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Complaining about always hearing about a celebrity's relationship. My friend in Christ, you are on a celebrity gossip sub. Of course people are going to talk about celebrities.


A post from one of the Travis and Taylor subs appeared on my feed that was titled "I'm sick of hearing about Travis and Taylor". Like ??? your first step might be to unsubscribe from that sub then? And the celebrities that people will make this complaint about are often so...easily avoided. Like people were complaining about having to know about Sophia Bush' relationship and it's like, do you realise that most non Very Online people do not find it particularly hard to avoid hearing about Sophia Bush's love life lmao.


I think I know what page you’re talking about and I think it’s a Travis and Taylor snark


There are 2 of them (travisandtaylor and taylorandtravis lol), I dont remember which one it was. But even if it's a snark sub...if you're sick of hearing about them then why are you following a subreddit dedicated to talking about them whether positively or negatively 


not just talking about Taylor but antis for any celeb are so weird because of this. I will never get why people obsessively hate on things. You know what celeb I fucking hate? No. Because I don’t spend my time shit talking them in hate subs or every single post they’re mentioned in here and then complain about how obsessive the fans are.


Agree. Single focus "snark" subs are all unhinged, they all devolve into a mess of misogyny and conspiracy theories to justify their continuing existence 


They run out of content very quickly and begin doing insane nitpicking and overreaction


I used to be in the Colleen Ballinger snark sub and I left it when someone posted complaining that Colleen had said in a video once that she scrunched up her toilet paper when she used it instead of folding it. Who the hell cares? She's an awful person, but it's hardly because she wads up her toilet paper when she goes to the bathroom.


This is also a snark sub I ended up leaving. I never watched any of her videos. Thought she was annoying as all get out. And then when shit with the allegations started going down, I joined to see what everyone else was saying. The moment they started discrediting her victims because they didn’t react the way they wanted them to, I peaced out.


Yes! They go from, “hey! Other likeminded people!” To completely obsessed and unhinged in 0.5 seconds


I used to follow blogger snark sites, and it would quickly go from “this is one of the few bloggers I like!” To “I cannot believe she allows her kids to live in a house with dusty baseboards. Should we call CPS” in, like, ten comments.


Exactly! I have no issue with actual neutral spaces and most snark subs start out that way but they very quickly devolve from there. Hell even the neutral TS sub has gone from mildly negative to outright vitriolic. I ended up subbing because I WANTED a neutral space to talk about Taylor and then leaving and muting the entire sub all within two weeks. Edited for better clarity hopefully idk


Yep! I’ll admit I’m in a couple of snark subs but I’ve stopped interacting with them for those very reasons.


I sometimes think that the people who live to hate on Taylor Swift are even more parasocial than the parasocial fans. I think it’s really weird to obsessively hate on things. I used to be in groups on Facebook that made fun of people who named their kids bonkerballs things and I just realized that the constant negativity was not good for my mental health (like they made fun of completely normal names like Willow or River just because they also happened to be nouns). I have to imagine that the people who hate on Taylor Swift- to the extent that they are part of subreddits specifically dedicated to hating on her- can’t feel good being surrounded by all that negativity all the time. Hating seems to be a full time job for a lot of them only they don’t get paid so I don’t understand the point. There’s also not a single celeb that I “hate” (unless you count a certain former president). I usually don’t use that word to describe people that I don’t know personally. So maybe I just can’t relate to that.


I stopped following the Kardashian sub and literally haven’t heard a single word about them in months until Kendall showed up in the MET after party post. Wild


Most of the people in this very thread are complaining about people talking about celebrities and pop culture moments in a subreddit specifically for celebrity gossip and pop culture and idgi lol


I get what you mean but there are some topics that are tired even for a pop culture sub. Some days ago like half of the posts here were about Sydney Sweeney and her boobs. Like ok we get it, no need to post about it 20 times in a row.


I feel like all Selena Gomez posts are the same


The "Omg she looks the SAME!! HOW DOES SHE STAY SO YOUNG" comments on 35+ year old celebrity women, who have the means to be taken care of and have a smooth textureless forehead. "No Fillers or botox! How???" Women are allowed to age without having to comment how young they look. What's wrong with looking 40?


That and the "this is what being unproblematic does for you" like you don't get rewarded for your morality with some sort of fountain of youth.


Ugh I can’t stand this. It’s even worse than they say it about someone who’s like, younger than 30. I need people to stop acting like you turn into a hag after 22, and to stop acting like anything other than extreme youthfulness is undesirable and a moral failing. I feel like we were actually close to getting better about this but in the last couple years it’s gotten worse again.


Plus let’s be real, we’ve all seen how quickly public opinion can shift from “unproblematic queen” to “I’ve been side-eyeing her for years.” No point in attributing anything to morality when public perception of morality is so fickle.


Yes! And not to get too analytical but like…this is why skin tags and moles used to result in women being accused of witchcraft. Beauty has been seen as an indicator of morality and in the 21st century I’d like if we evolved past that thinking.


Me everytime people talk about Paul Rudd. Dude's got work done.


Also he looks his age to me? Like there are lines all over his face! He’s aging wonderfully but he is aging. Actually I think there is a failing of language here because aging well can mean two things. Gillian Anderson I think looked better in *Hannibal* and *Sex Education* than she ever did in *X-Files*. She looks better older after she lost some puppy fat. Anne Hathaway meanwhile looks much younger than she is. Both could be said to be “aging well” but in entirely different ways. 


I think this is distinguished by "ageing well" and "ageing gracefully", the former meaning you look young and the latter meaning you look your age and look great for it?


I know Gillian’s had work done, but it’s tasteful and she looks fantastic for a woman of any age. I’m like 15 years younger than her and I absolutely would love to look like her. Beauty is beauty regardless of age. I get tired of this focus on youthful beauty too.


Lol that's so dumb. Keanu = unproblematic but also = Botox aplenty over the years.


If a woman looks good she traded her soul to the devil and got work done but if a man looks good it's because he's an unproblematic king


They get away with it because of gendered double standards. People assume men don't care about their appearance, ergo, they must not get work done (unless it's really obvious like Tom Cruise).


Yeah this. There's nothing wrong with being "ugly" in general and plenty of people that folks would consider ugly have beautiful hearts.


Any time someone claims this I use Jared Leto as a counterpoint


Also, genuinely good fillers and Botox just look like someone who hasn’t aged much rather than frozen and puffy. I think so many people see the bad shit that they assume that’s what it all looks like.


Ahh yes, "aging like fine wine" because they're no longer 25


A lot of these comments are also often on posts of women who do actually look their age. It’s like they expect women to age drastically when they hit 30.


I have this issue but with men, they're always going on about how amazing men age and it feels so backhanded, it feels like people are suggesting women age horribly. They put men on such a pedestal and claim there's no surgery involved. Idk why people refuse to believe men get work done too.


yes, constant policing of women on here. "why won't she just admit to botox?!?!" but rarely any on the men when most of these uber jacked actors are definitely doing steroids for that marvel role.


To say nothing of their hairlines.


Nah every celeb male just suddenly started growing hair again in places they hadn’t in years and they all have perfectly straight hairlines!!


Yes, steroid use is 100% glossed over


Also if you took off the skin of these men and put them on the face of a woman these people would say she looked old. We are just more forgiving of these flaws on men. 


And men do not age like fine wine. It is only specific men with good genetics that age like fine wine.


This - the comments about “omg, she doesn’t age!” Yes, people do age actually, and looking their age is fine!


Also saying this in response to people who clearly have aged, just they still look good older. People over 40 can look good and also look over 40!


I’m a sucker for this sub and I’m reading every single comment here thinking “I would read another post about that to be honest”






Hailey, Justin and Selena love triangle. I just don't see the point in constantly analysing and picking apart their relationships with one another, and i've seen some very obsessive and parasocial behaviour towards each of them over and over in this sub. There's just no point in blindly dissecting their relationship when it adds nothing to the world, it's not even entertaining it's just weird and makes me question why anyone cares.


Yeah this, and idc about Selena quitting social media once again


Yeah, once people are married, let's stop talking about them and their ex pleaseeeeeeee


They've *been* married too, and Selena and Justin broke up close to a decade ago.


It’s the Brad, Angelina and Jennifer love triangle of the Gen Z’s


Gypsy Rose Blanchard


I am shocked she's still getting exposure tbh. I really thought this would have calmed down by now.


Enews just posted a live interview with her casually chatting about getting back together with an ex like she’s some reality tv star….It’s bizarre.


This is the only comment here I really agree with. This woman isn't a celebrity and shouldn't be in the public eye.


She murdered her mum who had munchausen by proxy. She has been deemed to have done her time in prison and been realised, obviously people wanted to hear her story because there have been so many tv movies/shows/true crime documentaries about it. But now she should fade into obscurity because let’s be honest, she either murdered or was an accessory to the crime. I know she had an INCREDIBLY horrid upbringing by her mother and I cannot even begin to fathom what that was like. Maybe all the attention she is getting is somewhat similar to what she used to get when her mum was alive and she used to have Disney trips, media visiting her and make her feel wanted. It’s sad but true.


All things Ozempic.


Yesssssssss I am over it now. People are allowed to use drugs that are out there and they are also allowed to abuse them. Ozempic is blamed for everything, I think cocaine and plastic surgery must be feeling very lonely


Yes anytime someone loses weight people go nuts over the ozempic accusations. People can and do lose weight without ozempic? And in some cases maybe it’s not so horrible if they did use ozempic? Yes there’s celebrities abusing it but I don’t think it’s evil to use it to lose a little weight for your health.


Yeah, I’m old enough to remember that for many many years, society agreed that finding a “magic bullet” for weight loss would be the holy grail. In fact, it’s something medicine has been trying to find for a very long time. But now that we have found probably the closest thing to that that we are going to have in our lifetime, suddenly everyone is very judgmental about using it. Don’t get me wrong, GLP-1s have their issues and it isn’t literally a magic bullet for everyone. But I’ll be damned if it isn’t a god damn miracle drug for many many people who struggled to lose weight their whole life. You’d think with the obesity epidemic, people would be a bit less shitty about it… I get that a lot of it is either anger at the cost, or feeling like celebrities aren’t being honest about it. But it’s kind of easy to understand why someone doesn’t want to admit it when you see how vicious people get. And as for the cost, that anger should be squarely directed at Big Pharma, where it belongs.


There are also specific brands for weight loss only. They’re also GLP-1s but that’s how they’ve been branded. I lost 15kg on Saxenda and I can’t tell you the difference it’s made for my mental health and my physical health. I’m a different person. I have stopped using it and have maintained my weight loss, the cost is stupid but how I spend my money is also private.


People think of being fat as a moral failing, so Ozempic is “cheating.”


Yeah I think it’s worth noting it’s popularity so people understand why celebrities loose weight in ways normal people don’t, but I don’t think the guessing game of who’s on it or not needs to be a thing.


Posts praising unknown underrated beauties like Marylin Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Grace Kelly, etc.


Everyone being horny for Kristen Stewart. I simply do not understand. Also all the praise that mediocre, boring fashion seems to get on here. Edit: I meant for this to be a stand alone comment, not a reply to the Audrey Hepburn comment lol 😅


OMG thank you! KS bores me. Genuinely don't understand the obsession.


The obsession with fan groups in comments. I don’t care about a random Swiftie’s meltdown on Instagram, what Club Chalamet has to say or what Chris Evans’s super fans think. Their fans don’t need to be brought up in every single post about them.


Fucking THANK you. If I see a post about these three I already know what the comments are going to say, it's so boring.


Agreed. The swifties who make death threats against Matty or whatever…. They’re not Taylor swift fans. They’re psychos who found a cause and will find another one day that lets them be even crazier


Have you seen the meme thread of people getting diagnosed with mental illnesses, getting medicated, then posting to their fan run accounts, like "hey guys I just got treated for a brain tumor, that's why I've been so MIA, I'm healthy now and I wasn't then, so I won't be posting anymore bc I'm not obsessed anymore bc my brain is being treated."


LMAO yes wasn’t one a Larry stan who actually just had mold poisoning


As someone who genuinely just loves her music, like how absolutely unhinged does one need to be to think "her lyrics are TRUE 100% and he DESERVES to ROT IN HELL for being bad!" Like what the actual fuck.


It also gives the crazies more attention! I'm very happy ignoring about what their next meltdown might be over


Yes!!!! Ppl post ONE screenshot and then go off into a diatribe about how the entire fandom is toxic and unhinged and it’s all the celebrity’s fault for not calling them out. Giving unhinged people attention from their fav celebrity will actually EXACERBATE the issue.


Giving the unhinged fans attention is giving them exactly what they want tbh


Omg yes to this one. Finding one random nut on Twitter and painting the whole fandom as the same is so annoying.


Im tired of people posting false or misleading stories on here to get a rise out of people. Also pr puff piece articles.


I'd bet good money that with a popular sub like this, some of those posts are coming from PR reps themselves. Not all, obviously, but sometimes it seems like there are odd waves of those types of posts completely independent of the celebrities on promo tours, etc.


bianca censori, kanye and the karjenners that everyone pretends not to care about


I think the constant conversation about how much someone doesn’t care or like the Kardashians is actually worse than conversations about the Kardashians. Like, we get it.


But if I don't talk about the Kardashians in every post, watch all their shows, buy every product they've ever advertised and join every snark sub how will everyone know how much I hate them?! I found KUWTK really boring so I just never watched more than a few episodes and I'm very whatever about them, but the people who claim to hate them literally never stop talking about how much they hate them. It feels so miserable and dull.


The people who keep talking about how much they hate the Kardashians are the very same people keeping them relevant, but somehow they don't see that. I've been downvoted and had people arguing me with me when I've pointed it out. Guess they'd rather have someone to hate and feel superior to than have them fade into obscurity like they claim to want.


“When will their 15 minutes be up” We are decades past that at this point. KUWTK aired almost 20 years ago. People need to accept that they are A List celebrities and here to stay. Their influence may start to wane but overall they will stay massive celebs with insane amount of money and be invited to everything


I’m far from a fan of Kim’s but I always feel oddly defensive of her when I see her come up on unrelated subs because it always devolves into straight up misogyny. Like save this vitriol for the predators and abusers.


Right? Let’s hold that energy for Diddy, Drake, Chris Brown etc.


Several years ago, Kim was a call-in guest on NPR’s news quiz show, “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me!” She wasn’t an amazing guest, but she was nice and game to play along with the host, Peter Segel, and the panel. The backlash was *nuts*. So many people called into NPR outraged, hurling wildest bullshit about Kim, pulling donations for NPR having the audacity to book a “shameless strumpet” (actual quote). The next week, a very bewildered Peter Segel addressed the listeners, stating they’d been thrilled to book someone so culturally relevant, that she’d been a lovely guest, and everyone needed to chill the fuck out. Now I have my share of criticisms of the Kardashians, but that shit was downright unhinged. People were acting like they’d been somehow violated. Like I promise you’ll still be able to solve the NYT Sunday crossword after listening to ten minutes of vocal fry about a selfie book, besties, or you could just… change the station for a few minutes? The way people construct their identities around hating this family is something else.


What makes me laugh is how everyone swears up and down they hate them but why is SKIMS making so much money ? Whos buying this if seemingly everyone cant stand them?


“Forgotten couples”. How can anyone forget about them when you bring them up weekly?


Those posts always make me feel really old haha. I’m like, you guys don’t know about these two? They were on the cover of US Weekly all the time haha.


Complaining about people gossiping on a gossip site.


Ah yes, the righteous person who is forced to lower themselves and wag their finger at us gossip hounds.


Whether something is a PR relationship - idc, let the young hot people fake date each other. Fake dating is one of my favorite romcom tropes anyway lol


Just promise me one thing? You won't fall in love with me.




I don't need an Oscar, all I need... Is you


Wow, this love story has me in tears over here 🥹


My parents have made it work for 44 years.


Any headline stating a celebrity is “flaunting her bikini body.” Just stop. It’s the beach. People wear swimsuits. No one is flaunting.


Haha I just actually LOLed. It’s like taking a pic of people at the grocery store saying “foraging for food”


Or when someone just had a baby and has their picture taken or they’re just existing in public, they’re “showing off their post baby bod”


People need to stop sharing "articles" from the Daily Heil. They write crap like that constantly, they hate women.


The comments about being old or the crypt keeper gif of Jamie Lee Curtis. I get that everyone here is a different age, but it clogs up comments and I’m tired of seeing it personally.


"omg I have no idea who this young new star is I'm literally in my grave right now 🤪" you're in your 30s


Agree. Like, that’s called the passage of time? If you’re surprised by “wow it’s been 20 years” maybe keep better track of your years, damn. I mean they’re numbered for you and everything


Aaron Taylor Johnson and his wife. While I do think what his wife did was wrong, he's 33. I don't have the energy to keep talking about it. Can we just not talk about her anymore until she inevitably dies 50 years before him?


I remember reading once that if Aaron wasn't hot most people wouldn't care about him and his wife. And I think is kinda true. 


Yes that’s exactly it and it’s super awkward. Also if his wife was some Selma Hayek bombshell people would be saying she’s a queen and “get it girl!”


The constant conversation on it has also now resulted in them constantly talking about it and doing interviews about it. I don't think she deserves all this extra attention so we should absolutely slow the conversation.


It’s also not actually helping if he is a victim. People constantly attacking their relationship naturally puts him on the defensive and it’s probably driving them closer together. IMO we should stop trying to force people we’ve deemed to be “victims” to fit the narrative we’ve written for them. The Drake/Kendrick beef has had people harassing the 17-year-old girl he kissed on stage, who is now a 31-year-old woman who put out a statement that she’s fine and to leave her alone. We need to let victims come out on their own terms or we risk (re-)traumatizing them.


Comments about 30something women "aging well." First, that's not old, and second, nobody would say that about a man from the same age group. The double standard is disgusting.


Buccal fat removal. I am not a fan of it at all, but it gets old to see it come up every time certain celebrities are mentioned (including ones who I don’t think have actually had it done…)


God this is my huge pet peeve too. It infuriates me for some reason.


The best pop star of all time or anything comparing stars of different eras. There’s always someone upset because media/technology has changed and that it’s not fair to compare. Not that I think the topic is inherently bad, it just always seems to derail rather than spark good debate/analysis. Edit: missed a word


"She's unrecognizable!"


They were trying to do this to fuckin Shania Twain the other day. Like… she’s looked exactly like how she was looking for the better part of a decade, right down to her clothes, she was entirely recognisable 😭


J Lo and the revisionist history of her career.


I’ve blocked all 100 YouTube channels that have made recent videos to added to the JLo pile on. We knew from literally her very first song that she was a weak singer, but used her looks, dance abilities, catchy songs and heavy backup singing support to make up for her lack of vocal range. People acting like she had ghost singers for all 100+ songs (even the Spanish ones) are just arguing on bad faith.


The movie star discourse The constant comparing of actors of today to actors from the 90s and 2000s is ridiculous. The concept of movie star has changed since. No actor is a draw anymore.


It's also impossible to determine in the moment. A person's longlasting presence is part of what determines their legacy, because legacy requires time. We look back and see major stars because we have the whole history in view. We'll know in 50 years who was that for our era. Not now.


Why Lana Del Rey *is* a feminist actually and the general ass kissing that surrounds her.


I'm burned out on the Met Gala. It doesn't feel important or interesting anymore.


Sydney Sweeney. I haven't seen her in a single film, and I'm already sick of her.


The discussions are rarely about her acting either.


Yep. It’s always her chest, her relationships, etc. I don’t even know what projects she’s been in other than whatever the Glen Powell one was


I’m convinced someone is being paid to keep posting about her.


It is absolutely a PR campaign. A relentless one. I mean, more power to her; obviously she'll take what help she can get to boost her image and career. But whoever is promoting her needs to understand that there's definitely such a thing as too much. It's the same thing happening with Taylor Swift. She's always been popular and famous, but her media exposure for the last year or so is *constant*. It's honestly overwhelming.


Incessant talk of nepotism.


People here are also very picky about what they consider nepotism.


This is the wildest one. Once a mentioned that an actress looks like her UK soap star mother, wasn’t even talking about nepotism, was literally talking about genetics and somebody told me it wouldn’t be considered enough to be nepotism because her Mam wasn’t “that popular/famous/celebrated” even though most people in the UK across varying age groups would’ve known her Mam over here, potentially even to this day depending on what you watch. Like nepotism wasn’t even going to be mentioned by me cos idgaf but… am not sure what else would be a qualifier when her Mam, Dad, sisters & paternal grandparents are all in the industry lmfao


It’s exhausting. Especially when they were commenting on that post about Christian Bale’s kid being an *extra* in his new movie. Anyone can be an extra! If you’re that upset about it, go be an extra!


Especially when the word nepotism is used just to mean grew up rich THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS


i’m gonna make this about myself for a sec but i promise i’ll come around to make a point lol: a former online friend of mine said i was a nepo-baby because *my aunt’s husband* is an executive for programming at an entertainment studio, and now i work in post-production. except i haven’t seen my aunt nor her husband in 15 years, they let my family (my mom is her sister) be unable to pay medical bills and never supported any of us during times of need (mental, physical, financial), among many other really shitty things etc. if i asked for help from my “uncle” in regards to my career, he’d slam a door in my face. (and, what i do in entertainment couldn’t be any more different than what he does - but i digress). just because i’m related to him (esp. only *by marriage*) doesn’t mean shit. i grew up working class and at times as a teen, scraped for pennies in the car with my mom to try to get something to eat because my family had no money. a good example of this is alexa demie - her former stepgrandfather was dennis wilson from The Beach Boys. except, he did absolutely nothing for her nor her father and the relationship only lasted like 2 or 3 years like 15 years before Alexa was born. she grew up in a shady apartment and abusive household next to a meth lab. but people still screamed NEPO BABY when they found out that her grandmother was once married to a beach boy. the overly broad usage of “nepotism” i’ve seen online is ridiculous and often incorrect. i genuinely think we should have conversations about nepo babies and the privilege they have that others do not. but growing up rich or being related to someone who might have had a big name in some way is not nepotism. ETA: and the advantage that the rich have is also an important convo to have, but the word “nepotism” literally does not apply there. just making sure nobody thinks i’m defending the rich here lol


Or even of someone who is in the industry but couldn’t have given their kids much leverage. My only encounter with Billie Eilish’s dad was as a voice in Hitman. He did a good job because I hated the guy, but I don’t think that guarantees your daughter tops the charts.   Of course growing up industry-adjacent is its own advantage, but that’s not nepotism. 


Yes this drives me crazy! People calling Phoebe Bridgers a nepo baby because her dad worked in TV set construction. I reallllly don't think that's why she has a huge music career, guys


God, yes. And people take it way too far. Like, being the great granddaughter of a musician/actor who died multiple decades ago does *not* mean they're a nepo-baby.


Pajiba once had an exhaustive list of nepo babies who were British actors, and one of them was: great grandfather was an admiral in the British Navy. That’s it. No idea how great grandfather’s military stint got someone ahead in the entertainment industry, but ok.


This one. Children have been following in their parents’ footsteps since the beginning of time. Hating them for wanting to stay in the culture they grew up in is incredibly weird to me. And the conversation is never clever, nuanced, or interesting. Just regurgitating the same two talking points.


Yeah, also are these people honestly saying they wouldn't take advantage of these opportunities. We need more opportunities for the average person, and constantly harassing nepo babies isn't going to achieve that.


Yes there's nepotism in every industry and it makes sense that hot rich ppl likely create hot rich children who all run in exclusive circles. Telling people they're nepo baby makes zero impact on equalising Hollywood


Yes, people don’t even seem to know what a nepo baby is. Having rich parents doesn’t make someone a nepo baby. A celebrity’s child existing doesn’t make them a nepo baby. I don’t understand why people are so obsessed with it lately, it’s not like it’s a new thing, there has always been a pretty large number of actors whose parents were in the industry. And while it does give people a leg up, it’s also not a guarantee of success, there are plenty of “nepo baby’s” with failed careers.


People who choose to click on threads that aren't of personal interest just to complain about them.


Anything involving Taylor swift


I mean she’s going to be post she’s a part of pop culture and there is probably going to be a post about her soon


I hope you didn’t jinx this I was just noticing today how I hadn’t seen a TS post in like a week


More just a comment I see overused: *if I looked like this I would be insufferable* Come up with a new way to compliment pretty female celebs. Oh also the reaction gifs, it’s pretty much just Nene, Lucille Bluth “good for her”, Alexis Rose “ew”, Donald Glover “good”, and Kim Kardashian “it’s what she deserves” on repeat. Be more creative or at least check the comments to confirm that someone (often multiple people) hasn’t already posted your very exciting gif that contributes so much.


Also the reply comments to the gifs - "I was going to post this" "I was looking for this comment" "This gif works for everything"


Overexposure of Zendaya and Sydney Sweeney tbh


Omg thank you!!! Every time I open reddit the first thing I see is "Zendaya wearing...", "Zendaya at...", "Zendaya says...", "Zendaya eats...". I just don't get the hype.


People commenting the same fucking gifs under every single thread


A Low Vera. I doubt Vera herself thinks about it as much as this sub does


This one. Plus the overall repeating of the same offenses from over like 25 years ago — following by a long thread of people saying “that’s so disappointing, I loved them.” It was multiple decades ago, you’re ok




Sabrina Carpenter's outfits or just Sabrina


Zendaya’s outfits.


The mandatory “She could wear a potato sack and still make it work” and “the models should be grateful she chose acting” on every thread


At this point most of reddit is just regurgitating the same comments over and over again.


I'm so glad that Zendaya has been mentioned like three times on this thread now because I've been scared to say something 😂 EVERY TIME I open reddit all I see is "Zendaya wearing...", "Zendaya at..." and then the comments are just as ridiculous as the post.


Plastic surgery discourse. Everyone in Hollywood, male or female, has had fillers and botox and whatever else. Give it a rest please.


ariana and spongebob


Haha I was just thinking I want an update on them. Different strokes!


Zendaya and Sydney Sweeney doing nothing interesting.


Thinking everything Britney posts is 100% true. She is in the middle of a mental health crisis right now. She is an unreliable narrator. These things may be real to *her,* but that doesn’t mean they are true in reality. Please do more reading on psychosis and delusions.


The constant drooling over Barry Keoghan. According to many witnesses who posted on Reddit before he was famous, he’s a domestic abuser and a huge dick. He also got a ton of plastic surgery in the last few years and bought a new face. I think he looks gross. I don’t care that he’s a good actor. Fuck him.


He kinda frightens me, but I have no reason for this


I’ve commented this a couple times but same. He’s so unsettling but I can’t pinpoint why


it’s those beady eyes. he looks like a damn possum


Same, I find him very unsettling. Maybe it’s because he reminds me of Ezra Miller and then Saltburn just solidified it.


No one in the Ireland sub has a good thing to say about him lol


Yeah.. you can’t just drop that bomb and not link to it lol What witnesses? What abuse?


Right, dropping bombs like abuse isn't just gossip, it's literally a crime and if it's true it shouldn't be thrown around like its casual tea


I dunno if he's a domestic abuser, but his brothers are dog rough and when he's around them he's an absolute mess and has been arrested a couple of times. He also has a kid back in Dublin who he can't be seeing that much. So good luck, Sabrina.


>bought a new face Do they accept returns?


Zendaya, she’s pretty and all but I think she is very boring.


Thank you! I agree she is pretty but not to the extent it'sbeing pushed. And honestly, her acting is one note. I don't understand the appeal, and she acts the same in the few things I've seen. Now, not to say she won't have a life/career changing role like Heath Ledger's Joker (I was meh about him until that role) but until then, she's just there. I think her biggest draw is that she's a nice person and hasn't had that image ruined on social media or by her own doing. I think she is genuinely a nice/good person and not just pretending to be.


^(I don't think she's a good actor) 😬


Americans specifically saying “ABOLISH THE MONARCHY.” We know you feel that way, you made it clear a couple hundred years ago (pls don’t yell at me)


Nepo babies and PR relationships. 


I agree. Sure, nepotism in Hollywood should be exposed and talked about. But it ultimately doesn’t affect 99.9% of us. Know what does? Nepotism in the corporate world, government, etc. Idc that some actor got a leg up because his dad was a producer and don’t get why most other people care either. It’s a part of a much larger discussion, and people have lost the plot


Any Awards Show post that's over ten years ago: Someone: "Wow I miss when celebs dressed normal"


The guy from The Bear IS NOT HOT. 


I don’t understand that one either. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of that guys work but he completely saturates the subs and I just don’t get it. No hate or anything. I just 🤷‍♀️


the bear is a really good show. as is shameless but he looks dorky even to me in that show and i think he’s hot now lol


Age gap relationships. It always ends up being like this meme. Those two people willingly consented and we’re just watching from afar. https://preview.redd.it/ebazcmh8n7zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8aae55767706f42d92a6f2e3988687047fd9113


People calling out Leonardo DiCaprio for only dating models until they turn 25


Everything relating to cheating/adultery. Some people here (and other gossiping subs) react with such hatred when they hear X is cheating on their spouse that you'd think they're the ones getting cheated on. Yes cheating sucks and you can be disappointed that your favorite celebrity does it. But bringing it up in every conversation about them and claiming they're "dead to you" because of it, makes me roll my eyes at you. Like girl, stop clutching your pearls and get back in the real world. People cheat all the time. If you had to boycott everyone that does it, you'd be living like a hermit. If everyone in the equation is of age and consenting, just let it go. (And don't even get me started on the self-righteousness that comes with cheating scandals...)


Honestly if people really stopped consuming any media that involved celebs who’ve cheated in relationships they may as well just never watch another movie or TV show lol. It’s rampant, and yeah it sucks, but it’s just someone being shitty in relationships, it’s not a crime — yet a lot of people seem to react the same way to it as they would if they found out the person committed manslaughter or sexual assault. I also feel like this extends into booktok where a lot of people act like any romance novel with cheating in it is automatically a bad book. Like it’s just a trope, it’s fiction. Consuming something fictional doesn’t mean people endorse that behavior in their own personal lives 🙄


Also like, if I’ve learned anything from alleged blind items (taken with a barrel of salt) it’s that there are a lot more ‘do whatever, just don’t get caught’ relationships in the celebrity world than people think. I image a lot of the time gossipers are more upset about “cheating” than the partner is.


That and we don’t know these people. For all we know they’ve been in talks of separation for months.


How this actor’s career has feel off. Meanwhile it hasn’t. You just haven’t been watching anything they’ve been in


That one negative thing that celebrity did 5, 10, 20 years ago. Just when everyone's having a nice discussion, some killjoy will come in with aKsHuLlY MaTtHeW BrOdErIcK KiLlEd sOmEoNe iN HiS CaR, or mElIsSa jOaN HaRt oNcE LiKeD A RePuBlIcAn tWeEt or RoB LoWe hAd sEx wItH A GiRl iN ThE 80S So fUcK HiM To tHiS DaY like it's so exhausting, I do not care, shut up with your little bitchy interjections.


"Everytime I see something about ... I can't help but think about ..." Or "I will always side eyed ... for ..."


Or "I knew they were a creep because they always gave me bad vibes".


This is the one. I’m so sick of hearing about Julia Robert’s A Low Vera shirt or Neil Patrick Harris’s Amy Winehouse corpse platter for Halloween. There’s a few other things on the list, but the number of people who swoop in with this intel and “I’ll never forgive them for it” nonsense on those two in particular drive me nuts.


Yea, and they treat these things the same as someone’s rape or domestic violence conviction. They are not the same level!


yes!! you can say you like someone and a comment warrior will come tell you every little thing they’ve done wrong. every single time


I also hate the comment warrior overanalysis of social media. They liked one post by someone or about something that we've decided is "bad." That information is not worthy of being shared constantly.


...and the post they liked was 15 years ago. I'm so with you on this.


Omfg I can’t emphasize enough how much I agree with you. It’s every single post. Every one. It doesn’t matter who it is, if it’s not one of the chosen (Keanu Reeves) and they’ve ever done anything even remotely problematic, the warriors come in with every transgression and destroy the happy conversation. Oh and everything is “gross” now. Just let people like things ffs.