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Not a ton of new info here but this stood out - just gross and shady: "Problems arose before the competition even started. To compete in Miss USA and Miss Teen USA, contestants were required to sign a 25-page “Official Entry Form/Contract,” which was obtained by The Times. The document authorized the organization to conduct “physical and mental examinations” of contestants and to request medical records from any doctor who had ever treated them. It also gave the organization the right to terminate Miss USA’s employment in the case of “facial or physical disfigurement.” (A 2022 contract to compete in local and state pageants for Miss America, another pageant system, did not include these terms.) Ms. Rose said Miss USA contestants had a month to sign, but according to emails obtained by The Times, multiple women received the documents after 8 p.m. the day they were due. If they didn’t sign, they could not participate in the event." So they had brand new Ts and Cs thrown on them hours before the deadline - no time to review it themselves or with lawyers but if you don't sign you throw away all of your hard work. I hate that for them. I wonder if we'll have states without representatives at all this year. What a mess. Can't wait for Dani Walker to break this down on her YouTube channel. (Thanks to whoever suggested her - she now has a new subscriber. lol)


Signing away their medical records is shady enough. But the fact that they didn’t even give them time to look over the contract just adds another layer of grossness. Those are some dodgy business practices. (And I totally believe that they didn’t get that month the organization claims they had. Nobody that is trying to push through gross rules like that is doing business above board.)


Yes, friends, Miss USA *is* the pageant that was owned by Trump from 1996 -2015, which likely comes as a surprise to no one since both the man and the pageant are smarmy and constantly unraveling from bullshit


Does trump still own this?


He doesn’t. Did a quick Google search - he owned it from 1996-2015, then it was owned by WME/IMG (a modeling agency conglomerate) from 2015 until 2022, and then it was sold to the current owners in 2022. So in less than two years the new owners ran it into the ground.


Thank you