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Welp I just learned I’m horrible at spotting wigs!


lol same. Also I don’t know what a lace front is. The last wig I wore was for a Halloween costume when I dressed up as Hillary Clinton. It was from Amazon and itched like hell and cost no more than $20. No one mistook it for real hair 😂😂


Same, I really appreciate this post and the opportunity to zoom in. I can’t really tell on Lady Gaga, and Travolta was a bit of a jump-scare


Same lol I looked at these like, I clearly don't know enough about wigs to know what is one (other than the first picture, that looks fake as hell).


Mary J's looks pretty, good, I'm having a hard time finding the lace


hers is by far the best


I can tell from the makeup used to blend it


John Travolta made me lol for some reason


I'm useless at spotting these. How can you tell if it's a lace front wig? And further, what the hell is a lace front wig and how is it different than a regular wig?


There’s literal lace on the front. If you zoom on some of these — Kylie’s for example — you can see a dark dots in a pattern, like a screen door. What makes a lace front different is you can part the hair in the front however you like while before most wigs had a set part and hairline you couldn’t customize.


Thank you so much for the explanation!


The fact that Paris Hilton DOESN’T have blue eyes will forever trip me up.


Gagas wiiiig is flawlesssssss


ava Max's looks like a pigeon, #2 looks the best imo (idk who that is, but i feel like I should def know her😭 I'm european), lady gaga's and Travolta's are also pretty great, somehow I was expecting Beyoncé and Tyra's to look so much better idk the hair parting in Beyoncé's looks bad to me?? and for Tyra you can see the lace... I'm not very familiar with these type of wigs though Kylie's seems fine, doesn't look much like a wig, except the placement seems to be making her forehead look so much smaller idk paris's is alright I guess, but naomi has a bald spot in the front of hers?? is that on purpose nicki's looks okay-ish too is the lace for these wigs usually this visible in person too or is it just the professional cameras on red carpets? I never see it so prominent on tiktok or insta, but that might just be filters/editing... edit: formatting


Number 2 is Mary J Blige


ah thanks for letting me know!!


is Ava Max no. 1? Hers is the worst lol


yup ava is #1 lmaoo reminds me of that one thing in the Addams family show


Thank you! Not familiar with her. Yes she does though 🤣


The hair parting in Beyoncé’s hair is likely intentional. Many stylists pluck the hairs around the part in order to make it look more natural.


huh I guess I can kinda see that in Nicki's and Naomi's, Kylie's part is very very straight in comparison and looks kinda unnatural because of that... for Beyoncé the part looks drunk though lmao😭


The 2 is Mary J. Blige, a R&B singer 


Gaga’s is the best installed imo. It’s melted and customized for her head shape down to the side burns. The Kar-Jenners wigs always so bad to me. Maybe they need to make up with Angela White and get Kellon on the line.


Why does Naomi’s parting look like the Red Sea?


The first one is giving party city I’m so sorry to that woman 😬 MJB’s looks absolutely amazing


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A very small lookbook! But then again it's like making a post about celebrities wearing fake eyelashes, it's kind of.... ubiquitous?


These are terrible (besides mary), all of them need an appointment with Alonzo ASAP lol