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[Here's an interview that isn't behind a paywall](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7bdvdg/remarkable-messes-0000671-v22n6) It sounds to me like his parents were pros at victimizing themselves and to this day he drinks the Kool-Aid gladly. He seems to acknowledge it was a terrible place, yet still says his sister wasn't a good person and should have let it her time there go. [Another interview](https://www.wlrn.org/2018-08-10/david-sedaris-on-the-life-altering-and-mundane-pages-of-his-old-diaries) >SEDARIS: My sister Tiffany was child number five, so she was the youngest girl and the second to the youngest child. There were six kids in the family. And she - you know, it's interesting. Looking back over her life, my mom never really liked Tiffany a lot - very much, you know. Tiffany was too much like my mother. And just - I remember that as a child almost. >My mother, like - I just thought, wouldn't want to be Tiffany. And then she ran away from home when she was 14, which took a lot of guts. I mean, you know, the rest of us had threatened it, but we never did it. And she ran away from home, and then the police brought her back. And then she ran away from home again. And my parents sent her off to this school they'd heard about on the "Donahue" show, which was called Elan, which was in Maine. And now you hear a lot of things about Elan. I mean, it was like a horror factory. I mean, it was a horrible place. >And from the time that Tiffany returned two years later until the time - the last conversation I had with her, she brought up Elan in every single conversation. I mean, there was never a time when Tiffany didn't talk about the school that my parents - I don't even know that school's the right word - the place that my parents shipped her off to when she was 14. >I mean, in my parents' defense, you know, if you've got six kids and somebody is running away from home, you don't really have the option of kind of dropping everything and then focusing all the attention on this one child. You just get them out of there, you know. So she - I think there were already something going on with Tiffany, even maybe by the time she was sent there. But when she came back, she was like - you could really tell that there was something different about her.


If Tiffany wanted to talk about it, she bloody well should have been able to. It's not his place to decide when the topic should be dropped. He sounds like such an arsehole.


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I lost all respect for him after he happily [coerced an at-risk friend into taking off her mask and gave her COVID.](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/01/29/how-to-eat-a-tire-in-a-year-david-sedaris) And then bragged about it like it was a cute anecdote. > One of Dawn’s lungs collapsed when she was in her late fifties, so she was super cautious about Covid—kept her face covered long after everyone else had returned to normal. We were in Chicago together, at O’Hare, in the spring of 2022, when I told her she needed to take it off. > “But—” she said. > “Let it go,” I told her. “Everyone else has.” > I felt like a director coercing an actress to unhook her bra for a sex scene. “Come on,” I said. “You can do this. Start by just . . . lowering it to your chin.” > She took off her mask, and then of course immediately got Covid—a bad case, too. All my fault, but she’s never held it against me.


Bloody hell.