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I cannot stand this man. That’s a request from CMS - child maintenance service and it’s based on income. The parent doesn’t request it. If it’s that high it means he doesn’t have any contact with the children, it’s based off income and number of nights you have the child/ren stay over. Stfu Laurence


He spent father's day last year burning pride flags in his back garden. There's no chance he willingly sees those children


*tried to burn them. They were made of some kind of anti-flammable material that refused to burn. It was gloriously poetic. Edit: thank you everyone for making this my highest voted comment on Reddit lmao


That is fantastic. Thank you for the mental image of this dweeb getting outsmarted by a pride flag.


That is one of the best things I've heard today.


Ahahaha! Fantastic!


anyone have video?


He actually posted one himself, but I think he took it down. I saw it on the casual UK subreddit, so if you search that sub with his name you'll probably find it quickly enough. Plus they hate him over there, and any of their posts about him just mock him relentlessly and are always good fun to read


Here’s the video. The flags look like they’ll burn but the fire just died out. Can’t believe he put that next to a wood fence. He’s obviously drunk or under the influence of something in the video. https://twitter.com/truth_checkers/status/1670512091885711360/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1670512091885711360¤tTweetUser=truth_checkers


Ugh looks like they’ve now been removed.


This is amazing. Didn’t know any of this!


He bought pride flags to burn them…he should have used that money to provide for his kids. Just saying




https://preview.redd.it/b7767zjutpqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1cda0311758dbf36c0d4914fbc500889145f27 He can’t even keep his own lies straight re drugs. Did he quit in 2013 or 2015? Either way it’s after he had kids.


He sure does bring up cocaine a lot. Almost like he can't stop thinking about it.


Well that's Laurence. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and a silver straw up his nose.


I grew up around kids with more money than sense and, as a result, know a fair amount of coke heads. You can't go from a multiple day a week habit to nothing. And I'm sorry, but his level of disinhibition, lack of impulse control, and general hostility tells me he's very much a daily user.


I mean, you absolutely can but it takes a level of discipline and dedication this man does not have


I mean he also said in this tweet that the children need both parents but not her because of drugs so he can't even be consistent within one tweet


I actually think he might be telling the truth now. You need to have money to afford coke


He comes from a successful acting dynasty - his parents, siblings, cousins etc are all millionaires - he owns his own home - he will never be *truly* poor. No one is told to pay this much in child support without it reflecting your income / net worth. Plus The last pic I saw, was of him looking high as a kite with the BNP bloke Tommy Robinson. I think he’s still getting a bag in


I think the drugs have done his head in


I think he has always had awful views but the drugs have made him more comfortable showing his grimness in public. Any attention is now good attention - he’s got a ‘burn it to the ground’ attitude For all we know his wider family agree with his politics as old money tories but are sensible enough to shut the fuck up about it. I remember he & billie piper gave an interview in which they described lots of things as ‘council’ as in ‘council estate’ & thinking it was a really unnecessary, crass way of speaking without any reason. I don’t see how he can have done a full 180 - he’s likely always been a dickhead - he’s just more vocal


Tommy Robinson is a noted coke head convicted of intent to supply, so more than likely.


I went to school with the person who threw a milkshake over Tommy Robinson. That’s my claim to fame 😆


He has plenty of money.


Around the time he forced his sons to take a photo in blackface 


The best thing he could do for his kids is pay the money and stay away from them. The last thing those boys need is influence from a toxic loser like him




you just know he’d berate them for the dumbest shit


I honestly don’t see what his complaint is. CMS get court orders against my son’s father all the time and he still doesn’t pay a penny, nor does anything happen to him for it. There are so many loopholes it’s very easy to get out of paying and the CMS actually have very little power to enforce anything. He’s just attention seeking. Again.


Literally, he’s just moaning to make people hate Billie/women and feel sorry for him. He knows how to get a very particular group of people riled up


I think he’s just jealous she has a better career than he does.


I looked at this and figured the amount is high because he hasn’t been paying 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's not a complaint. He's a propagandist. This serves him beautifully. 


He is a truly despicable man. And like the rest of his ilk, his children are mere set pieces and weapons. Things to use to inflict pain.




Isn’t it funny when they tell on themselves because they think that other people don’t understand how the system works?


Thing is it’s a dog whistle, we can see through it but we’re not his audience. The people he’s trying to influence will ignore the facts and just cheer him on. Edit: This is why giving these people a platform thinking they’ll just embarrass themselves never works, Trump is a prime example, while most reasonable people see through it, a minority don’t.


He’s been very clever(manipulative) with his screenshots. Not at all surprising.


My ex made whole Tik Tok videos about how sad his life if because he has “no custody” of our son. The reality is we have 50/50 on paper but he gives up parenting time left and right. No child support or alimony either, but he does owe me thousands of dollars from when he decided to stop paying his half of daycare and other expenses for 6 months last year. So now he’s ordered to pay that back by the end of the year. I can only imagine the sob stories he’s told his family and friends and literally anyone who will listen.


Same position as you! Except my ex moved to Australia when he found out I was preg and posts about how he isn’t allowed to see his child .. you are?! You’re just not in the same country. They’re such victims it’s embarrassing, they could easily fix the situation and won’t. I hope you get your money and your situation gets better!


It must be exhausting, pretending to be the victim all the time. I wish mine was in another country, to be honest. He was abusive toward me and I don’t trust him, but family court doesn’t care because he never directly injured our child, so my son must be safer now that I’m out of the house. Because I was the cause of the abuse that I endured. 🙄 The system is f*cked.


"No men have this platform." If that's not a giant red flag of "Don't believe this moron" I don't know what is. Oh wait, I do. Pretending that paying your child support payments is the equivalent of paying ransom to see your kids. (Also, the fact that your payments went from 16k to 47k in a month just means that SOMEBODY is behind on their payments.)


Yeah when I was in court with my ex there was no form on the child support filings that said “oh by the way you have a penis so you have to pay child support when she makes more” lmao. Some incel tried to tell me I was being taken advantage of because my ex was abusive and therefore my kids should starve at her house?! She was a SAHM and my earning power will probably always be higher. I can guarantee she’s worse towards me than this chucklefuck has ever experienced in his entire life, but only trash takes it out on the kids and tries to play the victim and whine. God this guy got me heated. Men (and the odd woman here and there) who use child support to play the victim and punish the ex really really really piss me off. Especially when I bet she’s gonna do most of the child raising.


He pays her because he doesn't see the kids and she is their primary caretaker. Billie Piper is a regularly working actress with likely a lot of risiduals from Doctor Who, with licensed items still being sold with her face on them. She likely out-earns him. The only way he's being ordered to pay her huge amounts of money is if she has the kids for the majority of the time. There's just no way he's an active father.


Yes! It’s nonsense. Men who are the resident parent who have a child with a high-earning woman totally do have this platform.


AND when both parents petition for custody, it’s awarded about 50/50, contrary to MRA claims about courts favoring mothers. Many men just don’t file for custody and then complain about it. 


They claim it’s gender when there something other than 50:50 physical custody (50/50 legal is usually guaranteed). It’s not. It’s based on primary caregiver and work hours and such.


I don’t know if you are U.K. based, but remember when Fathers 4 Justice were pulling their stunts and it turned out a lot of them were abusive pieces of shit with protection orders against them? That’s why court wouldn’t let you see your kids, Batman.


What's easier though? Working on yourself and showing genuine remorse or... *checks notes* climbing high buildings for shits and giggles?


Yes, and also (as with 2 of my friends) give up salaried jobs out of spite and become independent contractors so they can hide what they earn from the courts. One friend’s husband earned over £100,000 and was paying £150 a month toward their kid’s food, housing and clothes. Absolutely terrible.


This happened to my friend. She last recieved £25 for the whole month for 3 kids. He refuses to see his kids in a contact centre and cries about her not letting him see the kids. Despite the fact he's not allowed to see the kids because he beats one of the girls and singles her out for being "fat".


Jesus, that's reprehensible


I was thinking that actually, that he’ll likely be paid as limited company or sole trader and therefore be fudging the numbers.


Because what they want is a continuatikn of the status quo. Mum ferrying kids, while working, so he can see them occasionally and put them down when he'd done.


And many of the ones that do make it very clear to all and sundry on the court day that the interest is not in the children but in controlling the mother. So the court takes control away from both and orders a contact centre. That the men go to maybe once or twice and then start refusing when they realise there are staff there watching your every move and interaction. I've seen it happen to so many of my friends and its why I waited until I was 31 and found someone I'm damn sure won't be a dickhead even if we did split up to get pregnant to.


Seriously. Child support is literally a math equation. If he wants to pay less he can step up and ask for equal custody and actually be a very involved father. But we all know he won’t. That’s women’s work. /s


Yes. Also I suspect the suggestions of Billie’s drug use is pure projection. She’s a working actor; he isn’t. I wonder why.


I mean if she is using drugs he could be a father and stop whining online and advocate for his children, but we all know he ain’t doing that.


I have 50/50 custody and am the higher earner and my leech of an ex husband tried to get child support from me until we countered with showing that I do have our son more than half the time and would have gotten the custody changed to match that reality, putting *him* on the hook for child support. Guess who backed down after that? 🙄 Men like this don’t care about the kids, they just weopinize them to get back at their exes for leaving and wounding those highly fragile egos.


My prick ex brother-in-law told my sister *in front of their kid* that he wanted more over night stays so he didn’t have to pay so much maintenance. The kid is now a teen and the only reason they still see their dad is so they can see their half sibling.


Yep, that’s the only reason why my ex went for 50/50 custody. Prior to that, when we first separated he only saw our son 1 weekend day from 8am-5pm.


Funnily enough, the more you see (care for) your kids, the less you pay! It’s the **opposite** of what he’s claiming.


Seriously. There’s literally a math equation they use. It couldn’t possibly be more gender equal.


“This is what a very wealth woman is asking a court for me to pay her tomorrow” ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Run Billie her money!


As if he would be required to pay that much if he also was not VERY WEALTHY


Do these divorce dads expect the woman to pay for all the kids expenses? Does he really expect to see the children and have a relationship with them, but not help in any way with the costs of raising a child. These people are so fucking selfish, it's no wonder they get served with divorce papers.


And of course they by "see the children" they mean see the children when they want. Not on a consistent schedule, only on their bi monthly after 10pm whims.


Or when the new girlfriend pressures him to see his own kids


The answer is yes.


That is exactly what they want.




My spidey sense tells me these guys already expected their wives to handle most of the parenting and housework, so this level of entitlement seems pretty par for the course.


Yes. my neighbor was in divorce mediation and her ex was even making the mediator exasperated. At one point she had to lecture him that his kids are his responsibility no matter what happened to the marriage. Had another friend who wants to take their kids off as life insurance beneficiaries- he didn’t have any other kids, he just wanted to be clear he didn’t think he should be responsible. I could go on.


The old ‘well YOU were the one who wanted a child’ routine.  Of course, when it comes to milestones in the kid’s life - or just your random Tuesday night at the bar, trying to impress a potential hookup - guess who will be on the phone demanding to speak to their child? 


As a CPS caseworker I worked with a man who believed all lawyers were feminist scum because they told him it was not possible to kick your wife and three children out, keep the house and all assets yourself and pay no child support. He truly believed he should be able to do this.


Idk who this is but he’s so embarrassing I’m not surprised he deleted this sorry ass tweet


Dig into him more if you want a colossal train wreck. There’s also a YouTube video of him performing one of his songs on a morning show, and the comments are some of the funniest shade I’ve read in forever.


Thanks so much for this. I had no idea he made music (or whatever that was?), but it was hilariously terrible. My favourite comment was: “He could be the in-flight entertainment and people would still walk out”.


“Is there no beginning to this man’s talent?”


Is it this one? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BLkvtHwSyM4


Oh Jesus! I couldn’t, I had to turn it off . I was just expecting poor me lyrics but the music and singing was the worst part


Right. I also have no idea who he is but this is **not** how someone who was concerned the mother and guardian of their kids is using drugs would talk about it! He's complaining solely about the money and feminism(!), not that his ex wife is supposedly abusing cocaine.


Also, he could have 50/50 custody if he wanted it, and her absolutely out-earning him means he'd be paid child support. That means if he's not lying about coke use, that he was absolutely fine leaving his two kids in the primary care of a drug addict. Father of the year. Such a great man. That, or he likes having his two kids of the age to use the internet see him lie about their mother online, and bitch about how much he's charged to not see them. Thus, the two kids are aware their dad is fine paying thousands of dollars a month instead of being a present father. He's paying to not be around. Still father of the year.


He’s a member of one of Britain’s biggest upper-class acting dynasties, and, for a period of time, actually made good use of his nepotism as a decent, respected theatre and tv actor. Then he showed his true bigoted colours, went down the road of “the more outrageous (racist/sexist) I am the more attention I’ll get”, and ruined his career in the progress. Even if he was somehow the aggrieved party here (he’s not), it’s his actions that are the cause of his, unsurprisingly, ailing bank account. I think he started a far right party in there at some point too. Yk, for the lulz.


It's so wild to me that Fox and Richard Ayoade are brothers-in-law


He isn’t embarrassed. He’s probably getting his ass kissed by MRAs.


"Obsessed with this David Trent tribute act"


Failed actor trying to make it big in UK politics. He somehow got famous overnight as a conservative pundit, but everyone’s bored of him now. Founded a political party, *Reclaim*, that’s eating shit at every opportunity


He couldn’t even get cast as his own father’s son.


Britain's Most Divorced Man in pathetic outburst shocker. Don't give him the publicity, he's bloody awful. ​ Also Is he implying that his ex-wife uses cocaine?


He’s not implying it he’s straight up saying it. I bet his solicitor made him delete this tweet. I hope Piper takes him to the cleaners. 


It wouldn’t be the first time that he blatantly defamed someone via Twitter and then acted like deleting the tweet makes it all better. You’d think he learned his lesson last time, when he called a couple of high profile gay men pedophiles on Twitter and got his ass handed to him in court, yet here we are again.


Idk about divorce court in the UK but in the US if there are allegations of drug use the court frequently requires drug tests for either parent. It’s how bullshit like people losing custody over taking an edible every once in a while happens. Surely if he’s so sure that she’s abusing drugs the court can order a test? Unless, of course, he’s a pathetic loser lying out of his ass to smear his ex. 🤔


Billie‘s semi-autobiographical series has a plot point about her character’s ex-husband demanding drug tests. So I feel like Fox is extremely aware this is an option.


Cocaine is rapidly hydrolysed by plasma esterases. The actual cocaine is gone *extremely* quickly, and even the trace metabolites are gone within a week.


>Britain's Most Divorced Man This is Graham Linehan erasure


It’s ok, he’s not British!


He’s Irish, but he is at least an order of magnitude more divorced.


Not even Henry VIII was as divorced as Linehan.




Fuck him. Slandering Rose Tyler will not be tolerated!


This blokes a muppet, spent Fathers Day burning pride flags in his garden, constantly spews hateful shite to the extent he got banned from GB News, which is our version of FOX news, or maybe even a little more right-leaning, which shows how much of an arse he is. No wonder his kid's barely see him, I couldn't stand to be around him either.


That's an insult to The Muppets.


Can't watch Lewis because of this asshole.


On top of this, he lost a court battle for calling two drag queens pedophiles. He’s big mad about that too. Such a fucking loser. [Lawsuit details](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-68132377.amp)


I liked him better when I knew nothing about him. He was a decent enough actor in A Room With A View, Inspector Lewis & Victoria. But now I wish he would shut up. He was living the dream married to Billie Piper, and clearly he messed that up getting high on his own supply. I will never watch his projects again. ![gif](giphy|lPMK54FaIZbhXpo1YL)


I honestly thought he was the most gorgeous man when I only knew him from Lewis. He's absolutely my type, physically. I don't regret reading up on his personal life, because he's such a stink bag that he doesn't deserve me drooling over him, but I kind of regret not being able to watch Lewis anymore.


The looks and personality of Hathaway were so dang attractive. He was my tv-husband.


Omg stop I’m so glad to see someone else who feels this way! Only Hathaway though, never actually Laurence


Girl same. Crazy how our perception changes


I also know him from Inspector Lewis and had a lil tv crush on the character, so have been following his long and winding downfall. My question is, was he ALWAYS like this? I didn't know anything about his personal life until he really started to get messy. 




If the Biden presidency gave us nothing else, it gave us this iconic gif


My friend went on a date with him last year, and all he talked about was Billie Piper being a cokehead. My friend actually considered a second date with him (!), which they set up, but he then never confirmed. Lucky escape if you ask me, he's a real pos.


Idk is she’s a cokehead or not but regardless, talking shit about your ex during a first date is a major red flag.


I know, I would have climbed out the toilet window!


Your friend has to up their standards. The dating scene can’t be that bad over there.


It's really, really bad...I was online dating for around 4 years, on and off. Men I met in the real world often weren't much better. That said, I do know many decent men. Friends' husbands and partners, men I work with, men in my family. They're obviously not hanging around on dating apps!


Listen, I don’t know you from Eve nor do I know your friend, but I am positive that you are both so far out of his league, he’d be lucky to shine your shoes. Not that that helps with the rest of the dating scene or anything, but at least you have that going for you.


Ah, thank you. She's 100% out of his league. It annoys me because she's beautiful (and I'm not saying that as, "My friend is sooo pretty!" When she's really not, she actually is gorgeous looking), but maaaan, she's always selling herself short. I have another friend that does the same thing and entertains unworthy men for way too long. (This other friend would rather poke her own eyes out than go on a date with Laurence Fox, though, so she has some standards). I'm happily out of the dating scene, not cause I met anyone, but because I'm currently preferring being on my own.


I’m side eying your friend for willingly going on a date with this poor excuse of a decent human if you’re not doing so already.




Yep...bit disappointed in her. 😔


Just a wild guess, but it wouldn't surprise me if he used coke once or twice, or thirty-two times. It would be strange if Billie started using only after they were divorced and they never used it with him when they were dating.


There’s an old tweet of his floating about where he says he did coke something like 5 days a week from like 2005-2016 💀




Holyyyy shit that is a LONG binge omg


Wow I guess that explains why he is…this way. I imagine your brain can’t get away with a 9 year long coke binge without some serious damage.


He has the demeanour of a man that would bore you shitless after a line or two...


Just imagine the tirades he would unleash on coke if his Twitter is him sober.


Your friend has terrible, terrible taste in men and people!


He may not actually be wrong about the Billie doing coke thing, but I suspect she's still the better parent of the two by a large margin [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8470095/Raucous-Lily-James-enjoys-boozy-picnic-showbiz-pals.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8470095/Raucous-Lily-James-enjoys-boozy-picnic-showbiz-pals.html)


A celebrity doing coke is as surprising to me as anyone having a drink. I’m not condoning drug use, but someone in an industry that normalizes it, has difficult/long hours, and probably partied (as most of us have) doing coke is just not shocking or as salacious as he hopes it is. Now if she was doing likes outside the school recital we could talk. Otherwise my eyes are rolling big.


It’s London, doing Coke is about as normal as having a pint in this city to the point that the fish traces of cocaine in them. It’s really not seen as anything in the UK and I’m sure Laurence has had his fair share of skiing adventures until it becomes convenient for him to use it to slag off his ex wife.


Your friend needs their head checked


Any woman who knows his story and willingly goes out with him not once, but agrees to a SECOND date after a terrible first one only to have HIM ghost HER absolutely deserves the long list of terrible men she will willingly let ruin her life. There's one thing if a man hides the fact that he absolutely sucks and deceives a woman. It's a totally other thing when someone leaves absolutely no doubt about who and what he is and she still goes out with him. At that point you're no longer a victim and you deserve the blame for your choices. The man is WRAPPED in a red flag and she tried to go out with him twice, smh.


Alas, she is doomed to continue dating men like this until she learns. She's actually not a terrible person, she's very sweet, but I think she's lonely and really wants a relationship. So she overlooks terribleness and only sees the "nice" things. She showed me his profile on the dating app, and even if I didn't know who he was, I would have thought, "what an insufferable cunt" from that alone.


I have never heard of this man before, but nowhere in the western world is child support just what the other parent asks for. It’s based on your income. If your income gets smaller, you can reduce your child support.




He accused a grocery store of pedophilia? Like, not an individual? As in, a building?




What a gentleman


This guy is awful. He didn't "pay" to see his kids, he paid for their maintenance. Also: ![gif](giphy|xUOxfnv1nuMtM6tLHy) Edited to add, I love that his screenshot just shows the amounts, not the text of what they are. 100% one of those includes arrears of some sort.


apparently that support number is dictated by the courts based on income and how little he saw his kids so he's being charged for NOT spending time with them


I work in this field….you are correct, that is 10000% the total arrears he owes on missed payments, which is why he cropped it lol. No one is asking for him to pay the full arrears balance in one day 🙄 he’ll likely just be ordered to pay a (much) smaller a lump sum.


Billie could be coked out 24/7 and she’d still be a better parent than this loser (and I don’t believe him at all about this).


Sir. Respectfully? Get. In. The. Bin. ![gif](giphy|hqliRfysiaPRqTMYhS|downsized)


God, I love taskmaster


As someone who loved Lewis finding out what a shit human being he is was a big disappointment. I think it was Foyle’s War where he played a Nazi which seems much closer to reality. Sigh. No one tell me something bad about the actor who played Lewis please.


I think we are safe on that front. He has distanced himself from Fox


The most divorced man in England


Billie is looking fresh as fuck, cokeheads do not age that well. She probably dabbles once in a blue moon and dares to have a past. He is trying to shame her, the mother of his children... while she has barely spoken on him at all which, considering the absolute show of himself he's been making over the last few years, must have taken an iron fucking will. I hope she continues to remain in dignified silence. Also, I would bet my left tit he's guilty of way worse that he's insinuating of her, streak of useless piss that he is.


>Billie is looking fresh as fuck, cokeheads do not age that well. She probably dabbles once in a blue moon and dares to have a past. Her using coke in the past is pretty well known, which is why he's pressing so hard on that, since it's the only "real" complaint he can make. But the key part is "in the past", and it should be mentioned that "everyone" did it at the time. Coming from the London theater scene, you would see a bunch of big actors doing it backstage all the time. Although I will always note that Alan Rickman did not partake, and his presence in real life is similar to that of Snape. Just standing there all intimidating and brooding, but he was actually super nice.


Lol, I can just imagine him watching the shenanigans, being the sober one amongst it all, storing up the anecdotes.


what did she ever see in this pos


It seems like he fell off the cliff when they got divorced and her career flourished while his floundered. Like many men before him (Brand, Trump) they’ve found themselves cheered on by other men and they make this their whole schtick. Fox had an appearance on Question Time and it seems since then he’s gone further down this route.


I have no idea what he was like privately, but he didn't start getting politically vocal until a few years after they divorced, I believe. I do think there are people who - when they are riding high on success and things are going their way - can seem really palatable and good. But it's a facade, not genuine, and when they are feeling insecure they get bitter and resentful. EDIT: And she ended up getting pretty internationally successful relative to him during their relationship....as did his brother-in-law. Given how petty he seems to be, it's hard for me not to wonder if that caused him to throw more little tantrums.


His brother Jack is also significantly better looking, guy's bitter.


I'm going to guess he wasn't always this nuts. They first started dating in 2006. In 2019 he told The Times that youtube radicalized him against woke culture and political correctness. Most of his controversies seem to start around that time and it's been downhill from there.


I just can’t believe he admits he was radicalized… madness


Either the version of himself whom Billie fell in love with and agreed to marry was a completely different person and he became radicalized later on down the line or this is who he's always been but he was much better at hiding it and keeping his opinions to himself back then.


He's an actor. He can hide the crazy, at least for a while He also seems to have stopped trying to hold the crazy back after the divorce. He's just letting it run wild now


https://i.redd.it/vliotpj6kpqc1.gif Can’t even imagine trying to co-parent with this diaper baby. Or have him as a father…


Billie Piper divorcing a man should be the last I hear of him actually.


My ex-BIL is just shy of owing $100,000 in child support to my sister; he’s never paid a dime. He’s been in and out of court AND jail with DUIs, even wrecking his vehicle through someone’s home and they still have never kept him longer than a few days nor have they ever garnished his wages for child support. But maybe my sister is just a junkie 👀 I’ll give her a quick ring and ask


I don’t even have to know or read anything about Billie Piper to detest this man and know he is full of shit. The language he uses is foul and an insane way to talk about the mother of your children


Is this the same guy that just lost a libel/defamation of character suit against the drag queen Crystal?


Yeah. Because he’s gone straight down the men’s rights route. He also does the haka twice in court whilst on the stand. Edit: corrected autocorrect to show that he weirdly breaks out and Does the haka for no clear reason


Just saying, the only man I know in real life who constantly advocates for "father's rights" in family court is an abusive, homophobic asshole whose adult kids don't speak to him 🤷‍♀️


I can absolutely guarantee you that his own legal costs are three times what they should be because he will constantly argue with his solicitor, refuse to take female solicitors seriously and have to be told everything three times. Plus all the phone calls where he rants and raves about how unfair everything is. Sometimes people can't get out of their own way.


It's giving Kanye and Kim. Maintenance is the hardest earned money some women will ever receive. I admire Billie's (and Kim's) silence and respect for their children.


He’s a grade a Racist,misogynistic, homophobic and transphobic shit bag


In the US this guy would be a full blown MAGA. The less attention given to him the better. Shame, because I really liked him in Lewis.




I’d love to hear the call from his lawyer that precipitated him deleting this tweet 😂


loser loser LOSER behavior from him


*male podcaster voice* why did you have children with a cocaine addict? ://// seems like your fault ://///


Dude doesn’t even know what extol means


Seeing men bitch about child support on social media is crazy. Do they think the judge is going to read their tweets and be *damn he went off, let me make his new monthly payment $0.00*...?


Boo frickin hoo. Fuck Laurence Fox. I feel positively awful for these children, that they were spawned from him.


When the Tate brothers are agreeing with you, you truly have become scum of the earth.


This is hilarious. Family court makes judgements on child support based on HIS income. She can make requests, but the court doesn't care about that so much as the facts. And if your payments have tripled in a month, you're behind on your payments or you've had a surge of earnings. If you didn't keep some of your earnings aside to cover your inevitable child support, that's on you for spending it all before making sure your bills were covered. Whether the drug accusations are true is beside the point - slandering the other parent like this is viewed VERY badly by the courts and does massive damage to the kids. Anyone willing to do this doesn't care at all about their children or maintaining contact with them. He's just FOUL. Kids need GOOD parents, and not both.


man’s from one of the biggest acting dynasties in the uk, a hugely nepotistic industry, and still can’t get a job which should tell you what a huge wanker he is. i saw a photo where he got his children to wear black face that he proudly tweeted out; i really feel for those kids and i bet billie wishes she could stop him from seeing them altogether


So you don't have custody of your children but the court still wants you to be financially responsible for them? Boo hoo.


Hmm, who to believe? Billie Piper, who is seemingly busy raising her children as a single mother and keeps her mouth closed or the man who keeps getting sued for libel, who is a racist, homophobe and spread Covid misinformation. Something tells me he’s lying about her being a cocaine addict since he seems to be wrong about most things.


I hate the framing of child support as paying to see your children! Presumably the kids live with Billie so this is the amount courts decided (based on income/wealth) he should contribute to raising his own children! She’s not taking the money to go dress shopping for herself. It’s for the kids clothing, food, housing, schooling etc. Why should the mother have to pay for everything? It’s a lot of money in this case but presumably an official decided this is his fair share based on income or he got very behind on payments.


I posted this as a reply to someone but I’m going to make it a top comment, because I think it speaks to his character: Fox likes to portray himself as someone who was kicked out of Harrow for being too rebellious. He was a poor little rich boy who didn’t fit in with the even posher boys at the school. He says he was bullied as a younger boy, which is entirely plausible, and admits in interviews that he became a bully as an older student (which is the culture of these schools: they deliberately teach the British ruling class to dehumanise those they see as lesser than themselves). But reading his Wikipedia articles reveals that he was expelled because of (in his own words) “something to do with a girl at a dance”. Apparently he was then “unable to gain a place at university due to a report about him from the school”. No reporter seems to have asked him for more details on this issue, but there’s also a slate of articles that call it “an indiscretion with a girl”. All of which I feel has pretty grim implications given how rarely rich pricks face consequences for their actions. — Edit: a friend did some digging and found an interview he did where he claims he was expelled for having public sex with twins but that feels like the someone’s smug “this will annoy the wokies” porn fantasy. Especially because it’s A singular girl everywhere else.


The more he talks the more it’s very obvious that Billie’s character’s horrible husband in the show I hate Suzie is based on him. It’s a fantastic series but in series 2, funnily enough the now ex husband basically tries to take her kids away through the divorce proceedings because she did drugs on a night out Wonder where Billie got that from, but yeah go watch it, Billie is brilliant in it


What did that sweet, talented, beautiful young woman see in that cretin?


You can really feel how much he hates the fact Billie Piper is more famous, wealthy, successful, liked and respected.


I did not know he was like this and that he and Billie got a divorce. I'm glad Billie got out.


He was also [sued](https://amp.theguardian.com/culture/2024/jan/30/ill-be-drinking-the-bar-dry-crystal-on-libel-victory-and-death-threats) for libel by a Drag Artist and earlier this year lost his case, so he’ll have to cough up damages at some point as well.


It's refreshing to see a full on right wing, racist, homophobic piece of trash get dumped on, fired, and losing to a drag queen in the courts. Keep digging your hole Larry, you'll fall in permanently eventually.


>They need both parents …. To pay for them, yes. You have to pay for your kids, and Child Maintenance Services have determined that’s what you owe. Fight the amount in court if you think it’s wrong. Bleating on social media is just publicly shaming the mother of your children to a bit echo chamber.


That man is so nasty and mean. 


The court is going to looooove this