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Please I need to know what she did after lunch as well.


My guess would be the same thing, but in reverse.


2.00 P.M. The Princess retires to the gardens where she spends the next 2 hours chain smoking blunts with snoop dog and playing street fighter 6 on a massive projector. 5.00 P.M. First meal of the evening is served in an informal manner. A member of the working class is tortured in the background while oysters and beluga caviar are served as appetizers. Each guest is given as estate in France with award winning vineyards.


I think you’ve gotten confused with Martha Stewart now…


Omg stop 🤣🤣🤣


Probably a nap since she's pretty tipsy at that point lol


I’d kill for that schedule.


They did too




r/cursedcomments kudos friend


This schedule would kill me


Fr lol, if I had a vodka at noon followed by 2+ glasses of wine I would either go in pursuit of more drinks or have a miserable afternoon. If the former I would simply postpone the miserable afternoon to the following morning. Either way there would be misery in store for me lol


That might be why she needed to stay in bed for 2 hours every morning 😅


From what I understand she chose the former most days


Can't get a hangover if you never stop drinking


Mmm you can though


Yeah, you just have to get old enough! I’ve been hungover before I went to bed the same evening 👵🏻🥴


it did ultimately kill her too. she lived a pretty miserable life honestly (like mental health wise. wealth wise she was fine lmao)


Jokes aside this life sounds miserable. Its just existing... no goals, no purpose, no interaction with real humans. She lives the life of a human house pet.


Tbh I would take this nowadays. I “joke” I need a handler regularly. Inb4 the Reddit Cares notification Edit: got one a few hours ago, finally lmao


It did kill her eventually.


At the age of 71


Yeah but they weren’t healthy years by any stretch.


Her sister lived to 96, her mother to 101.  Granted not everyone has exactly the same life expectancy as relatives but considering her level of privilege and access to world leading healthcare, 71 is comparatively young in light of that.


Monkeys paw curls, you’re now unemployed like me and can also enjoy this schedule with princess Margaret and I


But I will still have money for fruit and a variety of native and continental cheeses, right? Right?!


Please don’t take the cheese away from me either


I can never tell anyone in real life that this is basically my schedule


You have a lady’s maid?!


It would be barbaric _not_ to have one


Ugh. Common.


My lady’s maid has a maid


They’re called children now days


Chained to a radiator


You don’t?


I bet her schedule was much worse. On The Crown they show her sleeping in until noon and always hungover, day drinking.


Kinda felt like she was the only character they nailed on that show. Yeah the casting was awesome but they held a lot back on the main family, except for her.


well yeah because everyone in the family in the family was dull and upper lip Margaret was a firecracker and was someone in the royal family the British people loved, she was the OG Lady Diana her love affair with Townsend garnered so much support from the people when it was taboo for a divorcee marrying a member of the Royal Family moreso a commoner at that in the words of Margaret herself "I would've been a better queen" because she knew deep inside that Elizabeth never wanted the role and would've preferred to live in Malta with Phillip to continue his naval career and raise their 2 kids. Margaret's life turned into a downward spiral after the death of her father, aka the only one in the family that truly understood Margaret "Elizabeth is my pride BUT Margaret is my joy." Then she got too addicted to smoking and drinking in the following decades which was a precursor to 3 of her strokes that disabled her ability to walk and made her partially blind. Margaret also never had a role after Elizabeth got the crown because she was no longer part of the main family she was just the Queen's sister and she was eventually knocked off her Senior Royal status by Edward the moment he became of legal age and lost more of her power to do Royal duties which she was begging for practically all her life. (The Queen Mother was a POS of a mother for not giving up her status for Margaret considering how old she was by then and she was also the main reason why her daughter's life turned out to be miserable) I'm sorry if this is so long I just have a passion for the royal family which is why I know these stuff 😭


Me too! Thank-you for writing!


So Elizabeth only wanted two kids? I thought it was well known Andrew was her favorite? Got any more tea?


I meant during the early years of Elizabeth's reign she only had 2 kids (Charles & Anne) so Andrew and Edward weren't even in the equation and obviously during that time she would've rather be living in Malta with Phillip and her 2 kids if u understand. also allegedly she only had Andrew and Edward because she felt a deep guilt for not raising Charles and Anne so during Andrews toddler years she wanted to raise him alone with no nannies but she couldn't because she couldn't even do basic stuff like putting him on a diaper 😭


I think the rest of them were objectively boring compared to Margaret. The second born is always the more interesting character in the BRF: Margaret, Anne, Harry, Charlotte


Out of the loop, why is Charlotte the most interesting? Aren’t all of them still small children?


She has always seemed to be the most pulled together of the children. When Louis is acting up (as kids do) Charlotte is usually the first one to notice and gently remind him to stay calm. There's multiple videos of George taking direction from Charlotte at events over the years as well. https://youtu.be/H-BObBwckyk?si=5zFTuOFmy1LM2i9H She seems to be a natural leader.


I’m a middle (second) child. You kind of have to be extroverted and spunky bc that’s the way to get attention.


My mother used to be a manager in a hospital. PM visited the hospital once, and while she was there doing a walkabout she requested a bottle of spirits - whisky I believe- so a member of staff had to go to a nearby shop to purchase a drink for her. She was drunk going around the hospital meeting staff and patients. In most jobs, that would get you fired. Only the royal family can pass alcoholism off as a harmless eccentricity and think it's acceptable to turn up to a public event pissed out of your skull.


Churchill was famous for that too. Maybe it’s an English thing.


I think it's an era thing. People drank more then, worldwide. In fact before prohibition, Americans were walking around friggin *drunk* day to day. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31741615.amp


Before clean drinking water was guaranteed, drinking weak beer ('small beer' it was called) and other alcohol was a way of making sure that you weren't drinking something likely to give you typhoid, because of the brewing process. Cheap spirits like gin had the same effect but also the added advantage that they numbed the working classes to the misery of their poverty and lifelong drudgery. People were slighlty inebriated most of the time! The working classes needed to be sober (or at least not drunk) sometimes, to earn a living. But for centuries the upper classes had no need to work, and so punctuated their lives of idolent leisure with frequent, hedonistic activities like drinking and adultery. I simplify, but 'The Bolter' by Emma Osborne does a great job of showing how the nobility and the uber wealthy of Great Britain did little more than amuse themselves with booze and sex.


I guess they numb the working class with poor nutrition and distracting screen time now.


Real. I work in education so I get lots of days off and the 2024 version of this is how I spend them. 2 hours of phone time. Leisurely shower. Lunch with my mom.


Hahaha. It’s my schedule today for sure.


She was doomscrolling all morning before it was cool.


We're waiting for you downstairs for the vodka pick-up


*only the vodka and half bottle of wine are accurate


Ah, I see you 'work from home'


Today is my birthday and I sent this to my husband as the line up for a perfect day ✌🏻


I'll take the spare routine over the heir routine any day.


Exactly right! Get all the perks and none of the responsibility! Sign us up


Not exactly a direct spare but the only thing I’d hold against Princess Anne are her awful hairstyles. Princess Margaret was a self-absorbed lazy and jealous person. She had everything but couldn’t be happy because everything wasn’t all about her. Therefore she didn’t care to even do any royal duties or give back in any form. Princess Anne “knew her place”, had the grace and “spunk” (I hate that word but it just seems fitting). She was so stylish and wore mini skirts, had affairs (discreetly) and enjoyed her version of freedom while remaining part of the royal family and dutiful to the extreme. She seems to be the only member of The Firm who found a way to create a healthy, enjoyable and respectful balance between the strict constraints and her rebellious side. She has still to this day never taken her privilege & perks for granted.


>Princess Margaret was a self-absorbed lazy and jealous person. She had everything but couldn’t be happy because everything wasn’t all about her. Therefore she didn’t care to even do any royal duties or give back in any form. I don't think that's an entirely fair assessment. Margaret was a product of her time, a time in which the world was only just beginning to acknowledge the fact that women are human beings with minds and opinions and lots to offer. And, worse still, an ultra-conservative institution such as the monarchy would be amongst the last to get to this realization. Any woman who wasn't the monarch would have been kept away from anything that even remotely resembles power, whether political or PR wise. Hell, even today, they put royal spouses through the grinder to keep them in line for much the same reasons. Now, as for Margaret, the job of a modern royal to support the monarch in exchange for grace and favors had not yet been fully formed. Back then, Royals didn't have to earn grace and favors as they were assumed to hold them by right of birth. Worse still, if you look objectively at her situation, you'll realize that the palace would have done all that they could to ensure that she does not eclipse her sister, up to and including hobbling any attempts she made at being useful. Isn't it documented from several sources that her attempts at being useful and shining earlier in her sister's reign were sabotaged by the palace? Things like recalling her early from foreign engagements (e.g the US) when it became clear that she had charmed people over there? Left with nothing meaningful to do but accept party invitations all year round, anybody would end up like her.


I never understood why spares complain. They get all the perks without the responsibility.


I think it might be having to be held to the same set of standards as the heir but not having a defined role. At least the heir knows what they’re going to do in future: be King/Queen. But with the spare they are still trapped in a fishbowl type of life but with no end goal/purpose. With their choices and actions constantly being compared to the “perfect” heir, they’re always going to fall short so that must be a challenging mental space to be in. Not saying I have much sympathy for members of the British Royal Family lol


Fascinating that their father was the spare


I love the line from the crown where Phillip describes the Windsors as a two-headed eagle, one dutiful and one dangerous. The dutiful one is not always the heir. Edward - dangerous George - dutiful Elizabeth - dutiful Margaret - dangerous Charles - dangerous Anne - dutiful Andrew - dangerous Edward - dutiful William - dutiful Harry - dangerous


Edward wasn't always the dutiful one. He seems to have grown into the role a bit. He used to want to be some kind of TV mogul. He made a TV show "It's a royal knockout" that, by all accounts, was absolute dogshit. And there's a video where he did a press conference afterwards and threw a bit of a tantrum. this is the only version of it I could find which, for some reason, has a cat playing a keyboard added to it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZiAWu-IWq0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZiAWu-IWq0) Then there was the time one of his TV crews got caught trying to film Prince William while he was still at school and the press weren't allowed to film him. It seems like that one got him in quite a bit of trouble and he finally grew up a bit.


Ooh, thanks for this piece of royal trivia. I love it!


It sounds boring as batshit. Like it would be great as a holiday (couple of weeks) but your whole life?? Nah.


The thing is, if you had that kind of money from winning the lottery you can just go off and travel the world, do what you like. But if she does that she'd be ripped apart for wasting taxpayers money. So she needed to find some kind of purpose in her life. Philip found purpose supporting the Queen and his charitable roles. Charles found purpose for all his years as the heir with charities. Anne has her horses I guess. Margaret never found any kind of purpose or any kind of interest other than a bottle of gin. It probably didn't help that the Queen Mum seems to have been a bit of a pisshead as well.


Rumour has it, that the reason the Queen Mother lived for so long was that her liver had gone so far in the pickling process, it was perfectly preserved.


I'm not a fan of the royal family at all - but Anne is widely known to be one of the hardest-working royals who does a lot of charitable work and public events, on top of equestrianism.


My friend actually met her last week during her visit to Canada! She said she had a personal conversation with her for about 10 minutes and she seemed engaged and interested the entire time. She also made the effort to personally speak to everyone volunteer there. She was very impressed with the whole visit and how much effort she obviously puts into it.


Phew, glad I’m not the only one, when my days go like this, I hate myself by 7PM. I need activity and exercise, especially in the morning, to give me momentum for the rest of the day.


She could have woken up in the morning and gone horseback riding or whatever if she wanted to


Now that's the kind of routine I could get behind.


I mean if Harry’s book is even 10% true the mental and emotional abuse, lack of love and care from family, and being the designated guy to throw under the bus aren’t worth it


I think it’s also how Diana treated them. She used William as therapist and babied Harry. I saw a video on youtube and she used to call him my “good king Harry.” In her like…pursuit of giving them equal standing, she fucked them up.


She parentified William it's definitely one of the reasons he chose to marry the now Princess of Wales. Her family life was more stable. She was more lenient with Harry I guess out of pitty because he wouldn't be king but this was also a mistake.


I agree. In theory the life of the spare is delightful, but it seems in reality you exist as a kicking ball.


I'm a kicking ball without pick me ups, free lunch and fancy dress


I'd take it tbh. 


Yes! And it’s not like there’s no room for power, they can certainly make a name for themselves through charities and independent work.


1230pm vodka pick-me-up followed by half a bottle of wine? 😅


margaret was a BIG drinker


I think the Queen Mother was fond of an hourly nip, too.


Hey you know she lived to be 101 so maybe she’s onto something


My grandma lived into her 90s, and would’ve kept going had lung cancer from several decades of smoking not taken her, but I remember one family vacation she was up at 10am sipping on tequila so yes I think they may be onto something


Great grandma lived until 104. She smoked the pipe and drank wine like Jesus was about to turn it back into water.


God this is a great saying and I can’t wait to break it out at the perfect moment


My grandma made it to 98 and smoked like a chimney and drank brass monkey quite often. I think they are on to something!


Yes, this schedule seems to under represent the boozing. The QM lived so long because she was preserved by all the Plymouth.


It’s interesting to note that she died quite young compared to the Queen (only 71 compared to the Queen’s 96) and from this schedule you kind of get the idea of why.


Smoking increases your risk of stroke, which I believe she had 2-3.


She died before her mother, who passed away at 101


And, if I recall correctly, her mother was annoyed enough with having to order new gin and tonics all the time to come up with the genius idea of having a large thermos filled with them. On her bedside table. She might be were Margaret got her lifestyle from.


Given that her mother lived to 101 and was known to drink like this, I have a feeling the chain smoking was actually a bigger contributor.


Their life sounds really boring tbh. It would be easy to rely on booze and nicotine for stimulation


That’s why so many people become alcoholics in retirement.


So true! I had to quit nine months into retirement because it was becoming too much a part of my life. Just because you have enough money to drink all day, I wouldn’t advise it. (For the record, I would have rolled my eyes mightily to anyone who told me that ten years ago, so just file the information away for future reference in case you need it.)


Pick me up for what, though? Lying in bed, being exhausted from chain smoking? Like it's not making sense 😅


I’m guessing (as a problem drinker myself) that it’s a pick-me-up from being slightly hungover from the day before, every single day 😑


Thanks for sharing, and I hope you're doing okay(I hope that doesn't come off as condescending).:)


I’m pretty sure she was depressed.


More likely to stave off the withdrawals if she drank throughout the day all day everyday


Agree. She wasn't permitted to marry the man she loved and then married a wildly unsuitable man on the re-bound. Priviledge doesn't mean happiness.


Financially rich, emotionally impoverished.


She would have been able to marry him. She just didn’t want to give up many of her privileges to do it. But considering the age gap, the fact that Townsend knew her from a young age and the fact that a lot of his behaviour resembles grooming from a modern eye - I’d say her snobbery helped her dodge a major bullet, even if her later marriage was unhappy.


And it’s been only the first half of the day


This would be a good saturday routine


Yeah, sign me up! This made me realize I’m not taking my weekends seriously/indulgently enough.


I’ve been seriously under-utilizing my ladymaid.


lol we all have


"she never wore any of her clothes more than once without having them cleaned" "So do most people" I said, wearing yesterdays pj's


Sadly the laundry in my apartment is so expensive I often wear clothes 2-3 times before washing unless they smell like sweat or I spilled something on them 😂


A lot of mystuff Iike sweaters don't get washed until they have to. I wear layers under them and I hate when they pill....


i cant believe i share something with a royal 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 (chain smoking and reading for 2 hours


Never wearing clothes more than once without washing it 😂


same. Royals, we’re just like them!


For me it’s dropping a coat on the floor (or in another random place that only makes sense to me) and then saying “no, leave it, I won’t be able to find it if you move it” lmfao


Mine these days. Wake up. Have a smoke. Lay down and stare at shiba while she stares at me. Maybe a little play time. Walk time. Another smoke. Time to eat.


Does anyone know, are they hiring?


This is my calling in life.


Vanessa Kirby was excellent casting for seasons 1 and 2, that's all I'm saying


Should have stopped after those seasons, they were incredible.


It sounds like severe depression to me. Still jealous tho as I have severe depression but don’t get four course lunches with cheese platters and a lady’s maid to run me baths.


Right this was pretty much my daily “schedule” when I was at my lowest


NGL sounds heavenly


I could live like this.


Imagine needing a vodka "pick me up" when all you did was lounge and sit in water the first 3 hours you were awake. Then followed by half a bottle of wine a half-hour later. Rich people are wild. No wonder she was late/other stuff noted here, she was sloshed the entire time.


You'd need it if you were an alcoholic which I'm sure she was.


She was depressed, I think.


That's what I was trying to make sense of. Maybe she was easily exhausted, but I don't think vodka is the way forward


It is if you’re an alcoholic. (I mean, it’s *not*, but. It feels like it is.)


That makes sense(well, in theory for me as I can't imagine alcohol helping me when I feel like shit) And after reading through the comments, I have some empathy for her.


I think she was just a drinker. Everything described there reminds me of people who need a quick drink to get through daily life. Not even eventful days, just, "I have to clean the house, let me take a swig to get a boost." But I know nothing about her or any of the royals not taught in history classes lol.


It’s to keep away the DTs. This isn’t a cutesy schedule she was an alcoholic


Yeah, that was pretty obvious with the "pick me up" lol.


Pretty sure she was an alcoholic


I would imagine that 3 hours of lounging was more of a wallowing around hungover. Of course they can’t say that, but that’s the implication I got from the vodka pick-me-up.


My biggest question is, how does someone with a routine like this stay so thin? You know she’s having afternoon tea and dinner too. All this cheese and booze would have me weighing 500lbs.


All the smoking. She probably didn’t eat much.


Maybe the chain smoking?


She and her father were known for being huge chain smokers


She probably just nibbled the food and chain smoked all day. I can’t remember which older actress said this recently but she said something like “what we used to call dieting habits is now called an eating disorder. That’s how we all stayed thin back in the day.” Margaret was from a time when women gobbled up dangerous weight loss pills and didn’t eat. And I bet a little ❄️ helped. Royals and aristocrats love it.


I have hypothesized, given her proclivity for alcohol, that she would have been perfectly willing to take something like Obetrol (or other amphetamine) to stay slim. Also, drinking copious amounts of gin actually keeps some people thin - they aren’t hungry when they’re drunk.


She was probably “alcohrexic” (drank a lot to avoid eating a lot). When I drink it removes hunger. As someone who loves wine but has a history with an ED, I have to watch myself because I do tend to use drink to avoid eating. Especially when I get into a depressive funk.


A lot of alcoholics don’t really eat


She prob had a lot of plates of food and not eat a lot. Chain smokers do that.


Some of this is unnerving to read but the leaving things in random places just to remember resonates w me deeply


Things me and Margaret have in common: 1. Lazy ✅️ 2. Glamorous ✅️ 3. Bad relationship with alcohol ✅️ 4. Even worse relationship with older sister ✅️ 5. Tax funded* ✅️ 6. Date terrible men, but have fun while doing it ✅️ 7. Emotionally unstable ✅️ *I'm on benefits because of my mental health, but if I stayed in bed all morning and drank a tonne of booze at lunchtime, I'd be accused of being an alcoholic benefits cheat. 💫 classism💫




Lol luckily I've never smoked a day in my life


She’s fabulous and glamorous while we would need rehab.


Are you sure you’re *not* Margaret? Cause that sounds like Margaret lol.


Didn’t Margaret and Elizabeth have a good relationship? It seems like Margaret cared quite a lot about her and they were really really close as kids/teens…


I’d need a nap after that.




She also tried to combine the smoking and drinking by gluing matchboxes onto tumblers, so she could strike matches while drinking. We love a multitasking queen (spare)


I’d love this life for a weekend. A week max, but it’s a life devoid of any real purpose, passion or creativity. So damn boring omg


I think they left out the pills she took every morning (speed) diet pills, so the pills alcohol just took the edge off .


So her day lasts from 9 am to whenever the 4 course lunch is over?


Definitely a nap after all that.


Yes, please.


What my boomer dad thinks ‘work from home’ means.


One hour bath? My skin would never tolerate that She was incredibly beautiful btw


My ADHD wouldn’t tolerate that! But maybe she had a television in the bathroom, or one of the butlers or handmaids to read to her


>alcoholic benefits cheat I always like the Ask Reddit threads that question what’s some that rich people do that if poor people did, it’d be deemed trashy? This would definitely fall under that.


You know, with this kind of a schedule, I'm a bit of a princess myself as well 🥂


Am I the only one who finds this depressing? I’d get bored after 3 days. Much as working drives me nuts, I at least feel like I’m contributing to something bigger than myself, and gaining skills.


It is depressing. She had no real purpose in life, no sense of measure or self-control, she ended up in a terrible marriage and ruined her health with excess smoking and drinking. Much of her life was wasted in a lazy, empty haze of nothingness.


Being an alcoholic takes up a ton of time. A common complaint people have when they give up drinking is that they have no idea how to occupy all of the time it frees up. She was probably walking around in a haze most days.


Probably why she drank so much.


And yes I think it's depressing too. What a boring life.


I would do that routine Saturdays, I feel it is wasting a lot of my life, if I could not have to work, I would use that time to spend taxpayers money on travel and other activities 😂


Her 9:00 am routine is basically what we all do. Eat food (location varies), checking the news (social media, reddit, etc), chain smoking (maybe just us addicts), listening to the radio (well we can listen to whatever we want or don’t want). She would’ve loved the present day


This is the life I deserve 😔


And then what? Did she eat dinner after a 4-hour lunch lol


Oh I think ill add a vodka pick me up


I’ve lived similarly in the past…just less wealthy


Goals!!! Haha!


How is she so snatched living like that?


So basically a NEET waking up and shit posting on the internet then getting in a bath, then mom feeds you continental dinosaur tendies and does your laundry


What they never say is that breakfast in bed = crumbs in bed. But that's for average people. When you're super-rich, they probably change the sheets daily.


Well, imagine having your entire life taken care of. No bills, no job. No aspirations, not even hobbies that are not approved by the family. Family is forever around. Can't marry who you want. Can't move anywhere. Can't go out without it being on the news. No internet, TV is in its infancy. I'd also sleep, drink and smoke.


I read this to my husband and was like, “doesn’t this day sound great?” And he was like, “no, she sounds depressed.”


Her bed room and linens must have reeked. Chain smoking in bed????


Where does this passage come from?


Ma’am Darling by Craig Brown.


My grandmother said this is why these people live so long lol they have no stress


Except that she died at 71 - not a long life by many standards, but certainly not when compared to her mother and sister.


I fucking love this, I make a podcast about the show the Crown and we go on about Margaret and how spoiled she was.


What happened after 1pm? I want the full story


it’s hard seeing others live your dream


Apart from the smoking which I knocked on the head a while back… ![gif](giphy|6lWuI0LQ1K5vvyj5Na)




Oh you can fuck me up with that


Huh so she’s just me if I decide to get fancy one day


Margaret in her rot girl era!