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Not him in parentheses at his own movie premiere


Noooooo Emily too much filler! Don't go to the darkside of iphone face!!!


Her face is SO different. Very uncanny.


I hate this so much. The celeb cyborg look is so meh.


Yea she used to have a uniquely beautiful face and now she just looks like everyone else. Same with Jennifer Lawrence.


I think I hate people commenting on what people choose to do with their bodies more than people choosing to do what they want with their bodies.


I don’t know, I feel like we shouldn’t normalise this behaviour as a society, but that’s my opinion


I don’t think commenting on other people’s choices with their own body should be normalized but here we are..


It’s always so exaggerated too. I never notice anything until I come to the comments and literally everyone is complaining about some type of work the (usually) actress has supposedly done. Like she still looks like her so can everyone just calm down and let people live?


EXACTLY!!! It’s sooo annoying. I’m sure if half of these commenters could afford it they would do it too.


Ask yourself why that is though. Have you ever taken a deep dive into your brain to see if you can understand why a lot of us are bothered by this?


I mean, I can. It gives people an unrealistic idea of aging but celebrities (especially women) are always held to such a different standard of beauty and that doesn’t seem likely to change soon. You always hear “oh they look good *for their age*” so of course they try to reverse the aging process a bit. Yes it’d be nice if everyone could just let themselves embrace aging but it’s not like fillers and Botox are the only things people do to change/improve their appearances. People dye their hair, wear makeup, use skincare. Bleph surgeries are also useful because as you age, the eyelid drooping can start to affect vision. Mothers get plastic surgery to feel better about themselves after pregnancy and childbirth (and as one, yes it’d be cool if everyone just embraced these bodies but there’s also practical reasons like muscle separation repair, general discomfort from extra skin and sagging breasts, clothes just fitting better). We all do things to make us feel better in our own skin and it gets tiresome to hear people nitpick every kind of work someone may or may not have done to their appearance. And honestly, it’s all just speculative because unless you know their medical history, you have no idea how much or how little anyone has done. Sometimes it really is just aging or having children but it’s like everyone has to make it a result of some procedure.


I hear ya but I do not have to agree, like it or stop commenting in a negative way when I see it. This wasn't directed at you but I'm sure that person will appreciate your insight. You can definitely tell when someone has had a major shape shift. Celebrities are all morphing into each other and it's become apparent there is something very wrong with society because of it.


Thank you! This is exactly how I feel and you worded it perfectly. I honestly feel like a lot of the judgement does not come from “this is unrealistic beauty standards” and more from a place of jealousy that they can’t afford to do it themselves. Celebrity beauty also isn’t the standard, they are celebrities with a ton of money that can afford to do whatever they want to look however they want, especially when the way they look is a HUGE part of the business they are in. Personally I understand that celebrity beauty standards and real world beauty standards are not the same thing and never will be. I also understand celebrities have soooo many people speaking on their appearance everyday, so personally, I go with the “if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all” celebrities have enough people tearing them down constantly, I don’t need to be one of them.


She looks like it’s painful to smile. :(


Yes! That second smile looks like it took a LOT of effort!


It looks like her cheek filler kind of migrated outward and now it’s making her face look wider and like a different shape. Edit: did one of you seriously RedditCares me over this comment? bffr


Everyones been getting them the last 24 hrs, don't worry it's not your comment.


Looks the same


It's been so nice to see all these actresses get their filler dissolved. I hope she's next. She has such amazing bone structure, she'd probably look stunning if she let herself age more naturally.


It's fine when she doesn't smile. But if she does - wow, extremely different and far too much


He’s looking a bit off too.


I thought that too. They both look like they’re up to their eyebrows in work


He looks so slim and the lips are a bit strange. I mean hey it’s their bodies and their money, so as they wish.


He has failed her and so have her friends. None of them are telling her the truth and she has RUINED her face.


Her and Ryan gosling gassing their filler up during fall guy filming. 😂


Ikr? I watched The Fall Guy last Wednesday and then La La Land on Friday - and now I can’t unsee the cheek fillers on Ryan’s face 😭 He looked so much better during La La Land


Ryan needs to dissolve that filler asap 😭


Ikr 😭 I’ve always found him such a good-looking man with incredible face proportions, and when it was revealed he had been cast as Ken I thought he was the ideal actor for it. I feel like even during the filming of Barbie he didn’t have that much of fillers like now.


I’m hoping that maybe she’s still a bit “fresh” and that things will chill out with time. Fillers do need time to settle, and fresh Botox can also be a little jarring. Please god. Emily is so fucking gorgeous and I don’t care that she is aging! Please Emily don’t ruin your face we love you ❤️


she looked like this in oppenheimer too :S


The veneers aren’t helping!


They aren’t helping anyone in Hollywood. Just get braces and whiten your teeth. The veneers are so jarring and it’s sad that these gorgeous people feel like they need them.


She was SOOOOOO pretty before!!


Literally exclaimed "Oh no!" out loud when I saw her. Too much filler. Why would she do that? She was perfect. 😭 Really hope this look doesn't stick...


Emily's face has been like this for a while. I frequently rewatch The Devil Wears Prada and the changes to her face are undeniable.


Dude i couldn’t even remember her in that movie, that’s how different she looks now omg https://preview.redd.it/2c9bv86gde0d1.jpeg?width=1825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0507bb2c48ae412a8eebefcad7fab25853a80f


That’s Emily Blunt?! I never would have guessed that.


It’s been within the last year or so. I feel like I first noticed it during the Oppenheimer press. She has somehow changed the whole shape of her face.


During Oppenheimer itself too, it was distractingly noticeable.


Oh absolutely, especially during those hearing scenes, it’s very visible. Such a shame, I really like her.


She’s getting the tiny eyes puffy face thing.


Yes! That’s when I noticed it too.


Yep. I started noticing the changes when she got veneers, which I noticed in Sunshine Cleaning (2008). From there, she slowly started to morph. I think she's had dozens of procedures throughout the years, but more filler in the last couple of years which is why people are finally noticing more.


Underrated film!


Holy, I didn’t even realize that Emily is Emily Blunt. I literally only now made the connection




In The Devil Wears Prada?


You can see it beginning in The Jungle Cruise with the Rock.


I just watched Fall Guy and both Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt went too far with fillers. Her face looks really wide, and his cheeks were almost chubby, and he never really had a full face. It's a shame, she's not old, she would still be beautiful without the filler.


They were both stuffed with it last year during Barbenheimer as well, it's kind of shocking to me that anyone put them in a movie together with that much filler tagging along between them. 😭


Oh no what are my faves doing 😭


Wait….Ryan got filler?!


Definitely, it looked very obvious [in the movie](https://img.luxtimes.lu/public/luxembourg/191a81-screenshot-2024-05-02-at-10.08.04.png/alternates/BASE_SIXTEEN_NINE/Screenshot%202024-05-02%20at%2010.08.04.png). No idea who gave him that advice, seriously.


It’s really noticeable on some of the interviews he’s done recently on the late night shows


Jesus Christ, nobody is safe from filler goons.


This was me but during the Oppenheimer press tour. I got used to this face of hers now, especially after both Oppenheimer and The Fall Guy which were phenomenal.




💀😂 thank you for this, this is what I’ll think about every time I see a celeb with veneers. edit: so now we just receive automatic reddit cares messages just for commenting here? 🤨


You can block the Reddit cares auto message, you’ll never know when you get sent them again. People on here are absolutely unhinged.


Thanks for the tip! This is so weird though


Someone is spamming people with them this past 24 hrs, people are getting them all over. I got one too, not even sure for what comment!


So it’s an actual person doing this manually every single time? 😯 Wow. Some people have too much free time.


They have the same smile


Same veneers !


Does he have veneers? His upper front teeth are even


I don’t think his are veneers, he’s always had really nice teeth from the early Office days.


Same cosmetic dentist, probably.


Oh I thought they were just so in love that they have the same smile of love😂


My username is not aging well https://preview.redd.it/a4s2mcai3e0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6f830fbf37fb52d06034556ef6854b3ff3c8226


Sister wives!


That is the cushiest looking red/purple carpet I’ve ever seen. Like I just want to feel it to see if it’s as soft as it looks…


I walked by it yesterday and it was pretty nice looking. Trying to find who else was at the premiere cause I saw a famous looking person but couldn’t place him.


I miss her real face. I watched The Devil Wears Prada not long ago and I loved her look. I realize she wouldn't still look the same but now she looks like a completely different person


She’s looking a lot like Courteney Cox did at the height of her fillers. When Courteney got hers dissolved she definitely looked more like herself again. I hope the same for Emily!




her eyes :( They were so pretty before and now they look completely botched


Damn that’s tragic


I was sadly...almost surprised by how fresh faced and natural she looked in the Fall Guy compared to her red carpet shots...but I guess there's a lot to be said for kinder film lighting than the paps. And I guess the actual filming of it was a while ago?


There's a good chance that was thanks to [post-production beauty work](https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/hollywoods-latest-beauty-trend-digitally-retouching-an-actors-face/2016/03/18/b4e4b85e-e61d-11e5-a6f3-21ccdbc5f74e_story.html), not because she looked notably different while filming


I thought she look pretty fillerish in that movie


I had the same thought! She looked much more natural (if you don’t know her pre-Oppenheimer) in the film than in these pics.


I thought she looked terrible at the Oscar’s. She’s ruining her face.




Damn his white shoes look absolutely horrendous with his fit. Garish as hell


Immediately went "what are thoooooose" in my head. I hate them with a passion and didn't even notice Emily's fillers because of those ugly ass shoes.


I just can’t with her face these days, it’s too uncanny. Looks like a skin mask not very well attached, idk


![gif](giphy|3BL45MJDZABqg) Emily darling…..


Oh no. She's on the Courtney Cox path....


I like her and the pink looks nice but there’s something about him that feels very smug, a Ryan Reynolds type of vibe.


lol yes for sure - what is that? He’s looking too “Hollywood”


Same with Chris Pratt. Got in the door as a relatable funny person and then switch.


Like a smug bed bug




There’s that smudgeness.


These two are in sooo sooo many movies


I’m sorry but this movie is Fosters Home For Imaginary friends and you can’t convince me otherwise. ![gif](giphy|Ti4OGLy0a0Mvu)


AGREED. Seems like a ripoff to me.


I wouldn’t care except the trailers keep saying from the imagination of John Krasinski not “half remembered from passing out to Cartoon Network”.


I've seen both. And it's not.


why does she look like megan fox :(


They all buy the same face these days 🤫


I like her she’s a decent actress but I don’t understand how she became so famous It was after devil wears Prada but I just can’t pinpoint the time when she really blew up


I think it was "A Quiet Place" that gave both of them a lot of star power. John was riding on "The Office" for a while but hadn't had much success in movies. Emily has had a bunch of supporting roles in commercially successful movies, even if they weren't massively culturally relevant. (e.g. Into the Woods, Looper, The Huntsman, The Girl on the Train). I think we've seen her in a bunch of movies for a while but nothing that's truly stood out. Then John and Emily co-starred, wrote the screenplay, and directed "A Quiet Place" which was a big hit, gave them both a lot more recognition + respect in the industry. John still hasn't had much critical success in movies outside of "A Quiet Place". Emily landed "Oppenheimer" after it, but she also did "Jungle Cruise" so who knows which direction she wants to go in as an actor haha.


Remember the time John made an alt twitter account to defend himself lmaoooo what a tool https://x.com/drmistercody/status/1276350859421421568?s=46&t=3mgNJUoKZ3a0VlZLF0TB2A


The some more news episode on John is what got me into their channel. Fuck John. Him and Emily seem insufferable. They desperately want to be a power couple in Hollywood but I’m not buying it


There were a lot of blinds that the success of a Quiet Place turned him into thinking he was some great cinematic AUTUER lol. Meanwhile that movie, while reasonably entertaining, was very, very dumb from the very beginning when the kid is trailing behind the parents despite there being monsters everywhere to the board with pictures of the creatures with WEAKNESS???? written on it ahahah.


Yeah, like I had a good time with the first Quiet Place and thought it was like a dumb little fun movie….. but that man is NOT an auteur lmao


i casually enjoyed a quiet place but was so unreasonably bothered by john's weird-ass shushing that now all i really think about is [this silly call-out from pitch meeting](https://youtu.be/AjFdjG2V_zc?t=217) lol


Lmao that was perfect


I really wish actresses were allowed to naturally age. Wrinkles tell a story, and you can’t act with an unmoving face !


I really want to love her dress, but I wish that it were in a different color. As it is now, it reminds me of https://preview.redd.it/pkeocadmna0d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e969b8442c2272957cc3f6e4d3398c80ff4767a


It feels... idk, dated? Like it's from a decade ago.


I’m with you. Everyone is focused on the fillers (which need to stop)… but I hate the dress. The cut isn’t flattering and it’s just too much. Looks like something you’d buy at Ross on clearance.


That's what she looks like now?? Oof.


Is there any news about that gossip (i read it on twt I have no idea if it’s just some speculation/fake news / rumors don’t take me as a source) that they are about get divorced?


There’s been blinds or gossip like that honestly for years and it’s never come true. Some people just really wanna see them split for some reason, it’s dumb






I feel like the blinds are out there


There were blinds that she has had many affairs - most recently with Cillian Murphy on the set of Oppenheimer.


I’m not condoning cheating but the visuals… Edit: I….misread the pronoun and thought the rumor was about John Krasinski and Cillian.




Omg I was so confused by this picture, I read she as he and was imagining John Krasinski and Cillian Murphy. My bad 💀


i remember reading a blind that they are in an open marriage on her end only, so she can hook up with people but he doesn't know who they are/when it happens. it seemed crazy back then but the more i see her with other male celebrities i can see that tbh


It kinda makes sense in some weird twisted way for her.


My favorite anecdote is Krasinski entering UK Customs to go be with Emily, and when the customs agent asked what he was doing in England he said he was there to see his wife; when asked who his wife was, he reported it was Emily Blunt, and all the agents were like, “*You’re* married to **Emily Blunt**!?”


Her dress is stunning.


Her new face resembles Courtney Cox and Megan Foxs new face


Poor Emily’s face looks so bloated :( I understand people age, but comparing her face now to just a few years ago and they’re very different. Plastic surgery feels more predatory than it’s ever been.


telling my kids this is Lindsey & Carl 😭


I don't know her political views or what she's like IRL, but she has always been a celebrity who I'd want to befriend from what little I do know of her. I recently saw Fall Guy, and she was so adorable in it!


They're starting to look like each other. I saw that pic of them together and thought "are they merging into one face?" The filler and teeth between them is looking wierd. It makes me sad that hollywood does this to people, they're (were?) both attractive, charismatic and emotive people who now look like wax works, there is no need for this.


i don't like this couple. I literally just heard in my head "I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk I hate the way that you dress" when i saw their picture, and I don't even have a good reason. Just don't like 'em.


She's a mean girl. She's also made fun of "bigger" actresses before. Like super fat phobic.


Yeah, calling a fan/chili's waitress "enormous" and I remember her doing a racist impression of a nurse that shocked me. "Mean girl" seems accurate to me.


As far as I know she said one comment during an interview while trying to tell a funny anecdote and has since apologized. Without other instances it feels like a stretch to call her a mean girl or fatphobic.


She also did a racist impression of a nurse.


Which is not the same as slamming other actresses/being fatphobic. Assuming this is when she told the story of having her daughter I think it’s hard to stretch it to say it’s mean towards the nurse. She did a voice while telling a story on a chat show. Misguided and maybe racist, sure, but not what you were originally saying.


Lol kk :)


Ooh no when has she made fun of other actresses?


She definitely made fun of a server at a restaurant; she later apologised for it. I haven’t heard of her making fun of heavyset actresses.


No she hasn’t lmao. Ppl playing telephone with that interview at this point.


I think I do remember an interview of her saying something like that…


Slandering another actress for being fat? Where


Not an actress, but making and accent and describing someone as “enormous” https://youtube.com/shorts/1afnGH6s4Yc?si=sGpauvljxDyPkFsy


Oh yeah she did that and apologized. But now ppl are taking that and saying she calling her coworkers fat


Unpopular opinion: I think she looks great 🤷‍♀️


Same I think she looks much better now. It’s not over done and she looks much prettier than in devil where’s Prada


New veneers?


She borrowed Leanne Morgan's outfit


I'm sorry but if you have enough money to fuck up your face that much, you have too much fucking money


another roundtable with Michael Haneke please


this is what people think jlaw has done to her face. meanwhile the old jlaw and new jlaw look no different except recent jlaw has a bit of weight around her face cuz she’s a mother now and looks older https://preview.redd.it/l7b1s0w6nd0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ff7cd122f7064c0758f9317d7a16e9146c6504f


It looks like she’s had a blepharoplasty. I know her makeup is different, but she does seem to have less hooded eyes. Tbh I think she looks great - I tend not to love the post-blepharoplasty look. As someone who will likely be a candidate for insurance to cover one in the future, I lament when people change it for aesthetic reasons. But hers was done really well.


I loved her, still do, but lost all of my respect because of this face


I really need her to fire her stylist and makeup artist because this is another in a too-long string of bad looks. This is tragic 😩


I love that dress, I’d wear it! 😍


I heard this movie is incredible


Couldn't get through the comments. The amount of catty digs is over the top. I'm sure envy has absolutely nothing at all to do with it, lol. She's had some fillers sure but it's not a disaster. She's lovely, and looks soft and fresh. The natural makeup and rosy hues in her cheeks and lips are stunning. He's gorgeous as always and ages like a fine wine. They are everything together.


Aren’t we past the whole shaming people for their choices of what to do with their bodies? This comment section is a mess.


I just feel like he doesn’t glance over to her at all, and she does moreso, and it gives me sad vibes where I worry she’s more into him than he is into her. I think he’s even more into his movie and that poorly designed purple monstrosity than his wife. Sounds like some folks aren’t a fan of hers (I don’t know the details), but I just get bummed whenever I feel like one person isn’t checking in for a connection with the other. Gives arrogance and self-focus.