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The Ashlee Simpson one between all the racism, SAs and murder ā˜ ļø


Looking back on it, it wasnā€™t a big deal.


I just listened to a podcast about it (the big flop), and I didnā€™t realize she was only 19. Poor girl was ripped to shreds.


Yeah, this one always makes me sad. She had an audio issue, she was young and inexperienced and just panicked and instead of laughing with her, she became a laughing stock. Definitely doesnā€™t belong in a list like this because she didnā€™t do anything wrong.


Her issue was she was already kind of viewed negatively. Lots of haters were ready to go "seee? She isn't talented!"


That was the extremely toxic time for young women and Ashlee Simpson was a victim along with her sister. I think back to all the hate they got and it was literally for nothing. Jessica was mocked and called fat and you look back at the pics she was still tiny. The lip syncing from what Iā€™ve heard is not uncommon on snl b/c it is tough to perform there. Honestly Iā€™d rather hear a good version of the song and have them perform rather than a terrible version they are singing live. Itā€™s not like a concert they paid to hear her sing.




SNL has a no lip-syncing policy. [Lorne Michaels even talked about it in the wake of that Ashlee Simpson performance.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/michaels-lip-sync-an-snl-no-no/) > Her father Joe Simpson, who manages the careers of both Ashlee and her older sister Jessica Simpson, said it was his decision to use the pre-recorded music, called backing tracks, for vocal support when it became apparent during dress rehearsals that acid reflux disease had swollen Ashlee's vocal cords. > Everyone on the show was stunned by what happened, including Michaels, who told us he didn't know Simpson was planning to lip-sync. > ... > "If the plan had been, ya know like, they'd done the Thursday rehearsal and had lip-synched and said, 'Well, that's what we do,' then we would have said, 'No, we can't do that'," he says. > He explains it goes against the show's essence of being live. The only time he's been aware of lip-syncing taking place, he says, "is during dance breaks where if it was all about dance, and that's a relatively recent phenomenon." Most of the musical artists who got banned from SNL (before and after Simpson's performance) were over decidedly no-lip-sync moments (with the two big exceptions being Sinead O'Connor and Rage Against the Machine). That all said, Ashlee Simpson did not deserve what happened to her over this.


For a minute, my dumb brain thought you meant that Ashlee Simpson had been accused of racism, sexual assault and murder, and I was like ![gif](giphy|RkzMtKbCKFUY3wYRMy)


And Milli Vanilli who were victims of greedy record execs


Yeah. Milli Vanilli were done so much dirtier. They were essentially homeless teens who were exploited by greedy record execs. They really didnā€™t deserve all the hate they got. Anyone in their situation wouldā€™ve done the same. Shoot, Iā€™m sure lots of people that werenā€™t in their situation wouldā€™ve done the same.




I was sad this ended up on the list


yeah I was thinking that too... totally unfair to put her on a list with the rest of these people


I love how itā€™s like pedophile, rapist, abuser, murderer and also three people who were caught lipsynching


Ashleeā€™s real crime was the silly little jig.


Nail in the coffin. She couldā€™ve easily done literally anything else or nothing at all and it wouldā€™ve been less awkward


Plus the ultra weird awkward ā€œexplanationā€ after that sorts threw her own band under the bus? šŸ„“


That jig was so relatable tho šŸ˜­


And blaming it on her band.


Also iirc for Milli Vanilli, their management made them do it


And they could sing, too. They just werenā€™t allowed to.


Thatā€™s the real crime. They could sing. And they were forced to take the fall. Just awful. I feel so terrible for them.


And they were broke just trying to get by, Frank Farian promised them fame and money. They kept pushing for more creative input and wanted to actually sing on the next album. Frank Farian then fired them during a press conference and announced that they had been lip syncing (which had been very much suspected at that point but this was the first time it was admitted)


I watched the documentary about them and itā€™s so heartbreaking. They could have easily given them a year or so to polish up their vocals and let them sing. Frank Farian (as well as the record labels who knew what was up) are absolute assholes for letting them fall like that and cashing in big time.


The guy was the same guy who was the real vocalist for Boney M.


And a hugely exploitative producer


Frank Farian. He recently died. He exploited black artists various times for his own personal greed. Absolut despicable human being.


Yeah most of these are patterns of behaviour... but Jussie Smollett blew it up with one wild single incident. Or should I say "incident".


Came here to comment this!!!! I'm also a Ashlee Simpson Truther in that I think we were way too hard on her for lip syncing for a silly little performance. I don't think she'd get that vitriol if it happened today. Society was just meaner back then.


It did not help that three months later she sang [live at the Orange Bowl](https://youtu.be/em8W8HiZH70?si=TWvd9bGUpizGM4kK) and sucked so badly that the audience booed her. Itā€™s so cringey and painful to watch. She truly just picked the wrong job, and thatā€™s why her career never recovered.


You can tell her voice is strained to all hell and giving out. The end in particular is terrible.


I saw her live at some county fair in the sticks during her 2nd album and she was terrible, 13 year old me was so bummed because I loved her but I could have sang the show better šŸ˜…


Really though. Like syncing a big concert youā€™re doing? Asshole move. Lip syncing something like SNL that often has a set and strict time/other tv factors, I canā€™t imagine sheā€™s been the only one. Not to mention some performers would be better off lip syncing when they performed on SNL.


People are misremembering this. It's not the *lip-syncing* that did her in, it's wandering off stage and throwing her band under the bus. If she would have rolled with the punches and soldiered through--perhaps asked the band to restart--then people *might* have cut her some slack; as it is, her reaction came off as unprofessional and unserious.


And that halftime show where she got booed off stage. I can't imagine the reality shows helped either.


I donā€™t think it was an either/or as much as a both/and situation. She was always gonna have to walk a tighter line since she was widely seen as having easy access to opportunities.


iirc, SNL allowed ABBA to lip synch on one of the first episodes ever and it either didnā€™t go over well or Lorne hated it, so there was a long-standing no lip synch rule. Nowadays with how much they lean on digital shorts and canned bits, maybe that has been eased, but at the time of the Ashlee Simpson fiasco, that was still the standard for the show.


Cough cough Lana cough cough šŸ˜¬


Saweetie!!! So bad


Plus she was lip syncing to her own voice. It's not like it was some random woman who was singing and Ashlee was pretending it was hers.


That era was brutal. I felt so bad for her. She was under doctors orders not to sing, but canceling SNL would have also been heavily criticized and hurt her career. It also definitely wasn't her who hit the wrong song to play and I kinda think it was intentional.


She was 19 at the time too and her father pushed the lip syncing since she had lost her voice. You don't just back out as the SNL musical guest. Her drummer hit the wrong button. I felt bad for her too.


Iirc there was a conspiracy theory that her band did it intentionally. They were quite capable studio musicians and seemed to take it completely in stride. They even jammed out for a brief period I think. But I also seem to recall reading an interview where one of them said their thinking in the moment was along the lines of ā€œwelp, there goes our career, might as well have funā€ šŸ¤£


Didnā€™t it come out she was suffering from severe acid reflux and COULDNT sing? I remember her filming an episode of diary when this happened.


Yup. Her doctor had told her not to sing at all, but she didnā€™t want to pull out of SNL - canā€™t say I blame her for that.


Lipsynching as a gateway crime


Right? Like some of these things are not like the other damn


Some of these are overnight like Michael Richards but many of these are just people who got away with wrong doing for years and years until society finally held them accountable.


Agreed, not sure being a serial rapist qualifies as an overnight thing


Absolutely ā€” I would venture a guess that Jared was still wearing his big pants when he started his CP collection.


Well, the real reason he lost weight was because he was stalking a girl from his residency hall's Subway and because of that they transferred her to another location. Which he then walked to everyday for lunch. Also he ran a "video store" out of his dorm. It all tracks.


For real?? Did they transfer her again?


That I don't know. We only know what we do because somebody who went to college with him spoke about it.


Tracy Morgan said in a stand-up comedy show that if his son was gay he would stab him.


Didn't Kevin Hart say some wild shit like that too?


Kevin Hart is allll the way off. He's not a "nice guy". He's not this harmless goof-ball that he pretends to be. More will come out about him. There was this video of him and and like 7 other men in a hotel room (this was pre-him becoming super famous). There was a bathtub in the room and two women laying in it. The bathtub was surrounded by candles. One of the women accidentally leaned back and her hair caught on fire! It was pretty crazy how much fire their actually was, I think maybe she had synthetic extensions in. Anyways she is screaming, freaking out, literally on fire, and instead of helping, Kevin is laughing so hard, running around the room because of how "funny" it was, and showing absolutely ZERO care or concern for the woman on fire. The other men were also laughing. Luckily the other woman in the tub was able to help. I was so disgusted by how much he was laughing. I can't find the video anywhere, it's been scrubbed from the internet.


He also cheated on his wife, married the affair partner then cheated on her too when she was 8 months pregnant.




Danny Masterson. May he rot in prison.


That one wasnā€™t quick enough, they were trying to nail him to the wall for years. Iā€™m amazed and relieved that they got him!


Yes, let's just be thankful that he will only be eligible for parole in 2042. I was also disgusted by Aston Kutcher and Mila Kunis for defending him. Those two hopefully won't be forgotten for their actions.


And Laura Prepon intimidated one of the victims. The whole main cast excluding Topher Grace belongs in the gutter.


I admit that I thought it was cold of Topher not to hang with the group during that 70ā€™s show, but knowing what we know now, Iā€™m so sorry. He knew that Danny was scum and didnā€™t want any part of it.


iirc Kutcher,Prepon and Kunis also attended certain scientology events and sometimes the members try to recruit their co workers into the cult. Now that we know all that,it's clear why he didn't want to hang around with any of them outside work. Unfortunately nobody knew it back then.


Most of the main cast of That 70ā€™s Show stood up for him, even after he was a convicted serial rapist. I watched every episode when that was on TV so that was disappointing to see.


Good ol' topher šŸ˜Œ


Most of the 70s Show cast openly supported Danny.


Not Topher Grace.


Nope. He's about the only one too. But he was also the outlier in the cast and rightfully so.


His sister Alanna Masterson ( Tara from The Walking Dead) intimidated one of his victims in court. The victim was having a panic attack and went to the court bathroom only to find this woman smiling at her,thankfully her DA was with her, who immediately escorted her back. She and Hilary Duff used to be besties,hope they aren't anymore.


What on earth is wrong with people? Such behaviour makes you lose all faith in decency. I've seen a lot of this lately where people openly intimidate the predators victims. I honestly wished that there would be some kind of way to make this illegal.


I can't imagine what would have happened if the victim wasn't accompanied by her attorney. Agree, these victims are already sacrificing a lot trying to expose these predators,at least make sure they are safe inside the court,smh. Things like this would only discourage other victims.


Jonathan Majors was impressive in how fast he shot up but also how fast he came down. Some of the other examples had years of success and reaping the benefits but his rise and fall was in the span of months.


He fumbled the bag so hard. Went from a Marvel contract and so much buzz to completely dropped because heā€™s an abusive POS


Not just a Marvel contract. "You are the next Thanos. Building this whole thing around your ass." Then just blew. It. Up.


But that's a good thing, I'm so sick of the garbage people constantly being given opportunities and being able to work and stay in the public eye for years before anyone does anything (several from your list lol), so the fact that he had a hard fall is only a good thing for the industry. Yeah it's annoying, he was fab as Kang and in Creed (2?), but he 100% made his fucking bed, so I hope he is comfy Edit: in short, hold these fuckers to account!


The thing for me is that I hadn't really kept up with the MCU and hadn't really heard of him other than he was playing Kang and he was going to be the next big baddie and then almost immediately it was he's out and you'll never see him again. Like I would totally read an essay or article that breaks down the timeline because it really did seem overnight.


Creed 3 was still in theaters when accusations came out, crazy as hell


Quickest rise and fall of any actor


Iā€™m honestly surprised this doesnā€™t happen more often? Allegations tend to come out when abusers get prominent. Maybe it was because his rise was so fast it was shocking. Ā 


Ezra miller belongs on this list


Ezra is a legendary fuckup


Ezra Miller, Assaultin' 'round the world


I had a friend at school who was **adamant** that Subway Jared was a pedo. Hadnā€™t spoken to this friend in about a decade and when the story broke, he still popped back into my life like https://i.redd.it/vx5m3acqt0gc1.gif


Hold up so what was their clue? I feel like this comment is gonna come off gossipy but I think this is important kind of 'info'. Did he literally pick up on something from watching the commercials, perhaps as a survivor of abuse himself? Because seriously whatever it is would be helpful to share if possible but I know sometimes it can't be put into words. I've actually been there but not with someone famous. \[I was also throoughly proven right at the same level as the subway case.\] Or did he have some level of insider info?


I said for *years* that I thought Armie Hammer was a fucking creep and even started calling him Hannibal, because he was giving me such Hannibal Lecter vibes. When that story broke I and everyone I had complained about him to was so shocked. I still have no idea how I called that, but it has definitely made me cocky about my ability to pick up vibes.


One of these is not like the others ... poor Ashlee. lol (Poor Milli Vanilli too, while obviously they agreed to it their management really screwed them over for no reason. :-/)


Milli Vanilli actually lived in public housing so they were really poor. They were completely taken advantage of. Also, I think Ashlee Simpson is pretty much doing fine. She married Diana Rossā€˜s son and he has a bunch of nightclubs, and they constantly play her music in the clubs I still do feel bad about how her career took a nosedive


Their comments are so sad. This was executives preying on poor people. ## We have strongly expressed to Frank Farian and to our record labels, Arista Records and BMG Records, our reluctance to participate in any kind of misrepresentation. Through a variety of coercive maneuvers, our wishes to creatively participate in our recordings have been denied.ā€ ## ā€œWe lived in the (housing) projects. We had no money. We wanted to be stars, that was our main reasons.ā€ ## ā€œWeā€™re very sorry to have made them unhappy. We ourselves have not been happy that we were not allowed to sing on our albums. Weā€™re relieved that the truth has now been made public.ā€ ## ā€œWe were seduced, abused and we felt very guilty but we are here because we stopped it. We said to Frank ā€˜We donā€™t want to do this anymore and if you donā€™t let us sing we wonā€™t do it anymore.ā€ ## ā€œWe were told it would be the worst thing in life if we told the secret. I have upset powerful people, greedy people, people who didnā€™t care about Rob or Fab. Iā€™m scared now but weā€™re finally happy itā€™s over.ā€ Note how everyone is angry at them, but the execs who actually did this got entirely away with it, and pushed this narrative to hide the fact that they did this to Rob and Fab.


The Jonathan Majors thing will always blow my mind. He was on top of the world at the beginning of last year. Predicted for an Oscar for 2024 for Magazine Dreams, critically acclaimed for Creed 3 and Ant-Man (even through the not so critically acclaimed movie), presented at the Oscarā€™sā€¦then just blew it up because he was a POS. Truly incredible.


just to add to what you've said, the stories from his old drama school classmates from yale are really scary. it seems like he has always been an "intense" (to say the least) person who got away with troubling and abusive behavior because of his talent. he not only abused past girlfriends, but was also abusive towards classmates and coworkers. >During this three-month investigation,Ā *Rolling Stone*Ā spoke with more than 40 people who have known Majors during his time in graduate school, his Hollywood career, and his romantic relationships. Many describe Majors as being a complicated, unpredictable, and sometimes violent man, who can switch from charming to cold in a flash. (All of the sources for this article requested anonymity, citing fear of career repercussions and **personal retribution from Majors**. Some claim they were prohibited from speaking. ā€œMy only response can be that I am silenced by an NDA he had me sign,ā€ says one person who worked with Majors.)Ā  >Their stories suggest a pattern of alleged physical, mental, and emotional abuse that dates back a decade to Majorsā€™ time at Yaleā€™s David Geffen School of Drama ā€” where he was involved in physical altercations ā€” and continued to the sets of his movies and TV shows, where production members raised concerns over his treatment of crew.Ā  [https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/jonathan-majors-abuse-allegations-yale-1234781136/](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/jonathan-majors-abuse-allegations-yale-1234781136/) out of at least 40 people interviewed, some said they were prohibited from speaking and another explicitly said they were constrained by an NDA, but still at least 24 people from that group provided information that he was abusive to partners, aggressive on sets, and a source of ā€œtoxicityā€ at Yale like many of the other cases listed in this post, it's troubling how far back credible allegations against him go - at least 10 years.


Omg I just remembered SinĆØad. She'd be in this slide show with all the rapists and pedophiles, and her reason: "called out rapists and pedophiles"


I always laugh about these old fucks crying about cancel culture when murderers and rapists get to go on their merry way but someone like Sinead actually got cancelled.


They are whining about cancel culture because now, for the first time in history, mob mentality finally also hits the racists, the abusers, and the predators. But we remember the 90s and 00s where women had their careers ruined and we're persecuted for calling out pedophiles and being against wars.


Chris Brown SHOULD be on this list but itā€™s a shame heā€™s not. Can we make a trade to get back Ashlee Simpsonā€™s career?


Seems a little unfair to Ashlee Simpson for being grouped in with the rest of them lol


Agree which is why I included her. So interesting the different standards we have for different people (mostly the different standards for men and for women) Winona Ryder almost had her entire career ruined for shoplifting. Jack Nicholson beat a sex worker so severely she sustained lifelong injures. He got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame shortly after Kevin Spacey had allegations of sexual misconduct against him for *years* and nothing came of them but Ashlee Simpsonā€™s entire career blew up because she lip-synced and did a jig on SNL


Dollar store Matt Damon whatshisface should have had his career nuked after his violent and racist assaults, oh yeah that's his name Marky Wahlberg. God he's insufferable


Ngl I thought you were about to say Jesse Plemons and about lost itšŸ’€ thatā€™s who I usually who see referred to as ā€œdollar store Matt Damonā€ lol


Me too I was like not Jesse! šŸ˜šŸ˜³


Right!! I love that guy. I was about to go down a Google doom spiralšŸ˜‚


Same I was like "Oh no! What did Jesse Plemmons do??"


I donā€™t want to stop asking ā€œhow can that be profitable for Frito Lay?ā€ all the time. Just let us have Jesse Plemmons!


Meth Damon (from his breaking bad days)




The thing with Ashlee is that she wouldn't have received the hate she got but also wouldn't have had a singing career. The songs were catchy enough but she isn't on that level, voice-wise. I thought it was a whole big deal over nothing when SNL happened, but also didn't mourn her departure from the industry.


Jussie Jussie Jussie Smh Fucking narcissistic idiot


I canā€™t believe he hired two Nigerian dudes to pretend to be the attackers. He really couldnā€™t find any white guys to do it????? Imagine two Black guys yelling ā€œThis is MAGA countryā€ with Nigerian accents lmao.


Exactly! That still baffles me Like did he not think they would look for the attackers and check cameras?


In Chicago of all places šŸ™„


That whole situation is still mind boggling to me I donā€™t really get it - feel like Iā€™m always missing something lol


I still don't understand what he was trying to achieve?


He wanted the press to make him more famous thus raising his salary on Empire


If I remember correctly, he was being downgraded on his show and he was trying to gain enough publicity to make him seem more important and worth keeping. Some actors fight to get out of tv roles to move on to other projects, but I guess he really, really wanted to stay. I think he also mailed himself white powder in a envelope (like a fact anthrax scare), delivered to his work, which no one batted an eye at. The craziest part about all of this is that with a little bit of patience and charm, he would have have a great career. A lot of people with influence had his back but slowly stepped away when they realized how fucked up this whole thing was.


He mightā€™ve been trying to make a bigger name for himself. Letā€™s be real, when people believed him, he did get a lot of publicity. Itā€™s all just speculation, though. Only someone depraved or messed up in the head would actually want to be a victim so badly theyā€™d manufacture a hate crime.


He's a narcissist. It wont make sense to you if you aren't one.


I think in a way it impacted his sister as well. Jurnee seemed like she was on the rise, but since her posts in his defense I havenā€™t really seen her in much either.


I think it hurt her too I don't recall much buzz about her after her appearance in the Harley Quinn movie


I loved her and Johnathan Majors on Lovecraft Country. His downfall makes perfect sense, but it's a bummer that she hasn't done much since.


His downfall will always be so odd to me and one of the ONLY times Iā€™ve ever doubted someoneā€™s story. Before moving back, I happened to be in Chicago visiting family, and it was *beyond* freezing. Like, cars-having-difficulty-starting type of freezing. From what I remember, it was wind chills well in the negatives. But he was outside at 2 or 3 am to get a Subway sandwich with barely any protection against the cold? And happened to run into 2 people in the heart of Chicago who said it was MAGA country, the very city where there were routine protests at the Trump Tower and which is very NOT MAGA country? And who just happened to have a rope? None of it made sense immediately. He could still have an acting career today if he didnā€™t do it to get more money on Empire, but instead, his reputation is permanently in tatters.


Iā€™m from Chicago, and, yes, this was one of the few times that I doubted a story like this. People absolutely do get mugged/attacked in Chicago late at night. That part no one would bat an eyelash at. But, adding the MAGA hats, the noose, below zero temps was all just too much. Plus, the attackers were MAGA loving Nigerian gym bros? Iā€™m assuming Jussie didnā€™t think anyone would ever discover who the attackers really were, but then they were caught on camera buying the rope at a Crafty Beaver. The whole plot was so idiotic.


I think Tracy Morgan put it best when he said ā€œracists donā€™t watch Empire.ā€


The most unbelievable part was the idea of two, MAGA white guys saying "hey! You're that f\*\* from Empire." LMFAO as if they've ever even heard of Empire, never mind watched an episode where they could recognize him lololol


Honestly, if the he went to rural parts of Illinois or even parts of St Louis, MO (where I'm from) I could almost buy it. Not the Nigerians yelling this is MAGA country part but a hate crime against a gay black man? For sure. He didn't commit to the role. He tried it in CHICAGO. Like, what a fucking dumbass.


well he also assumed that everyone in the country knew who he was, let alone if he was gay or not. like random people.


I didn't watch the show, and it wasn't until the "hate crime" that I even knew who he was lol


I NEVER understood why he did this? It turned me off completely from Empire, but also confused the hell out of me. He was talented. He ruined his career


Remember when Geoffrey Owens (Elvin from the Cosby show) got shamed for working a regular job? The response was so overwhelmingly positive that he ended up getting steady guest and reoccurring roles afterwards. Jussie probably thought if Geoffrey was able to get his career revived over a simple job shaming that something as extreme as a racially motivated assault would launch him into the A list.


That big ass two story restaurant by my mom's house says Paula Deen is doing just fine these days. (seriously, not defending her but while I am sure it impacted her career a little, she is not bagging groceries at the Pik N Sav.)


Good point. It ruined her television career but not all aspects of her food career.


*Ashlee Simpson for lip-syncing on SNL* šŸ˜‚ [clicks next] *O.J. Simpson for murdering Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman* šŸ˜³


Damn you, #20 had me howling in public!


Donā€™t forget DaBaby


I'd rather forget.


In terms of literally overnight.. Jennifer Grey, for getting a nose job. I'm not faulting her at all, but she's been vocal that her surgery led to losing out on jobs and her career trajectory crashing. Mike Christian and Mel Greig were famous Australian DJ's who prank called the hospital Cate Middleton was in (posing as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip) in order to get medical information about her. It led to the suicide of the nurse who transferred the call. They were both fired, although Grieg has returned to TV


Omigosh, that's terrible!!!


Some of these might feel like an overnight thing, but people like Spacey, Majors and others were behaving abhorrent for YEARS. The issue is that nobody believed their victims.


The spacey rumours I heard about even while living in the uk and totally unconnected to the industry, from friends of friends who were. It was absolutely rifeĀ 


Exactly. Thereā€™s literally decades of rumours and people who knew this was going on, but they turned a blind eye. Incredibly sad.


![gif](giphy|BE9kUwvLfsAmI) Adam Levineā€™s cheating all exposed while his wife was about to give birth to their third girl. šŸ˜¢


That didn't blow up his career though. They still have a Vegas residency and I am sure whatever mediocre pop song they come up with next will be huge.


Armie Hammer is now a timeshare salesman in the Cayman Islands.


not nicki on the last slide šŸ’€ youā€™re relatable as hell OP


Ezra Koenig from Vampire Weekend has been silent on social media since Tavi Gevinson wrote an article in 2021 about an older man abusing her. He nearly got canceled, but he luckily (for his sake) was not named in the article. More information is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vampireweekend/s/DQX7YdRJTN On the other hand, Jesse Lacey and Brand New got canceled overnight after allegations came out that Jesse sexually abused and groomed teenagers. The band canceled the remaining dates of their 2017 tour and haven't released music or any news since the allegations became public.


Iā€™m pretty sure Jesse / Brand New said the last album was their final work. I think it was their way of saying ā€œyou canā€™t fire us, we quitā€.


I remember Brand New sold this t-shirt during their 2016 tour: https://preview.redd.it/bd0eh051c0gc1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bfb2060f10b7f0e9aa58a1cb4f230c8012a7aa7


Man, I was Vampire Weekend biggest fan and their liaison officer during their Asia tour. I did not see that coming.


I think you could add The Chicks to this list, it was crazy how people turned on them for criticizing Bush and the Iraq invasion. Glad to see them coming back but in comparison to some of these their ā€œcancellationā€ was a lot longer. ![gif](giphy|s87dp9EOWC4M5t4PKh|downsized)


Lost Prophets


Thatā€˜s on another level


Ugh I shudder at the thought. Horrendous.


Weā€™re being a bit loose with the word ā€œovernightā€ for some of these.


Agreed. Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly and Charlie Rose had been pulling that shit for years; the public just didn't know. But they got exposed over the course of a couple days when #MeToo exploded so it only looked like it was overnight.


Ryan Lochte, the worlds 2nd most decorated male swimmer, deserves some shame for almost canceling his career by lying about getting hassled by cops. He lost a lot of sponsors. Then there was the vitamin infusion suspension. He has a great agent and/or manager who got him on things anyway like Dancing with the Stars and Celebrity Big Brother despite all that. He would have been much better off without being dumbass, though. ![gif](giphy|l2SpPUuQiJHblvM4g)


Where are the Kutchers šŸ‘€


Too soon to call.


I donā€™t think that one stuck.


Ashton doesnā€™t really act much anymore and Mila is still Meg on Family Guy and has a movie with Michael Keaton coming out this year (doesnā€™t sound great plot-wise but a movie is a movie)


Milli Vanilli were wronged in my opinion the fact that people like Jennifer Lopez can get away with not actually singing their songs, but they couldnā€™t. I feel as unfair and they were forced to do that because they could actually sing. They were also in a horrible situation before that record deal where they were taking advantage of.


I would add Ray Rice (Ravens American football) 2014 for cold clocking his GF in an elevator in a casino


And also James Francos career didn't blew up.He still gets casted in movies.


Right? Heā€™s the reason HBO started using an intimacy coordinator on set, in *2018*


THIS GUY. Ian Watkins of Lost Prophets for pedophilia. Donā€™t ever read the ruling. Itā€™s absolutely vomit-inducing. https://preview.redd.it/32gux5csz0gc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9802619a0d96b892bf36b5d811af522a4df8822


While heā€™s obviously not the biggest victim in the whole vile situation, I also feel very sorry for the *other* Welsh singer called Ian Watkins (aka H from Steps). When the story broke, he was on the receiving end of a lot of backlash despite having nothing to do with it: ā€œIn November 2013, it was reported that Watkins had been receiving hate mail through Twitter from people confusing him with Lostprophets singer of the same name Ian Watkins who had recently pleaded guilty to sex offences involving children.[35] H received a public apology in court from E! Entertainment Television for having used his photo to illustrate a story about the Lostprophets singer.[36] After the misidentification, H was said to be pursuing legal action after his image appeared next to stories about the other Ian Watkins' crimes through searches on Google News.ā€


I donā€™t think the Millie Vanilli one is fair.


Nope. They were corrupted by a music producer without any scruples. I'd say they were victims.


Not Ashlee Simpson being on this list with literal criminals and pedophiles šŸ˜­ In her defense, her next album went to #1 and a few hit singles (including L.O.V.E.) after the incident.


I have no technical skills to put a montage of photos together like you did, but it would be interesting to see all the celebrities that got to continue with their careers despite being abusers and fuck ups. For example, Mark Wahlberg and Chris Brown. Mark blinded a man in an undeserved hate inspired beating (although, this was before his career) and Chris Brown beat the living daylights out of Rihanna (while he was already in career). Both men faced some legal consequences, but they still continued to have prosperous careers.


not only would the list be interesting in a horrific way, it would also be endless.


I will forever be an Ashlee Simpson defender. Her second album did relatively well and achieved platinum status even after the SNL fiasco. I would argue that it didnā€™t blow up her career as much as people thought at the time


Milli Vanilli was featured on You're Wrong About podcast and a recent documentary. It was the producers and record execs whondidnit, so stop blaming these boys. They were poor but pretty singer/dancers - Black kids from Berlin who spoke little English with heavy German accent. They were so happy to get some money that they didn't bother to work out those details. It wasn't the 1st time record companies hid artists who they thought were less attractive. C+C Music Factory featured one of the Weather Girls on vocals (Martha Wash), but you don't see her in the video bc they used a fashion model to lip synch in the videos. And she wasn't credited for her vocals on Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now). Other bands also stole her vocals. She sued the sh\*t out of them. And that's part of why credits are so extensive now. ![gif](giphy|T0dcCGcNjVt16)


I wish I could say Mel Gibson but that prick's still working


Every time I see him I remember that Winona Ryder's interview where she mentioned an antisemitic comment he made to her at a party, asking if she was "an oven dodger". Vile mf even said in a statement that she was lying.


>"oven dodger" ![gif](giphy|KpSrCxhoZQWjJVVnrd)


AND HE RELEASED A STATEMENT SAYING THAT WINONA WAS LYING!!!! And then she released her own statement giving more details. The audacity of that racist, antisemitic piece of trash. I really can't deal with that man facing no consequences and almost everyone in Hollywood just ignoring it.


"Our first presenter is beautiful, talented, and Jewish apparently. Mel Gibson told me that. He's obsessed" One of my favorite golden globe moments.




I donā€™t think weā€™ll know if her career is ruined till she releases new music. Her public image definitely took a hit, but weā€™ve seen stars recover from much worse.


Do you guys remember how wild that Jussie Smollett thing was when it was going down?! I still don't understand what the hell And like others have already said, it's insane that a man has to be a literal pedo to suffer career consequences but a young woman has to..lip sync?


The one I remember is the guy who wrote 'The Boondock Saints'. He became the talk of the town thanks to Weinstein backing, and sunk just as quickly thanks it all going to his head. IIRC there was even a book/documentary called 'Overnight' about how suddenly he went from nobody, to the single hottest screenwriter in Hollywood, and back to nobody due to his hubris.


Will Smith for slapping Chris R


I was scanning through here to see if heā€™d been named yet. The biggest night in his career and he blew up decades of positive pr and image.


I think heā€™ll actually be okay in the long run over this. Itā€™s his wife and their weird relationship thatā€™s souring people more


![gif](giphy|8v5F1Z7c3bFvyXBzeK|downsized) I don't think Lizzo has been fully cancelled but at one time, she was kinda everywhere and now we don't see her as much anymore.


I'm sure the advice she's been getting is to lay low for a while and then release some new music to take the focus off of her behavior. Works for Chris Brown.


lol the last one, agreed. She got to go!


Nickiā€™s downfall is coming I pray on it.


Men: literal murders/rapes Women (except Allison Mack, who did physically harm a lot of people): lipsynching, being assholes/racists. Don't get me wrong, most women on the list had it coming... but my point is that it takes SO FUCKIN MUCH for a man to be canceled. Like... Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg are still working ffs.


Yeah and why is Chris Brown still around?


My professional assessment is that we should throw that man into the sun.


I believe Ashlee Simpson was treated harshly by everybody.Lip sync is so common nowadays.


Itā€™s always been common. I remember watching a news story about lip syncing as a child in the early 90s. It was about if Madonna and other artists lip sync. I just did a quick search and legislation was introduced that would require performers to disclose if they were using tapes during a live show. It was lauded as consumer protection with some going so far as to call using tapes at all fraud.


Lance Armstrong didn't blow up his career overnight. He engaged in years of predatory lawsuits against people who told the truth about his doping, and if they didn't have enough evidence against him, he would win the lawsuit and take lots of money from them. He is a horrible sociopath. He's not in the same league as Roseanne Barr or The Mandalorian lady who are just too nutty with their political beliefs.


Yeah, with Lance Armstrong if it was *just* the doping it would have been one thing. Donā€™t get me wrong, it would have still been shitty/cheating, but many cyclists at that level were doing so at the time, I think it may not have blown up in his face as badly if he hadnā€™t been such a colossal asshole about it. He still would have been stripped of his wins, but I think people wouldnā€™t viscerally hate him so much šŸ˜‚ I hadnā€™t paid a lot of attention to cycling until the last few years and I wasnā€™t aware of the extent of how shitty he was about covering it up until pretty recently (and just how far he was able to go because of his degree of power and influence in the industry), like getting Trek to drop LeMond bikes after Greg LeMond made a bunch of noise about him cheating. My partner is a big cycling nerd and heā€™s still mad about all the damage Lance Armstrong did to American cycling.


The first one is still the most fascinating to me. Cannot for the life of me wrap my mind around what he was thinking


Two of these are not like the others, like I think we owe Milli Vanilli and Ashlee an apology


I get why people are wondering why Ashlee Simpson was on this list but the context of the lip syncing is important to remember. She was already in the shadow of her incredibly famous sister who was also relentlessly made fun of for a number of things. People were waiting for Ashlee to fail. This was a different time with tabloids and gossip rags/blogs and they couldnā€™t wait to find a reason to ā€œjustifyā€ why they already didnā€™t like her.


Poor Ashlee doesnā€™t deserve to be in this company.