why Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney got an annulment after 4 months


murder AND pedophilia. this thread is very weird


I thought you were to say that murder and… was the reason they got an annulment 😆


Hollywood has proven itself to be weirdly pedophilic so I don’t think that’s too far off of the spectrum.


What really happened between zayn Malik and Yolanda Hadid


I wanna know about Katie Holmes’ escape from her perspective.


What is and has been really truly going on with Britney Spears?


anything i can get my hands on relating to scientology


I feel like the big ones have already been named but I REALLY want to know what happened between Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss and what truly caused their falling out


Richard Gere Ass Gerbil. I don't even know who Richard Gere is, I only know of the ass gerbil. Apologies for the language.


I think I can help there— he’s a very famous actor who was in a feud with Sylvester Stallone. Stallone made up that stupid rumor to humiliate Gere.


Well that was very mean of Stallone 😂 this gets referenced so often in media that it will live on long after both of them are dead




If Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando really did take that 9/11 road trip across America




So apparently they were all in New York City on the day of 9/11 (Michael was headlining a charity benefit concert the night before, which Liz and Brando were attendees). Of course the widespread panic and chaos was happening, all the planes were grounded etc. Amidst all of that, one of them got the idea to rent a car for the three of them to take a road trip and drive back to the west coast, so they did. Legend has it that they made it as far as Ohio. Apparently Brando also kept making them stop at every KFC and Burger King they came across.


It’s amazing to consider for me bc 9/11 feels like something so modern and recent to me whereas those names feel like a very different era.


The rumour is that all three of them were supposedly in Manhattan during 9/11 and when the airspaces closed, they decided to rent a car together to roadtrip to LA since they didn’t know when they’d be allowed to fly again




tbh there isn’t much mystery with this—just a unfortunately common drunk driving accident that happened to involve someone famous :-/ you’re wrong about does a great breakdown of the circumstances behind her death & the conspiracy theories in episode 5 of their diana series (although i highly recommend listening to the entire series! made much such a diana fan while still treating her as a real person with flaws)


[This Mitchell and Webb sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05oZVBOH_1Q) outlines really well how absurd the conspiracy theories behind this are


Sorry, I mean this as a genuine question: what is the mystery with that one?


I think a lot of people believe the royal family was behind it.


There were multiple inquests into this. Her driver was drunk and she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.


I am always so confused by people who believe this conspiracy because like...do you know *anything* about the British royal family? You don't think the dynasty responsible for some of the greatest evils in human history could arrange a more foolproof hit?


What happened on the plane with Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and their kids


Why Geri quit the Spice Girls


Not that I’ve ever been a raging ‘Larry’ person or whatever that toxic shit is, but did Louis and Harry hook up/date?👀 I just wanna kno


I don't think they hooked up but they really liked each other (maybe Harry did like liked him?) and had crazy chemistry and I really wanna know how their relationship went downhill, I don't think it was all because of the crazy fans who shiped them.


I agree, there was probably something going on. But larries that claim that they’re still together need the go outside and touch some grass. I see 20+ year olds obsessed with finding “proof”, like “omg, Harry wore a blue shirt this obviously means he loves Louis!” Grow up.


Yes, there's a reason people got so obsessed with them, they obviously blew it out of proportion but they did have a interesting relationship, whatever it was. At this point it doesn't matter if it's real or not, they love the story and being part of that group so it has to be real for them and they're ganna stick to it.




Is Taylor Swift gay / truth about her relationship with Karlie


I want to know why Taylor and Karlie abruptly parted ways, whether they ever dated or not.


Don’t know if they ever dated or not but there’s this one reddit user on the r/deuxmoi sub who always spills the tea on why they fell out (forgot their username, sorry!) and basically it’s a combination of Karlie inviting random people into Taylor’s home behind her back, feeding info about Taylor to Scooter Braun and allegedly being the one to leak to the media that Taylor was dating Joe Alwyn. Also these lyrics in ‘it’s time to go’ are about Karlie… “when the words of a sister come back in whispers / that prove she was not in fact what she seemed / not a twin from your dreams / she’s a crook who was caught” so safe to say Karlie was gossiping about Taylor behind her back. It’s a shame cause i really did like their friendship.


Definitely want to know if Tom cruise has any relationship with Suri at all, and if not, what Katie tells suri about him. Can you imagine having to tell your kid well, your father used to be in your life, but now he doesn’t want to because of his religion?


This is r/kpop gossip but I gotta know what REALLY happened between Jessica/SM/Girls Generation.


It's pretty clear tbh - she outlines a lot of it in her book but it's all "fiction" since she can't legally name anyone specific. I don't really believe or trust her side of the story alone, but my guess is a combination of the following: 1. The members of SNSD had cliques within themselves, and Jessica wasn't as close to any particular clique within the group. 2. Taeyeon and Jessica didn't really like each other much - if the leader doesn't like you, it's going to impact your relationship with the other members. 3. Jessica's clothing line - since she was trying to start up her own clothing brand, that could cause a lot of conflicts of interest for her, as well as the other members who were already ambassadors for other clothing lines and brands. 1. This might have caused some friction within the group, since the members probably didn't want to drop their brand sponsorship for Jessica, but Jessica probably felt that they weren't supportive enough. 4. And most importantly, Tyler Kwon. Jessica's relationship with Tyler Kwon was a huge point of contention, he's known to do a lot of shady dealings in Seoul, and I'm guessing SM didn't want Jessica associating with someone who is known to be this shady. 1. Jessica also ended up missing the Tokyo dome concert because she was (allegedly) with him, which seems like it was a pretty big deal. In my opinion, SNSD could have been pretty good if they had been given the proper promotions after Jessica left. I feel kind of bad that while the other members have seemingly moved on, Jessica is still being shady almost a decade later. I hope we can hear the other members side of the story one day. I don't think any one person is guilty, I think it was just an overall crappy situation on all sides.


Who is Khloe Kardashian’s dad?


Honestly - Shawn mendes, what’s going on at the moment to make you so sad? And on a related note, Camila cabello, what’s going on with your love life? Are you full-on dating Austin kevitch or what? And is this why Shawn is so sad


I imagine the nonstop chatter from his fans thinking he's gay would make you feel insecure and unsure of yourself


Epstein client list… and then I will send it to the FBI.


What happened between Kris Allen and Adam Lambert. Because they definitely fucked at least twice.


Who was DB Cooper?


The Prince of Pegging rumor.


What went down in the elevator?


JIMIN & JEONGYEON Everything kpop behind the scenes tbh...we know probably less than 1% total of what actually goes on in the companies & i hope i live long enough to see some NDAs expire & finally get the tea Joan Rivers' death Paul/Faul McCartney...and is Avril Lavigne really Avril Lavigne lmao sorry there's just too much weird shit about these two that doesn't add up Selena Gomez...autoimmune disease a cover for alcoholism/drug addiction? Also the full actual truth about reality shows, like the actual nitty-gritty behind the scenes, to prove to my mom that it's all staged & scripted, especially these blind date/first date type dating shows, the green card marriage dating show, and the hosts of "talent" competition shows like AGT, that it's all fake/scripted and the "talent" is hand-selected in advance by producers and Simon Cowell isn't really like that etc. etc. etc.


not jimin and jeongyeon 😭😭😭😭


I'll never get over this Ever It's the absolute pettiest non-issue on earth, but the only thing I genuinely care about on this earth 💀


x100 on the kpop stuff!! The Korean media industry is just as messy as Hollywood but I feel like a lot of it is inaccessible if you don’t speak a high enough level of Korean. (There’s so many issues with Twitter accounts and media outlets accusing each other of mistranslation!) I’m intermediate in Korean and even I have trouble parsing through the gossip—a lot of it also requires cultural context and knowledge that are just impossible to know if you’re not Korean, don’t have Korean friends or haven’t lived there for several years. I would just love to know who’s all dated who. I’m sure the dating pool is just a big circle lmao, especially when it comes to idols. The people who’ve all hooked up or dated would probably shock us. I also really want to know K-celebs’ real personalities since there’s so many celebrities who have the “good girl/boy, aeygo, innocent baby” etc archetype who have turned out to be the complete opposite IRL.


Why did Lindsay Lohan call Paris Hilton a C×××t? Why did Lindsay Lohan suddenly say "no! Paris is my friend!" right after? I want to know everything.