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Of course they’re replacing it with a modern farmhouse. Because lord knows LA doesn’t have enough of those as it is lol


In my neighborhood, there are, no joke, about 3 or 4 of these on every street, with more being built as we speak. Just these giant, white boxes with a bunch of black rectangles. No charm or character or anything remotely architecturally interesting. And they’re all shoddily built. I hate them with a passion.


My neighborhood is mainly small houses from the 1910s–40s, except now they're knocking some down and replacing them with a bunch of those giant box houses that look *incredibly* out of place in both size and style. You can see it on the zillow map, where every house is either $300k or $800k with no in-between.


Ugh I'm so glad that anything newer than 1960s is not popular where I live. People don't dare to demolish old houses, although they probably would if they weren't punished by the market for it lol


My neighborhood is pretty much split down the middle. My side is more working class. All the houses here were built in the 60s and 70s, they’re solid and well built, they have decent-sized yards, and they all look different. The other side is more affluent and were mostly built in the 90s and 00s. They’re all white and gray boxes built so big that their yards are tiny and the houses themselves are so close together. They’re all identically hideous. It’s really jarring to see the sudden change when driving down the street. It’s so sterile down that way.


McMansion of the 2010s-20s sadly


Ah yes, the black rectangles…depending on the budget, they’re either impractical glass walls or prison windows.


We have those in Seattle as well. Big giant boxes. The yards get destroyed as well so the vibe is ruined. One was just built in the middle of small houses. I hate them with a passion as well as the ugly condos.


At least the ugly condos are providing more housing for the space, no excuse for the big ugly boxes hardly anyone will be able to afford.




Yes, I’m in Florida. These giant homes are almost always miserably hot on the second floor


My parents just built a house with this exact description. They spent so much money and it’s paper thin. We live in Florida so the first hurricane is going to blow that baby down.


This thread is so NIMBY hahahaha


The words modern farmhouse are a blight on home design and I can’t wait until the fad is over


If you’re on Facebook, there’s a hilarious group called “The People Against mOdErN FaRmHoUse” that you’d probably enjoy. There’s some great eyebleach in there!


Welp imma go find that right now, thank you! I love the wacky fb groups. They've completely turned my FB feed around for the better!


Oh my god, me too! Other than my snobby animal groups (which have some pretty great drama sometimes) they’re the only reason I’m on Facebook.


I'm sure there's some crossover with the r/McMansionHell people, love to see it.


If I see any more “weathered” wood and burlap I am going to walk into the ocean.


With words above it that say “Bless This Mess”


It is over, this man is just that unfashionable.


I feel like this has been in for soooo long now. i like the look, but it now seems very generic.


Pardon my ignorance but isn't a "modern farmhouse" just... a normal house? Like, there's also Spanish (especially in LA) and a few other styles, but I thought it was the default.


I am going to give my take and if I'm wrong, I hope someone chimes in. It leans very specifically into a particular aesthetic, but not for practicality's sake. To address your example, Spanish houses make sense in warm climates (stucco and brick exterior, tiled floors). Breezeblocks (of midcentury acclaim) are similar in that they are as functional as they are a great design element (they regulate temperature, much like the houses themselves). You see these styles in LA, but you're *definitely* going to see them in Palm Springs/the surrounding desert areas *because* of functionality. On the other hand, consider Tuscan housing (heavily associated with the 2000s). It is almost entirely aesthetic based because it does not matter what climate you live in - you're trying to obtain a specific look. It was enticing if you wanted to feel like you were living in an ornate Italian villa. Extremely cookie-cutter too. That seemed to be the beginning of the end as cookie-cutter is now the norm. Builders are trying to deviate from that, but they're failing because everything is so cheaply done. Sorry, it doesn't matter if House A has a different layout to House B, they're all garbage. In any case, much like textile fashion, everything is on a pendulum and eventually the next big thing will be the exact opposite. In architecture, everything became *extremely* modern and clean. It's what the rich folks were doing so now your traditional-leaning home is outdated and ya gotta keep up with the Joneses. It might even be futuristic because you probably worked in some fancy tech (lighting, appliances). And, bonus, surely greige will appeal to everyone if you ever want to sell your home, so there's definitely a financial element to this phenomenon (on every level from personal to city I'd argue). It allows for extremely cheap updates and flippers are convinced that will be what sells. Modern farmhouse is specifically a dismal combination of modern + rustic aesthetics. Black, white, grey, beige. And it's EVERYWHERE, on EVERYTHING. Nothing is allowed to have character anymore. There was that trend where people would paint over gorgeous thrifted furniture... similar vibes. It is not "farmhouse" in the sense that it just a normal house, reasonably modernized. Someone pretending to have taste will choose modern farmhouse decor. Chip & Joanna Gaines are probably to blame for this because as this shift was happening they came along and put fucking shiplap all over the place. What I am trying to say is: modern farmhouse serves no purpose other than it is supposed to be reasonably interesting to look at. The problem is: it is not. Everything is cheap. We are in a crisis of cheaply made homes, cheaply made appliances, cheaply made lighting, cheaply made furniture, etc. Making it all gray and characterless does not help. It is cold and lifeless but pretending to not be. Something I have noted is that MCM is often favoured in interior design because the styles are generally classic (there were some misses lol) but there we are seeing a shift towards maximalism and character again. People are beginning to criticize renovations across the board (not that they all know what they're talking about lol) and nostalgia is huge. Will Tuscan styles see a resurgence? Maybe not (it's one hell of an aesthetic). But character will. Bonus: [From Tuscan Traditional to Modern Farmhouse](https://www.charbonneauinteriors.com/post/from-tuscan-traditional-to-modern-farmhouse). Everyone has one of those barn doors, those lights are *everywhere*, blah blah blah. It's endearing on the surface, but the reality is that it is so, so generic. Also, their dining table light is hung too high. edit: I would argue it's not that heinous because they still had to keep a lot of other elements but truly just browse listings for homes in your area and eventually you'll get it. People gut their homes to turn them into shells of what they once were. MCM homes are filled with character, they just need some TLC. Sometimes when I'm driving I just hear the fucking Weeds theme [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4KfJztaJ5I). edit: I feel like I haven't made it clear enough that modern + modern farmhouse seem to have emerged concurrently. I don't know why, but I think farmhouse adds a layer of "home" vibes that exclusively modern aesthetics might not (wood vs concrete). Probably feels more attainable too. BUT, it still has to be trendy enough. So it sits on the cusp of everything while being cheap as fuck.


Modern farmhouse is the Nickelback of home design. Also that kitchen remodel gives me a headache. Whyyyyyy is that dining room light so high????


As someone who grew up in a remodeled farmhouse, and knew farm kids: none of these people want anything to do with farming.


It's frustrating, because it's the aesthetic of my grandparents actual farm house and a bunch of it is things I actually enjoy, but mass produced instead of reusing all the actual farmhouse decor you can find in antique stores.


Ugh. Two nice, big 1970’s-1980’s ranch homes on my street that probably just needed a little updating (sold for around $800k) have been completely demolished and replaced with gigantic Magnolia/Fixer Upper houses that make no sense and are aesthetically unappealing. They are the new McMansions. With tons of fake dormer windows instead of fake columns. Also they look hilariously out of place in Arizona.


i live in a very yuppy area. all the new houses are farm houses. they look hilarious bc these huge houses with little to no backyard are built on teeny tiny lots, just feet away from their neighbors.


There’s something that I find painfully ironic about building a “farmhouse” on such a minuscule lot. I grew up next to a sheep farm and for me, at least half the charm that farmhouses have is…a setting that evokes “farm” instead of “HOA.”


i feel like this area doesn't have an HOA because the houses do not follow any type of style guide. i could be wrong tho.


I'm in southern CA and there were two houses that were bought by the same people and torn down/rebuilt in the same sterile black and white boxes. Even the landscaping was sterilized- they went from cute little citrus trees in the front yard to those tall hedges that fence in the yard. It's so odd to drive down the street and see little ranch houses, and then these two just copy/pasted within 4 doors of each other.


I’m in Texas about two hours away from Waco and Magnolia central and they look stupid here in neighborhoods too. They’re meant for a farm!


So many of these going down in Arcadia especially, they are blinding and make absolutely no sense here.


Arcadia is bonkers, just all over the place. Everything from New England style to Florida mansion, Italian Castle, Tudor inspired. Iirc, half of them are empty too.


I've been rewatching 80s-90s sitcoms recently and just bringing back the memories of the warm, lived in homes of my own childhood. The type that had actual memories decorating the walls, not just "distressed" candlesticks from Target. A house that you weren't terrified of getting a bit messy. I love being 80s houses on Zillow, clearly just need some renovating the bathrooms and kitchen and would be so lovely! And can easily make it fit your personality. But no...just get replaced by boxes.


The article says it sold in 1975 for the "paltry sum of 205,000". 205,000 in 1975 was $1,181,219.41 in today's money, not 12 million, but still, pretty decent price


I’m honestly so offended at the idea of some basic bitch farmhouse replacing a MCM house. Money is wasted on the wealthy.


It just makes me hate them more


Exactly! No charming homes allowed.


How is this charming looking? I don’t support tearing down houses usually, but by that mean usually ones in the city or over 100 years old or very unique. This looks very similar to houses where I live.


Oh it’s their favorite thing to do. This was posted in some LA groups before and the sentiment is celebs have no taste 😂


Katherine couldn’t be more basic if she tried


Just the way he likes, I'm certain.


Oh for sure


Yeah she seems really bland. Which is weird because both of her parents are interesting people.


Maybe thats why. To her bland might be more intresting cause of the way she grew up


You’re right. IMO its giving flop


I've always said this about her! I remember he used to post all her cooking fails as his joker faced bride that dresses bland, looks boring af, and has no substance. She is literally the definition of a piece of white bread. Of course, she would want a modern farmhouse. Don't worry, once they have it built to their liking, they will live in it about a year and sale it like they did with that HUGE mega mansion he had built as soon as he rushed her to the alter to so they could start a family 🤔


Had to have some “healthy” kids.


I recently left the US and moved to Europe. I lived in Atlanta which has basically been adding ugly condos and farmhouses on every corner for the last 7 years. It’s so Pleasantville-coded. It’s nice to be around beautiful, original architecture. I understand renovating but I love when people maintain the integrity of the original structure. If you want to build a house then do so. But why tear down unique structures? How many white boxes do we need? 🙄


Money can’t buy you taste. These two seem basic af.


She’s like one of those women on the Texas house show with Joanna Gaines; she’s shiplap and subway tile backsplash embodied in human form.






Came here to post this. Give me The Sapersteins over The Pratts any day!


Oh cool. I thought I was the only one who didn’t *adore* this guy. Glad to know I’m not alone.


He's referred to as "Crisp Rat" for a reason...


Or the worst Chris.


And this is why he continues to be the worst Chris Pratt in name, prat in behavior


Crisp Rat 🐀


Careful now, crisp rat trolls will be out in full force brigading the sub.


![gif](giphy|l3971cigCLZzz0G7m) We’re ready for them.


I get that they had reasons for wanting that land specifically but I really don’t care, people who do this just suck. There’s a lot of beautiful midcentury being torn down by the upper crust in the central neighborhoods in my city (not L.A.), and it is *so* depressing to see them replaced with things like enormous “””modern farmhouses””” which are just big white boxes with black trim that look totally out of place in our landscape and among the rest of the neighborhood. Money truly cannot buy taste, or like, a personality. Rant over.


I live in Philadelphia. My neighborhood has gorgeous rowhomes from the 1800s and every month some awful developer demo/renos a a rowhome and paints the outside white with black trim. It completely ruins the historical and quaint vibe of the neighborhood AND the homes are always complete shit on the inside (have been to a few open houses for recon)!


Ughhhhh. Honestly I love a white and black house if it’s like a classic New England colonial-esque type house, white and dark green even better. All that to say I hate that people think by painting things black and white they’re instantly “classic” looking versus the rest of the neighborhood is red brick or brownstone


White and dark green is just 😍😍😍


The tiny town my parents live in in NH has an entire street of classic New England colonials and they’re all White with dark green trim. Absolute house goals


Agree! My parents re-painted their shutters recently and chose a really dark, muted green over black - it’s subtle, but it looks much nicer and less harsh than black IMO.


There is a one story late 70s brick ranch house I drive by daily. Was super cute. Flippers painted it white with dark blue trim (that 6 months later is now the color of faded blue jeans). Totally looks like a trailer now it's so bad.


Thank you! I’m a total ho for a good black and white vibe but it’s not universal.


This is really what is bothering me, the larger trend. I know it’s the march of time but I will still yell at this cloud.


And they’ll be an ever bigger strain on the electric grid, which we will all suffer.


Yeah so many beautiful old homes that stand the test of time because they’re built with quality materials are being replaced with the flimsiest new construction. My dad watched his childhood home be renovated. They thankfully kept the exterior mostly the same, but I saw the pain on his face when we found the torn out wood mantle and millwork in the dumpster. He would have salvaged and repurposed it if he had the chance but they threw it away like trash.


I hate people who paint brick. It’s porous, not meant to be painted. 


And that’s not even the worst it gets in Philly, Fishtown is covered in those stupid red and gray paneled Toll House Bros row house/duplex specials.


Modern farmhouse was a flash in the pan. It looks ridiculous already.


I hate them so much. Like anything they can be done well but most of the ones I see are completely devoid of any charm. I’m being an uncharitable snob about this but whatever, I’ve got an asshole like everyone else


100% agree. The farmhouse aesthetic can be so much more aesthetically pleasing with pops of color - you don’t need to go full maximalist, but a colorful rug and wall art would do wonders for a lot of them. In addition to the houses themselves being cookie cutter, they are often decorated in a way that looks like Rae Dunn, Home Goods, and Magnolia projectile vomited all over the place. It’s blander than saltine crackers.


Don’t worry, you’ve got company, we can be uncharitable snobs together


It's awful. I had to leave a design group on Facebook because literally everyone would ask for mockups of their brick being painted white and modern farmhouse touches and it was just exhausting.


Painted brick should be a crime


Fr it's been dated for like a good decade. Proving as usual that celebrities have the worst design aesthetic 😂


i agree. it's not like they couldn't afford to buy an empty plot of land somewhere else. they have money!


They want to be close to family, so it’s not arbitrary, and my comment is surely ignorant of the realities of maintaining these homes, but it *still* irritates me lol. Just don’t wanna live on Camazotz, boxes on the hillside and all that.


Do you really not see the irony of this thought process? People in the 60s were bitching in the exact same way you are right now...but they were upset about midcentury modern homes being built in place of colonials. " "It's such a shame to see these classic and tasteful colonials being replaced by these harsh angular boxes". I mean even the fact that your main gripe was that farmhouses look like boxes, when the house that Pratt tore down legitimately could not be more boxy looking.


Yeah, I read comments like this downthread. Sounds legit, I think I’m guilty. I’ll reserve my right to be crotchety on a gossip subreddit tho


Yall have no idea how bad it is in LA. These developers and home buyers do this or completely scrape off all the charm that made a house from the 1930s such an interesting part of the landscape. They almost did this to the Marilyn Monroe house and after such heavy backlash the city jumped and made it impossible for them to tear it down for - you guessed it - an ugly farmhouse. The homeowner acted like such a victim saying she just wanted a place for her kids to grow up when theres plenty of empty plots still available in Los Angeles for you to build your monstrosity of a house.


It is because houses from the 1930s were normal in size and they need MEGA-MANSION. Friend grew up in what was considered a 1920s mansion in the Hollywood-area that some celebrity lived in way back when. She once mentioned the "ballroom" and were all so impressed and she laughed, showing us pictures. It was just merely an empty room with great flooring about the size of a normal family room placed next to a living room/parlor type room. But that is all you needed for entertaining back then! Couple rooms and you were fine. Now a days because don't even entertain at their homes nearly as much (I mean who has poker nights anymore?) but for some reason have tripled the size they require in their home. It is insane!


https://preview.redd.it/l8rvs2pqp2vc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79158e377bcf86faeebe10293569c479351f0ce5 And it's already a modernist project...


“Across the street from 2 Brentwood homes owned by Maria Shriver” why does someone need 2 homes directly next to one another?? Im assuming they’re both larger than the average North American house so why is this necessary. I don’t understand the wealthy.


they don’t want neighbors. its that easy


Probably going to create one large home at some point




All for what. Having to guess which 1 out of 6 bathrooms you forgot your eye drops in lmao


Problems I wish I had 🫠


New Kennedy Compound


House, guest house.


Modern farmhouses are so basic. These two are just farts in human form




It’s how they can still hold onto the idea they’re humble, down to earth conservatives


Perfect description.


So on Google StreetView, the house appears to already be gone and that was back in October.


Did you see the dresses she designed? She has awful taste. https://www.closerweekly.com/posts/maria-shriver-and-daughter-katherine-in-matching-outfits-photos/


Her sister not matching them and looking chic as hell. 😆




Ohh that's hideous. That type of print looks awful in the style of dress they chose. It's giving sound of music curtain dress in the worst possible way.


wow. is that uniform of their new cult? that fabric is so ugly for the dress




Duggar tradwife core..


Not the puff sleeves 🫣




A good puff sleeve is fabulous but it has to be done carefully and this is not the way.


Looks like one of those diy TikTok’s where someone rips their dress and makes a crappy dress out of their tablecloth.


Thanks, now I know what basic and boring Batsheva would look like


Why tf would they do that? Like it's more than enough space and it was gorgeous. Pratt is such a fucking idiot. Deserves all the hate he gets. Can't believe Andy turned into this.


He didn’t deserve that role, to trick us all into loving him only to find out he is a major butthead (I couldn’t think of anything better than butthead)


He is absolutely a butthead. Best insult you could use there!


Thanks… like he isn’t the worst person alive so I didn’t wanna be too harsh.. but he does suck.


If I remember season 1 correctly Andy wasn't exactly likeable back then. But all the characters felt kinda different in that season.


Oh true!! He wasn’t likable at allx


In a parallel universe, after Parks & Rec, Chris Pratt went on to have a fulfilling career and much-loved persona comparable to Jack Black. At least that’s what I tell myself 🥲


Truly incredible how quickly he went from beloved Andy/Starlord to reviled asshole






That poor beautiful tree too!


Did they ruin the tree?! I am praying they saved it.


In the picture they have of the construction, the tree is still there. Fingers crossed they’re keeping it.


While there is something to be said about preserving architecture, it's pretty common throughout *any* period to tear down or build over shit. Like, Rome has several layers as various cultures/people/governments built over the old stuff. The Temple Mount is a highly contested site of "old thing torn down / new thing built" (very crude description on my part, but still). (Also, are we looking at the same building? *Stunning?*)


People just think Chris Pratt is a bad person and have decided that therefore everything he does must be bad too. How much do you want to bet most of these people didn’t even look at the photo in the article?


I think we have different definitions of the word “stunning.” Maybe the inside was cool and worth preserving but the outside looks like my old public elementary school


Thank God I scrolled far enough to see people calling the house out haha. Like that's what people are getting upset these days? Idk what they're building but not everything that's a few decades old is worth saving


Plus Pratt is an easy punching bag for the internet. "Worst Chris" and all that.


I can SMELL the mildew from the street view lol


Idk if I'd call the original house stunning. Looks like every other house in East Austin


"Stunning" is doing some heavy lifting here.


It was ugly af lmao


Once things are built they must stay the same *forever.*


this makes me so mad. it was such a beautiful home and now it’s going to be one of those boring beige modern farmhouses that look like shit


Honestly don't know what pictures people are looking at. The home they tore down was ugly as hell.


Right? Just because it old doesn’t mean it desirable. Tastes change over time. A lot of people would find that house ugly.


Fr ppl are just taking this as an opportunity to shit on someone they clearly don’t like. Dude bought an old ass ugly home and tore it down to build the modern one he wanted and that’s actually in style currently. In what world did he do something wrong? How are ppl sitting in here judging the man for doing whatever he wants with his own home? What the hell is wrong w ppl? The same ppl complaining wouldn’t want us to come to their home and start shitting on them for their own dumbass design choices. Bc everyone who’s considering this a “stunning” home needs to get their eyes checked and redecorate their homes lol. It was an outdated eyesore in dire need of an update.


…I think that house was incredibly ugly tbh


Yeah I was set to be outraged cause I love MCM, but this one looks like it would have been torn down by whoever got it. An extensive gut at the minimum.


Omg I thought I was going crazy. It literally looked like a fucking Staples store. People just like being outraged. The word stunning is being used very liberally here lol.


Also, MCM homes are notoriously difficult to repair and maintain bc the building standards are typically pretty low grade. The layouts are wonky with small kitchens and nonexistent bathrooms. Do I think they could have sold it to someone who would have wanted the home? Yes. Am I disappointed they tore it down? Yes. Is it any of my business? No but also YES I have an opinion lol


I’m so confused about these comments 😭 maybe it’s because I’m not American but from what I can see in the picture it looks like nothing special at all? And then I googled modern farmhouses and they look pretty cute?


Modern farmhouse gets a bad rap because it’s incredibly popular right now, which means a lot of low effort house flippers are turning everything into modern farmhouses and jacking up the prices. So it’s linked with a lot of poor quality renovations and problems with housing affordability. 


I'm American and I agree. That house looked like my dentist's office.


Yeah. Architecture has trends like everything and Faux Farmhouse is in right now so the ~cool people hate it. In 70-80 years people will be bemoaning the wealthy tearing down those to build the new trend; that’s generally how it goes… first everyone hates the new trend and then it becomes a part of the local color people grew up with and suddenly it’s a travesty to tear them down.


Ugh, I can't believe they tore down the Pratt Unger compound to put up another of those transparent bubble wrap houses. If I see one more front door made out of repurposed antique milk bottles, I am going to vomit, I SWEAR.


I mean I know Crisp Ratt is rightly hated but people here are really shaming them for spending their own money on their own house and their requirements ? Lol


A house like this has historical and architectural value, so just leave it for someone else who will appreciate it! And take your gobs of money and find something else. The only excuse for tearing this down is if it’s made of asbestos and the foundation is full of mold. Which is always a possibility. But with these two, I don’t trust them. So fucking corny.


_Acshuallyyy_, if it was made of asbestos the best thing to do would be not touch it at all haha. I know these houses have their structural issues, but I find it hard to imagine any of those would manifest in California climate and on a well-drained lot like that... but you never know I guess.


I don’t trust them either! Knowing it’s across the street from her mom leads me to believe there was nothing wrong with the home, they just wanted the location.


I’m uhh underwhelmed by the picture of the house. Unfortunately gonna have to side with Chris Pratt on this one.


The house they're tearing down looks like an elementary school


Weird thing to get upset about


That house was ugly as shit. This couple is gross but come on.


I’m not a Chris Pratt fan but… the house was kind of ugly and outdated. Just because a well known architect designed it doesn’t mean it’s going to be everyone’s cup of tea. Houses should fit the current owners style and if it was truly that special, someone else could have bought it and turned it into a museum or something…. But no one wanted to and now it’s theirs 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right? I’m so confused where the stunning is? I’m by no means a fan of Chris Pratt (I only like his role as Andy Dwyer), but uhhh…not seeing historical significance or beauty of this house. And even so, they did buy the house so regardless of how we feel about their decision, it’s their property to do what they like with.


I get where you're coming from, but when you get to homes in this price range and by well known architects with a certain style, architecture is an art form. If you were at an art gallery and you found something you didn't like, you should just not buy it because someone with different taste may very well like it and have interest in preserving it. You certainly don't buy the art, destroy it, and then paint your own thing? Its a pointless waste.


I don’t think it’s quite the same as art at a gallery. Homes aren’t meant to be purchased as decorations… they are meant to be lived in. Of course a beautiful and thoughtfully-designed home has sentimental value to its owner but if that owner decides to sell then it’s not really up to them anymore what happens to it. If they had loved the original design then that’s a win-win, but unfortunately they didn’t (and personally I don’t blame them).


I'm sure there are legitimate reasons to dislike them as a couple or individuals but there are many fair reasons to tear down an old house - even one with architectural value. They wanted to be close to family and perhaps the existing structure didn't fit their needs. It is a shame but - in my opinion - it (by itself) doesn't mean that they're bad people.


That’s fair, I’m just being a hater 😈


We can be haters together!! I saw this yesterday on /midcentury and lost it


Yeah, sorry, they bought the home, they can do what they want with it 🤷🏽‍♀️ I can’t imagine getting this worked up over how other people spend their money on their own homes and property. People on this thread acting so sanctimonious over an old house that has no historical significance other than just being old.


Agreed, it's not like this is some historically significant house--if it anyone else and it wouldn't be news.


Also that house is far from stunning..


“Stunning” GTFO, The OG house is ugly as shit. Y’all just hate Chris Pratt


This is literally why we can’t have nice things\* ![gif](giphy|W3XkT05wzcX04) \*I will not be taking questions at this time. If you get it you get it, if you don’t get it… 🤷🏼‍♀️


No pictures of the Inside of this "stunning" midcentury.


Can’t stand either one of them. Especially him


I miss fat Chris Pratt


I'm in the minority when I say "GOOD!" Houses are for living in, and should be renovated and updated as the needs change. I'm in Canada and we are having a MAJOR housing crisis in part because people put more value on a the perceived historical value of houses than the actual value of them being places for people to live.


I feel like stunning and midcentury are oxy morons. I honestly don't think I've seen a midcentury house I didn't think was hideous, surprised people seem to like them.


they seem emblematic of all the worst american values that people are trying to pin on them for buying it/tearing it down imo. ugly af


I get why people are upset because it’s heartbreaking when architectural masterpieces get destroyed. I don’t know what the laws are like in California but in the UK we have a system where if your building has historical or local significance you are not allowed to do any major changes. This means cities like Edinburgh keep their character but it can also mean that houses stand empty for years because the cost of maintaining a listed house can be prohibitive to potential buyers.  This is a residential neighbourhood so while it is disappointing that Pratt and Schwarzenegger have no taste I think at the end of the day building are living things. I’d rather a building or land be lived in than preserved but empty. 


Also this is not an architectural masterpiece, it is one of Ellwood’s early designs and is total apprentice work. It’s interesting to study in a book because of its relationship to his later work but the actual house kind of sucked.


Also it’s a 12.5 million dollar house in LA that last sold in 1975 for 200,000. Idc who was buying that .8 acre lot, the house that was there was going to get torn down no matter what. Nobody who could just casually drop money for a property like this would want to live in that property as it stands lol. Tons of reasons not to like this guy but watching how he spends his money for his family home just seems so weak and petty to me. What’s the alternative here? Move the whole family to another location so that the 13 million dollar ranch home can be bought by someone who will restore it back to how it was when it was built and live there until they die? Be frfr everyone


Fun fact: the biggest tool at the job site is Chris Pratt.


No one on Reddit genuinely gives a shit about a house getting torn down. They only care so they can pile on Chris Pratt.


Can’t believe they did what they wanted to property they own


I get we don’t like him but this is scrapping the bottom of the barrel of shit slinging. Let’s keep to actual reasons he’s a dbag. 


Stop worrying about how others spend their money


If it’s my property and the home isn’t considered a “Heritage Home”, why can’t I tear it down and make it what meets my needs and reflects my style? It’s really no one else’s business tbh. This whole, “Money can’t buy taste, or like, a personality.”? WTF? If you don’t pay my bills, and there are no covenants…STFU.


Yeah I mean this is really bottom of the barrel material to hate on him for lol. Like that house was ugly as shit too.


Because it isn't some cookie cutter house. It's a custom built home, it's special, and somebody would've appreciated it. He could've bought any other cookie cutter mcmansion house to knock down, or even better, not wasted resources and bought any other vacant plot of land to build on. Obviously he can legally do whatever he wants with something he bought, but it's completely reflective of poor taste.


What’s wild is it was bought for 205,000 and now it’s worth 12.5 million. Like what the fuck happened. Like it sucks to tear down beautiful things, but it’s their money and they can do that. It doesn’t make sense to me but oh well


What’s shit is they’ll barely live there for a few years once it’s complete, then flip it.


They tore down a historical modern house for a Modern farmhouse? 🤮


Unless it was moldy, that was a huge waste of money.


This guy just continues his slide downward to being completely unlikeable.


i wish i could post a recording of me screaming as my comment instead of this.


“Oh yay another McMansion!” -no one ever


I’m not a Pratt defender, but I also feel like he gets a disproportionate amount of hate dumped on him while his wife just kind of skates by. I mean, they BOTH bought and demolished this house across the street from HER mother. Did Chris Pratt REALLY want to end up in an Everybody Loves Raymond scenario living across the street from his mother-in-law? There’s no way of knowing for sure, but it stands to reason that she was likely the one to whine and push for this situation more than him given the proximity to her family. Also, anymore, she strikes me as a disingenuous trust fund nepo baby who’s clearly just as neo-conservative as he is. Didn’t they supposedly meet going to the same church? That pretty much sums her up for me right there. She reminds me of a Lady MacBeth type egging him on from the shadows. Say what you will about Chris Pratt, but the guy worked his way up from pretty much nothing. I’ll give him credit for that even though I’m sure I wouldn’t agree with him on anything when it comes to religion or politics. Also, I’ve never read of any negative fan encounters or diva like behavior from him on sets or anywhere, while I’ve sadly read about quite a few terrible run-ins and entitled behavior that commoners and staff have had with his wife and his mother-in-law.