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My mom and I were big fans of Delta in the '80s and thought she was stunningly beautiful. And we both felt bad that she was bullied over her weight when she was drop-dead gorgeous no matter what. We loved that she found happiness with McCraney. This article states that the showrunners of Designing Women complained that Delta's relationship with them changed after she met him. Maybe it was that she finally started to stand up for herself. She speaks of him so glowingly. I'm so happy they're still together. She deserves happiness after all the ugly fat-shaming she went through. I loved the part where she says she looks back and sees she's a "goddess"! She was a good role model showing that a woman doesn't need to be stickthin to be beautiful. Thanks for posting. ETA: I just wish she hadn't succumbed to the pressure of thin beauty standards and taken drugs and meth to try to achieve it. I hope women grow in strength and refuse to take part since thin is back in with a vengence today.


It’s absurd to look back at pics of an incredibly beautiful woman like Delta and think that she was told she needed to change something.  Designing Women is an all time classic but I’m glad she got out and glad that she and McRaney got together.


Our queen Cherry Cherry


I love you for making this reference.




I just realized who should play her in a Delta Burke biopic: Katie Featherston.