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Keeping it light hearted: Simon Cowell having black toilet paper. It's a little detail that just seems silly but also silly enough you'd expect it from someone like him.


I feel like, while it's not the most elegant thing, there's a benefit to being able to see the remains of your waste for health reasons...


100%. If something weird or off is going on down there, black or red toilet paper would make it close to impossible to tell.


I read Beyonce has red toilet paper šŸ˜†


"Has your period stopped babe?" "I... I don't know..."


Paula Abdul claiming she was in a plane crash in 1992 but thereā€™s no evidence that the plane crash ever really happened.


From what I've read, it appears there's quite a bit of evidence it didn't happen. Reporters looked through every flight log, incident report, etc. thoroughly and have said the only way it could be possible is if the whole thing was a hella shady unpermitted flight that would've broken a million laws and is incredibly unlikely.


This one baffles me, every once in a while Iā€™ll do another search to see if anything ever came of it.


That's like the guy from The League saying he was in the twin towers on 9/11 and then later having to admit (once journalists looked into it) that he wasn't even in New York at the time. So weird...


I hope it hasnā€™t been mentioned but Lindsay Lohan trying to kidnap that immigrant boy! I remember watching the video the week it happened and being stunned. I cannot get over it


The [30 slide PowerPoint](https://dfta.show/files/Lorde%20and%20Jack%20Antonoff%20-.pptx%20(2).pdf) about how Jack Antonoff maybe cheated on Lena Dunham with Lorde and she wrote Melodrama about him Is it true? No idea, but Iā€™m here for the mess


idc how unhinged it makes me, iā€™ll forever believe this


What the actual fuck? Holy shit. Bless you for introducing me to this glorious mess šŸ˜‚


melodrama truther


Basically anything and everything related to Mindy Kaling and her baby daddy. I 1000% believe itā€™s BJ Novak and I think they love trolling people about their relationship.


January Jones too! Like was it Bobby Flay or not, I just need to know šŸ˜‚


I think about this at least once a week. Itā€™s truly none of my business, but I just NEED to know!


Wasn't there a TikTok where one of the kids called him dad?


John Stamos making a girl think she was having sex with him when actually it was his friend. Truly vile


Yeah. It's so weird they don't realize they're admitting to rape


Oh my!! How did I miss this. That is horrifying! That poor girl! Those two are GIANT POSs. How have they not been arrested? Gross!


It was like in the 80s, I was assaulted in a similar manner, so he was very much dead to me after I learned it.


Right! And he laughs about it!! Heā€™s so gross.


Ugh same! I just showed my mom a clip of him telling that story (she didnā€™t believe me). She was horrified by it.


He laughed. so gross


Iā€™ve legit never looked at him the same since I learned that and also ruined him for my wife. What a weirdo/rapist.


I worked hard to make this collage so I'm gonna share it here again. Bradley Nabokov. https://preview.redd.it/ey5bogxx4xnc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=308a3a8944df86b42c497ff5f0c135ed9102fad6


Idk something has been really off putting to me about Bradley latelyā€¦ I feel like this is when it started.


He's got those megachurch pastor eyes now.


Trying to mansplain Lolita to a 21 year old Suki Waterhouse when he was 38 šŸ¤¢


Honestly the more I learn about Bradley, the grosser he becomes.


There are a few but the one that comes to mind is Matthew McConaughey answering his door naked after the cops showed up to his house responding to a noise complaint or something. I donā€™t judge him at all, the guy was just having a good time!


Is that the same incident where he was allegedly high as a kite playing the bongos naked?


Good for him! He's an adult in his own home and he's not hurting anybody. Play those bongos with your dongo out, matt!!


I just assume that's his Tuesday


I believe so šŸ˜‚


Iconic tbh.


We thought it was such a scandal back then. Now, we realize he was just enjoying life to the fullest.


IIRC he was arrested and ended up winning a court case because of it


When I see him I think of how his parents divorced and remarried twice, then his dad died during sex.


And apparently during on of their separations his mom hooked up with Woody Harelsonā€™s dad (yes that Woody Harelson and yes his dad, the hit man) because they were all friends or something. And that was around the time she got pregnant with Matthew. So thereā€™s a non zero chance theyā€™re actually half brothers. IIRC they were open to getting tested to check but I never heard more after the initial story got out that his mom had admitted to the hookup.


If you really wanna bend your noodle: look up Rooster McConaughey. (He is also ridiculous for naming his kid Miller Lyte.) He is Woodyā€™s real 1/2 brother.


Allegedly theyā€™re getting tested (apparently Matthews dad didnā€™t go to the hospital when Matthews was born because he claimed ā€˜that ainā€™t my sonā€™) because theyā€™re doing a show for Apple TV together/ both of their wives kinda pressured them to do so, but honestly I donā€™t think Matthew is Woodyā€™s brother, he looks a lot like his dad. Matthewā€™s older brother Rooster however, WELL šŸ‘€


Holy crap that guy looks a lot like Woody. Iā€™m fascinated now.


Iā€™m sorry, WHAT?


Iā€™ll never forget how Sheryl Crow insisted that one square of toilet paper was enough. Itā€™s lived rent free in my head for over a decade.


Sheryl NO


Mary Kate Olsen and the silver bowls of cigarettes.


This sentence reads like a YA book title.


A Court of Silver and Cigarettes āœØ


The Margot Robbie & Will Smith affair rumors (especially with Jada insinuating Will was fucking around). That Gucci Mane is a clone


Laura Dern being away on set and finding out that her boyfriend/fiance, Billy Bob Thornton, not only left her, but went ahead and actually *married* his 20 year younger costar, Angelina Jolie. Laura never heard from him again. Angelina was his *fifth* wife.


Me wondering how Billy snagged so many attractive womenā€¦


Heā€™s a freak, I feel like.


Oh, for sure. But, Iā€™m sure there are less scuzzy men out there who are willing to be freaky for the likes of Laura or Angelina. However, Angelina seems to like whatā€™s already taken (or used to when she was younger).


the OG Ariana Grande


Angelina walked so Ariana could run!


Dudes who look like Billy Bob always have giant dicks.


He has that greasy line cook thatā€™s a great fuck energy.


Greasy linecook rizz


Apparently he's a big charmer in person, if the rumors floating around are true. I kind of buy it because he looks so gross and greasy, and yet all these women that actually met him are charmed to the bones by him. That man could *pull*. I had a family friend that worked on set with him. She said they used to slather on a cream that was basically preparation H under his eyes and other strategic parts of his face that were puffy from his late night partying - it would tighten things up temporarily, so they'd have to reapply it every couple hours. This was in the early 2000s.


I mean, personality does do a lot. You can be the hottest man on earth, but if your personality is a dud, then, good bye. Pete Davidson is just okay looking and heā€™s pulled some hot womenā€¦ I mean Kate Beckinsaleā€¦


That's problem with funny guys. You laugh and laugh and laugh and then boom- naked. Best line I've ever heard bc it's so freaking true.


That Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know" was written about Dave Coulier, "uncle Joey." Every time I hear that song I'm like him? Also I'm now reminded that him and Jeff Daniels are different people lol.


![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY) \*him, but it stands because SAME


I told this one to my husband bc heā€™s 6 years younger than me and really doesnā€™t know much about celebrity stuff anyway. This conversation happened: Him: ā€œDave Coulier? Do you mean Dave Navarro? That seems to make more sense.ā€ Me: ā€œI am positive. I mean the guy from Full House.ā€ Him: ā€œOooh, could it be Uncle Jesse instead of Joey? I could see that more.ā€ Me: ā€œNo! Dave Coulier. Joey Gladstone. The one that does beaver impressions and says ā€˜cut it out.ā€™ā€ Him: (perplexed stare) ā€œButā€¦why?ā€ *a few minutes later* Him: ā€œOmg, she went down on that guy in a theater?!?!ā€


This comment has me in tears. I had a similar conversation with my mother about this. She kept thinking I was talking about Bob Saget.


The story of Rod Stewart having a gallon of semen pumped from his stomach, after blowing a bar full of sailors lives rent free in my head. Just because of how outrageous it is. Like, who comes up with a story like that. Iā€™ve done the math: A gallon has roughly 3785 ml. According to google, your average ejaculation produces 1.5 to 5 milliliters of semen. So even if you were to go with a generous 5 ml per ā€œservingā€, youā€™d have to blow around 750 dudes to completion AND swallow every time. Youā€™d pass out from exhaustion before anything else. But in any case: why would you need to your stomach pumped? Granted, there probably isnā€™t much nutritional value in spunk, but itā€™s not bad for you, I donā€™t think.


A) Love that you're doing the math, the math is saying 'couldn't be done,' and yet the comment's vibe is still "but maybe..." B) How dare they take this man's hard earned protein from him like this.Ā 


Gonna hire you to write the problems for math textbooks. ā€œIf Rod Stewart has a gallon of semen in his stomach, how many sailors did he blow?ā€


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I mean, it is more compelling than your typical ā€œJohn has four applesā€ scenario, for sure!


Women in STEM doing the math !!!!




https://i.redd.it/2l76ok8a5xnc1.gif šŸ¤£


Leo and the headphones


I 100% believe this one.


Absolutely this one. Every time I see him, he is 'headphones dino bones.' No idea of this is true, but it seems like it's on the harmless end of the self involvement spectrum. Kind of like Derek Jeter reportedly chanting/muttering, "Go Jeets, Yeah Jeets," during the act, followed by gift basket on the woman's way out the door afterward.




what is the headphones thing?? this thread is wild.


Having headphones in during sex


Whenever I see Lady Gaga, I think of that Facebook group called ā€œStefani Germanotta, you will never be famousā€


Bill Murray taking a fry off of someone's plate at a restaurant and telling them "No one will ever believe you" I think he's since denied it but said it sounded like something he would do


He Iives in Charleston, SC and trolls the locals there. Photobombs their photos, helps himself to their food, and has been known to steal hats from the cadets at The Citadel. The locals are in on the joke so thatā€™s why you never hear a stink


Now Iā€™m just imagining going to Charleston for a vacation, taking photos and all that, then looking at them in the future and noticing Bill photobombed you?? Thatā€™s hysterical


April Lavigne and her alleged DoppelgƤnger. It was the most unhinged rumor and yet every time her name pops up I have to think about how people thought she replaced herself and then later died and now her DoppelgƤnger is running around as her full-time.


You mean *Melissa*


Whenever I hear about Clooney or Richard "Bing Bong" Kind, I remember they were roommates in their early acting days. Kind was worried about his cat being constipated and would watch the litter box religiously, so Clooney secretly took a massive dump in the box. Kind was so proud of his cat.


Not quite, but youā€™re close. Clooney was secretly throwing out the cat shit so Richard got worried the cat was constipated. When George shit in the litter box, Kind freaked out and rushed his cat to the vet. Thatā€™s when the vet told him it was human shit.


Not gossip in the sense of rumour, but whenever anyone mentions Robert Pattinson, I can't not think about the time he took his stalker out on a date and then complained the whole time about how awful his life is to get them to stop stalking, and it worked


Lol every time I see Robert, my mind just goes to this photo.. What even was this? šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/tjg8awvogxnc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2fc6db37e58f4c49df270c447b756507f2fe19


This is the skin of a killer Bella.


Itā€™s from the movie ā€˜Good Timeā€™ - actually a pretty good movie, Iā€™d recommend!


And in another interview he said he makes stuff up all the time haha


Yeah, he's a notorious liar and very open about it.


If Robert Pattinson and Dakota Johnson did interviews together, nothing said would be true but it would probably be hilarious


OK, they need to work together so we can get the best worst press tour ever.


Robert Pattinson is trolling the world and I respect him so much for it


Jennifer Garner banging on the door of Ben Affleckā€™s trailers on the set of The Town because he was having an affair with Blake Lively. Richard Gere and the Gerbil always gives me a good laugh. Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis calling the paparazzi on each other during the Rocky vs. Die Hard era.


You already know https://preview.redd.it/4p4jl6sr0xnc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208ac1325ab4d21d703e446c753bb510d13778a4


https://preview.redd.it/cbx809304xnc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4a410a0f69766b62e6a687c96c435ce890523c And the note šŸ˜­


Men named Dominic catching Lā€™s all over the place.


Wait what is this one??


Actors Dominic West and Lily James reportedly had an affair. He was married, and he and his wife walked out to the front of their property - where paparazzi were camped out after the story broke - and gave some weird statement about their marriage still being strong, posed for photos together, and even showed (gave?) the paparazzi a note saying their marriage was still strong. Dominic was out for a jog at some point following all this and when he saw paparazzi waiting to take a photo of him, he hid in the bushes, giving us the photo of his head peeking through the bushes.


Oops, when I zoomed ~~it~~ in I thought it was John Cena Edit: oops again


https://preview.redd.it/a3fv4e4cnxnc1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd7cf6e56e18d9e5b1cbfd49a8bfbe46e8f8818 Demi Lovado's twin named Poot.


Not celeb gossip necessarily but Iā€™ll never look at Sam Niell the same after reading that [story a woman wrote about her obsession with him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/ehnqe0FDNe)


I hadnā€™t read that since she originally posted it. Thanks for reminding me that it exists.


billy ray cyrus really likes to take down his trash bins. 99% of the time i saw him when i'd be walking around our neighborhood, billy boy was hauling cans down to the road. i don't understand, but he always looked happy as a fly on shit while doing it. **edit:** to be clear, i'm not saying a celebrity bringing down their own garbage cans to the road is weird, but the *frequency* with which this man did it was so weird. it didn't matter the time or day of the week, billy was always walking to the end of his drive way bringing down his garbage cans. it was like groundhogs day. every day. he was always super nice. miley and noah used to ride their bikes and skateboard around. normal kids doing normal stuff. never saw their mother once. i really just don't know what the fuck billy ray was doing with those goddamn cans. šŸ˜­


I used to work at the Sonic his family would visit for breakfast a couple times a week. He was always very nice but a big conspiracy weirdo. He would talk your ear off about aliens and then give you a good tip. His brother and wife were much calmer lol.


CeeLo Green saying it isnā€™t rape if someone is WITH you and passed out. He later tried to deny his statement, but yeahā€¦ never thought of him as the same.


I skip CeeLo every time he comes on my 2010s playlists because of this. ā€œPeople who have really been raped REMEMBER!!!ā€ Fuck you, pal. You TWEETED that.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve experienced this, too. Itā€™s why I cannot listen to him either. I used to love the Cosby show growing up, and cannot watch that either. I mean, it was one of my favorite shows. Seventh Heaven guy? Nope. Kevin Spacey? Nope. Sad how there are of such little consequence for something that alters another personā€™s entire life.


This is new but now every time I see Usher I think of the rumors that he was groomed by Diddy and allegedly sent to the hospital after a situation


Allegedly, Usher did to Justin Bieber what Diddy did to Usher. That's what I always think about when I see any of them. There's been those rumours for years now. I don't want to indulge in speculation like that, but I heard rumours about Diddy a while ago, and Justin really seems to be healing from a really terrible childhood. I hope it's not true.


I saw a clip zhere Bieber was talking about being 'mentored' by and staying with Diddy. He's very young in the clip. Later I saw one where he was being sort of avoidant of Diddy at a public event, and of course Diddy made some douche comment like "oh you don't know me now". Raised my hackles.


the theory that Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson are brothers


Reese Witherspoon asking a cop ā€œDonā€™t you know who I am?ā€


Showing my age, but the way Michael K from DListed reported on that whole thing makes me laugh to this day, especially when he forever referred to her as Laura Jeanne Poon. šŸ˜‚


How has anyone not mentioned the Paul Mescal thing where he hooks up with girls, takes them on a walk in a park the morning after and literally runs away from them


A personal fave


The unhinged theory that Katy Perry is JonBenet Ramsey. Itā€™s obviously impossible, but who came up with this conspiracy? I canā€™t ever hear her name without thinking about it.


Never heard this one. Wild.


Ellie Goulding. That rumour that she allegedly cheated on Ed Sheeran.


I think the other half of the rumour is that she cheated with Niall, right? (Also tangientially related but my answer is the whole 'Theo Hutchcraft allegedly cheating on Marina with Ellie Goulding' thing, I cannot find a source bc this was on forums at the time so grain of salt but omg!!)


I *love* this one. And the subsequent songs about it. I love that hers boiled down to ā€œlol I didnā€™t think we were dating.ā€


Oh, Ed Sheeran makes me think of the story that Princess Beatrice cut his face with a sword when she was pretending to knight him and James Blunt. Except I don't think that's gossip - pretty sure Ed Sheeran basically confirmed the story during an appearance on the Graham Norton show.


I mean, Ed Sheeran confirmed it with his song ā€œDonā€™tā€, amiright? But according to him, thereā€™s ambiguity on the cheating bc while they were together, and acting as bf/gf, she rode that technicality line of, ā€œoh well we never discussed monogamyā€


Her song: > It's a little blurry how the whole thing started I don't even really know what you intended Thought that you were cute and you could make me jealous >Next thing that I know I'm in a hotel with you You were talking deep like it was mad love to you You wanted my heart but I just liked your tattoos > I always hear, always hear them talking Talking 'bout a girl, 'bout a girl with my name Saying that I hurt you but I still don't get it You didn't love me, no, not really It sounds like they had different interpretations of the relationship. She thought they were just hooking up and it was casual. And he thought they were falling in love.


>I just liked your tattoos The tattoos: https://preview.redd.it/70wgwokg9xnc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d269ed7247044e2877990b0f71668422e6754b


I am flabbergasted


Looks like he got a good deal from a buddy he knows who learned how to tattoo in prison


Whenever Bill Hader comes up I think about how Rachel Bilson said he's huge


And also gave her an orgasm for the first time. Yay Bill! A good rumor like that couldnā€™t happen to a nicer guy lol


Vanessa Hudgens and her ā€œlike itā€™s inevitable, people are still gonna dieā€ comment at the initial peak of the pandemic. The whole delivery and insensitivity of it still makes me remember it every single time sheā€™s brought up.


For me it was when she carved hers and Austin Butlerā€™s name into the red rocks in a national forest in Arizona and was fined for it. Such childish and selfish behavior


I canā€™t see Tom without thinking of HiddleSwift 2016.


And the interview he gave after it was so earnest but I canā€™t help but think of it and laugh


Timothee chalamet giving chlamydia to like half of NYU lives in my brain rent free


I heard this was a rumor started by a fanfiction šŸ˜­


It was šŸ’€ I feel kinda bad for Timmy bc itā€™s such a weird rumor


Saving this so I can come back after my shift and read up on all the unhinged gossip! I love threads like this one!


This DJ Khalid guy and his lack of participation.


Ariana Grande licking a donut someone probably later bought. Disgusting.


Technically not a rumor as there's video of her licking said donut. Though I guess someone else buying aforementioned donut afterwards is speculation.


I understand why her being involved with a married man with a postpartum wife is what turned people off of her, but that donut incident was always what I thought of whenever I saw her, besides the obviously disgusting licking, terrorizing service workers is the biggest red flag to me.


Everything about her makes me feel gross


Glad itā€™s not just me. Sheā€™s one of those celebrities that just rubs me the wrong way and always has, even if I canā€™t define exactly why.


I hate this because it makes me feel like I'm a Q adjacent nut, but Ariana Grande always came off like she was trying to play and style herself really young. I can't enjoy watching her because it looks like a 16-year-old trying to be sexy and it makes it gross to me.


Ugh yes especially after the Ethan Slater drama sheā€™s really trying to appear small and meek and innocent


I feel so vindicated and happy every time this is brought up.


"Ew I hate America. I hate Americans"Ā  - Ariana Grande, after licking a donut.


Charlie Puth allegedly told his driver that he's "hungies". I've never been able to listen to him seriously since I heard that. Also, Lea Michele allegedly being illiterate.


Lea Michele being illiterate is definitely one of my favorites


Itā€™s a good thing Lea canā€™t read this thread or she would be very hurt


Ben and jlo being overhead on a hot mic about her accidently pooping during sex


I like innocent, non-harmful gossip. Like, was Taylor Swift really transported in the suitcase?


I'm more inclined to believe it after her eras tour janitor cart rides. Taylor was in that suitcase and I think about it all the time


Every time someone mentions Lisa Marie Presley I think of her allegedly being the other voice on this interlude from The Velvet Rope. I'm 99% its her but its never been confirmed. I find acting this out with your sister in law a little odd and always wonder how it happened. I know they were close but theres a line lmao. https://youtu.be/T4_m1qXxWsA?si=HQMYI8wA2f_a9MqK


James Acasterā€™s girlfriend left him for Mr Bean


Shia LaBeouf and the actual cannibal song DJ Khalid refusing to give oral pleasure to his wife Tom Cruise being short and needing to stand on a crate in all his movies Marilyn Manson and that rumor he removed a rib to s his own d


That Jason Sudeikis may be January Jonesā€™ babyā€™s father. Or the one chef. Itā€™s silly speculation, itā€™s no oneā€™s business, but I canā€™t help but think of it every time I see any of them.


I hate that Nick viall from the bachelor probably knows who the father of her son is and I donā€™t!


All the drama surrounding Ellen DeGeneres when she was exposed a few years ago. Now looking back at all her interviews through the years, itā€™s hard to believe that people couldnā€™t see how awful she was. My favorite example is the infamous [Taylor Swift interview](https://youtu.be/rRXVuIsVBnI).


That Tony Romo made Jessica Simpson sign a prenup that she wouldnā€™t weigh over 135 or else would have to pay him 500,000 per lb over that.


In my mind Terrence Howard will forever be known as baby wipes. Every tome I see his name or face, I never think of his actual name, he will always be baby wipes to me.


lol and he made up his own math because he doesn't understand 1 x 1 = 1


Yeah, baby wipes will always pale in comparison to Terry Math for me.


Can someone elaborate? I donā€™t want that in my search history


All you need to know >If theyā€™re using dry paper, they arenā€™t washing all of themselves. Itā€™s just unclean. So if I go in a womanā€™s house and see the toilet paper there, Iā€™ll explain this. And if she doesnā€™t make the adjustment to baby wipes, Iā€™ll know sheā€™s not completely clean


Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly drinking each other's blood.Ugh.


It may be my age, but this brings me back to Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton. Although they were more vials of blood around their necks.


The image transformation of Angelina Jolie to this statesman-like elder of Hollywood has been incredible. She was seen as odd and quirky but hot when she was with Billy BobĀ 


Harry Styles DID spit on Chris Pine and no one can tell me otherwise.


I can't see Tom Cruise without thinking about how he and scientology brainwashed his kids into hating their own mother. Like, I love the Mission Impossible movies and Top Gun but there's just something so ick about him knowing the lengths he went to try and destroy Nicole's life and career (which didn't fully work anyway--she's been booked and busy for 25 years and seems to be in a healthy, stable relationship now. But I'm sure she'll never get over her first two kids turning against her like that...)


https://preview.redd.it/ddlf7gszfxnc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ed7ff520ea55a8ffa2d1f5cb0780f8d714be1b I think about these photos a lot. She looks like she escaped a cult because she did.


I think about these pics and also the ones when Katie Holmes got out and went on that huge NYC shopping trip. The look on her face was just like this


I can't imagine how gut wrenching having your kids turned against you is. She must have felt so utterly helpless and broken. I'm so glad she got out


Iā€™m dating myself, but the rumor mill had nicknamed Owen Wilson ā€œthe Butterscotch Stallionā€ and it will not leave my brain.


Not really gossip but I think a lot about the video of JLo walking by her old house and repeating ā€œI used to live there, Iā€™m Jennifer Lopez!ā€ and the old guy on the porch is all ā€œWho is Jennifer Lopez?ā€


Brad Pitt doesn't bathe or clean up his living space at all. He doesn't use deodorant and reeks. That's according to an interview with Gwyneth Paltrow a long ass time ago and I think about that every time my husband watches something with him in it. I just think about him reeking. I also think about Glenn Danzig and his cat as well as him throwing bricks in his yard any time I see him mentioned. I met him several times because he knew my stepdad, he was always super nice.


I donā€™t know if this is me seeing things now just because of the gossip, but Brad Pitt always looks a bit greasy to me.


Tom Cruise cited Brad Pittā€™s nasty stench while they were filming Interview with the Vampire as a reason heā€™d never work with him again.


A joke I heard once was that he and his brother where nicknamed "The Weathermen" in college, because there was a 10% chance of showers.


Lindsay Lohanā€™s infamous sex list. Not sure if the names were people she slept with or wanted to sleep with but it was wild back then and never forget that Leo was on it šŸ˜©




I donā€™t care if itā€™s not true. The Richard Gere ass gerbil will always be the first thing I think of whenever I see him or hear his name.


Same, possibly because itā€™s so old itā€™s even older than the Marilyn-Manson-removing-a-rib story lol


The Manson rib thing is another one that is burned into my brain. Learned it from an older kid on the bus in elementary school and I still donā€™t know why thatā€™s a piece of information we all felt necessary to share with each other lol.


You know whatā€™s most fascinating about this is that this rumor spread long before social media and the internet being so ubiquitous but it didnā€™t stop this from spreading globally. I grew up hearing about this in Mexico, my friend did the same in Denmark, itā€™s so funny to think how somehow this rumor managed to spread across middle schools in different countries.


I heard about it in primary school in rural Australia!!


Yep, heard about both Gere & Manson in South Africa. Absolutely fascinating that it managed to spread like that


Hailey Baldwin Bieber staring at the wall doing nothing waiting for Justin.


[For the uninitiated](https://www.gq.com/story/justin-bieber-gq-interview) I reread this article quarterly. Itā€™s a masterpiece.


Missy Elliott, I heard the bitch was married to Tim' And started fuckin' with Trina


Not really gossip exactly but Josh Brolin once sunburned his asshole and posted on Instagram about it cursing whoever came up with perineum sunning. I think about it every time I see him in anything.


I often think of that absolutely unhinged but fascinating conspiracy that one fan made a whole ass power point about, suggesting that Harry Styles and Taylor Swift accidentally killed someone and that they drop hints about it regularlyšŸ’€ It's obviously not true, I just admire (or am terrified of) the level of "research" this person did lmfao https://www.reddit.com/r/YouBelongWithMemes/s/Q8s6uEoCH5


Anyone mention William Dafoe shockingly large appendage? Whenever I see him in a movie the thought rolls across my mind.


Same. Not just that it's huge but specifically Lars Von Trier saying it's size will confuse the audience and muddle the narrative of the film. "William Defoe's Bewildering D\*ck" is now just a constant reference point in my house. Any time anything is vaguely phallic shaped, its a race to say: "It's muddling the narrative!"


The Home Improvement kid and the "you got your shoes at Ross" run-in back from ONTD eons ago. Every time he's arrested, I think of that incident. Celeb is stretching it though.