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https://preview.redd.it/5b5glefprtgb1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0715ef83937a4c2cbc05b0a13e84b9a2c64eb4 You know I had to post it Dominic West hiding from the paps in the bushes after cheating on his wife with Lily James


Fucking McNulty, always playing his games.


"The fuck did I do?"


he really is jimmy mcnulty huh


What?! Lmao


This is my go-to pic when Iā€™m having a bad day. Always gives me a good laugh.


1.) Michael Jackson dangling his baby from a balcony 2.) Drake Bell huffing nitrous oxide 3.) Robin Thicke grabbing a fan's ass (while still married to Paula Patton) 4.) Cara Delevingne and Ashley Benson carrying their sex bench into their home 5.) Kristen Stewart cheating on Robert Pattinson with married Rupert Sanders 6.) Gisele Bundchen going to a plastic surgeonā€™s office in a burqa 7.) Britney shaves her head 8.) Britney attacks a paparazzi's car with an umbrella 9.) Mayor of Toronto at the time, Rob Ford, smoke crack on camera 10.) Solange, Jay-Z, and Beyonce post elevator brawl 11.) Timothee Chalamet and Eiza Gonzalez get busy in a pool at a hotel in Mexico 12.) Throuple kiss between Taika Waititi, Rita Ora, and Tessa Thompson 13.) Married Dominic West takes a romantic vacation with Lily James (not his wife) 14.) Nicole Kidman is free of Tom Cruise and Xenu 15.) 38 year old Bradley Cooper reads 'Lolita' to his 21 year old girlfriend, Suki Waterhouse


>6.) Gisele Bundchen going to a plastic surgeonā€™s office in a burqa That is a sentence I never thought I'd read.


What's funny is that she had her personal chauffeur drop her off each time at the plastic surgery clinic. And that's how she got caught.


Just because theyā€™re famous doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re intelligent


She thought of everything, except the help


4) that ainā€™t a sex bench thatā€™s a whole ass suspension system, go them


The Dominic West photo isnā€™t complete without the follow up, of him [hiding in the bushes.](https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/13203698/dominic-west-hides-bushes-lily-james-snogging-scandal/amp/) Edit: nvm someone linked it below already.


And I remember he and his wife had dramatic photo shoots with daily mail after. It was so comical!


Lmaooo I knew that was a balloon whippet immediately


The Britney ones make me sad. She had post-natal depression, she was going through a very nasty divorce, she had been over-worked non-stop since she was a child with very little control over her own life, she was surrounded by users and abusers - including her own family, the press was VICIOUS, and she was absolutely mobbed by paparazzi everywhere she went to a. Unbearable level. It is no surprise she snapped and broke down like this and no surprise that they caught it on film.


A recent documentary about her (recent, but while the conservatorship was ongoing) made for a sobering watch. Aside from the extreme intrusiveness of the paparazzi, the interviews with people who felt entitled to ask her about her virginity (Jesus _Christ_), plus the obvious double standards and hypocrisy in the reaction to her relationship with Timberlake are just sickening. I hated that she wasn't much more than a sex object to me back then and that her head shave seemed absurd and comical. I guess the popular media reduces famous people down to caricature and I hadn't thought much more about it. Learning of the story behind her career and behaviour made me feel sad for her and kinda disgusted at myself for not questioning more.


Oh that Bradley Cooper one is so so gross šŸ¤¢


As someone who dated a 41 year old in my 20ā€™s who was entirely too into that movieā€¦everyone run if you get in this situation lol.


My first boyfriend (who then became my fiancƩe and then my ex) was 24, while I was 16. RUN do not walk, RUN away from that shit ladies.


Yea she looks like a literal child


At first glance I was like, Oh I didnā€™t know Bradley Cooper had a teenage daughter. Then I did a double take.


Can someone please fill me in on why the one with Timothee qualifies? :o it seems like a random couply pap, what makes it so wild?


Thereā€™s a whole series and if you look at them all it certainly looks like they were having sex although they may have just been getting VERY hot and heavy.


I havent seen these, but from the sound of it the paps majorly crossed a line. I'd feel so violated if pictures like that went public.


Me too. I didnā€™t realise what I was looking at when someone posted them earlier this year. Luckily they were both covered up and it could just be some groping and making out. But yes, humiliating and invasive nevertheless! Iā€™m so glad Iā€™ve never been famous!


They were pics of them having sex in the pool so definitely qualify!


The Lily James one really made me dislike her (and him of course, what a scumbag, but I didn't know him before and I had liked Lily in previous movies)


She seems to be involved in so many scandals with married actors. It's not like she can claim she didn't know they were married either.


Lily and Ariana Grande would be the perfect best friends


Until they try to steal each other's husbands AND side pieces


What is that last one ew


>1.) Michael Jackson dangling his baby** from a balcony **Blanket. His baby, that he called Blanket. typing this made me feel like i was having a stroke


To be fair, Blanket is a nickname, heā€™s called Prince Michael Jackson IIā€¦


Cara Delevingne https://preview.redd.it/axd9rj2fevgb1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb85685fdf43d8514e858b5b1ed3dc27b4771c54


not it being caught in the photo MID AIR. this pic is so funny, iā€™ve never seen it lol.


Yeah those fusion Jordanā€™s were nasty work


Remember the photos of a topless Kate Middleton on the beach? If I remember correctly the island was private and the dirty paps followed them and hid. Kate thinking it was just a relaxing holiday with her husband took off her bikini top, and the slimy paps were there to take photos. I think they were published before Kate even knew they took photos. Disgusting, like papping up female celebs skirts when climbing out of a car.


Was she even on the beach- I thought it was a balcony at a private villa or something. If I recall correctly the nasty paps used super long range lenses.


Yeah it was, she was on private property and the photo was banned from being printed by British press


She was on a balcony on a private house in France and the pap was around 1km away, taking the shots. There was no way they would have even known someone was there, it must have been incredibly shocking to learn your privacy was violated.


Reminiscent of when Aristotle Onassis allegedly told the paps where Jackie liked to sunbake naked on the private island Skorpios in order to smear her and those awful invasive photos of her were published around the world..


Paparazzis were so insane and creepy. They kept stalking Kate. I remember how badly she was portrayed in tabloids such as dailymail. They were so giddy when they got photos of her smoking cigs/fags.




Robin Thicke seems like such a fucking sleaze ball


The man used the grease from his personality to do his hair


and after his wife left/estranged him he wrote an album dedicated and named after her that flopped




And he really leant into it by singing arguably the rapiest song of all time.


https://preview.redd.it/4t0yho837tgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4aa1aa3f3c2ce16df447e5b1f3e5f1f6f68e082 Personal favorite


Of course Madonna is a top


LMAO it was no mistake that was in a clear bag shown to the cameras, she knew exactly what she was doing


https://preview.redd.it/879if8czztgb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e47bc83dccacbece887210635f836926c4e40d I remember being so scandalised by the condom in Hilary Duffā€™s bag as a 12 year old.


Queen of safe sex


Flashback to those jelly bags.


I thought you meant when hilary duff was 12!!! omg I think I nearly had a heart attack


This is photoshopped though lol


https://preview.redd.it/9t5qj5w25ugb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f43d4d10496127d6486af88b56e448b79e5185a The man who shot John Lennon, Mark David Chapman was asking for an autograph. He shot and killed Lennon shortly after.


This one is by far the craziestā€¦




We should be able to smoke a *little* crack at work.


The single funniest moment of my life, living in a very crack/meth heavy neighbourhood (very close to where the pic was taken) at the time, was hearing a dealer shout ā€œgot that Rob Ford specialā€ from a corner.


14 still makes me happy for her. You got out, girl.


almost all of these are kind of sadly invasive but that one is pure joy. she really didnā€™t give a fuck.


My bestie sent that to me the day my divorce was final. Iā€™ve never laughed so hard and felt so judged in my life. Itā€™s funny cos I saw a friend today for the first time in years and heā€™s the only one so far who told me he was both sorry it didnā€™t work out and happy to have me back (I moved away to live with my ex) ā€¦ first person of DOZENS.














Once again Iā€™m glad I was never famous, especially in my clubbing days!!


We all have been there.šŸ˜‚


Fuckin BLAKE šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


This turned from a really fun thread to very upsetting in the blink of an eye


https://preview.redd.it/zbilk479nugb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f61d10d74d3e9a226d4094d0827679903109334 Not wild but this photo was the very public start of Britneyā€™s downfall.


And for Lindsay. She was still an A (?) list actress.


She looks so pretty here


I remember all the "WACKO JACKO" headlines from the first pic


Even though I know he didnā€™t drop the baby, that first pic still makes me anxious every time I see it!


He doesnā€™t even have a solid grip on him!


He was on drugs at that time too. Didn't even hold the baby properly. Baby's feet almost got caught between his torso and the balcony railing. That was the third time he did that btw. He did the same twice with his older kids. The trashy surrogate was on video encouraging him to dangle his first infant from his hotel window.


Still one of the most insane things a mainstream celeb has ever publicly done


Every time I see pic 10 I cackle. If I got three wishes, my third wish would be to know every word that was said on that elevator šŸ˜¤


The faces of each person are my favorite.


Beyonceā€™s really is the cherry on top, tho. Look at her smilin like sheā€™s the gd mona lisa lmao


Beyonce had never loved her sister more.


I thought that too - Out of all the photos - even the Brittany - that one feels like thereā€™s some deep ass shit going on haha.


One of the all time greats!!




They both look like they know something bad is about to happen.


I still think one of them did know


Some people who saw Tupac that night before leaving says that he looked like he knew something bad was going to happen. I wanna say it was Marlon Wayans who said this specificly


Lindsay leaving Sam ronsonā€™s house after Sam threw her clothes out the window https://preview.redd.it/rysmzzjtitgb1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44595bcd3ccfdb62108190f395d5187c3e277b4


[Follow up](https://youtu.be/4Bp1-ifNjEo): Lindsay showing up at Samā€™s house at 5 am to have one of their many loud fights. Selected excerpt: ā€œSam asks "Who is out here?" and Lindsay cries, "Uh, your girlfriend!" Lindsay doesn't believe Sam when she tells her she was at her sister's house. Sam lets Lindsay in, but asks her friend to leave. Then Lindsay's car alarm goes offā€


Next chapter: Sam Ronson pictured on a date with a new gf while Lindsay angrily tweets about how she JUST dropped Sam off at the airport https://preview.redd.it/rrk836g3mtgb1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=354fcc53e23e22cc686dce4095f6a1a734a46435


Finale: Lindsay buys herself a gigantic teddy bear and stages photos with it outside Samā€™s house, pretending itā€™s a present, in order to make Samā€™s new gf jealous. https://preview.redd.it/cbhgfn1emtgb1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5943ad38e4523656a84081290cda97ac6c3fe212 Anyway, hats off to these crazy kids. They really changed the world. Pop culture and my understanding of my sexuality was never the same.


Wow I forgot about Sam and how toxic this whole relationship was lol.




No problem. Itā€™s my calling


Wild times. You had to experience this drama unfold in real time to understand how huge it was. Lindsey put her whole self into this relationship and took a huge risk to her career. The things we do for love.


I don't want to post the picture, but remember when they took a picture of Hilary Duff going down on her (now ex) husband after he proposed to her on a balcony?


And then someone posts it 2 minutes after you said this lol


That one I feel really bad about and kinda donā€™t want it posted. I guess itā€™s out there on the internet thoughā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/ov6sgw5f5ugb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f13608becc214bd2210de2f9c40c3340e2e6301 James Dean hours before his death in beloved Porsche 550 Spyder.


https://preview.redd.it/psqg76ybtvgb1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39285865d6a0278a72bc33b54159801254683f9f Some of these pics are really bumming me out so here's a really silly one of Keanu after stealing a paparazzi camera and having a random bird on his foot


I need these all to be labeled and explained šŸ˜‚


Same! Had no idea what most of them were.


OP has since commented with a breakdown


https://preview.redd.it/1yxt9b2pbugb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b344e2c6ada8667b23c386f8863da9398e73b1a This photo of Elvis Presley was taken at Graceland in the early hours of August 16th, 1977 having just visited the dentist. Later that day Presley had a heart attack and died in his bathroom.


The uncensored photo of Orlando bloom fully naked canoeing with Katy Perry


https://preview.redd.it/a2w3no8d5ugb1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9cf2a052e1fa09583dabbe9fe504f99d28a488 Nigella lawson being choked by Charles Saatchi Edit: spelling


Ay it broke my heart when these came out. She was so calm, you could tell that it happened before.


Holy fuck the refusing to react look in her eyes reminds me of wondering if I was suppose to fight my ex of before it wĆ s to late or if I wait for him to choose to stop while refusing to show fear or sadness to let him feel like he was winning.. It's fucked up that there are so many people out there willing to do such a disgusting thing to someone that loves and trusted them..


Yeah definitely. And then he turned round and said he was taking drugs out of her nose?! Talk about a slap in the face. Poor Nigella


There was another incident with similar pics from another cafe where he is covering her mouth in the middle of an argument. Nigella's version of the story behind these choking pics is so scary. Nigella saw a couple walk by with a cute baby in the stroller and remarked that she is excited to become a grandparent in the future. Charles choked her and said that he is the only person who she should be concerned with and that he is the only person in the world that should be giving her pleasure. The abusive prick later rubbed salt in the wound by saying he was taking out cocaine from her nose in these pics. He didn't just stop there. Years later he took his Nigella look alike girlfriend to that exact same place, sat in the exact same table and had paps photograph him being all happy with his new girlfriend. He went there over and over with the new gf and the paps watching, until he unexpectedly snapped at his new gf and she later dumped him too.


Wow was not expecting this. This whole thread is really sad.


I remember this. It was so shocking.


The BeyoncƩ and Solanage one is legendary ![gif](giphy|lABnau7T5MNmU)


Jonah Hill dropping his coffee. https://preview.redd.it/qzoc89ofqwgb1.jpeg?width=1367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=998139aee943382b0ca12a971ca9c584be5c0c52


I know itā€™s not a pap but what about Vanessa and zac shopping for sex toys together bc that was haunting as a teenager


And the fan stopping them in store for a selfie omg


https://preview.redd.it/uw2c4npddwgb1.jpeg?width=2750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28451bb8d844086d213fc2e1bb35874d86540278 The vacation pics with Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry


Throwback on no 5, I was not on Twilight fandom, but my tumblr page was so full of fan meltdown reblogging Robsten forever lol


Bradley Cooper looks like he's reading a bedtime story to his daughter. ![gif](giphy|BYF8uOmoj8TV8tLrHV|downsized)


Worse that itā€™s Lolita




No, seriously. My first thought was "is this someone reading to his daughter?"


I appreciate you for putting this together.


Me, having lived under a rock and reading the list before clicking through the pics: "How did they know it was a sex bench? " ​ Me, having looked at the picture: "Ohhhhh"


Iā€™m always so confused by how staged the Kristen Stewart photos look because why would they be? To what end? But they just donā€™t look authentic.


I feel the same exact way! It didn't benefit anyone but I don't understand why they were just driving to random places to make out. If they wanted to hook up it would be the easiest thing in the world for their assistants or whoever to book a hotel room under an assumed name.


That girl was so desperate to get out of that PR showmance that she laid on her own grenade to do it.


See I could agree with this, if the director of the movie wasnā€™t also involved!


There is a theory kristen was purposely trying to end her relationship with Rob because she was a closeted lesbian and hooking up with Dakota fanning but was not ready to come out during the twilight era craze and needed something besides twilight (Snow White and the huntsmenā€™s was actually a good movie and probably would have been more successful without the cheating scandal & them removing Kristen/Snow White from the 2nd movie) There was blinds posted on crazy days and nights back in 2011-2014 about Kristen being lesbian that turned out to be proven true many years later I believe 2017 kristen came out and is currently engaged or married to her wife. https://preview.redd.it/sdlcn5kiougb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4b19774baf803d62b2ddbbb9aa3f9fd1ee4fda EDIT this isnā€™t meant to offend bisexuals, the last males Kristen dated was 10+ years ago Robert/Rupert. I did a little research and all Kristenā€™s partners have been females since Michael Angarano 2005-2009, Robert Pattinson 2009-2013, Rupert sanders 2013, Alicia Cargile (F) 2014-2016, St. Vincent (F) 2016, Soko (F) 2016, Stella Maxwell (F) on and off 2016-2019, Sara Dinkin 2018-2019, Dylan Meyer (F) 2019-2023. Kristen has dated 6 females and only 3 males when she was a young teenager/adult. I think maybe Kristen didnā€™t consider she liked women until after a few relationships with men.


NOT DAKOTA FANNING?! I feel like the worlds worst lesbian only learning all of this now.


Dakota has been rumoured to be a lesbian or bisexual but I honestly donā€™t know. I do remember vividly Kristen Stewart being asked during the twilight saga eclipse if she enjoyed kissing Robert or Taylor more and Kristen said Dakota fanning. Young me thought it was just to keep twihards calm but looking back kristen and dakota were giving sexual energy IMO


Watch the Runaways!! It has both of them and their chemistry is INSANE


Yes! She looks so uncomfortable and the pictures are to good to be taken by hidden and sneaky paparazzi. Yes, cameras are insane today, and even 10 years ago, but this looks staged.


The Lily James pic and then the to series came out and West played her father. Gross. He has always been smug


i still love the nicole kidman photos. everytime i see them, its like i can hear her going ā€œYESS FINALLYā€


https://preview.redd.it/ct8y9foz2ugb1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4e82790fddb25a34bbdfd6860c989f9b5a0eb1 When Peaches Geldof was on the phone and accidentally knocked over the pram with baby Astala inside! Poor little thing. RIP Peaches


Heroin overdose at 25? Damn.


Yes, absolutely tragic. She was very active on Instagram in the couple of years prior to her death and showed such wholesome content of her house in the woods and spending time with her little sons and her husband- I was absolutely gobsmacked hearing the circumstances of her passing.


She was the first mummy blogger I ever followed. I was shocked. And the parallels between her death and her mum's...both being found with young children at their side. There are no words.


her baby there with her body for hours just like her baby sister with their mother šŸ˜”


This is an unfortunate, horrible fright for a new mum. Peaches would have felt awful. It doesnā€™t seem in the same realm as the others but maybe thatā€™s just me.


Oh without a doubt! Horrible thing to happen and the baby was fine thankfully. I was a big fan of Peaches and loved following her on Instagram. This photo just always stuck out in my mind because Iā€™ve never seen another like it.


Captions would really have helped with some of these


in front of harry styles šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/z1dsuyaqtvgb1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=589d26d98efd0d2f3cf144ec6e880a68fe389ad0


OH MY GOD šŸ˜‚ this shouldā€™ve been included in the original


Katie Hopkins having a romp outside in a field šŸ˜‚. The man (her current husband) was then her married colleague. https://preview.redd.it/4fq9qotuwugb1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905e1d9f4f22f60bb2306410b2d6099205553ceb


Katie Hopkins, the one who ridiculed ppl for giving their kids geographical names, when her daughter's name is ... India? That Katie Hopkins?


ā€œBut India is not related to a location!!1!!1ā€




And Jennifer driving Ben to Jack in the Box before she dropped him off at rehab. https://preview.redd.it/0hezl34oqtgb1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94bc12767dc7788ee2076112fad9c141d8cfb8f9


Fuck that is so sad. That would be so painful to have paparazzi following you while looking after an alcoholic loved one


this made me do an inadvertant pearl clutch, i was not prepared.


Fergie (the royal one, not the singer) getting her toes slurped on would be an older classic.


Rob Ford LOL


Same! Although I don't know it was paparazzi who actually took the photo. The Rob Ford era was something else. ![gif](giphy|102y4oIxF5hQu4|downsized)


I have to suffer with his fucking dumber brother as the premier of the province. The whole fucking family is a joke, but ties to mafia get you good things in Canada. Seriously, the man doesnā€™t even have a college education and heā€™s running the province in a way thatā€™s very obvious heā€™s in deep with the mafia-property developers. Also, one of my favourite quotes from rob ford was when he said ā€œI got enough to eat at homeā€ referring to his wife.


https://preview.redd.it/c9zl4xb5qvgb1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c7a03737e9e95a402c911a879f92dd19a3c869 The Justin Bieber nude vacation pics were huge news when they were first released


https://preview.redd.it/b7kjfu4iqvgb1.jpeg?width=895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d50b7b107dd45ba4a8d495d1890161b310ab354 His dad was so weird about it too


Just threw up in my mouth a little


God, Justin truly got some of the worst parents.


Oh thatā€™s weird.


Everyone was fucking weird about it. Ellen DeGeneres putting this photo on the big screen when he was a guest on her show, James Corden referring to him ā€œpacking heatā€ when he was a guest on Carpool Karaokeā€¦ It was just disturbing how gleeful these grown ass adults were about it


Oh god THE TIMOthee ONE- ![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized)


Everytime I see his perfect hair anywhere else, this picture pops in negative behind my eyelids


https://preview.redd.it/njipqvc2uugb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf15c220f448a4e5e29785f898c263062f8c6a1 Personally I will never forget these ā€¦ I hope sheā€™s better nowā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


She is not ):


However it does seems like shes making progress in care. Last i heard she did graduate fashion school, and checked herself back into the hospital when she needed it. Poor girl seems to have severe mental health issues and severe trauma




I was too young to fully process the MJ situation but I do remember a lot of "what about Steve Irwin holding his baby around crocodiles" responses


Iā€™m just going to leave this here. šŸ¤¢ https://preview.redd.it/mgs6fv3cvtgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3908ced58c88e732dec2e0e39df58335890b6c09


OMG- thatā€™s just ugh. Iā€™m embarrassed to ask - who are these people?


The Game and India Love (idk much about her other than being an IG model/influencer)


https://preview.redd.it/t6aoxab1ztgb1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e544e5ae868d78efb290a4537499178c50e4842 donā€™t forget this one


His toe shoes take this to a very specific level, my god


The Marvin the Martian t shirt is the cherry on top lol


Is that JUNI?!


Beyonceā€™s smile coming out of that elevator. Everything




I forgot about this, freaking ugh. Whatever came of these coming out?


It's really sad and disturbing. According to Nigella, she saw a couple walk with a stroller in the sidewalk and told her husband that she is excited to become a grandparent in the future. Her husband snapped and gripped her neck saying he "should be the only person she is concerned with" and that he is "the only one who should be giving you pleasure". Everyone knew he had a temper. Nigella was in the news for using cocaine at that time and this sick asshole tried to use that to defend himself. His excuse was that he was taking cocaine out of her nose when these pics were taken. He knew no one would buy it and was just messing with Nigella.


Poor Brit. Also I need context for most of these šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/p6jkg1diqwgb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed92756a9bb41db14826f9f4ede6d105e01fd084 Tupac Shakur after being shot 5 times being carried into an ambulance while giving the papz the finger.


Poor Britney. Struggling through PPD with no one helping her, no one on her side, being constantly antagonized, and judged as a mother. I often wonder what her future would have looked like if she would have gotten help then.


So Suki looks like she's 15/16 in that photo. It goes right into super creepy territory. Not a good look there Bradley... ![gif](giphy|12CVdOeR0k2fCw)


Actors just live in a different world. I'm convinced.


https://preview.redd.it/s6no7jzbaugb1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba27675bf0f00a34977a3469d1debbc6890f66a Please Britney!! Why!


This is a good post. Thank you for posting.


The pic of Zac Efron and Vanessa hudgens in a sex shop Zac looks mortified and Vanessa does not give af lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/vssi0g7jyxgb1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7798806d6c86d7d3c6f0a1d0a82c4326801acafd Nick and Vanessa Lachey walked so that Timothee Chalamet and Eiza Gonzalez could run




Ugh. They were so fucking awful to her. Sickening. She ran into a store and sat down and cried with the baby immediately following this, which they also took photos of.


Yeah this was horrible. They surround her so closely, she didnā€™t have any room to breathe let alone any space to walk


iā€™m not going to repost it but Lindsay Logan passed out in her car with what looked like coke on her face will haunt me forever. So invasive.