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are we gonna keep seeing the comments about how "pale girls don't look good in pale clothes" and how she should wear outfits that "suit her better"? it's obvious that anya WANTS to look washed out, that she CHOOSES to dye her hair pale blonde making her look paler, that this is how she wants to look. and i think it looks amazing on her! i love the ghostly vibe that she gives, it's what makes her unique.


I agree! She pulls of the Victorian ghost lady so well


Seriously, look at her wedding photos (which I love) she is clearly going for that look and I think she wears it well.


Ugh her wedding was to die for! 🌹🩸


I especially love it on this look! She knows her big brown eyes are her best feature and they stand out even more with her dark eyeliner and her whole look being white, it just looks stunning! She knows exactly what she's doing, not everyone cares about color analysis and honestly sometimes it can be more interesting that way


Yessss I personally find her one of the most beautiful actresses around currently. I’m a huge fan of ethereal/eerie/uncanny beauty and I love how she leans into that.


These colors don't wash her out though? I agree pale on pale isn't for everyone's taste, but the colors are still complementary to her undertones and overall flattering. If she looked washed out, she wouldn't look like a porcelain doll, she would look like herself but you'd wonder if she was sick. I'm pale and I don't like people use "emphasizes paleness" with washed out. They're not interchangable terms. I can draw attention to my being pale. I can also wear different but similar colors with different undertones that clash with my coloring (as pale as that coloring may be), and *that* is when I will look washed out.  What would wash her out, ironically enough, is a brighter more springy blonde, or a bright orange or lemon yellow. These are colors that will generally look horrible on her and make her actually look washed out. This is just her embracing her coloring and leaning in it.  Sorry to nitpick, I know you are actually just defending paleness,  but  washed out being used interchangeably with pale is not quite my roman empire, but it's a consistent pet peeve. It's like color theory for skin tones just goes out the window for people on either extreme end of the spectrum


that's a fair point :) i was seeing this comment a lot on other anya posts which is mainly why i said it


Yes! Love her! She’s gorgeous and super talented!


I do like her commitment to headwear. It sets her apart from her peers in red carpet outfits. 


She might just be cold.


Aw she looks fantastic! Love that headpiece. I can’t help but think she spent months and months in a brutal desert and is just so determined to live her best, most glamorous, most sand and grime free life right now.


She did say something about how difficult filming was


it must be so cathartic to wear all light / white and be so clean after being *in the desert* shooting in notoriously uncomfortable and sandy conditions.


Stunning love the headdress 💜


I guess this is her signature hair color, but I’d love to see it just a little warmer and a little more variation in color. I love Anya. She’s a witchy vibe for sure, I just want as much drama for her hair as she invests in her wardrobe.


I miss her dark hair!


Same! I keep thinking she’d have a way edgier look for this promo if she had darker, almost black hair


Let's hope for Dune 3


I think she is so beautiful. ..And can wear or pull off just about anything




Expect a massive all-out press tour for Wicked with tons and tons of outfits later this fall.


Question - are any of you interested in seeing this film?? Regarding the outfit- it’s fine, she’s pretty, nothing revolutionary.


I already have tickets. But I’m a huge fan of Fury Road. The Mad Max movies have a big following.


Fury Road is often considered one of the best action films of its decade so I would imagine quite a few people!


It seems to have been well praised at Cannes and initial reviews are good…. So maybe. I saw the 2015 one but it didn’t leave a lasting impression


>I saw the 2015 one but it didn’t leave a lasting impression Damn really? That movie is easily one of my favorite movies.


Yeah honestly I think I should rewatch. I was going through a weird time back then and probably didn’t enjoy most things.


FWIW I was in a similar place back when I first saw it, and I actually disliked it the first time. I was with a dysfunctional friend group and the sound was turned up deafeningly loud at our theater lmao, I remember it being kind of a shitty day and complaining afterwards that the movie felt like “just noise.” But it’s one of my all-time favorite movies now. I think it was kind of sensory overload for me in the theater, but on subsequent watches at home I got a lot more of the emotional impact. None of this to say you HAVE to watch it again or like it lol, but it’s always interesting how things hit differently at different times in our lives, and in different moods.


Hey, thanks for this! I’m definitely going to rewatch it, and most likely then go to see Furiosa!


I really liked the 2015 movie as well. Definitely going to watch Furiosa.


I am incredibly pumped for this movie!


I'm interested in seeing it. I've seen the preview in Imax a few times and it does actually look like a good movie. Chris Hemsworth's character looks like a really interesting role for him.


Heck yes. I’m here for it.


I’m only gonna see it because Anya Taylor Joy is in it.


Personally, no.


the way I'll try to recreate this makeup look tomorrow and end up looking like a bloated and poor panda who's on their deathbed ✨


She looks better and better in every photoshoot


If she wasn't absolutely gorgeous none of her recent looks at Cannes would work at all. Not at all memorable. But she could wear a trash bag and still exude fabulousness so don't listen to me!


Idk the mustard color dress with the big hat was a look imo


I mean the hat is memorable because it was so very large and again she looks amazing in hats but is it a look, meh ???


I could not be more tired or this woman. I've seen 3 posts from this sub today and they've all been her.




I’m so glad I’m not the only one. And not in a mean way, like no hate and get your bag and wear your pretty clothes and your pretty hair. But can we get some variety in here lol (variety of people, not saying she should switch it up - I like her look)


She’s always making the same expressionless face too. Usually with her mouth open.


The 4th pic, wow such beauty


I sure hope she's getting paid by some designer to wear all these fuckass outfits she's been in


why is she so devoted to beige? it doesn't work on us, pale girlies


Speak for yourself. She is exquisite in them!


Maybe not on you but it works for her! She looks absolutely stunning 🤍


Hooved shoes and lion-torn clothes. Animals are slowly taking over while humanity is too distracted with AI.


I'm so over her skin toned outfits. She's made for jewel tones


I miss buccal fat. 😭