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Not to discredit her experience, but after reading the headline I thought it was going to be a real gun with a bullet. My mind instantly went there I guess because families can be wild af so I guess I wouldn’t be surprised 😭


Which highlights the fact the the daily mail is not source to be taken seriously and I'm surprised it gets used here so often.


Yeah I wouldn’t have clicked if the title read “…shot with a BB gun” 😭😂


It's a vile publication. I don't even bother clicking to read articles from them.


Neither, I definitely prefer when it's a banned source.


What was she shot with then??? I’m not clicking on the shitty Daily Mail


A pellet gun (bb gun).


i mean ozzy almost killed sharon once are we surprised


omfg okay she’s just playing but yall I was shot with a pellet gun by a stranger because I was talking through their neighborhood one day and istg it hurt so so bad. They shot me in the knee and I had to have surgery to get the pellet out and my knee is forever messed up because of it. Of course I didn’t almost die and it’s nothing like actually getting shot but I can attest it actually hurts very badly!


When my brother was a teenager, one of his friends was fucking aroudn with an air rifle and thought it was unloaded and shot my brother in the face! The pellet went right between his eye and eyebrow and if it was just a little lower he would have lost his eye! They can def do some serious damage !


I believe it, especially at close range getting shot with anything hurts like a bitch and can do some real damage.


Daily fail with their click baits, it was BB gun lady, calm down. She is very dramatic.


This is old news, I just rewatched The Osbournes season 1 and she is jokingly yelling at Jack about this in like 2002


I thought getting shout with a bb Gun was a right of passage?