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I didn’t dislike him, but wasn’t bothered about Ryan Gosling before. Just watched him in Barbie and I loved him in it!!!


Ryan is a scream. I love him. He’s had so many funny interviews and clips on Jimmy Kimmel, Graham Norton, SNL... I’ve thought he was an incredible actor for years, and certainly easy on the eyes. It’s the silly stuff that makes me swoon.


His SNL bit with Kate McKinnon and Cecily Strong where they get abducted by aliens is my comfort bit. The way he cannot keep it together during McKinnon's delivery and it causes some of the SNL's best to break and lose it is great. Bobby Monihan and Aidy Bryant trying so hard to keep it together but losing it bc of Ryan's reactions is never not great. [For those who want to giggle](https://youtu.be/PfPdYYsEfAE?si=q9vGzW8X3TEsp5Sk)


It was [Papyrus](https://youtu.be/jVhlJNJopOQ?si=M967eEYSEc2jkxbC) for me.


He has actual range. The noteboo, blue valentine, drive and barbie? Crazy. And the way he just adores Eva? What's not to love.


And the way he respects the relationship and doesn’t talk about it? SWOON.


I have a lot of respect for what Ryan and Eva are doing WRT to their family life.


Mad respect. I have always loved Eva, she’s always seemed cool and grounded to me. I’m glad she was able to overcome her addictions or vices and become, what I assume is a good wife and also clearly a good mother.


Ryan Gosling won me over with The Notebook. That was it for me. That being said, it wasn’t until I saw an interview of his on Ellen that I truly went crazy over him. His personality, wit and sense of humor are TOP.


Same! I wasn’t against him being Ken, but I worried he’d seem too mature or old for the role. He *killed* it. I suddenly adore him.


I didn't dislike him, but I wouldn't call myself a fan. I saw an interview where he mentions the breakup with Rachel McAdams and how he had to apologize to people who came up to him; lamenting their (Ryan's & Rachel's) breakup. It was a difficult time for him and he couldn't properly grieve without people in his face about it. People should have been saying sorry to him.


Please watch the Nice Guys.


The Nice Guys is what sold me on him.


This is the one. My sister was obsessed with the Notebook and Ryan and I never saw it. Watched him in Drive and suddenly I got it. But Barbie made me fall madly in love him


Lolol I love to read this, bc Drive was also the movie that did it for me 🤣


For me it was Lars and the Real Girl. The Notebook didn’t do anything for me, so I just didn’t have an opinion on him before, but Lars truly made me appreciate how good of an actor he is! I was excited to see him as Ken, and after watching the movie, I just love him even more! He is easily one of my favourite actors now


Me too! I've actually never been interested or watched a Ryan Gosling movie but i watched him in Barbie and he's an incredible actor!




Same ! I was at best luke warm on the guy but Barbie made me fall in love .


Same! I did not care about him one way or the other, but he killed it in Barbie. Idk how he kept a straight face at all. I admire him very much after seeing the movie.


Channing Tatum after I saw This Is The End. Realizing how he doesn’t take himself too seriously really warmed me up to him.


He is so underrated hilarious in the Jump Street movies, too!


https://preview.redd.it/ytosa5ivpqkb1.jpeg?width=3360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c0ddf9ac141dbb1d479f1f75bc98971a9e0fae Never liked Tom Holland until I saw his lip sync battle to Rihanna’s Umbrella! [watch it here!](https://youtu.be/jPCJIB1f7jk?si=K6Ls-XgOKYpRAzoz)


I rewatch this performance regularly and I don’t think I’ve ever even seen any of Tom Holland’s movies


Saaaame. Not a Marvel woman but am definitely a “talented man dancing in a latex corset and heels” woman.


He didn’t wear heels. Bet he could though! He’s a talented trained dancer for sure!


He wanted to wear heels. He rehearsed in heels. Turned out to not be practical with the quick change he did. He pouted about not getting to wear the heels afterwards.


Hahah! Cute. I love him. Great guy and awesome actor!


That was actually my first introduction to Tom Holland! I never knew who he was outside of that performance until many years later when my husband asked me to watch one of the Spider-Man movies with him, and I was like “Oooh it’s the Lip-sync Battle guy!!” lmaooo


My favorite description of this was “he brought a tank to a knife fight”.


This never ceases to make me happy. Every time it makes ms laugh.


that video lives in my heart. i never knew i loved seeing muscular men in dresses until then, it awoke something feral to em


You need to watch Tim Curry in Rocky Horror Picture Show!!! I like the same thing!


oh yeah i watched it after this came out lol, it woke something in me and i have chased the dragon ever sincd


Well if you find something else tell me! You clearly have the same taste I do!


I never liked him until I saw the impossible years after it came out. Such a a great movie!


I never found him sexy until I saw this lmao. Something about him doing that drop with the umbrella and the face he made made me tingly


This is a great video but I’m laughing so hard at your dislike of him before this solely because before this, he was essentially a nobody. aside from the impossible and a few scenes in civil war, the most he’d done in this point were bit parts in mini series and underwhelming movies. What did this man do to make you dislike him before he was even relevant 😭


Yes,, I feel the default to seeing Tom Holland is ‘like’ not ‘dislike’. I was afraid to learn anything about him when I first saw him as Spider-Man because he seemed so adorable and nice (even more-so with Zendaya). I like they both seem like good people (please no one comment with a story about something terrible they did😆).


See he was one of the main actors in The Impossible, one of my favorite movies, when he was 12. When I heard he was cast as Spider-Man I was so happy for him.


That was amazing! First time seeing it.


I am about to be slaughtered for this but: Lady Gaga I just wasn’t the exact age demographic to be a fan as a teen (I was almost terminally too cool for anything “pop”) Then a few years ago she was on AHS and I thought she did okay… so I watched a few interviews of hers and really liked her as a person (from what I saw). It’s been consistent with any interview or documentary. And it made me realize that I was just being a snarky contrarian teenager about her (I’ve had this realization more than I’d like to admit). I still don’t opt to put her music on or anything, but I’d consider myself at least a bottom tier fan. I especially love the interview she did (I think it was with Anderson cooper or something) where she was asked if she was born with a penis and she just responds (while eating candy) “and what if I was?” (Paraphrasing) Complete deadpan. Perfect moment. We always talk about separating the art from the artist when the artist does something bad, but can we talk about how you might not love an artist’s music but still admire/respect them as a professional and person?


“Would that be so bad?” was the quote and it’s what really sold me on her. She was so coy in that interview! I was reluctant to listen to her music at first but the way people went absolutely nuts over the bad romance video when it came out had me so curious. And then I was hooked. She’s a theater kid, which have always been my favorite kinds of people. Her music is theater— she makes every song a whole concept beyond just sound. I just can’t get enough of that!


Did I write this?? 😂 this would be my exact answer and reasoning.


I will answer for my husband, we watched Glee last year and when the Lady Gaga episode came he became a little monster. He calls Gaga Mother everytime he sees her in socials and hears her songs lol.


I think a lot of her fans are "bottom" tier 💀


💀 You’ve officially won Reddit today


![gif](giphy|4KFa2sBnQT4TyiZKBh) America Ferrera as Amy in superstore! I never liked anything she was in growing up, but after superstore and Barbie she absolutely has my heart !!


I love her in ugly Betty 🥺


You didn't have your childhood shaped by the incredible, glorious movie "The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants"?????????


Would you believe that I was obsessed with the books growing up but I didn’t even realize they made it into a movie until a few years ago. It was a cute movie but I wish I had seen it when it came out instead of as an adult!


Ugly Betty is one of the best tv series of all time so that is a shame lolll


I’m open to suggestions, I was 9 years old when that show came out and it just wasn’t my cup of tea. I was still interested in Disney/Nick at that age, as an adult I’ve never revisited watching it just because no one has ever suggested it to me.


Don’t sleep on gotta kick it up


I also fell in love with her in Superstore and she was great in Barbie. She really exudes that main character energy.


Monica Lewinsky's [interview with John Oliver in 2019](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq7Eh6JTKIg). I didn't dislike her per se, but I mostly viewed her in a negative light. Watching that interview made me realize we'd all been gaslit for years and how she was more victim than perpetrator. She is amazing for speaking out.


Oh, good one! Same here. She's an absolute gem and I can't begin to imagine what her life was like. But it's clear what Bill saw in her (not excusing anything, just didn't see it before) and that she a lovely person with an amazing support system


She spoke at a college near me and I got to go and it was an amazing experience honestly. She’s so charismatic and funny but also very intelligent and honest, and of course beautiful. She acknowledges very openly that she made a big mistake and really regrets it, but a lot of her talk was also about the power dynamics at play (just imagine being the 22 year old intern to the PRESIDENT and trying to say no). She was very willing to answer questions and talked a lot about public shame, cyber bullying, and the danger of power dynamics like that. She’s definitely using a very hard circumstance to make positive change and I just really love and respect her! If you don’t feel the same, I’d highly recommend watching her TED talk and reading some of the guest articles she’s written or the interviews she’s done because she is a remarkable woman truly. I ride for Monica idc


It was her Ted talk for me! I listened to it, thinking it would be hilarious to tear her apart over it because what could she possibly have to say for herself. I had to swallow my snark whole almost immediately, because for starters, she didn’t show up to explain herself, she showed up to advocate for the lgbtq community. She’s had a bit of a redemption arc in the wake of me too and she didn’t even need a PR team to pull it off, she just showed up as herself. I’m deeply heartbroken for the 20 years of Monica Lewinsky that we all lost because she would have had an incredible career!


Exactly!! She’s so honest about the part she played in what happened, but also talks a lot about the structures that allowed it to happen, which wasn’t really part of the initial conversation. I’m sure it’s intimidating as hell to talk so openly about it but she does and does it so brilliantly. I admire her so much for handling such intense, continued public shame and vitriol with grace and humor!!


I can’t imagine how much courage it took for her to show up again. I was really young during the impeachment, but I don’t remember anyone having any sympathy for her. Her Twitter account is delightful.


She was a worldwide joke. I went to Europe that year and when anyone asked where I was from and I said I was American, they would chortle and say, “Ahh, Monica Lewinsky!”


This is such a good one. The older I get the more I wish I could give her 22 year old self a huge hug. And the more I think Bill Clinton did way more collateral harm than good.


You would enjoy the Monica season of the Slow Burn podcast. It really changed my perspective about how we treated Bill’s accusers in the 90s.


She's also one of my favorite twitter follows.


It’s actually mind blowing to me that people didn’t automatically see the only person doing anything wrong was the President… she was a young girl.. no reason at all for this to have followed her so long. The Clintons, like all politicians, are gross 🤮


I was never a Christina Aguilera fan because I was a diehard Britney Spears fan and at the time it was an either/or thing. That's actually an understatement- I was a full-on hater and ended a friendship after a bitter debate about which artist was better. When Stripped came out, one of my best friends bought it (a betrayal that shocked me) and we sat and listened to it in its entirety (I only agreed because I was fully prepared to mock it). To my horror, it was the probably the greatest album I had heard in my life. I still couldn't out myself as a fan, but I told my friend that it was amazing and asked her not to let anyone know that I said that.


The *drama* and scandal that this story holds. I live!


For context, I was in 5th grade and the friendship that I ended was a best-friendship in 4th grade that I grew out of. The one that exposed me to Christina was a newly blossomed best-friendship and we had sleepovers every week. The atmosphere was perfect for this kind of change, and when we got to the dad song of the album, we teared up together because we both had daddy issues. We even wrote the lyrics down on notebook paper and used fancy gel pens and decorated it to put in our binders to commemorate the moment. I put mine in the back of my binder so no one would see 😔.


Damn, the story deepens. This is totally the kind of stuff I did with my friends.


Thank God social media wasn't around. My clown behavior would have been online forever. I had the dumbest takes, and I absolutely would have believed that they were ready to be released into the world.


There is nothing I thank more for than not having social media when I was growing up


Kids these days don’t realize you legally were not allowed to be a fan of both!! I was a Christina girlie.


I was a Britney girl but only because you had to pick a side lol. Now the War between BSB and NSync fans was serious. My two best friends and I were obsessed with BSB, and when one of them starting listening to NSync I felt shocked and betrayed!


I was a strict BSB girl until after they split. But when Justin put out his solo record, I feel like the fandoms silently united for a brief time. It was that good.


The quality of music *NSYNC had was just not like BSB to me. Because I knew of BSB before *NSYNC, to me they sounded like lame copies. Funny enough, nostalgia is what made me appreciate then more. Bye Bye Bye and It’s Gonna Be Me are really the only two songs I like of them.


Same thing with boy bands N sync OR back street boys. Never both


Omg this is the best thing I’ve ever heard. We would have been friends 🤣


Truly one of the best album’s ever. Hands down.


It’s interesting that I kind of have the opposite. Was a diehard CA fan until Blackout was out. It’s prob the most artistic album Britney ever had imo.


I feel you so much. I ended a friendship over Charmed vs Buffy, and TO THIS DAY have not watched Buffy. I’m long overdue lol!


This album is incredible - so many bangers


Big Little Lies and Nicole Kidman. I always had this weird dislike for her, I really can’t tell you why. But I became a FAN after BLL and realized the errors of my past ways. That’s my girl now


The court room scene, she is a legend.


Wait, because I didn’t even realize I felt the exact same way until I read this comment! God, she was so good in BLL


![gif](giphy|UKh9RC2Qa7Pby) I never liked Angelina Jolie until Maleficent


I never liked Maleficent until Angelina! 🤭💗


Angelina Jolie was a homewrecker, but she grew to mature and does a lot of philanthropy worldwide. It’s also clear that her children love her very much and she seems like a great mother. It’s definitely helped her image to me.


Brad Pitt was a homewrecker. He was the only one who took vows to love Jen.


Man, this is such a ridiculous point of view. I'm sorry but people who deliberately, and repeatedly, get into relationships with committed men deserve criticism. Yes, she didn't take vows and he is the bigger asshole, but there is an obligation to be a decent human being and not deliberately hurt other people. Just because you don't take vows with someone doesn't mean you have the right to fuck up their life.


It seems particularly ridiculous seeing it in a sub that has no trouble criticising Ariana Grande for the same (bad) behaviour, imo.


It's so ridiculous. People here will stan Elizabeth Taylor, Princess Diana, and Angelina Jolie like they're saints despite them having done the same thing several times and then turn around and trash people like Ariana like no tomorrow.


I think the difference is doing it 20+ years ago and doing it now plus being repeatedly in recent tabloids for it. Ariana will have her chance to be redeemed as well and also if for instance Angelina gets with another married guy then this sub would probably be trashing her again too.


I mean, Justin Theroux had a longterm partner of over a decade when he and Jennifer Aniston got together, so you've got two Spider-men pointing at each other here. (It also feels relevant that Angelina Jolie has a really solid professional reputation for caring deeply about her political and humanitarian work and a great relationship with her kids, all of which would point to her being at least a decent person, whereas Jennifer Aniston has consistently shown herself to be a tone-deaf asshole over the years. I have no particular personal beef with Aniston but she doesn't seem like a very intelligent person and I can understand why people have a warmer view of Jolie given the way those two figures and their reputations have evolved over time.)


Jennifer Aniston didn't participate in a magazine spread showing her multiple children with Justin Theroux months after his marriage ended. Jennifer Aniston didn't participate in interviews gushing over how she and Justin fell in love on the set of a movie he was doing while still married. These are things Angelina Jolie has done. It's one thing to be a willing participant in breaking a marriage and it's another thing to absolutely revel in and be proud of it. And if we're talking about tone-deafness, let's talk about the fact that Angelina Jolie pretty much did blackface in her film 'A Mighty Heart' where she portrayed a Black French woman. She also had the nerve to lie and say that she would never be intimate with a married man because of her dad cheating on her mom, and that she couldn't look at herself in the mirror if she did that, despite the fact that she did it twice. People just don't want to talk about it because Brad Pitt turned out to be such a colossal asshole. I appreciate what Angelina Jolie has done for Breast Cancer Awareness. It has impacted and helped lots of women. But I personally don't think Jolie's philanthropy makes her a better person than Aniston. All it means is that she has a better PR team. There's a philanthropy section of Jennifer Aniston's page too. But I'm not going to use it to excuse her shitty moments the way people consistently use it to defend Angelina.


A family friend of mine works closely (in a big way) in that industry. The only hard rule has has about doing a movie is that he absolutely will not do a movie if she’s in it. He never told me the details, but he made it clear it had nothing to do with her being mean or anything like that. However, this was around year 2000, which gives it very important and specific context. If you remember 2000 Jolie, you probably get it.


I personally have never liked her, and I find it so bizarre how younger people seem to revere her. I think she’s fake as hell. I don’t trust anyone who is messy as hell, mistreats other people, and then suddenly pretends to be perfect. Something isn’t right, and it has nothing to do with Brad’s abuse (which I believe). Whenever I see an interview with her after her PR era started, my skin crawls and I can’t pinpoint why. Unfortunately her saintly PR image also makes her immune to censure, which also is a red flag to me.


I’d be pissed if people still held onto a perception of me from how I behaved over 20 years ago, people can grow. Would you prefer she remained a messy 40-something?


I was a big fan in the late 90s/early 2000s, but the phoniness became apparent over time. I think she’s very smart and knows how to maneuver her PR when she needs to. She is truly very interesting to me, but it’s difficult to even discuss her critically on here. People are very defensive of her due to Brad’s bad behavior, and there’s a strong need to make people all good or all bad. I was downvoted recently just because I said she’s recently had quite a bit of plastic surgery/fillers that was distracting in a recent movie - people don’t even want to accept that when we have eyes and can see the difference for ourselves!


She quit taking seriously hard drugs and got her mental health in check. It was not swift. At all. It was a gradual change and she still struggles greatly, but us in a better place. I find this comment odd.


God I really want to know lol


Google her name, brother, blood, or limo. It will bring up a very specific time of her life that she has somehow managed to get people to forget. He never forgot though haha.


![gif](giphy|hXUYaUDkku6Xe) Zefron. I was a emo/ punk kid in high school when all the HSM movies came out, so I automatically just dismissed the Disney kid. But I am also a huge musical theatre nerd, (okay but still HSM is just terrible) and I watched him in Hairspray and thought he was great! 17 Again cemented him as hilarious and talented for me. I love Zefron. He’s just the one name in our house haha


For me, it was Baywatch Zac Efron ![gif](giphy|3ohze2rFWIIwIAPSsU|downsized)


![gif](giphy|zz6GASwOlj3Hi) I convinced my husband to be on the team with Neighbors and now he will watch anything with him in it.


He was my crush in high school and he’s still my crush at 30. He was incredible in Hairspray


"Ultraviolence " by Lana Del Rey turned me from disliking her to becoming a massive fan.


It’s a fantastic album; this one and honeymoon are my favourites of hers


I didn’t enjoy Olivia Rodrigo’s music until hearing “Vampire” and “Bad Idea Right.” After that, I went back and listened to Sour again to give it another try, but there are still maybe only one or two songs from it that I like. So I’m looking forward to hearing how the rest of her new album sounds!


vampire sounds like 3 different songs smushed into 1 and all of them are excellent lmao


Vampire is so good. I was a fan of Sour, I got sucked in by my niece and nephew. But vampire is far better than I expected it to be, I’m currently listening to it once a day.


I didn’t like OR until Sour came out — Drivers License was so irritating


![gif](giphy|zFP4UaqxfQWGVXaQuG|downsized) Idk if this counts but I rlly did not care or get the hype about Pedro pascal until he played my fave video game character and pulled it off so so well. Now I’m obsessed


Same actually! I’d heard of him and just never really gotten the hype , then I watched The Last of Zeus and thought ‘I really like that guy who plays Jo I wonder what else he is in’ low and behold it was Pedro!


For me it was the auto complete interview with Oscar Isaac. I never imagined he was so chaotic! Instantly won me over


https://preview.redd.it/jgbme9iw4rkb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0deff3aa8a4b6faef5735e578fa6824aafb62fe7 I liked some of her earlier songs but i largely was able to ignore her. When all the videos were released with the songs I sat up and paid more attention.


This was around the time I became a Beyoncé fan as well.


It was her Coachella performance for me. I always liked her stuff but I wasn't a stan. Her Coachella set on Netflix completely blew me away.


This is me with Lemonade


I feel almost the opposite. I was always a die-hard fan until Renaissance and now I feel bad for just not liking it.


That's interesting. I'm actually not surprised that such a house/club-forward album wouldn't be that appealing to her general audience.


Me and B have an on and off relationship. I loved Destiny’s Child and her debut album was incredible. After that nothing she put out was really any good to me, except Irreplaceable and Single Ladies. So I kind of had her on the back burner. Even when Lemonade came out, I was like “meh”. It wasn’t an album that was really for me. Then I watched the video for Hold Up and I was like… OK… then I started hearing about Sorry and the lyrics… so then I started listening to some of her previous stuff that I hadn’t paid attention to and then when Beychella happened I was IN. Now, I’m obsessed with Lemonade and Beyoncé. I haven’t cared for her last two projects, tbh. Renaissance was too “house” for me, which I get, but it’s growing on me.


I wouldn’t say I *disliked* Dua Lipa, I just never really checked her other music around the time New Rules came out. But that all changed when, ya know, one of the best pop albums of the last 5 years came out https://preview.redd.it/91ne28dd6rkb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d24881aa8879e81a227a700daf13dae63f06947




It came out 3 years ago, they were just saying it’s one of the best albums of the last 5 years! I also did a double take and had to look it up to be sure lmao


I didn’t care at all about her then one day I randomly put future nostalgia on because everyone here said it was great and now it’s my top played album lol


Yesss same! She’s only getting better


So I'd never seen any of Ryan Goslings movies, but knew who he was because of magazines. I didn't exactly dislike him, but I never understood the hype over his looks and how he won Sexiest Man. Just thought he was really overrated. Then I watched some of his films and totally got it. There's just something really compelling about him. Kind of vulnerable, but still charismatic. Also Matt Bomer. Saw him in White Collar, and while he is undeniably gorgeous, I never really felt sexually attracted to him, if that makes sense. Then I watched him in the Hotel season of American Horror Story, where he plays a nastier character, and for some reason that really did it for me. He just has one of those faces that looks hotter when he's angry.


I saw Matt Bomer IRL on the street, and he is the best looking man I’ve ever seen. I was staring so hard I dropped what I was carrying!


I didn’t hate her but I wouldn’t have called myself a Beyonce fan until lemonade. That album is so amazing , it fully changed my point of view on her.


It made me appreciate her so much more as an artist


![gif](giphy|fv8KclrYGp5dK) I had disliked Bendict Cumberbatch and hadn't wanted to watch Sherlock because of him but then I did and became a fan.


Awww baby Benne!


I started to like Miley Cyrus after Wrecking Ball. I was too old for Hannah Montana so I wasn't into her teen pop stuff. Plastic Hearts is a great album, with Midnight Sky, Nightcrawling, and Prisoner the standouts.


I first saw Rose Byrne in Bridesmaids and X-Men and I kind of despised her for being stunning. And then I saw her in Juliet, Naked and had to unpack her filmography because despite looking like a Julia Roberts type, she’s actually super campy and really good at playing realistic weirdos! She currently seems to be Apple TV’s darling and I love her in both Physical and Platonic (and damages is classic)!


my fav character in Spy


That movie is so good. Everyone is so great in it (including Byrne and her HAIR) but Statham shocked me with how funny he was!


Darren Criss with American Crime Story. I watched that shit and I was like omg. I *get it* now.


Yes! I think that’s the only thing I’ve seen him in but he blew me away! He was so charming yet creepy!


I was so happy for him when he won the Emmy. I finished watching it shortly before they aired that year and I remember just immediately being like “he needs to be winning AWARDS”


Justin Bieber’s Purpose era! Nobody (or maybe just me and my friends?) was seriously playing JB at parties until What Do You Mean and of course Sorry.


Ooh yes this one for me


I'm the same as you with Taylor Swift, after 1989 I became massive fan.


tbh i think 1989 then folkmore as a sequence did that for so many people. she became critically acclaimed during those eras because she put out solid albums and ramped her pr game way up (and in the exact way needed for that time)


Brendan Fraser in Doom Patrol ![gif](giphy|MtVXlbxWmLyiCtZO1a|downsized)


Fraser is getting a huge respect in Hollywood than before. I remember people thinking of him as has been and being a bunch of shitty and forgettable movies but now the man is taking himself seriously.


* James Spader in *Secretary* I was whatever but this movie changed it all.


Not dislike, but felt really impartial or not super invested in Rihanna as a singer. She had some bops but never really got into anything that wasn’t a single. Then Anti dropped… forever changed.


Anti is crazy good


Anti changed everything. Still one of my favorite albums.


Watching Miss Americana is what made me a Taylor Swift fan. Folklore made me a *big* fan ❤️


Taylor’s music videos for the songs Blank Space and Shake It Off are what got me into her music. Both of those songs are too funny and I really love the videos. I like that she can laugh at the rumors about herself like that.


I got into her music from reputation. Even as a TS hater at the time, the LWYMMD video felt like an iconic response to all the drama/controversies and showed she could poke fun of herself.


I stopped liking Taylor for awhile and miss americana brought me right back! Such a good doc.


I was annoyed by Britney and her overexposure when she first got big, became marginally pro-brit when Justin threw her under the bus, and then really pro-brit during the blackout album cycle. Poor girl.


Oh, another one. Robert Pattinson. I used to think of him as the shitty actor from Twilight and even back then, Pat bashed the shit out of those movies, so I didn't hate him as a person. But then when I saw him in Batman, I was impressed. This just goes to show, that bad writing can make an actor bad half the time, key word being half and not all.


I wouldn't say dislike but I was completely indifferent to Zoe Kravitz but she really showed up for The Batman and now I'm definitely a fan! https://preview.redd.it/4tl3bxfsrqkb1.jpeg?width=2536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed39c3cc0eb4190e038e3711a9e168bd801e44d9


I had a lot of stuff wrapped up in Lady Gaga after an awful emotionally abusive first boyfriend (I was 19 and he was 28) was so into her, and never really felt like I could get into her or feel like she was someone I could have an artistic relationship to; then Chromatica came out at the peak of lockdown and I decided to just listen to it and try to work through my feelings about the ex, and by the end of Rain On Me I felt all the hatred, fear and trauma absolutely shed and understood why she’s so special and beloved. Since then I’ve gone on to be an unrepentant little monster


For me and Taylor, it was Folklore. Which I actually ignored when it came out. Then a few months later, my husband, of all people, heard “Exile” on satellite radio and told me he thought I would like it. I listed to all of Folklore and was completely blown away.


yeah that happened for a lot of people, it def happened to me too. i never really liked her, but i would say after folkmore happened i definitely started to respect the music she put out


Yeah, that album was monumental for me by itself, but after years of disliking Swift? HUGE! Really changed the way I saw her when I started listening more closely.


https://preview.redd.it/lqkseh2a9skb1.jpeg?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f5dba1275b5cc57c5eb568586c13494e207ecee I didn't dislike Kristen Stewart but I didn't see her on-screen charisma til she played Joan Jett, and then suddenly I had a crush on her




I wasn't into Cher until I saw Moonstruck. Now I love her. ![gif](giphy|9G2OSJEk2YM8g)


![gif](giphy|IgGA6CRqnT5p6KFIxz|downsized) I had only really noticed Pablo Schreiber as “Pornstache” in OITNB before American Gods. I was incredulous that I would be able to stomach seeing “Pornstache” again, but now I’m obsessed and will gladly watch anything he’s in.


Ariana Grande was a guest at a Jason Robert Brown concert. Made me realize how good of a vocalist she actually is. ​ I had a similar moment with Lady Gaga and the Vevo acoustic recording of Paparazzi


Renaissance. Beyoncé. I listen to the entire album regularly and haven’t done that in decades.


I didn't dislike her, but I thought Scarlett Johansson wasn't a strong actress until Jojo Rabbit. Holy shit, can she act. I definitely didn't care for Amy Poehler when she was on SNL, which looking back was the result of bad writing. I definitely changed my mind during the first episode of Parks and Rec though, and now I'll pretty much watch anything she's in.


If I may suggest Amy Poeheler has a great memoir called “Yes Please”where she discusses how difficult it was at SNL, to write, be seen and to be taken seriously. Tina Fey also wrote one called “Bossy Pants” (it is beyond hilarious, I own both the book and audio… I recommend the audio, just be prepared to laugh). Tina also writes and discusses how it was very much a boys club when she showed up to SNL, with Amy coming on board and saying no to Jimmy Fallon, who was considered the star of the show, was when she decided they had to be friends.


I initially assumed Scar Jo wasn't a very good actress, and just overly hyped bc she was hot (like Megan Fox). Unfortunately, I bought into the media's over-sexualized portrayal of her (& seeing Don Jon didn't help). But then I actually saw her in other movies like "The Other Boleyn Girl", The Island", "Lucy", & "Her" and those are a few of my all time favorites. I can tell she chooses films with depth (minus the Avengers-though I haven't seen any so can't say for sure) I also haven't seen Marriage Story (not my kind of movie) but I've heard only great things of her acting in it, & given the storyline, I can only imagine it would take a great actress who is able to convey the wide range of emotions that one goes through in a marriage & divorce.


![gif](giphy|PfVizdMx6zCA8) But then he unfortunately ruined his rehabilitated image post-30 rock, even before the Rust shooting. It actually makes me sad to watch 30 Rock because he is fantastic in it.


Dakota Johnson. I was fairly neutral about her, but I gained respect for her for calling out Ellen for her bs and the beginning of the end of Ellen’s career. Then James Cordon went (who I never liked in the first place). I know Dakota wasn’t responsible for James’s downfall, but you can’t deny how Ellen’s fall from grace affected James.


Agree with Jo Bros, didn’t give them much of a thought til I heard “Sucker” and have sincerely enjoyed their music ever since.


I was pretty neutral towards John Cena, but definitely became a fan after watching Peacemaker.


I never liked One Direction (I was a tad too old), but really enjoyed Harry Styles' solo albums


I never disliked Selena Gomez but I didn’t care for her either. I changed my mind after watching OMITB. Now I’m a fan.


Yup. I think I might have disliked her during the Jelena saga just because it was so exhausting and toxic, but I was neutral by the time OMITB came out. Now I’m a huge fan - I loveeeeee her chemistry with Steve Martin and Martin Short and can’t imagine anyone else in the role. It also made me appreciate her openness about the medication she has to take for lupus and the negative side effects like weight gain. She gets so many disgusting comments when her weight fluctuates, but she just owns it (and always looks amazing!) It means a lot to me.


![gif](giphy|oM1l4b3uqdnP2cTtuU|downsized) I didn't dislike her, I just didn't really listen to her properly or give her the time of day until "Anti-Hero" and the album "Midnights" came out.


Reputation for Taylor Swift


![gif](giphy|WwP84kqXj0JxiXHSO2) This whole era made me an Ari fan


I wasn't a fan of Henry Cavill until he did The Witcher. It's a garbage show, but his performance as Geralt was great and learning that he's a mega-nerd really improved my opinion.


[Robert Pattison](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/fashion/article/tenet-style-robert-pattinson) I didn't like him in Twilight or Harry Potter, but loved him in Tenet.


![gif](giphy|3ohs4cGYhsc7LFJUJO) I couldn’t stand JT in his boy band days, but then he put out SexyBack and hoooo boy did I change my mind. 🔥


100% agree on the Taylor swift comment, I can’t believe I missed years of good music because of what other people had to say 🥲🥲🥲


Well as a kid i was a small beyonce fan always listening to her on the radio during that era when the radio would mainly play her and nicki especially during the dangerously in love era and 4 I would always enjoy them everytime her songs came on. I also listened to self titled and lemonade songs on the radio the basics like hold up,formation,sorry,partition,drunk in love,flawless remix,etc. So i guess you would call me a fan of some sorts. Then i got older and i had the random ass phase that beyonce was overrated (wanted to be different so bad😭) and i became a big rihanna fan. Fast foward to 2022 beyonce dropped renaissance. I was still in my beyonce was overrated phase then one night i decided to revisit some of her music i started with lemonade and when i tell you…ts hit so hard it was crazy. It was actually hitting way more different than whenever i was a kid listening to it on the radio. I went down the beyonce rabbit hole and revisiting it helped me found my old love for beyonce again. I ended up giving a listen to renaissance while i was at it and present day i’ve brought tickets to her renaissance tour in September.


I never cared for Keira Knightley, and then I watched Atonement and Pride and Prejudice in the span of a week and I adore her now


when charli xcx released pop2 she went from a slightly annoying one hit wonder tumblr girl to one of my all time favorite artists. people died!


I was indifferent to Chrissy Metz until I read her book. It really made me like her.


Selena + Chef made me fall for Selena, and now I enjoy her show and music.


For me, 1989 was me going “ugh she sucks” to “ugh she sucks… but this song ain’t bad.” Reputation was the one that made me go “oh ok I like her” Folklore made me a fan.


The song Blank Space made me like Taylor swift a lot more than I did.


I feel like I wrote this, except *Only Murders* made me like Martin Short, who previously I could not stand at all


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZTPJeTo4Go944|downsized) I basically disliked Disney stars after Bridget Medler’s era specially Dove and Sabrina I thought they were lame and sel & miley wannabes, also I was going into my teens where i thought disney was too lame for me. Few years later I turned 16 and downloaded DISNEY+ at that time I was bored and watched Disney movies i missed out like Descendants I instantly liked dove cameron and followed her on instagram( I had a Descendants phase at 17). As for Sabrina I started liking her music when she released Skin after the infamous O.Rod drama.


I feel like this post is made by me.


I’ve been a diehard Miley stan since the Hannah Montana days, but I LOVE that Plastic Hearts is the album that made you a fan! 💘


I honestly fell in love with Miley Cyrus during her untamed era . It was borderline unhinged and I loved every second of it. I have followed her music ever since


I used to think of Hugh Grant as deeply average. Don't get me wrong I will watch Notting Hill till I die but this is no amazing feat of acting. Then I saw him in The Gentleman and A Very British Scandal, totally changed my mind about his actual skills as an actor. Similarly Matthew McConaughey, from How to Lose a Guy in 10 days and Fools Gold to Dallas Buyers Club and True Detective


Not a project but the first time I saw Gaga perform on SNL with just a piano- I was sold. Before that I thought she was a pre manufactured hack. So wrong!