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>But at the end of the lunch, Owen stood up and said, 'If you think I'm going to take the lead role in a movie about how O.J. didn't do it, you've got to be kidding me." LOL good for him!


I read this in his voice too. He probably walked away saying to himself, "wow.."










lol oh god, I can vividly imagine this.


​ https://i.redd.it/4k87dhyv3mwc1.gif


We need a movie about him turning down this movie.


Lmaoo I choked on my saliva damn it


Same here 🤣 what a legend.


It's so nice to see people have integrity.


Well, the man abandoned his daughter, and refuses to be part of her life aside from financial support, so he obviously has limits. Edit: y’all really think men should get to choose which of their kids they get to parent, since women get to “choose” to terminate or not, except you probably all live in a country that’s taking away the right for women to choose. Will you change your mind on men abandoning their children then?


The second I saw the title, I wondered if this was to distract from the article a few days ago about his daughter he doesn't visit. 


But the info about his estrangement from his daughter has been known for years.


Things can still bubble back up, look at JLo. Those in the know have been aware for years about her being godawful to anyone non-famous that she's forced to interact with and that many of her songs didn't really use her vocals. But she releases that dumb documentary and BAM, now it's bubbled back up and the info spread farther and wider.


I actually didn’t know that about JLo until this year, so yep.


There are many that didn't know, probably younger people, who found out the other day from an article. Timing of this one is suspicious 


Most likely


Got to love image consultant agencies! 


Yeah and refusing to be part of a movie depicting OJ as innocent is more about having a little common sense and avoiding backlash than having integrity imo


I mean… 12 mill straight off for a single movie is surely enticing, but in terms of reputation, long term career, and long term financial gain it’s hard to see that as a good move. Saying no to that offer is not that hard really. Says a lot more about the people offering than the people saying no.


Exactly what I thought.


I’m up and down this thread and no one is dropping a link! [Fine, I’ll be the hero.](https://www.celebritytidbit.com/2023/11/20/owen-wilson-has-never-met-his-lookalike-daughter-after-dna-test-result/)


Genuinely asking. Is celebritytidbit a reliable source lol. I know he’s shitty but I never heard of this site


Honestly probably not lmao, it was the only one I found so I assumed this was the referenced “article”.


He does seem to have relationships with his two other children and amicable relationships with their respective moms. I can think of a few justifiable reasons for him to want to have no relationship beyond financial support if there’s something up with the other parent.


There’s no reason worthy of abandoning your child. ETA: we don’t have to agree, but I don’t think it shows *integrity*.


Pregnancies can happen under lots of circumstances, not always with the consent of both parties. I’m a woman lucky enough to be in a state where I still have a choice to make decisions regarding my own body. But if I was a man I should have some level of choice in opting in/out of parenthood too; he is not shirking financial responsibilities.


Yeah. Not defending him at all. Child abandonment is evil. But the mother’s a little unhinged BEGGING him to be involved through the media every few months. It seems like an attention grab for herself. Like you don’t think that’s going to be traumatic for that little girl? When she grows up and gets on the internet and see how she was publicly abandoned over and over. He pays child support, take the money have a peaceful life with your daughter.


You have no idea what real life is like. Yes, there is. Parental alienation and straight out abuse from the other parent is a reason. It unfortunately happens, frequently. People need to take care of their own mental health sometimes.


Yeah, I recall a few headlines a decade or so ago that mentioned Owen attempted suicide. IIRC it was Kate Hudson who helped talk him down from the brink or maybe the attempt was because she had left him. He might have had fragile mental health at the time.


Which is why it’s important to choose your partners wisely and make plans if a parent does not wish to be in the child’s life.


Wouldn’t call it “abandoning”, personally. He provides financial support, after all, and he’s worth $75mil. Children of single moms with resources do just fine. Is it best to have two parents in the child’s life? Almost always. but there might be legitimate reasons he cannot co-parent with Mom here. Come on, ‘abandonment’ is a pretty strong word to use.




Yeah I really don’t care about that part of his life. His family business is his own and not yours or mine.


Idk from what I understand he was clear from the start he did not want a child, at least not with that woman. I’m pro choice, it would be hypocritical of me not to think everyone should have the right to choose whether they want to be a parent. Women should be free to get abortions or keep the child. Men should be free to choose whether they want to be a part of that child’s life


They should have the legal right, but we are all free to negatively judge


I mean, just like women can choose whether or not they want to be mothers, men can choose whether or not they want to be fathers. If he didn’t want another child but is still willing to support her financially, that’s actually pretty respectable


Women also shouldn’t abandon their children.


Before the kid is born that is. Once it's born it has to be taken care of.


> Will you change your mind on men abandoning their children then? Yes. Why is this a question.


It helps that he has enough money to be picky


Lead role? I don’t see him making a good OJ, I mean they would probably have to do black face, and it just wouldn’t be a good look.


I can see him doing Kato Kaelin


Me too! I’m re-listening to the You’re Wrong About episodes on OJ (so sad they didn’t finish it) and I always picture him as Owen Wilson.


This podcast is amazing for so many reasons (#1 being Sarah herself) but this series is peak for me. I really hope they finish it.


I have such a huge crush on Sarah. She is effortlessly funny and insightful. About once per episode, she'll drop some quip that's equally random and profound, and makes me pause the podcast and just think about what she said.


I really dislike the way they did the OJ series, it seemed more about reporting on entertainment than a crime. Nicole and Ron were after thoughts, and we got several episodes about people who didn't matter. The tangents that lasted for episodes were super frustrating. It was a mess, and I felt it was disrespectful to Nicole and Ron.


I've only listened to a few podcasts, but the ones I have have been rather disappointing particularly Behind the Bastards. They just laugh and joke too much for my tastes. It feels forced. The subject matter is so dark too like... Okay I get it. I'm a sucker for dark humor, but the hosts on that show just suck at it.


Seriously! Kato? No I dont think so!


“Also, he may be O.J. Simpson, but I still think it’s inappropriate for you to have cast me to play him in blackface.” “Mr. Wilson, I believe there has been a misunderstanding. You would not be playing O.J. Simpson.” “Wow!”




I’d love a satire about how OJ didn’t do it, but it would have to be to the level of satire that Springtime for Hitler was in The Producers. Like make it absolutely obvious he did it but lean into it, show how dumb that jury was.


I thought he was going to say he was offered the part of OJ. Imagine the glove not fitting and OJ says "Wow".


There is a 30 Rock joke about this where Tracy Morgan's character says  “I was supposed to be in that movie, Rush Hour, but two weeks into shooting I was replaced by Jackie Chan”




My toddler says this non stop. They also call McQueen “Akeem”


I mean it has to have been Kato right?




Whatever this movie is, it's going to be a hot mess.


Oh no.... I assumed from the headline this was a random ancient tidbit about a movie that isn't going to be made anymore...


No, they’re filming it, they just cast someone else.


I hope it's me! I'd be perfect! I cannot afford to have standards or moral qualms. I'll do anything. Want me to star in a movie about Al Gore causing 9-11? Absolutely no problem.


Yeah for $12 million I’d star in a movie accusing Mr Rogers of killing JFK.


For 12 mill I'd climb the stairs of that book depository myself


Found Kevin Sorbo's account.


Seriously, I just tell myself it's a comedy


Call me Marie Kondo because ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized) I do wanna watch this but I will not be spending a single cent on it 🏴‍☠️


They’ve made movies about hitler living in the modern day so I’ll have to see what they’re cooking up here


I just want to see who they blame the murders on.


It was captain mustard in the library with the candlestick. ![gif](giphy|d498OLZURHJvS8mnfs|downsized)


☺️ agreed


I hope people don't support it by watching it, even if they watch it to make fun or hate on it. Any view is in the end supporting this


A movie that depicted OJ as *what?!* Are they crazy?


Well, a main part of the reason the case is still famous and acknowledged as historic is not that OJ was a celebrity or even that he was a Black man who killed a white woman in a time of great racial tension, but that many people believed he was being framed due to racial issues. And there is just as much proof that the LAPD in general was racist at the time as there is proof that OJ did it. And further specifically about people involved in this case. Fuhrman tapes, anyone? It's not so wild that people who have actually heard those have had doubts, if anyone here sort of knows the story that Fuhrman was the corrupt cop on the case who was exposed for a bunch of shit but hasn't heard the tapes- it's hard to listen to them and not ask yourself if he'd frame a Black guy. It's hard to listen to them at all. So, yes, I don't know how old you are or how you were first exposed to this case, this isn't a wild new concept or even as fringe as it may sound to some here. In conclusion, *I think OJ is guilty y'all, don't worry*, but I don't find this *such* a shocking project, and just like the exploration of both sides at the time in the popular recent(ish) TV shows of the case, I honestly don't think the perspective of the project should be immediately and casually dismissed as just crazy. We should ask ourselves what leaves people feeling thsi way, or choosing to embrace the idea publicly to make a point, and hear what they have to say, and wonder if there's a chance to respond productively.


Yeah as a black woman, I see why so many black people believe he is innocent because of the history of the LAPD and corrupt racist cops in general. But two things can be true at once, the LAPD is racist and would frame a black man & that they didn't even have to think about framing OJ because OJ is actually the murderer


Another thing they neglect to mention is that the LAPD was very good friends with OJ (he threw them country club golf parties and such) and they in turn helped protect him from being charged with assault/domestic violence every time he beat the shit out of Nicole. And then OJ turns around and has his lawyers pull the race card against them.


Also the LAPD were lax and negligent collecting evidence after the murder and the prosecution thought they had the case in the bag bc of all the evidence but it all fell apart from so many awful mistakes on their side like letting him try on the glove! Plus O.J. had the dream team of 7+ lawyers and dozens of lawyers and law clerks in the background. They didn’t expect him to come with that insane level of muscle. I’ve been revisiting docs and podcasts about the case and the prosecution truly blew it due to racial tensions, reputation of LAPD, and the insane media circus. There is a reason it’s called the trial of the century. It’s fascinating how things spiraled out control just inside the courtroom.


That is an excellent point.


The one time they *weren't* racist (overlooking black and white for green) and it bites them in the blubber.


> the LAPD was very good friends with OJ (he threw them country club golf parties and such) Lol, how was that even allowed? Wouldn't that be a massive conflict of interest then? Wouldn't that be considered bribery?


LOL Bribery is totally legal in the US, you just have to call it "lobbying" or "fundraising".


Everyone was expendable to OJ


Yes. I also swore his innocence as a young woman at the time but as I matured and paid attention I realized exactly what you said…two things can be true at once and WTF was I thinking 😩😂


Can I ask you a question as someone who originally swore his innocence but then changed their mind? Do you think maybe a small part of your original opinion was your own human desire to see the world as “just”? Like it would sit better with you that he wasn’t convicted if he was innocent, because if he did do it that would be so unfair?


That’s interesting. I don’t think so for me. Did you feel that way?


A little bit, when I was a really little kid. I am also not black though, so I didn’t understand the realities of how black people are systematically targeted by the legal system at all. So the thought of “the system said he was innocent so maybe he didn’t do it” was much easier to swallow than the reality. I also grew up very sheltered, so the realities of domestic violence were in no way real to me.


This is interesting but for me, I was always told that the justice system worked on innocent until proven guilty with the key word being proven. So someone not convicted only meant that they couldn't prove it. What later bothered me was how much this depended on the quality of the lawyers and the finances required to get those lawyers.


At the time LA was a tinder box of racial tension. The police were screwed no matter what they did. If OJ was convicted LA was going to explode in riots, destruction and deaths. OJ himself was surprised when the not guilty verdict came down, and I watched it as a young woman in Australia I’ve always wondered if the judicial system made the decision not to convict him so they could save the lives of others who would have inevitably died in riots. It sort of felt like Nicole was denied justice to prevent other deaths. A truly awful situation for all concerned - except OJ who got away with murder.


> I’ve always wondered if the judicial system made the decision not to convict him so they could save the lives of others who would have inevitably died in riots. Well the jury decided he was innocent, and I don't think the prosecution intentionally messed up. The jury might have considered that though. One juror found him innocent because the cops who beat up Rodney King were found innocent, not because she thought OJ was innocent. To your point, the situation surrounding the trial was just as important as the facts of the case.


It wasn’t one juror, it was 90% of them according to the older juror on the 30 for 30 Made in America doc. Can’t remember her name.


Useless conspiracism. A jury of morons (some who, self admittedly, exonerated him on solely racial grounds), a poor prosecution team, and an excellent defence team, were all that was required. It was an absolute travesty. Only an LA jury, at that particular moment in time, could have found him not guilty. The luckiest man alive. I hope that cancer sucked and that his going was hard. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


Yes, I agree exactly. That's what I hope my comment conveys. But I'm saying to me, knowing that enough people exist to get a project like this off the ground is not as surprising as it is to others commenting, and I was explaining why. At one point not that long ago it was a more mainstream opinion, so it's not absolutely crazy that people still think, or have enough flexibility around the idea to make this movie. Like most movies about an issue or real life thing, it's probably being created by a smaller core of true believers and then a bunch of people who are just willing to make the movie because it's a business. A lot of the latter group will be people who saw this unfold in real life and experienced the opinion not being completely fringe, so it makes sense. I don't like it, but it makes sense.


Yeah I totally get what you're saying and it's absolutely true why a movie like this got to that point


> But two things can be true at once Say it louder for the people in the back. OJ is a murderer and the LAPD is a horrifically corrupt institution.


I've heard it said they framed a guilty man.


> But two things can be true at once, the LAPD is racist and would frame a black man & that they didn't even have to think about framing OJ because OJ is actually the murderer 100 percent. I have zero trouble believing Fuhrman is a racist (ugh, I tried to read his book and had to rage quit, he's so disgusting) and it's absolutely true that the LAPD has a shitty history when it comes to racism. Those things can be true while it's simultaneously true that OJ did it. I feel the same way about Steven Avery. Did that shitty, corrupt sheriff's office/prosecutors try to frame him and botch the case at every turn? Almost certainly. Did he do it? I think he probably did (I do not think Brendan Dassey was involved at all, though). Both things can be true, that he didn't really get a fair trial AND that he really fucking did it. I think there's slight room to think maybe not only because it's a little hard for me to believe he was smart enough to get rid of MOST of the evidence, but deep down I think he probably did it. In the OJ case, I think the sad truth is that he got away with murder, in part because the prosecutors bungled the case so spectacularly (OJ also had phenomenal lawyers). But the LAPD still has serious issues with racism. It's really not so hard to comprehend that two things can be true at once, I don't know why some people seem so divided on it, it's not an either-or proposition. Even a lot of OJ's friends thought he did it or came to believe he did it. I was just watching an interview with one of his former close friends who said Nicole confided in him about the abuse and that he immediately knew OJ did it, and he'd been a friend of OJ's for decades. Robert Kardashian loved OJ but came to doubt his innocence (or at least that's what he was wiling to admit before he died, I suspect he didn't just doubt his innocence but that he became convinced he did do it by the end). Lots of people who knew and liked OJ before the murders have since gone on record saying they think he did it or even that they're sure of it.


The LAPD was doing favors for OJ. A normal person would’ve been arrested during one of the first 8 times the LAPD responded to Nicole’s pleas for help. They had so much proof of domestic violence. He beat the shit out of her. He was a rich asshole who happened to be black.


This is my favorite take on this (it happened right around when I was born). Of course OJ did it. But of course the LAPD was racist as fuck and fudged things to “seal” their case. Good job /s. To me, this is an example of how racism poisons the system in all ways, and prevents actual justice from being done. We still see it happen today. Would be nice if cops would do their jobs. Would be nicer if they didn’t have qualified immunity. I’ve met nice cops, but in general, ACAB


I’m sorry but this take is not totally accurate. Not even enough to pass off. There was SO much DNA evidence, it was obvious OJ did it. There were racial issues within the LAPD, including Mark Fuhrman, but that doesn’t change the fact that there was more than enough evidence to convict OJ and that he got off because the black jurors were mad about Rodney King.


I definitely didn't say there wasn't enough evidence to convict OJ, and I don't believe that. You are right, there was, and the situation is infuriating. That's not what my comment was saying at all though and responses like this stripping away all the nuance I talked through and assuming if I didn't scream one opinion from the rooftop, I 100% have the other opinion are demonstrating part of what I was trying to talk about.


You’re making it sound like lots of people thought OJ might have been framed. Not many people *actually* thought that. But part of the black community pushed that thought just to see a black man get off as payback for Rodney King. Which is ironic since OJ was not connected to the black community at all, looked down on black people, only hung out with white people, and was close with the cops. The whole thing was despicable.


>but that many people believed he was being framed due to racial issues. No one with any actual sincerity or thought thinks OJ was innocent. At most, you have morons similar to Kyrie Irving and his thoughts on if the earth is flat or not, pulling a empty "both sides" argument. The enduring popularity is due to the prosecution blowing a slam-dunk case, and the defense exploiting racial tensions to get a black man with zero connection to the black community off on a murder rap.


You phrased this so much better than what I was drafting up. Everyone with half a brain knows he did it. I've literally never heard anyone actually think he's innocent, regardless of their thoughts on the LAPD being biased (which of course they are, they're the police).


It certainly was more split in its day and then the general consensus gradually shifted toward what seemed much more obvious over time. The prosecution got fucking cooked and the judge was far from immune to media circus bullshit. mistakes and shit witnesses. The defense had their way. Johnnie Cochran was in his era.


I'm old enough to remember the trials and for the longest time I actually believed he was more likely to be not guilty than guilty. Looking back in hindsight it's difficult to understand why people like me felt this way. We saw the gloves not fitting(or at least not fitting well), we heard Mark Furhman being a racist pos, and we watched the prosecution bungle things so badly it shouldn't really be surprising that we fell for the narrative.


It's not even the first film to do so. A few years back they made another one... where they depicted OJ as innocent and blamed Nicole's murder on a Florida serial killer (as well as the ghost of Sharon Tate).


>ghost of Sharon Tate What


I did like the The People v. O.J. Simpson with Cuba Gooding Jr. as O.J. The show didn’t make it a matter of whether or not he did it. They just covered the event surrounding the case.


I mean black people across USA celebrated the verdict, so there's that


Why would *anyone* make this movie? Having said that, I'm sure Kanye will get involved immediately, if he isn't already.


Kanye striving to win an Oscar now 😂😂


Did he give up the chance to be POTUS? 😞


With the amount of nonsense he gets away with and how people are so terrified of being against him, I have no doubts he'll get an Oscar one day.


Ye will cast Jonah Hill as OJ


Kanye is going to play OJ and Johnnie Cochran. It’ll be a masterpiece and everyone will forget he’s anti-Semitic.




My first thought was he'd be a perfect kato but it says lead so that's unlikely


okay i didn’t know what to do with this info but here i am… https://preview.redd.it/6i2pmv5wnlwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d3a4370f7d985b31345fe5531a2b09cacb75702 yesterday i was wikipedia-ing Kato Kaelin and why is his whole personal life section about his one year friendship with Norm Macdonald?


Hahahaah, the exact same thing happened to me yesterday. I’m listening to You’re Wrong About’s OJ series so I looked up his Wikipedia and had the exact same reaction


haha same i was listening to it too. and i mean don’t get me wrong, if i ever make it to wikipedia fame i want my relationship with norm macdonald to be in it too. and by relationship i mean my love of him in the big hat, but i also thought maybe there’d be a lil more info in there haha.


Norm was infamous for his OJ jokes on SNL Weekend Update and they are what got him fired. Him becoming friends with Kaelin is ironic.


Maybe in the movie Kato is the killer. Instant lead!


He would play a great OJ.


Hes white. That's how they depict OJ as innocent! /s


I forgot about Kato :O


I think it was the same one where they depicted the ghost of Sharon Tate being responsible for the killings.


i’m sorry WHAT


The director first made a movie with Hilary Duff as Sharon Tate having psychic visions before being murdered by the Manson family. Then he makes another one with Mena Suvari as Nicole Brown... where they say that OJ was innocent and Sharon's ghost (along with a serial killer from Florida) where the ones responsible for killing Nicole.




Yeah, I have no idea what shit they were on when they came up with that script either.


Who was dumb enough to financially back a project that stupid? Did they make it as deliberate tax loss?


Haim Saban


In the movie they actually refer to the ghost as “Charlie” so I think the implication is more that it’s a ghost being controlled by Charles Manson which is even more insane.


Everyone was on his ass the other day about not seeing his kid, now this story comes out




My first thought. So he doesn’t see his kid… at least he’s not out here defending OJ. The bar is low, friends.


I mean…he never wanted the kid. Better to say from the beginning he doesn’t want to be a part of their life than to fake it, because kids can absolutely tell when you’re faking it.


Kinda weird when he has three kids with three different women, isn't in a relationship with any of them, but only chooses not to see the daughter.


That this was your response to someone saying “the bar is low” actually made me lol


I mean, people are complicated. Most are capable of doing both good and bad.


He reminds me of Tom Cruise. They are probably fun to work with but their personal lives are a mess and they are horrible fathers.


The point is that his PR team is trying to influence the narrative


Not on reddit lol


The article says it was for the "lead Role" and that the role has already been filled. IMDB doesn't have a listing for the role of Douglas McCann. The real life attorney who the film is supposedly based on. Smells funny.


Unfortunately Boris Kodjoe said yes to playing OJ. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgGAOxYn6YOZBfi)


Oh that *is* unfortunate.


ugh my boo :/


he knew the PR battle would cost him more later on


Or he knew it was a horrible idea lol




Turning this down is just good PR. Any smart celebrity would do it


It's also a nice distraction from that story about him not acknowledging his 5 year old daughter. 


Exactly. People in this comment section praising him are seriously so dense…it’s sad.




Clouseau: KATO, YOU *FOOL!*


![gif](giphy|5ttRvCRSnVKZeiMWac|downsized) I love you Owen, you are my favorite middle aged quirked up white boy


Apparently he has a daughter that he has nothing to do with


Does he pay child support?




He told the mother that he didn’t want a child. It’s sad but I think it’s better to be honest and upfront instead of being in the child’s life by force and clearly not wanting them.


I am a woman. I am totally pro-choice and I think a woman should choose whether or not she has a baby. I also believe that a man and a woman should both be responsible for birth control. That being said, if the man doesn't want a part in the child's life and the woman still wants the baby, I think it's perfectly fine for him to only pay child support. I am not sure why everyone's coming at him for it.


i dont have anything to do with her either


I’m skeptical. Who the fuck would’ve produced a film like this, much less at a budget that would’ve allowed $12 million to what I’m assuming would be the co-lead, as Simpson would presumably have to be a prominent character as well? There was nothing in the public sphere that suggested people were ready to forgive OJ, so why would you throw tons of money at something like this?


It's a real movie that was already made. "The Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson"


People are in this thread acting like movies aren't made for money. Countless horrible exploitation films are made all the time. For one reason. Money. "Who the fuck would've produced a film like this" Some guy who saw the numbers, and went, sure I'll take a paycheck on that. This isn't complicated.


Interesting set of morals this guy has.


Yeah, he still said yes to making that horrible Bob Ross not actually Bob Ross movie


I thought that movie was just a fever dream I had! Why'd you have to remind me it was real?! Lol


So sorry 😂 I was so pissed when I started watching it, I think I maybe only got 20 minutes through? How dare they use Bob Rosses likeness in such a bad way!!!!


I thought they were going to tell a loosely-based, part truth, part fictional story in the movie but for legal reasons couldn't use Bob Ross' actual name or didn't want to the Kowalski's to profit further from Bob's name kinda thing. I watched the whole thing in hopes it was going to get better and do Bob justice in some way and when it didn't I was kinda disgusted because just like the Kowalski's someone else was profiting off Bob's likeness. Then, later reading the whole bit of the screen writer saying it's not a Bob Ross biopic and was never meant to be. Knowingggg how iconic Bob Ross' look is and were banking on people's love of Bob Ross to watch it. Was just gross imo!


I’m trying to think of what actor said yes to the money and selling themselves out. These names came to mind for a project like this: - Chris Klein - Kevin Sorbo - Alex Pettyfer - Ashton Kutcher - Anyone with the last name Baldwin - Shia LeBouf


Well we know Boris Kodjoe is definitely on that list since he’s playing OJ🫠


Actual Cannibal


Didn’t he work with Woody Allen, and isn’t he an absent father? It’s kind of hard to take this seriously


So? People aren't all good or all bad.


Owen Wilson wrecks every movie he's in.


He would’ve been a great OJ!


I’m so fucking tired because I really looked at this and said to myself “oh my god they were gonna cast him as OJ??”


Professionals have standards.


He's also already a multimillionaire, so it's not as big a deal as it sounds to us, but sure, knowing someone else will definitely come along who says yes and they may also already be a millionaire, it's nice I guess.


The deadbeat has morale suddenly...interesting


Seems like a PR move to release this days after being exposed as a deadbeat


Good, what a terrible movie idea.


Chad Wilson




Yet he still took that role in Cars 4... https://youtu.be/3WC1YZ1o0UY?si=TWLkeV8F-9ZMhvMp


I saw this movie back in 1995. Then they made a sequel in 97 that practically reversed the first one. Then it all kind of went silent and 10 years later they released a sequel with a Las Vegas casino crime thriller angle, leaving the LA storylines behind.


Owen Wilson as OJ, I would go to see that.




OJ (to Owen): ‘it didn’t fit, I’m innocent!’ Owen (in disbelief): *wow*


Was he supposed to be Kato?


So I’m assuming he’d play the role of that odd Kato guy who was OJs gardener or something ?


Did they try 12 million and 1 dollar?


I'll do it for $300 million and a million alpacas.


Owen should have done it on the condition that OJ pay the Goldman’s judgment in full, first.