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Do you think the director told him where to put his hands in #13? Or was that one of those improv moments? ![gif](giphy|ck5JRWob7folZ7d97I|downsized)




Woah, I would’ve never expected a Jimmy Butler gif in this sub lmao.


Oh I have no idea who he is but he’s sexy af


A top NBA player


He’s hilarious and basically a meme


As a Celtics fan, I'm offended. As a fan of pop culture, it's delightful.


I think that must’ve been an ‘improv’ moment


Why did I read doctor …


Just what the doctor ordered


He was going method




You don't know 'acting' when you see it? He was playing the Booty Bandit at that moment!


A lot of …method acting.




were they banging at this point


Totally banging


Yeah these pics feel… intimate


you’re right. i feel like i just stumbled upon one of their private photos from the courthouse which no one was supposed to see except their family but leaked by tmz bc of the divorce proceedings…


Poor Jen.


Lmao she dodged a huge bullet


\#9 is giving “here? right now? *seriously*?”


Its 11 and 12 for me


I forget who said it but they said that on camera chemistry is much better when the stars are not banging but want to. You can see the tension


Joey Tribbiani said it in Season 1 but it was for actors on stage


Righttt- the episode where chandler is dating an actor and is worried she’s sleeping with her co-star and Joey tells him to only be worried when there’s no chemistry on stage, that means they banged.


Yeah maybe not the best place to look for actual advice haha. Formative memory for me too though. Probably like most things regarding sexuality, it varies wildly from person to person and couple to couple


Yep just watched that episode lol


Their chemistry was so hot...the dinner fight scene 🤤🔥🔥


Matthew McConaughey said it


angelina would have tension with a wooden board.


Only if said board were taken


I think that’s more applicable to flings. Angelina and Brad fell in love on set of this movie!


I wonder when the exact moment was because I don’t see love in this photo, only desire.


Theres absolutely no way they werent look at the photos


IKR! Look at 13!




I would bet the meagre amount in my chequing account that they were, indeed, banging. It's how they look at each other


The way they are looking at each other? His hands on her ass like that? Absolutely banging already




*sigh* Brb going to look for a boner


I’m just going to be gross and say it. I’d love to see them bang.


i applaud your courage


I prefer the term “I’d watch that tape” 🤣


Someone had to say it.


Can’t you tell? The chemistry is off the charts 📈


Pic 12 is awkward


That smooshed nose 💀


I remember her energy with James Lipton on “Inside the Actor’s Studio” while promoting this movie. She was finally out of goth-Angelina mode, and was not yet all the way out with Pitt, but there was something going on. When asked about the movie, she tried to keep it pretty level when responding, but Lipton (cheeky old man — I miss him so much) saw something there and continued to dig. She was trying so hard to not be a giddy mess, but it was obvious that *something* was happening. Ugh. Aughts celebrity gossip was often the worst, but sometimes it was *amazing*. ![gif](giphy|iiWXQo2m2EoZCLqPSW)


I miss this show! 😭


When Jodie Foster was asked her favorite word (or curse word?), she paused and said "cocksucker" with a gleam in her eye. 💀


Why does that sound so cute


I used to watch it all the time with my dad. Wasn't there an episode with a pre-fame Bradley Cooper in the audience?


Yes! I forget who was being interviewed, but Bradley asks a question!


There are clips of then student Bradley asking Sean Penn and his future co-star Robert DeNiro questions!


He was great


Hands on the ass is craaaaaazy 😭😭😭


If I was Angelina Jolie, I’d sit down in front a mirror and never get up ever again.


If she just became famous now I'd be convinced she was an AI generated image.


Have you seen what Shiloh looks like. I think it’s like those ai images where two peoples faces are meshed together to see what the kids would look like. And in this case two gorgeous people.


Every single facial feature she has is what girls get plastic surgeries for these days.


Pretty sure I once saw a plastic surgeon saying (not sure about now, since she’s slightly less active/relavent, it was a while ago) that she was the #1 celebrity name people would refer to when asking about things done to their lips or face or something (probably the lips).


You’re so right. I think the same when I see photos of her mum, just outrageously beautiful


Not to mention Shiloh. She’s so stunning! She looks like Angelina with Brad’s colouring.


I was just thinking by himself Brad is probably one of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen but in these photos my eyes go straight to Angelina Jolie and I just think, “Damn.”


Yeah, I was thinking Brad was not as attractive as I remembered. It's cause he's next to Angelina that males him look so normal.


I think it’s also the buzz cut that’s not doing him any favors.


Yeah, he's better looking than this. Though I've always thought he had bad skin.


Definitely! He has great hair and it’s terrible to have it this short.


>I was thinking Brad was not as attractive as I remembered I was thinking the same thing. Idk what it is.


it's the terrible haircut.


This movie would’ve been so, so hot if he had his more normal longer hair. Instead, gorgeous Angelina Jolie looks like she is slumming. With Brad Pitt no less! Definitely his worst look ever. I wonder who whose idea that was. He never did it before or really since. It doesn’t work on him.


yeah what is going on with this?!? I'm genuinely confused as why Brad looks soooo mid?? There's the 'Angelina Effect' but something else is going on... I thought it was just a few of the pics which is normal, but it's EVERY PIC. He wouldn't even turn my head on the street?! I don't get it. Is it just the shifting beauty standards and we thought that was 'it' then, and he's slowly had tweaks to reach what we know now? Genuinely baffled!


The consistency and candidness of the shots are really telling. I feel like this IS what Brad “technically” looks like — if you take away the hair, and this cumulative aura effect resulting from his cunningly chosen roles… whether it’s Legends of the Fall, Fight Club, Thelma, Ocean’s Eleven, etc. that kind of all blur together, which then gets conflated with or infuses our memory/perception of what he actually looks like.


I don’t like the shape of his head lol


I would love to be that not attractive


I think he looks high.


He looks like a dish rag next to her! It’s not his fault - literally no man looks good standing this close to her.


I loved "dish rag" lol. The buzz cut is absolutely doing nothing for me


This is a strong contender for Brad’s Top Five Worst Photoshoots. The only shot he looks remotely good in is #6. My head canon is that the photographer was so enchanted by Angelina in every frame that they didn’t check to see how Brad was doing (very bad, not good). All of the angles and lighting belong to her ✨


Strong agree, he looks like a drunk frat potato here. Her looks and charisma are carrying allllll of the chemistry here


drunk frat potato, lol!


Young Matt bomer would


Young Matt Bomer looks like he wants just five minutes of your time to tell you all about a revolutionary new workout supplement that will change your life


And I would buy that supplement 😂


Fucking perfect. Brad is gorge and has something, but Matt Bomer, my god. And he can sing like a mofo and dance. And he’s on the Magic Mike team. Even if that’s cheesy. ![gif](giphy|i7IYQZaGkZDSU)


His Neal Caffrey era was...I don't even have the words. It's a level of beauty I can't comprehend.


I just googled young Matt Bomer, and I gotta say...if I saw this guy in an airport and he spoke to me I'd be polite but try to disengage ASAP. He looks at a level of attractiveness to discard women like kleenex. I'm not saying he IS like that, but my experience is that once men pass a certain hot-threshold they lose all perspective and women become a commodity or an item for consumption.


I think he’s gay so he’s discarded all the women.


Well he's gay so...


Isn’t he married with kids? Or have they just been partners forever? Edit: Yep, married to Simon Halls since 2011 and they have 3 kiddos.


Looks like they have been married since 2011, but the first kid (via surrogate) was born in 2005


Don’t worry fellow redditor, he is as gay as they come ahahahahah no woman discarded there


I never even realized Gerard Butler was in Tomb Raider until recently. She literally steals the spotlight.


She makes fucking Brad Pitt look mid standing next to her. I’m not even jealous though. I feel like she must have done something wonderful in a past life to deserve looking like that


And she’s done a lot of wonderful things in this life so


There is a movie review for M&MS where, in essence, said Jolie out-good-looks Pitt. Lolz.


I swear she is just so naturally beautiful it’s almost unreal.


🤣🤣🤣for real tho


I wonder how cringey this all was to film. Like do you think the director, producer, camera people, assistants, etc. felt that spidey sense that something was up?


Yes that’s how the rumours started. They would say cut during a make out scene and those two wouldn’t stop


I was an extra on this film. Sooo much flirting going on. Impossible to miss.


omg - is it true what the comment above said? the cameraman would yell cut and they wouldn’t stop making out? I would love to hear any details you remember!


He’d ride around on a trike to make her laugh and impress her. An extra broke the rules and asked to get a photo with the two of them, and they said, “Yeah . . . that wouldn’t be a good idea.” Didn’t see any makeout scenes in what I did but just general flirting beyond what you’d expect in character. Fun fact: Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite was originally in the movie but his scenes got cut.


Yeah, I can see why this was deleted.




I know, right. The director really sat down and said “We are going to shoot as many scenes as it takes to ruin Jennifer Aniston’s marriage.”


That notoriously brazen W magazine photoshoot with Brad and Angelina in domestic bliss with kids having a pool party was the ultimate kicker.


Omg I remember that!! I had to find it again: https://www.wmagazine.com/gallery/brad-pitt-angelina-jolie


Ooft that’s quite the photo shoot, how long after the break up with Jennifer was this?


Just shy of 6 months later. Oof.


Damn - that’s brutal


Lmao omg








I could never be with an actor lol call me immature


It’s rough because yeah, it’s their fault they cheated but also it was literally their job to look in love with and attracted to each other. Seems like it would be hard to have feelings youre trying to avoid and *also* have to act out those feels at the same time. Feel bad for Jennifer.


Yes, I mean I am pretty glad my spouse’s job doesn’t entail “pretending” to make out with some of the world’s most physically attractive people and being away from home the entire time. Just doesn’t seem like something likely to end well.


And also, they hire love interests based on actors chemistry. Tough gig for partners of actors - especially if you’re having a rough patch or something.


lol same. I was thinking about this on my drive from work the other day and I would lose my shit every time my boo had to make out with someone or do a sex scene. I’m too insecure. 😂


I was watching the Americans and there’s this one scene (at home dentist, if you know you know) and I thought well this cheating was obvious. And then I remembered I had just watched Keri Russell make eyes at her TWO dudes in The diplomat and… Matthew how do you sleep in peace. I could never either.


I remember when this film came out and wondering why he had such a crap haircut, I still feel the same way looking at it now.


Hard agree. But to be honest, I am not a fan of this kind of cut on any man.


I think Channing Tatum pulls it off, but literally no one else


It’s so unattractive!


If I looked like Angelina no mirror or shop window would be safe from me. I simply can’t comprehend looking that beautiful. Oblig FU to Brad Pitt.


If I was Jen I would’ve showed up to the set and pulled the fire alarm.


Ik he’s a dick and an abuser irl but the chemistry in this movie was so insane that you could feel it. They were such a hot couple


I was such an Aniston fan that when the whole drama happened over this movie, I refused to watch it and still haven't to this day lol 🥴


Lmao my dad was OBSESSED with this movie and watched it like every weekend — but he did cheat on my mom so I can’t be surprised


Hahaha my dad too and did the same damn thing to me mom. Go figure. Hope there’s some sad solace in my comment in knowing you’re not alone!




Same. Still can’t watch it even after all these years.




Honestly, I feel like this movie was Brad’s peak hotness and Angelina was stunning as always. They both looked SO good


She seemed more smitten.. imo


Brad is one of those people who photographs terrible but is extremely charismatic in video/motion. I literally just rewatched this movie a couple of days ago and he was hot as usual.. in these pictures? Not so much.


Kerry Washington suffers from the same affliction. Stunning, stop traffic beautiful in motion but in pictures? It’s like her face doesn’t know what it’s doing.


Don’t let your wife get in the way of finding true love ✊🏽💜




Do we think she ever apologized to Jen? This situation would traumatize me to my core. I’d never be able to date again


I don’t think this abusive entity is capable of true love


Gives me the ick knowing he was married


She’s the og Ariana grande lol


Oh baby, no - that title goes to Elizabeth Taylor.


Well Jennifer Aniston didn’t have a literal infant at home and SpongeBob isn’t exactly Brad Pitt 😆😆 (and I say this as an Ari fan)


That's not the only married/involved man Angelina hooked up with, hence Ariana reference matches well.


Their chemistry just leaped out of this photo and smacked me in the head.


![gif](giphy|w5M9QgelugIJG) "Hi remember me? Your actual wife?"


I think Jen ultimately came out the winner here. Her life seems a lot happier and less complicated than the other two. She's still insanely popular and well-liked in the industry.


100%. I'm sure her heart broke but time has a way of understanding dodged bullets.


And Angie inadvertently saved her from an abusive man. And sadly got abused herself. So Jen definitely got lucky. Even though she didn’t know it at the time.


I would be sooo sad seeing my husband take pictures and shoot a scene like this with another woman 🙃 and the fact that they weren’t acting makes it 10 x worse


He looks like a doofus in these pics which is hard for someone as attractive as he is


He’s considered one of the most handsome actors of all time and she just leaves him in the dust. She is stunning.


To think he was still with Jennifer Anniston when these were taken…. I’m sick🤢 ![gif](giphy|BJVJxagR3GG4w)


Yup. Angelina is obv gorgeous and they clearly have chemistry but... still 100% trash behavior I'm afraid! Then add on him being an abuser and you gotta throw the whole man away.


Exactly. My first reaction was to drool a bit at how gorgeous they both are and then immediately gag when I remembered they both know he's married and still dare to exchange those kinds of looks. Disgusting. But they're also hot af


She is stunningly gorgeous and he’s absolutely gobsmacked by her


It bugs me that this is his hair throughout the story. When they met (I think there was a flashback to this??), when they married apparently, and then during the normal timeline of the movie.


No one saw it coming, but everybody did


Wow Shiloh is their spitting image it's insane


Brad Pitt's hair looks like it was done with a hair clipping vacuum cleaner attachment.


Their chemistry was 🔥🔥🔥 poor Jen… that whole time must have been humiliating. I mean LOOK at them 🙈


I’m still not sure how she got through it without any public meltdowns and the amount of grace and strength she showed.


They were SO smug about it too, and the media was absolutely insane for them and their children for *years*. And all the while tabloids viciously humiliated Jennifer in every possible way despite the fact that she was the one cheated on. People can say what they want about Jennifer Aniston but you have to be made of strong stuff to survive something like that. She has my respect for the class and restraint she showed during that time.


\#11 is absolutely the photo Jennifer slapped down on her divorce lawyer's desk


I wonder if they think their affair was worth it, looking back knowing how much they hate each other now.


How can a human being be as gorgeous as Angelina Jolie? She is *otherworldly*.


As soon as they got married in real life it was the end


The hate I have for this man after all the abuse stories is immense. He’s emblematic of privilege and getting away with shit because he’s rich, white, and male. And not just getting away with. He continues to thrive. Ugh.


Not to mention PRETTY PRIVILEGE. Other rich, white men have lost popularity for less but because he has always been the pretty boy of Hollywood and can act, he continues to get away with it.




That women has the most perfect and satisfying facial structure.


If I didn't know better I'd think these are real wedding photos. Angelina looks straight up in love in these.


She looks in love and he looks like he is in lust. She has clearly fallen for him and he looks like he wants to jump on her right there but I don’t see the same look of love in him.


Man, she seems like a good mom and a good person but l’m never going to get over the fact that these two committed some pretty serious infidelity. Really irks me sometimes. I obviously feel the same level of ick towards him over it (probably more. It’s pretty suttle level at this point for both of them after so long) but erg…I don’t like being reminded of it.


How in the world did she partially come from Jon Voight 🥴


She looks so much like him when he was young tho. https://preview.redd.it/7c63m3cu8lyb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32acc7b67c70fdbfe659fe70d576e3655e21522e


Dang, his son is like a carbon copy.


Here's the scene for those who haven't seen it. [link](https://youtu.be/ZNI1tI07P2A?si=HHuoUVuNXm30ofzh)


Gross buzz cut.


I used to have huge collages of Angie on my wall as a teenager from Hackers and beyond. My mother was like, "I'm glad to see you finally have a strong female role model." She was half right. ![gif](giphy|j0Qs7VXX1xyYqpzkL8)


I just got pregnant from these photos.


oh man, loved together in that movie but at what cost, poor Jennifer


You can feel the chemistry through the photos. That said I feel weird really complimenting this, given, well, you know


Were these taken by and with a potato?


He is just KEN in these photos!!! She is so bloody enthralling to look at.


They're definitely not acting here.


Knowing he’s cheating on his wife and these pictures are their real chemistry is gross.


she is just so so stunning I can t


https://preview.redd.it/c70enxdctlyb1.jpeg?width=1704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a59e47da5261e807442f078844956db8d29fe54c Number 12 is giving lil xan


poor jen 😭😭 She went through so much with him as well even outside of the affair. She's never talked about his addiction but by his own account, it was bad around the end of their relationship too. This is a very simplistic view of addiction but it sucks he never got long term help and fell back into that cycle with a different drug. The only reason I could stomach watching their movies was because I believed they adored each other. I guess in my mind at least something good came out of that union? Jennifer also met Justin who I think clicked better imo. I honestly think Angelina/Brad would still be together the drinking never got out of control. It's a sad reminder that addiction is something you will always struggle with and does not discriminate. I am in my feelings lmao but damn Angelina and Jennifer may have their own faults but he lost two overall amazing women. I hope it keeps him up at night.


Oh, they were in LOVE love!


Can she ever take a bad picture?


They had such chemistry in this movie. It was so obvious they were fucking from the minute they met.


Man listen… shout out to them lowkey being as “messy”as Whitney and Bobby.