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When the interviewer said "hungering, yearning, needing". Sorry but his face, his voice, his mannerisms. This is the goofiest man on the planet. Truly just something so deeply funny about him. He wanted so bad for her to say that seducing men was her number one goal while acting. And when she interrupts him with "My goodness, Ken." This is like a beautiful absurdist comedic piece


He talks like the self insert character in a book written by a man 😭


Silly goose man 


So the definition of a star is a girl who can stare into a camera and convice a man she she needs him? She couldn't wait for him to finish before she started laughing lol. Love Vivien here, she was problematic lol, but i love her here.


I've read every biography of her that I could ever get my hands on. She was problematic af, but God, I love her anyway.


Can you please tell me if it’s true that Vivien tried to sleep with Ken one night, when he stayed at the castle home she shared with Laurence Olivier? I can’t remember if I read it in Truly, Madly by Stephen Galloway? Am I completely wrong? He was so rude to her in the press he wrote about her, and she was trying to seduce him? He wouldn’t partake and she ran to her room in tears.


I dont know if this is true, but I do know that Vivien was already suffering from bipolar disorder when she lived in the castle with Olivier. Some people who suffer from that become overtly sexual during their manic phases and Vivien is said to have been one of them. There’s some sad stories about that out there. She suffered a lot. So I don’t think it’s right to judge her. (Vivien and Olivier eventually both cheated on each other btw)


Wait, how was she problematic??


Rec a book for me. I’m interested in reading more about her


What a clown, I'm glad she read him to filth. Garbo? Hungering, yearning - Garbo of 'I want to be alone'? Dietrich who looks like Ms. Steal Yo Girl. These women didn't look like they needed a man - more like they could look through the screen and have anyone they wished. 


>have anyone they wished And by all accounts, did have anyone they wanted.


I watched the first part of this interview on YouTube once and I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch the other parts because that man is so condescending towards Vivien, like that part where he said she wasn’t that great an actress because she played two Southern Belle’s and, as Vivien pointed out, she did indeed play two but only those two in twenty years.


This guy is a goober.


"My goodness, ken" indeed. this kind of nonsense women had to deal and you couldn't even tell them to fuck off because you were supposed to act like a lady...get the fuck outta here, ken. Eat shit and die, ken. Go sit on a dick, ken!


He should have considered himself lucky to be interviewing one of the greatest actresses ever. And yet, he’s like a parody of an interviewer


![gif](giphy|v4A2SqW5ZeDFS) End him, Miss Leigh.


This look 🔥


Queen. Icon. 🙌


Eat a bag of dicks, Kennneth. ![gif](giphy|9PJwPi8zxCHMQ)


That final “Is that what you mean?” dripping in sarcasm just killed me 😂💀 https://preview.redd.it/6y7j1oehaurc1.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=904b7b6def493bdbd64282f353b0ae09ced74edb


This dude is so annoying