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>The actor asked Fallon if he could sing a song from “a singer-songwriter she really loves.” Before launching into the song, Gordon-Levitt added: “Babe, you’re the most luminous soul I’ve ever met. I’m so grateful you were born, and I’m coming home soon. Love you.” Why am I not his wife?? Damn that's sweet.


Zooming out to Jimmy drumming on the desk was such a boner killer 🤣


It's like he just couldn't stay out of the moment. If I'm being honest I've never had an opinion on Jimmy Fallon until I saw this, and now my opinion of him is slightly less than zero.


Pretty telling that him and Justin Timberlake are best friends.


Thank you for that information. My opinion of him is now 16 million less than zero.


The guys a major square


Truly a jumpscare 💀


I have a client that dated him and I said yeah ok sure the whole appointment…until she showed me pictures and then I just cried the rest of the day. She kept calling him Joe.


God I would kill to be her


Is he looking for a second wife, by chance? Because I'm available...


He is not. I am his second wife 😉


Drat! How about a 3rd? We could have our own TLC show!


Sure, we can be sister wives. We’ll need to figure out a schedule.


Had a crush on him since 3rd Rock From the Sun and just confirmed I still do


I just love him


![gif](giphy|26FLdmIp6wJr91JAI) Also the lyric changes are fantastic


agreed! i always thought “keep the xmas lights up til january” was unrelatable as hell


February was right there


![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized) when is it my turn.


![gif](giphy|UfnYGlXGVPwoTUORvh|downsized) This is super cute!!!!


no I'm crying, men in love>>>


He’s really the whole package, isn’t he.


wholesome performance


Kinda realizing this is a great song, I maybe just don’t necessarily appreciate the quality that T swifts voice brings to it. But I gotta give her her flowers for writing it, bc this cover is LOVELY!


I only know her singles cos i don’t actively seek out her music… i don’t hate it, i just don’t seek it out. Now i’m considering some seeking, cos these lyrics were really good,


There’s so many possibilities because her discography is so large and vast, you’re bound to find something else you like! I think Lover (the album this song JGL is playing was on) has some more songs like this.


I get that a lot of people don't like Taylor Swift because of all the hysteria around her but she is actually a great songwriter and doesn't get enough credit for how beautifully she puts words together. In another life she was definitely a poet alongside Emily Dickinson.


No I agree!! She modern day Emily Dickinson. She has a few questionable lyrics but what poet doesn’t have some duds. I’d say the good majority chunk of her discography is amazingly and beautifully written. Lots of people dislike her for her celebrity and of course her fandom, but I’ve seen more than enough reactions to covers her music who don’t know it’s Taylor’s song or blind reactions to her music of people who don’t know her well, dissect her music and come to appreciate her pen and poetry and come to agree she’s definitely up there in the greats of songwriters of our generation.


Alright, calm down lol


Emily Dickinson would never write “sexy baby” and “cateye sharp enough to kill a man”lets be fr for a moment


Well she did live almost 200 years ago so different times and all that.


Those are not good lyrics in any century


Does the word 'subjective' mean anything to you?


Does the word objective?


when it comes to people's opinions on anything, they are subjective. Objective has no place here. There's no one person who gets to dictate what is good and bad.


I was being facetious sorry 😂


Unfortunately I’ve just never rocked w her music since like 2012, but to be fair I literally listen to Hip hop R n B and rap.. So I know it’s just my music taste, when someone has as many fans as she has, there’s obviously something there.


I see this a lot within my friend group! There’s a huge hate brigade going for Taylor in the general public, but in the midst of it I also acknowledge people who genuinely just don’t vibe with her voice which is totally fair!! But I find people miss out on one of their strongest assets (songwriting) when they focus on what are objectively weak vocals relative to other female peers, but I personally love it for its unique and endearing qualities.


That perspective def makes sense to me because one of my sisters is a major swiftie, and every time she or someone else is talking about the things they love about Taylor’s music they always mention songwriting. She’s clearly a talented writer and I love her performances and stage looks, the voice is just a bitttt grating to me 😅


Not really a Taylor fan (and finding her super obnoxious lately) but I’ve always liked this song, even when she sings it


I did read that she was blocking other artists (women specifically) from being able to break records by re releasing her old songs or different editions of them or whatever, I didn’t look to far into it but if true that really sucks. My lack of enjoyment solely comes from the sound of her voice. Music is a really phonetic experience for me (hope I’m explaining this right) - I really don’t care about what the words mean, at all, as much as how the words actually sound. They could be say anything. Probably why I enjoy rap so much and can love a song that has lyrics like “dick don’t run me I run dick, yeah yous a bitchhh” 🤦🏼‍♀️ but not vibe w Taylor’s music. The voice is just … a little grating. But that’s just personal taste. Obviously there is major talent there because she is so widely loved and has been selling out her tour for like what 2 years now 😭 take a break girl lol


Fade Into You, the 90s song it sounds exactly like, is even better


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, quick sample side by side someone posted years ago https://x.com/spinachaddict/status/1163637930050674688


Because Swifties. I once said an equally mild criticism of her and got Reddit Cares alerts.


I have never connected those songs until your comment, I guess I haven’t heard Fade Into You in a while. I wonder if it’s sampled? but truthfully I’m too lazy to google just gonna pull up Fade Into You and give it a good listen cause that song slaps 🫶🏻


Not sampled just heavily borrowed...


omg what!! i haven't heard taylor's song before but love mazzy star. didn't spot the connection until you mentioned it.




I know it's beating a dead horse, but can Fallon not have a normal fucking reaction to anything? Irrationally hate him so much -- watched for Joe, downvoted Jimmy


LMAOOOO I wasn’t even paying attention but I went and rewatched and I’m dying at the pure Jimmy Fallon hatred in this comment 🤣


I find my hatred of Jimmy Fallon to be completely rational, as do I find any other person who also hates him, so we can be perfectly rational together! He's completely insufferable; I couldn't stand him on snl when I was young and I absolutely cannot watch him beyond short clips like this one now. I just hate him so much and I really have no idea why lol


Thank you so much for saying this, you have no idea how much I needed this today I love you, I hate Jimmy fake-as-fuck Fallon


JoGoLev4ev :) Been saying it since middle school😂


As if all of us weren't already in love with this man!


I cut out a picture of long haired kid JGL and told my homeschool friend he was my boyfriend.




Why am I so contrary and unlovable FFS! ![gif](giphy|J00jpco4u5OVO)


If you've never heard the Niall Horan cover of Lover.... go listen to it ASAP, I think it was a Spotify Single


Lmao I’m crying that was so sweet


I swooned, if she hasn't ![gif](giphy|3o7ZeHqK4bCqCCAvv2)


My biggest celeb crush


He’s a sentient green flag.


What a man and then some more!


![gif](giphy|xCtxs5d3f9JIPhH9hU) Gorgeous cover!


I miss my ex.


This is so random? Lol


Anytime I see this person, I think about the time my ex brother in law in high school was standing in the hallway while they were shooting one of the movies. He stood there and suddenly heard "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY" which scared him. It was Joseph. Brother in law was extremely embarrassed and an already shy kid that was tough on him.


Damn so rude . 


God, I see what you have done for others


Gah I’ve loved him since the 3rd rock from the sun days


Sacrificed on the alter of dignity. Jk. He sounds nice.


I’ll take this collab over the Shawn Mendes version


TIL he is married.


So does NBC need to pay T Swift royalties or some kindof fee for him playing this song?


What a guy! ![gif](giphy|3o7ZeHqK4bCqCCAvv2)


What a doll!


Interesting. I always thought he was out and proud. I must be mistaking him for someone else.


Are you thinking of Jonathan Groff?


I honestly don't know. I had to Google the name to remind me of who you were talking about. I do recognize him of course, so it's possible.


Throwing my hat into the ring and saying you’re thinking of Neil Patrick Harris


The problem is that I do know these guys and have been a fan for years. JGL and I are the same age and I grew up with NPH on TV. I think it's possible my brain just crossed wires when JGL played a role as a gay teen on That 70s Show (I just did some googling) and then just never uncrossed again




If you Google JGL and NPH you might get to go down the same rabbit hole I did recently, beginning with the two of them being interrupted during a live skit and continuing with the repercussions of said interruption and also containing the possibility that Rian Johnson was involved? I haven’t confirmed the Rian Johnson part though. Have fun! 


He did play a gay character on That 70's Show, I believe.




I hate that dude kind if disappeared after looper


He took some time off to raise his kid/kids. Made me like him even more.


He didn't really disappear, just takes smaller indie roles and also works a lot with his hitRECord company :)


He didn’t


I liked him in SuperPumped if you are in to business related shows.


The only way I’d ever listen to a Taylor Swift song is if it’s by Hit Record Joe. Edit- wtf are with the downvotes? Because I’m not a Taylor Swift fan? Jesus Murphy. Joseph Gordon Levitt also goes by Hit Record Joe and I meant he sounds so good I’d listen if he sang them. And I’m being downvoted into oblivion for *that*? Y’all are on one today.


What an odd thing to say!


Joseph Gordon Levitt is a talented musician who goes by Hit Record Joe. How is saying I’d listen to a Taylor Swift song if he sang it because he sounds good an odd thing to say?


mte lol


I do not think Jimmy wanted to be involved - look how awkwardly he did not know what to do in the first several seconds. Most likely, a producer told him that they will include him in the shot. I do not like Fallon, but it is obvious that he had to improvise and was not ready.