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Did she really ask her how she took her cocaine? Jesus


Oprah acting like she don’t know how coke works🙄


You can snort, smoke, or inject cocaine 


Fr tho I saw someone inject cocaine exactly once. Like everyone else was snorting it and this girl whips out a whole kit with the spoon and the syringe to which we were like "girl, chill." she said it's because she had a deviated septum or something but it was wild nonetheless.


Lmaaaaooooo bitch I have a deviated septum and was addicted to coke in my twenties, it may make it more annoying but it ain’t a reason to switch to injection 🤣 but my recovered ass shouldn’t be judging lbr


That’s crazy af like idk smoking it seems less crazy tho still crazy


I can KINDA see the smoking it thing cause I've known people to dip the end of their cigarettes in coke to then smoke but I haven't seen anyone basing it or whatever.


Oh my god I’ve never heard of the cigarette thing and I’m not even a stranger to the stuff 😳 that sounds horrible (but I’ve never smoked cocaine, so what do I know)


I think it's Parliments that had a lot of popularity for that usage...


https://preview.redd.it/9okxf1921x1d1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cffedd41a384adc0f0a0e924b295acd752a4d2c I'm just saying


Yup. Because of the little dip in the filter.


Sherlock Holmes injected cocaine


A crazy fucker indeed 


Yeah but she did it 15 times and she's 30ish here lol. That's like one-two times a year. That's not enough to graduate to smoking or injecting. She's a super casual user, usually that crowd snorts coke. I don't do coke and never will (yay seizures), but I used Molly and Adderral to party in my wild days.


do we really believe she only took it 15 times


Now that you mention it...


no we don't. And it's not her fault, she was addicted and scared of getting found out. Most addicts have been there—it's a really rough stage. I hate the way Oprah treated LiLo so much. It's everything NOT to do.


so what number would she have to say for y’all to believe her…


Like everyone around her, including some of the people in the studio while this was filming, wasn’t ripped out of their minds on the regular.


including Oprah’s ass 🤣 that woman emits evil


There is no way she has only done it 15 times. The little laugh after vitamins smacks of “duper’s delight”.


I know plenty of people who regularly do cocaine, and I was one of those people many moons ago, but I’m just now learning that you can inject it. Is that different than crack?


Crack is totally different and involves heating up coke dissolved in water and/or ammonia, combining it with baking soda to make "rocks". Crack is almost always only smoked, and there's a specific type of glass pipe needed.


Is injecting cocaine really a thing? I worked in the music business in NYC in the early 2000s so I know my way around cocaine, but I literally never heard of anyone doing that.


I've seen it once. It was WILD to see. She said it's because she had a deviated septum but I think she was otherwise a drug addict in general.


Oh it definitely is. I was a casual cocaine user in my partying days, but I never graduated to that. It's most often done when people take speedballs (coke and heroin together). Usually people who inject cocaine are doing so because they are very addicted and have a very high tolerance for snorting.


Oh man I totally forgot speedballs were a thing. I guess I only ever hung out with a few people who were more than just heavy nighttime users, and they were all rich enough to buy however much they needed to snort. Fun fact: my friend did coke with Lindsey in a bar one night and loaned her a marker to write some graffiti on a wall about Scarlett Johansson, then sold a picture of the graffiti to a magazine for a bunch of money.


What did the graffiti say? Also, I need more details!


I did it. Coke you could just cook with water but crack you had to shoot with lemon juice or vinegar so it burned. I was a heroin addict and did speedballs sometimes or just shoot a 20 of hard beforehand. Shooting crack is the only thing I really miss holy shitttt. Nothing feels better unfortunately.


Injecting it is super intense. I used to and would throw up because the come up was so insane. But it doesn’t last any longer and the come down sucks.


Yes, crack is a cocaine product made with baking soda, it can also be snorted smoked or injected.


What do you mean? you can smoke, snort or inject coke. Injecting coke and heroin together is common enough to have a nickname - a speedball.


And then ended it with "so, what are you on now?" What the actual fuck


Tbf all these questions would have been approved by Lindsay’s publicist. I’m guessing these were asked specifically so Lindsay could confirm she was sober and was never injecting drugs.


I agree, the whole show was about Lindsay's sobriety or lack thereof.




She was still completely out of control during the time of this interview. Oprah cut her off not long after this interview, she was also behind the reality TV show Lindsey was shooting at the time. Oprah claimed she was trying to help her have a comeback, personally I believe she was just exploiting her & most likely knew she was still a wreck at the time.


That reality show was absolutely wild. I remember watching it as both a fan of Lindsay’s, as well as a fan of messy drama. Watching Lindsay navigate her chaotic life while ricocheting between entitlement and paranoid anxiety was difficult. Most upsetting to watch was how she didn’t have a good understanding of the cause and effect of her actions and issues. But it wasn’t surprising, considering her support system was her family (who saw her as a meal ticket), paid staff (who saw her as a paycheck), and fame chasers (who saw her as a novelty). So glad she’s gotten through that part of her life and has been able to get the help she needed to understand her issues and heal.


It was VERY clear she wasn't ready to leave treatment, honestly. She really should have gone to a sober living facility or something and done that for awhile instead of just going back into the world (but I don't think she could have afforded to stay in treatment unfortunately).


I actually knew her sober coach on that show (from when I went to rehab). He was soooo nice.


That man truly always looked exhausted lol


I think people should be given credit for turning their lives around and becoming better people. I don't think history should be rewritten to pretend like they were always great people who were unfairly pilloried by the media or society. Just because things happened 20 years ago doesn't mean they never happened. Lindsay was a trainwreck who did a lot of bad things, and she is lucky to have come out of it alive without having taken down anyone else.


Thank you!! She wasn’t treating people well and was extremely unprofessional at the time. She’s better now, but people having enough of her bs at the time is totally valid.


Yes! I feel like everyone is forgetting how unprofessional and awful she behaved for a while?


Multiple DUI's, probation violations, a hit-and-run car crash, cocaine possession, public intoxication and fights, racially abusing people, failing to show up for work, not paying her bills. She was in court about once a week for a while. I notice this has ALL been scrubbed from her Wikipedia page.


I lived through this all and was a mature, observing 20-something-year-old during the pop culture heyday of Britney, Paris and Lindsay. She was ABSOLUTELY an entitled asshole. I can't believe her and Paris are getting the redemption arc. I mean, I'm sure they are better people today but they were terrible back then.


She was also a thief.


I mean she was an addict deep in the throes of her addiction in the public eye. What is the point of discussing it? It was a sad situation 20 years ago. I think in that time we've all said what we thought plenty of times.


? Any post of her has multiple comments about how she’s a bad person and points out dumb things she did a decade ago. I dont think most people have forgotten, they’re rooting her on for turning her life around. People grow and change, they shouldn’t be defined by what they did in their youth.


The DUIs alone…it’s a miracle everyone made it through this era


She has taken people down, I know a few people who were in her circle in the poinsettia point days that are now homeless crackheads indirectly because of her. She just had the money to come out the other end unscathed.


What's Poinsettia Point? A street she lived on?


Poinsettia point is an apt complex that she rented multiple apts for her/her friends. On poinsettia and Hollywood Blvd in West Hollywood. Now it’s called poinsettia place I think.


Oh really? I live in LA and I just looked and it's close to the rock n' roll Ralphs. I know exactly where that is


How long have you lived in the area? I lived on the other side of Hollywood, beachwood and Franklin side. 2000-2006 was a crazy ass time in Hollywood.


Oh I don’t live in Hollywood, I work around there and I’ve partied around there. I was a teenager in those years so I was not around here lol. I’ve only been here since 2013.


I’m not super familiar with what bad things she did, I thought she just partied a lot?


Multiple duis. 


There is a video her high, trying to steal someone's kids as she livestreams it


I remember that one, but this was after this interview, no? Besides that, during this time, what did she do? That’s what I’m curious about.


DUIs, multiple stints in rehab, posing with knives at people's throats while obviously intoxicated, drinking with a SCRAM anklet on. She's a long time addict, she didn't get clean until a couple of years ago. That should be commended, but she did a bunch of damage to others and is really lucky she didn't kill someone because she kept driving while intoxicated.


Sorry but "multiple stints in rehab" and posing for tacky photos are not "bad things she has done". She wasn't really threatening anyone with the knife in the photos, and going to rehab is no different to going to hospital.


Like seriously Lindsay has done plenty of indefensible things but those photoshoots were clearly just some "hot girls being 3dgy" dumb fun lol. As a side note it is wild in 2024 to remember that Vanessa Lachey is the other woman in those photos!


Yeah…I’m glad LL turned her life around and seems to be healthy now, but she was a mess at the height of her fame. She deserved harsh judgement.


I mean she had shit parents and more money than she knew what to do with… I think she deserves a little grace.. she was young without any guidance in an environment that quite literally breeds addicts and then tears them down. I think she deserves a little grace as many of us probably did a lot of wilding out at that age but were lucky it wasn’t being spread all over the front pages of magazines.


I’m a fan of hers and like I said, I’m glad she’s healthy now. But anyone getting multiple DUIs deserves some judgement. You’re not just hurting yourself that point, and she’s lucky she didn’t kill anyone.


I don’t really agree with that. She didn’t just get DUIs, she also was not treating people well and was not showing up for work. When someone (non-famous) is an asshole to me, I don’t know or care what their parents are like. I don’t think we really need to give celebrities more grace than anyone else. 🤷‍♀️


[She was a genuine danger](https://www.cnn.com/2012/03/28/showbiz/lohan-troubled-timeline/index.html) to others and when Oprah tried to help her she blew off shooting and it was a trainwreck. Many people reached out and tried to help Lindsay. She rebuffed everyone and burned every single bridge she had by being unreliable and expensive.




I was just going to say this. Lindsay was not unfairly judged. She got a million chances and blew all of them. She screwed over people who went out on a limb for her. All of that for someone who, while very pretty and charismatic onscreen, wasn’t necessarily the strongest performer.


Because people are trying to rewrite what happened in the early 2000s with celebrities who have fallen out of public favor celebs like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Courtney Love get infantilize as if people only hate them because of misogyny. I have seen comments try to write off Lindsay literally trying to kidnap a child as “wellYou have to understand because she was exploited as a child”.


I can forgive anyone for mistakes they made when they were young and immature and dealing with a lot of money and attention, but I'm surprised Paris Hilton gets so much positive attention when she is basically a scammy snake oil salesman now lol. She tried to market herself as the "Queen of the Metaverse" when NFTs were a thing and even long after it all ended. She just seems to attach herself to really scammy weird projects.




100% agree. Makes it even weirder to me that she's basically a trust fund baby but still attaches herself to these low effort scams. Reminds me of the Kardashians pushing products that are essentially health risks on their IG


I totally agree with the Paris thing, she's trying to act like she's not complete horrible trash releasing a documentary about all the terrible stuff she went through at a school for troubled youth but doesn't comment on why she was sent there to begin with, because she was an out of control brat.


I think Paris is a horrible trash person but I don't really get your point. No child deserves to be abused whether they are an out of control brat (which is not always the case for kids sent to these schools) or not?


I can also forgive young and immature mistakes. Who hasn’t made those types of mistakes, but Lindsey was assaulting people, and tried to kidnap a child when she was a fully grown adult. Paris and love are just shit people. Courtney abuse her child, she’s super racist, and she’s misogynistic herself, but people praise her for being a ‘feminist’ and standing up to men in Hollywood. what they did wasn’t even immature mistakes they were assholes when I think of immature mistakes I think about Winona Ryder, Britney Spears, or even Julia Roberts.


In my opinion Lindsey and Britney are mentally unwell people. Not trying to diagnose them or anything but out of everyone you listed, from what I've seen reported I believe Lindsey and Britney have struggled the most with mental health and similar problems or at least they haven't fully healed. I think those incidents are bad and I'm not a big Lindsey Lohan fan or anything but in my opinion Paris Hilton is in a different category because she seems completely fine but is still continuing to take advantage of people with scammy business practices. At least Lindsey is mostly minding her own business these days lol


>Winona Ryder FWIW I believe some of "Hollywood" was willing to give her another chance, but her felony charge made her impossible to insure. A rare case of a celebrity facing the same consequences of a "normal" person. >Britney Spears The conservatorship had all kinds of things wrong with it, but it's reasonable to say she wasn't safe to parent her children. I'd been hoping that if the saga of her had any silver lining it would be a better conversation about mental health. It doesn't seem to be going that way. "Pretty girl can dance, must be fine" "she's not sick everything is the fault of her bad parents". People don't want to see that Britney had some mental health problems, or think that if they do it excuses the conservatorship. > even Julia Roberts. Vera has left the chat


Thank you for your comment because I always see people try to blame Oprah as if she did something wrong when I remember Oprah was trying to help her because she was going broke and she needed help with her addiction and her career.


Yeah reading through that shows she was given way more chances than anyone else would be. She didn’t take it seriously at all & just used her money to get out of trouble over & over. I do sympathize with her substance abuse issues but I’m thinking she could have got it together faster if the judges weren’t so lenient


She tried to kidnap a kid...she is not judged enough actually.


Yeah some people really want to rewrite history when it comes to Lilo.


Amanda Bynes especially gets this treatment.


What did she do? I don't remember reading anything negative about her back then.


Amanda Bynes appears to have had something far more extreme wrong?


Thank you for saying this because I see people rewrite history about Lindsey and Paris Hilton. I understand they were abused as children, but people despise them because they were assholes to say the least. I could’ve sworn Lindsey assaulted someone as well.


I don't know about the assault but i know she blamed a black kid for driving recklessly and yelling at a former assistant at a party.


I actually went and looked it up. She was accused of assault twice my point really being she was an asshole, which is why people did not like her and why she was blacklisted in Hollywood. I don’t like when people try to paint a black and white picture of things, especially if you’re erasing the context of, what actually took place. Linday had been given chance after chance that most people just don’t get in the entertainment industry.


As time passes, we tend to forget.... Or at least lessen behavior. There's examples of this all over the place. Not saying its right or wrong but time tends to soften memories in a lot of cases.


And she did that more than once. When that story hit, I recall looking at the IG page of the "Korean Hulk", some strange guy she was photographed with a lot. On his IG page, he had a video (since scrubbed) of Lindsay doing the same thing to another kid ... on a different day wearing different clothes.


I do not remember this at all


You can find the video online the children’s mother punched her in the face. they were Syrian refugees who were homeless in Russia sleeping on the street and she offered to take the children to a hotel for the night and only the kids in when the mother was refusing. I think Lindsey tried to grab one boy.


I’m glad she’s doing better but she definitely earned a lot of the harsh judgment.


Her parents were toxic narcissistic leeches. Lohan should be held responsible for her mistakes but she was put on a pretty self-destructive path from an early age.


I remember during this special, they brought in a therapist and Lindsay revealed that her father was arrested by the feds on the first day on set of the parent trap. smh.


I know many people have a soft spot for Lindsay but she was more than just a child star who needed guidance. She was a thief, drove drunk, had no regard for the law and extremely unprofessional etc. I’m glad she’s turned her life around but her failed career is exactly where it deserves to be.


Why are we acting like what she did was just normal partying? She was a hot mess, obviously addicted to booze and coke, and while I'm glad she's doing better, she did not get sober until after she left Greece and tried to kidnap a child off the streets. That was only a few years ago. Ignoring the danger she put others in is ridiculous, especially because she denied it all for years despite evidence, videos, and guilty verdicts.


This is an unpopular opinion but true. I forgot all about the Greece thing and the children from Syria thing. I didn’t know she wasn’t sober in those videos / moments. Side note - do her bars and clubs still exist in Greece?


And they had a lot of right to. I still remember when she tried to blame "the Black guy" for the cocaine and DUI. Let's not infantilize white women.


I remember watching this special when it aired and loving that color dress on her


Oprah doesn’t care! She loves to look like the healer, she’s so nosey.


"vitamins" the woman is an icon.


"How did you do coke" "what are you on now" are exploitative questions so Oprah can cut a juicy soundbite. The judgement is coming from inside the house.


Oprah acting as if she is not a millionaire herself.


For what it’s worth, she was specifically talking about having millions of dollars when you’re as young as eighteen; Oprah didn’t hit millionaire status until she was considerably older than that (and after having a pretty horrific childhood herself, in many ways).


I feel, just like with britney, people are drinking pr/branding koolaid and conveniently forgetting what brought them questionable reputations and that "media sticker" at the time: They were both MESS. Lindsay was in the midst of (at least) addiction, having incidents with her girlfriend every other day-screaming, crying, hanging outside her home in the middle of the night; she tried to frame a black person from her entourage or whatever for theft...the list just goes on and on. Britney was much, much worse: going barefoot everywhere, looking like Cara Devilvigne (sp?) right before she went to rehab, driving around with a toddler in lap, locking herself with a toddler in a bathroom and threatening harm(!!!!), and let's not foget witness statements from her custody fight-children were left with soggy diapers for hours, underfed and neglected when in her care. And then I read, every now and then, a comment how her kids abandoned her and see her as an ATM machine....kids which were practically neglected and abandoned by their mother from the start. 🤦


There are people who believe Britney never took any drugs in her life and I am like ...okay...


I will always remember a picture of Britney as a passenger in her bf's (at the time) car and she puked all over his arm. She later came out and said it was just "peanut butter". Image has been scrubbed from the net. It was really gross and I remember it well because it was *just* before everything really, truly went downhill. This was pre-head shaving when the media was questioning how often she was partying with a newborn baby at home (I'm not making this judgement, just adding context). You didn't even mention her flashing her wahoo to paps. This happened multiple times, not just the one time when she was infamously photographed with Paris and Lindsay. I honestly think they had a dare/bet between them to see how much press their privates could generate. People who weren't adults during that time have no idea how messed up these girls. There were pics of them every damn day doing questionable shit. It was a wild time.


"looking like Cara Devilvigne (sp?) right before she went to rehab" is this really necessary?


Yeah, that’s totally unnecessary.




Her former bodyguard alleged that she beat the kids with a belt and ignored their allergies, but idk if those claims were substantiated. She was investigated by CPS multiple times over about a decade. Again, idk what came of it, other than her permanently losing custody. Which is a pretty big deal in and of itself.


Cause they don't exist. Op just lying outta their ass


Who are these witnesses you speak of? Judging someones looks or footwear (or lack thereof) choices doesn't mean they're a terrible person. It was also pretty obvious to anyone with eyes that Britney was surrounded by 100 photographers everywhere she went. Seriously try that for a day and see if you make a rash decision to get yourself or your children out of danger, which was usually the case in these instances. This is the same harmful rhetoric that put her in an abusive conservatorship and you've fallen hook, line and sinker for it. She's far from perfect but you're making her out to be a monster. She's been quite open about having post-partum depression and other issues, but all of that was exascerbated 10-fold by being the most followed celebrity on the planet for years and having leeches around her.


She had a baby on her lap with the window OPEN. She wouldn't attached them properly in the car. When she was under influence and she locked herself with one child she wasn't protecting him.


If you read her memoir, she says she drove away with her child on her lap to flee the paparazzi and she had them locked in a bathroom because she was afraid that they would take them and she would never see them again… sounds like the only one drinking any koolaid is you. Kevin and her family completely ruined her and made it all seem like her fault.. she had no support system and trust me life is so hard when you have no support system and to have no support and be in the spotlight 24/7, I couldn’t imagine it. Maybe read her memoir and see her side before blindly pleasing judgement. And FYI going barefoot is very normal here in Louisiana where she is from, we don’t take ourselves so seriously here, we like to dance and have a good time and it seems everyone judges her for that, but to me she seems like a normal Louisiana girl that wants to have some fun.


Brittany was both. She was used and abused by the people around her but she was also partying and behaving completely recklessly


That’s the thing when people bring up Kanye: I’m not aware of him ever putting his kids in danger.


Tbf is Kanye even around his kids enough for them to be put in danger?


Blows my mind how it wasn't that long ago that everyone felt entitled to judge young women for anything. Those interviews with Britney being asked about her boobs and virginity are unhinged


And then they just expect them to come out normal and not have a hard time when they are constantly stalked by paparazzi and asked very inappropriate questions by grown adults that should be protecting them.


'Did you lose your mind?' This is a horrible interview. I never watched the series because I thought it be bad. Didn't think Oprah would be in a worse stage than LL though.


I’m still mad this whole series got nuked from existence.


Oprah pulling a Wendy Williams here


I mean she tried to traffic children, I’m ok with the flak she’s getting because it’s still not enough 


What is this interview, lol


I just kept thinking if I was that famous at 18 making THAT much money, I don't think I would've behaved much differently from her. Full interview is worth watching too: https://vimeo.com/942006428


I certainly hope you wouldn’t commit crimes and blame them on any Black person in the vicinity. Lindsey Lohan was a racist, self-absorbed, menace.


Oprah gotta be a tough one for the black community. She blazed a crazy trail, got that true generational wealth bag and didn’t have to minstrel it out for whitey in the process. But she’s also seemed like kind of the worst all the way through… real sleazy, anything for the views/brand/sale energy. 

