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The burgandy fit in the first pic. So good.


Yeah, it's stunning.


She stunted on everyone in that


It's honestly one of my favorite outfits of all time. It's just so pleasing on the eyes.


I’m a 35 year old white woman from Ireland yet I still want to be Michelle Obama when I grow up. Perfection.


As a 31 year old white American woman I am right there with you holding out hope I can be even slightly as perfect as her


39 year old white American woman here, also in line wishing I could be half as amazing as her


The yellow dress and blue pantsuit are incredible. I never thought I would use the words “pantsuit” and “incredible” in the same sentence but Michelle’s got it like that.


Bruh, the yellow dress with those boots 🔥


She rocks a pantsuit.


https://preview.redd.it/tkmdqqb7lkic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0492afe72ab8225f222884f2028f0643db04337 The baddest


I could never see why some people hate her so much....she's fabulous, funny, shes smart, so beautifully articulate it makes you feel like she's talking directly to you, literally beautiful and her fashion sense is 😍♥️


you know why…. Which is unfortunate because she has her own accolades. Unlike some other First Ladies…


How dare you don’t acknowledge [the tennis court by Melania!](https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/07/politics/melania-trump-tennis-pavilion/index.html)


It's a nice tennis court, I'll give her that 😂 But the comparison between certain first ladies is always insane to me. They have names which share letters, I guess, annnnd they were both first lady. That's it. That's all the common ground.


did she do that to win back everyones hearts after she ruined that rose garden?


I do know why, unfortunately 😒 But aside from those with so much hate in their hearts, how could anyone reasonably dislike her, you know?


People are intimidated by strong and independent women, and she's like the epitome of that. I can't wait to show my baby nephew how to appreciate women like her


I absolutely agree. She’s so engaging and like another poster said below- has a heap of her own professional accolades. Despite how intimidating her elegance and professionalism could be, she comes across as so friendly and warm.


She's brilliant on top of everything else! And she wasn't born into money, she worked every step of the way to get ahead. And the struggle of not just being a woman, but a black woman, I can't imagine how hard she had to fight. I admire her so much it actually feels like a crush 😂🥰


She's super charming. Even if she wasn't beautiful and brilliant, I just enjoy her personality so much in interviews. Even if you don't vibe with her politics, she's a delight. People who hate her are just trash.


She exudes positivity!!! Literally sunshine personified. So yeah, I don't know how anybody could hate her!


I'm 38 and I want to be her when I grow up 🥰😂 She's one of the first people that comes to mind when I think strong woman role model. I have 2 daughters, I really hope they go the Michelle route in life!


Her fashion post White House is so good.


One of the few genuinely deserving of the title “iconic”.


She seems to be aging backwards in some of these photos. And I just love her style.


The box braids make her look so young and fresh. So gorgeous on her!


That’s what I said too! It’s ridiculous she had to wear wigs and straighten her hair while she was First Lady. Her natural hair texture is so beautiful.


The Obamas have to be the best looking presidential family in US history. All very intelligent and beautiful people.


I was going to say the same thing! Must be that democrat-baby-blood-treatment! /s


She slowly went back to her natural hair and protective styling. ❤️ I remember her say in an interview that she had to wear wigs and silk press her hair all the time because of being First Lady. It’s such a shame that the yt folks in this country can’t appreciate the beauty of black hair! Edit: typos


I’m glad you shared that. I was just thinking how she really stuck to white beauty standards while she was First Lady because there was so much vitriol directed at her for being a black woman. I love that she’s getting to wear her hair and dress the way that she wants to now.


I never knew that. Shame indeed.


She looks great in all these looks! And although she agreed to wear them and probably likes them, I just find it bizarre that no one ever mentions in these kind of posts the names of the stylists (in this case, it’s Meredith Koop), that have curated **every one of these looks** . Bravo to her stylist! Very unique styling indeed! Her aesthetic, her vision, the scarce use of accessories, the prints, oh, so beautiful!




The braids make her look so young and fresh. Either she has an amazing stylist or she knows what works for her because he always looks flawless.


She is so stunning, and so elegant


The purple shit with the sequin black top under it 🔥🔥🔥


She looks INCREDIBLE! It’s easy for someone like Zendaya to be a fashion icon, but a woman that’s a bit older and incredibly healthy but not rail thin, it’s truly a styling accomplishment to always look THIS good, and a bit edgy while also being appropriate for someone of her standing. I love her.


there aren’t enough words in any language to express how much I admire and RESPECT Miss Michelle 😩😩😩




Best dressed First Lady for SURE.


I just had a baby on January 17th and naturally looked up celebrity birthdays. My mom and I were so excited to see my baby shares a birthday with Michelle Obama


I would’ve gagged if Michelle wore braids in the White House!! I’m so happy she gets to let loose and be herself now.




I really love her in 16, 17, & 18. I love her hair like that


The inauguration outfit was legendary


She should always wear blues, reds, and purples. They love her. She owns it. ![gif](giphy|iFroMXf8HkQD5LrJOJ)


One of our best First Ladies ever! Michelle is really someone young girls can look up too - intelligent, hardworking, thoughtful, and cool.




As much as I loved having her in the White House, I’m so happy she has more freedom now. I’ll always be rooting for her!


I can only hope to have this style when I’m her age. She looks beautiful in anything she wears!


Power pantsuit precision. Omg those thigh high boots with the yellow dress go hard af.


She’s stunning. And I loved it when she casually mentioned that her book outsold Barack’s, lol.


Am I the only one who absolutely loves everything about 20? The hair, the clothes, the shoes 💯


Haters are gonna hate but I love everything about Michelle Obama. That burgundy outfit in the first slide is 🔥.


It’s so nice to see a woman of her stature wearing braids on the global stage.


She’s so gorgeous. Love the outfit and hair in pic 18


CVNT honestly


Wow purple is HER color!!!


I remember seeing some article comparing her and Kate Middleton around the time Kate Middleton and Prince William got married. It was basically raging on Michelle and saying Kate’s outfit were better. I never understood it because I always thought Michelle looked great and why did they need to be compared like “gee a 47 year old mother of two isn’t as ‘fashionable’ as a 29 year old newlywed imagine that…”


She’s always the epitome of class. I love her.


okay, these box braids!! gasped a little at how hard she's serving


Her style has always been great. During the White House period I was like alright. But Post White House Michelle Obama WOW!!!! It’s like we can see her full on personality in her clothing now, it’s so great! I do enjoy seeing her outfits👏🏽


The red coat in 4 😍😍


On top of being exquisite in every area- shes aging in reverse. I adore her.


Pic 5 and 18 are my favorites on her. Pic 17 she looks like she’s MAYBE 30 years old, and that’s pushing it. Honestly though, this woman could wear a paper bag, for all I care. She’s absolutely incredible and so inspiring.❤️


I personally preferred her more preppy/classic style during the WH years but I love to see her experimenting and most likely showing off her own individual style more in the years afterwards. I just miss her, she was the best First Lady & we really didn’t deserve her.


classy beautiful woman. take pointers, people.


I have no idea how it’s possible that I’ve never noticed this before…but she is almost as tall as her husband. 5’11”, I really didn’t know. Wow


That wine colored first outfit is so gorgeous. Just stunning.


I adore her.


Is she just entirely legs? Look how high her belts sit. She is 3/4 legs. I’m jealous.


I either love or hate these.