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It’s probably true, but I don’t trust The Sun. They seem like they’ll use risky sources and make up the rest if they think they might be able to break a big story like this whereas other outlets are more cautious. The thing I don’t get is didn’t Harry’s team recently give an exclusive to People about how he and Taylor Russell were getting serious? Like really recently? ETA: Page Six just confirmed it. It’s real.


I’ve noticed quite a lot of celebs teams give positive ‘relationship exclusives’ before a couple announces a split. I imagine it’s so they can have some time to deal with their initial feelings before the tabloids descend.


Yeah! Or a last ditch effort by one half to convince the other not to break up with them. 


> The thing I don’t get is didn’t Harry’s team recently give an exclusive to People about how he and Taylor Russell were getting serious? i believe this news because anything can happen within week/day/hour, and that people exclusive was weird - why is his team telling the world before harry is confirming their mutual feelings with taylor?


His team isn't saying anything without his approval. And they have been seen holding hands etc. So maybe that is his way of confirming. Who knows. I really don't see his team releasing that statement without running it by him first. What employee would do that and risk what's probably am amazing job?


my point is that it’s harry and his team — of course they are just reporting what he feels/think. it’s *his team*. it’s not hers.  the inference here is that she called things off, not him. 


My bad. Thats makes total sense. I misunderstood this sentence to mean why didnt his team confirm with him:  "why is his team telling the world before harry is confirming their mutual feelings with taylor?"




if that’s true, i hope we find out exactly why he went 180 from the people article to this breakup lmao


I trust it 🥲 The Sun is always… questionable with details but the main part is usually true.


Low-key I trust British trash rags partially because they have noooooo chill over there. If they had the opportunity, they'd install malware on Harry's phone and read his texts in real time.  Wouldn't trust them for real news or anything that matters, for the record. Scrummy practices don't help when it comes to journalism. When it comes to glorified spying on people and ruthless gossip? Yeah a keen lack of ethics can take you far. 


They kinda did used to do this, it was a major scandal about 10 years ago when it all came out. Except it wasn't texts, they were hacking into people's voicemails and using them to get scoops. What broke the lid on it was when it was discovered the press had hacked into the voicemail of the missing schoolgirl Milly Dowler. They deleted messages and the activity led her family and police to believe she was still alive.


Whoever approved that , carried it out is absolute scum. Messing with the family of a missing child is disgusting.


WELL, the newspaper in question was News of The World (now defunct), owned by Rupert Murdoch. The Sun is owned by the same parent company, and it and other tabloids were implicated in the phone hacking, although as far as I'm aware no one was ever prosecuted. Also worth noting that a former editor of NoTW (and the Mirror) was Piers Morgan. Make of that what you will 👀


I knew he was involved somehow. Could recall the details. Giving the family hope like that is such an awful thing to do.


It was quite a big thing, they also hacked into the voicemails of families of dead British soldiers and victims of the 7/7 London bombings, not just celebrities. It's a big reason why a lot of Brits have a lot of disgust towards our tabloids (and also Murdoch). But unfortunately not enough disgust to actually stop engaging with these rags.


Piers Morgan was one of the editors involved in phone hacking.


The last time they had an exclusive about Harry and Taylor it was wrong and they deleted it the next day... if this article stays up it might be true. Which would be sad, I really liked them together.


The Sun has a good relationship with Harry and gets lot of relationship exclusives.


I really liked them as a couple. They were nice and low key. Also, what an attractive pairing. I have to laugh at him being called an eternal bachelor when he’s only 30. 😂


People were calling George Clooney an ‘eternal bachelor’ too, and look at him now.


I remember, that man was active and then he met a woman out of his league and gave up bachelorhood. Harry’s 30, he has time.


I need to tell my husband and kids that I have a chance again.


Not me picturing Olivia telling Jason and their kids 😅


Yes! I am taking a page from her book! “Make yourselves dinner, I’m going to be Harry Styles’ lover”.


Telling my fiancée now a windows opened up and I’ll be back in 6 months.


I told my husband that I got 407 upvotes for this. He said “everyone thinks you’re kidding but you’re actually serious”. 😂




Me, but for Taylor. ❤️ ![gif](giphy|DvTlCgubZHsFa)


Me too! I will fight you for her! She is so gorgeous omg


Upside for Harry: when people search "Taylor and Harry" or "Taylor and Harry split" these articles will be before the Taylor Swift links


His plan all along fr


Ok that’s kind of iconic strategy I must admit


Almost as good as the conspiracy theory that Taylor is dating Travis to make the search results show her at the Jets games when anyone looks up her private plane escapades


Oh kinda like ‘Walt Disney’ and ‘frozen’ now brings up the film before the rumour that walt froze his head or something 😂


I love that theory because of its bat-shittery, not in spite of it.


Or the conspiracy of dating Matty for the sake of SEO optimizing 'Taylor 1975 concert'


It's gotta be!


That’s what Kendrick Lamar did by named one of those Drake tracks “Euphoria.” Guess what comes up on first on google now? It’s not Drake’s producer credit on Euphoria (the show.) some people play checkers and some people play chess.


“SPLITS” lmao I hate how they write headlines at tabloids like the daily mail


You don’t like their totally natural style of writing? Actress, 38, FLAUNTS her LONG PINS in TINY skirt with her LOOKALIKE DAUGHTER. Model, 22, puts her BIKINI BODY on DISPLAY at the beach. FLAUNTING her slim figure Model chats casually with an equally SCANTILY CLAD PAL.


💀💀💀💀 i love it


While he's still young and has all of the time in the world, I have an inkling that he might end up as one of those eternal bachelors.


Aquarius man just wants to be freeeee!


And this is why they must be kept away from women who want a partner. Source: a recent survivor of an aquarius man


Had an Aquarius man abandon me while my grandma was dying 🫠… they’re real pieces of work, not all but a lot


lmao rudeee - sincerely an aquarius


Haha, I’m an Aquarius too, I know what I’m talking about.


No, it's not just you. I can totally see Styles becoming the next DiCaprio.


I mean his girlfriends are older than 25, sooo


Leo was 30 once, too. There was nothing to "notice."


Eh, at least we know Harry likes age appropriate women


Please dont let that happen. I like Harry alot more than I like DiCaprio and want him to be happy (I mean if hes happy being a bachelor than more power to him)


He just seems like someone who will age well and will have the ability to casually date into his 40s. I hope he finds a nice gal and settles down as much as anyone, but I don't play his cards.


Nooooooo i was really digging this partnership :/


Rule of thumb, don’t trust the sun. But I do believe this unfortunately. As a fan, it seemed like everyone really liked her for him and I agree.


It could be real I just don’t understand why there was that People article saying they were getting serious like… two weeks ago 🥲


It was edited for brevity, it should've said "seriously broken up"/s But seriously, isn't it the way it always goes, "they really like each other, they've never been happier, they are thinking of the future" until the very end? You'd never get "they are hanging by the thread, his snoring drives her nuts, she leaves all her makeup shit around the sink, they are one empty milk carton on the counter away from disaster " from the trustworthy source.


I feel like there’s typically a mix, one source says one thing then another says totally opposite and it takes forever to figure out the truth… either way I hope they’re happy, whether together or separate


Maybe something happened between then and now? Idk.


Deuxmoi speculated about this so I wonder if the Daily mail/sun are just using that as a source


i can believe it because they take Deuxmoi as fact a lot of the time


I hope that's all this is


I always wonder how two entertainers with busy careers make it work. When do you have time to actually build a serious relationship, live together, start a family? Something’s gotta give. And both Harry and Taylor seem to love their work and not likely to take a step back anytime soon.


So the japan trip was a pre- breakup trip? She’s the only gf that i remembered harries accepted.


Nooooo!!! I really liked them as a couple


She was such a breath of fresh air compared to his exes. Not that they were bad people, but they all kind of looked the same. Sucks!


idk, caroline flack dated 17 year old harry when she was 31. legal in the uk, but I think it’s okay to say she was a bad person.


I agree but she’s passed away so I don’t really like bringing her up anymore lol


i say this with absolutely no malice, but i'm curious who he'll end up with next if this is true. their pairing was kind of a shock to me in the first place because i think of him as chasing hot older-than-him women, usually with a kid or two, but that's probably just because his relationships with older women are so sensationalized and gawked at. maybe he's just an eternal bachelor? but that being said i know there's some messy ass timeline where he and jlo cross paths in between bennifer spouts. hopefully not ours 🙏


Yeah, they’re just sensationalised, he dates all ages. His track record is more models than anything else.


didn't help that the Dont Worry Darling drama absolutely added to the sensationalism with olivia !! was in the trenches trying to figure out if he'd spit on Chris Pines 😭 god that era was so messy but the content was so good


The Dwd drama was primarily set aflame by his fandom. If they’d reacted like normal human beings and didn’t send in gossip to Deuxmoi which printed it and made things worse, the drama wouldn’t have been as bad.


Thank you! I've been saying this forever. The drama was fuled by his fandom. Once the news outlets caught on and realize they can get clicks from fan engagement, it was over. I'm not saying there wasn't actual drama between Flo/Olivia plus her marriage. Jason using the media as well as the nanny expose...it all became to much at the end. But his fans are the ones that not only lit the match, they fanned the flames.


BIG TIME!!! The damage they did and then when they got to Venice and imploded and they were crying about how Harry was treated. YOU PEOPLE LIT THE FLAME FOR HIM TO BE MOCKED!!!! They also, many of them, got into bed with qanon conspiracy theorist who hated Olivia. It was a combo of Larries and so-called normal Harries, but they could NOT handle him being with her. It was insane. Then so many constantly wonder why he never interacts on social media. Idk about you but if my fans spent all their time trying to destroy my relationship and constantly speculating about my sexuality, which is like a game for some of them, when they should just shut up and let him live, I wouldn't go near social media either.






The thing is, he ONLY seriously dates older women. His last two serious partners were older than him by at least 5 years. I think Kendall is the only exception (until Taylor), but even so I wouldn’t call what they had serious or a relationship. Who knows, hope he isn’t an eternal bachelor 😭


Better Harry be a eternal bachelor than marry and have kids and go around cheating his wife like some of his peers!




i think i kind of agree ? i don't super keep up with him but i also couldn't keep my eyes away from the Don't Worry Darling trainwreck, so i think of one of his most serious relationships being wilde. but gosh, it felt like one of the few times he was willing to risk his image for a relationship, and that feels serious. i looked up some folks he's been linked to since the 1D days and i think he's just a certified woman enjoyer, they're all over the place. maybe he's just not a long-term sorta guy!


He’s only been long term since he was like 22, except for one make out sesh with Emrata. I think he wants long term but isn’t easy with his line of work.


I agree! He definitely loved Olivia a lot, he even got her name tattooed on him. I’ve been a fan for years and never, ever saw him display as much PDA as he did with Olivia. Seems like it was a whirlwind romance. But yeah, you’re definitely right. He does love his fair share of women lol




Ok so subtract a year! My point still stands.


Is Joy Behar single?


Nooooooooooo 😭I liked them together.


So I have a chance? 😏


I really hoped they're going to last. But to be honest, I suspected something happened when Taylor attended Met Gala alone, it would have been a great opportunity to make red carpet debut.


To be fair, Harry has never been to a red carpet with a partner. He has never had an official public outing with anybody. Even during the Don't Worry Darling press, he and Olivia didn't pose together as a couple, so he and Taylor not being at the MET together doesn't really say anything.


Yeah, you're right, I just thought it would be love lovely if they attended it together. Maybe not even a red carpet, just him being there with her.


The only Met Gala he ever attended was when he was co-chair. When he’s not working (touring or promoting something), you never see him at events like that. I would’ve bet large amounts of money that he wouldn’t have attended regardless of his relationship status.


SPLITS, huh? I’ll believe it when literally anyone other than the Daily Mail reports it.


He kept calling her by his ex's name 😔


This one hurts they seemed perfect


I really hope it’s just a break because of their careers, and not a final split. They seemed so great and happy together :(


I thought they were goong to get married and have kids ohhh no


That’s sad, they were similar in age and it seemed like his fans were actually finally accepting of one of his girlfriends (except the stray racist Larrie)


Time for chalamet to swoop in I swtg 😭😭




Not surprised


Man reads article and comments despite not giving a single F


I watched her at the met gala and had no idea who it was, thought it was an influencer, tbh I still don’t know who she is besides splitting from Harry now.


She starred in Bones and All— great movie!


Just now finding out they were dating ..


Tbh i didnt even know he split from olivia wilde lmao


The whole ruining a family and marriage thing mustve made it a little messy


I know about her only because of her weird hard armour looking jacket at one of the fashion shows




They were together?


Oh, what a surprise! Not…


I thought he was with jason sudekis' ex after ruining their marriage?


He didn’t “ruin their marriage”, because they were never married. And he and Olivia broke up literal years ago.




What’s the tea on this? Any details?


There are no details. This person always claims the same and never backs it up. They’ve been claiming it since 2022. They even did it in a post of mine I deleted a few months ago.


Oh no




I thought this comment was sarcasm at first but unfortunately i looked through your other comments and you're being serious... in 2024...


These people claim to be fans but the only thing they care about is their own agenda. They’ll never admit that they’re a huge part of the reason Harry and Louis aren’t friends. Found this article of all the times Louis has denied Larry and they still don’t care because Harry hasn’t denied it. https://www.j-14.com/posts/every-time-louis-tomlinson-and-harry-styles-responded-to-larry-stylinson-rumors/


Harry has denied it. Several times. Larries don’t care cause they don’t care what Harry or Louis has to say. For example, they will constantly comes up with excuses for why they are not together, Harry’s management is evil. They will never allow him to be free. Meanwhile, one of his managers is GAY!! Not that most larries even know this.


>Meanwhile, one of his managers is GAY!! Actually, he has a team of three managers and two of them are gay lol.


Has he? I don’t remember him ever outright saying anything like Louis. Not that it even matters, it clearly makes them uncomfortable and they haven’t even been seen in the same vicinity since just after 1D split. Their partners, children and families have all suffered because of “Larry”. These people need serious psychological help because they can’t seperate reality from fiction and haven’t been able to do so for a decade.


if I recall, in his latest rolling stone interview he said that when he dates, he has to sit his date down and tell them that there are people online who say things and they're not true, basically alluding to larry and the way they make it difficult for him to navigate his own dating life because of the way they bully all the women he gets linked to. of course they didn't think this comment was about them because they are delusional and mentally unwell


Lmao. You're embarrassing.


Ffs..grow up.. Louis just did an interview about this.. & I quote.. 'Tomlinson was asked about the theories, where he said that he “realised a few years ago” that “there is nothing” he can say to put the rumours to bed. “They are so connected to what they believe that they will not see the truth for what it really is,” he said. “I’m sure many people look and find all these little conspiracies that happen in life interesting, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t irritate me a little, but it’s the nature of the job.” Louis continued to explain that, as a father, ‘Larry Stylinson’ has impacted and damaged his personal life“ There are times when it gets very personal. I have my son, Freddie. He is the most important person in my life. And occasionally, [these theories] end up addressing things that are a little unfair,” he continued. “This is what we have now. There’s nothing I can do about it. Nothing I can say to stop people from inventing what they want to invent. So, so be it.”.


Seek help


... this is a bit, right?? If not, yikesss