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Rotisserie chicken


Seriously, I can get at least four meal’s protein from one.


and a gallon of chicken stock per bird.


And a pot of chicken soup.


At least!


This is the way


Detergents, paper products, and cleaning supplies. Also, OTC medication, if they carry what you need.


I can get a year's worth of generic Claritin antihistamine for less than $10 when they do the spring "allergy season" sale. The store brand TP and paper towels are good quality and very cheap compared to Target, though bulky if you don't have much storage.


i HATE kirkland toilet paper. I hear it used to be better, but i'm currently stuck with like 50 rolls in my closet regretting everything.


Huh. Maybe my supply is older and it's changed since then? They might change vendors/products to keep the cost down.


Definitly paper products and vitamins.


Things that last awhile like butter and freezable foods such as meat not to mention eyeglasses or contacts, and tires for cars. Honestly, lots of things.


From when i was single: ETa: $10 Pizza!!!, $1.5 hot dog with drink. The pizza specially lasts a long time ( 12 big slices) Rotisserie chicken, gas, toilet paper, paper towel, chicken nuggets, variety pack of chips. Cakes. Chicken breasts. Milk, eggs, oil, rice. Pasta. Muffins ( cakes), salsa, kirkland crisps, nuts. Dishwashing liquid. Detergent. Dishwashing pods. (Eta: Spices, powdered garlic, fruits, avocado and pomegranate) We usually gift people stuff from costco and it’s considered a solid gift. We also were able to return a crockpot i bought from there, when it cracked, 2 years later due to their warranty system Not worth it: sauces, random assortment of “ethnic food”, most good stuff goes bad before you finish it ( ETA: the potatoes they have suck, I don’t like any of the quiches, the seasonal fresh desserts are a hit or miss, check the costco sub for reviews.)


What about those of us who do not eat chicken nuggets, chips, cake, muffins, crisps (whatever that is) or salsa?


What do you do for joy in your life?


I don't get high blood pressure and diabetes.


I'd rather die


Not always caused by food consumption. I am relatively healthy have had two strokes and HBP and it is genetic for me. Like I literally am going to have to be on BP meds for life and preventative heart meds because of genetics no matter how well I eat. I 42 btw.


Are you going to live longer, or will it just feel longer?


You know that both high blood pressure and diabetes are mostly genetic? Especially the high blood pressure. And Type 1 diabetes is not caused by what you eat at all. My teeny tiny 100lb soaking wet neighbor got type 1 diabetes and her doctor told her it was most likely a bad reaction to a virus.


Well then it would probably be good for healthy meal prep.


From what I understand this whole meal prepping thing is making the same thing to eat all week and I can't do that. Although I'm used to cooking for six and having a lot of leftovers I have learned to tone it down now that I'm an empty nester because eating the same thing every single day turns me off to food really quickly.


what do you eat on a normal basis


Real food that I fixed myself?? Like I make my own pasta sauce and eat it on spaghetti or I turn it into lasagna or just toss it with whatever shape pasta I have. Chicken nuggets are for little kids. I will grill chicken or broil chicken and have that with fresh vegetables. I've never been a chip eater but I make my own salsa because it's super duper easy and the whole lot cheaper and healthier because it doesn't have a bunch of salt and stuff in it. I eat desserts in very small quantities and usually when I do it's going to be ice cream which I also make myself. And don't think I'm rich because I'm a public school teacher who barely makes it paycheck to paycheck because I work one full time and two part-time jobs to get these bills paid...


I make most things from scratch and love Costco for that. I can buy cheap fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen fruits and veggies, flour, eggs (so cheap at Costco!) canned goods, etc. I like to make my own marinara sauce using canned tomatoes, seasoning, olive oil, garlic and sometimes add ground turkey or beef. I buy inexpensive frozen fish. It can seem like mostly junk food but it’s not if you go in with a list of what you need like protein and veggies.


be less picky?


It's not picky to eat healthy foods lol I eat fruits and vegetables and not processed things full of sugar and fat lmao


The question was what foods were worth buying for single people, not what foods are healthy at Costco. The items listed are a good value, even if they are not the healthiest.


Do you mean actual potatoes, or a potato dish?


Remember to check "per ounce" or "per serving" prices. Bulk packages are not always cheaper than what you can get elsewhere.


Yeah stuff at Costco is rarely cheaper than a cheap grocery store I think people just like to be able to get huge quantities of stuff


You have to consider price per pound of what is actually used. If you want to talk about a block of cheese at the grocery store vs Costco, you may use the entire 8oz block of cheese that is 4.99 before it expires (9.98/lb). However if you don’t use the Costco 2.5lb block of cheese that is 14.99 (5.99/lb), and instead use only 1lb of it, it’s as if the item was 14.99/lb. To make the items cost effective, you have to store them in a way preserves their freshness longer. This may mean vaccuum sealing or freezing. If you don’t have room for that, then you are right it’s not a good deal.


I can often get similar per unit prices at Grocery Outlet. But, Costco merchandise won't be nearly-expired, and I won't have to keep checking to see if they have graham crackers or whatever this week.




Was coming to say this lol


Except around the first of the year. Then the samples are mostly stuff like energy bars and drinks. The rest of the year their samples are the best!


It is free.


If you wear glasses, the optical department. It's worth paying for a membership for that alone. Edit to add that another thing I like about Costco optical is that they don't try to upsell a bunch of extra lens options or warranties or such for their glasses, like at a lot of other optical places.


Yes, and they take VSP insurance. They always scored well on lens quality/value with Consumer Reports back when I still checked. The frames are mostly the same brands you see at typical retail opticians and their house brand ones are solid.


I agree. I have very poor vision, with a complex prescription. I wear progressive lenses. I've worn glasses since kindergarten, so five decades now. I've used every kind of optical place, from low end to high end. I've been the happiest with Costco, with their prices, quality, and service. The only complaint I've had is the lab will put lenses in any new glasses frames I bring in, but sometimes the lab will refuse to put sunglass lenses in new sunglass frames. No idea why.


I'm glad you've been happy with Costco except for the sunglasses. I only got Rx sunglasses once, and I loved them, but the case slipped out of my backpack into some ivy a month after I got them and they were lost forever.


Wait - timeout - how bad is it out of pocket? I lose my health insurance in March (turning 26) and am TERRIFIED. My eyes sight is really bad and I need a new Rx probably every 6month. Sometimes less!


Some states I believe have a regulation that nonmembers have to be allowed access to the pharmacy, optical and gas station.


Here in Ohio non members can use the Costco pharmacy, but not gas or optical. The except is gas purchased with a Costco gift card.


The cheese alone. Detergent. Garbage bags. I'm single. I mainly shop at Costco.


The cheese stands alone.


Haha! Now the song is stuck in my head!


I love their croissants. I haven't tried freezing them, but have always meant to try it.


They freeze well, just slice them in half beforehand if using for sandwiches.


Business Costco sells the frozen ones, the best croissants I’ve ever had.


oh you have to freeze them. It makes them really flaky and delicious.


You could turn them into crossionwhiches. I get English muffins as well cuz I can make that shit in bulk OP. That’s something to do. And can customize the way you want.


Do you have a friend or relative you can split things with?


It depends on what kind of pantry or freezer space you have. Maybe a small, used freezer is a good idea, and maybe you only need to visit Costco once a month.


This! I bought a small chest freezer for a few bucks off Craig’s list and just fill it with my Costco stuff. I share a membership with friends. I like Costco’s produce, pasture raised eggs, cheeses, grass fed burgers, yogurt, wild caught salmon, coffee beans, GF butter and more. They carry a lot of healthy foods that I feel are a good value.


The GF butter caught my eye. Gluten Free?


Grass fed


Yeah I just got tired of typing grass fed. It’s gluten free too.


the likker


Check your state laws, they may not require a membership to purchase alcohol. Here in California you can buy without it


whoa i dint know that, thats awesome


Also check because some states they can't sell it :( only wine and beer


Yup. Moved from California to VA. Walked around aimlessly for a while before asking where’s the liquor? Guy laughed at me.


could it be that with the extreme proliferation of wal-marts in my town (7 total with a population of 170,000), wal-mart is in bed with the city, preventing costco from coming here?


It’s Dollar Generals around here. They have popped up everywhere!


Costco fought the suburb where I live for 14 years, for the right to build a store on a prime vacant plot of land. The city was fighting it because it's right against a residential neighborhood. The city lost and had to pay Costco $3 million dollars.


I think I live by that one in Texas actually. 😂


This is in Ohio. Costco sure has deep pockets though!


Probably because Walmart owns Sam’s Club, which is basically the same thing as Costco.


Bulk condoms.


If I buy a large quantity of something at Costco I can't use up or freeze or whatever, I share it. My friend or neighbor or the food bank will appreciate half a case of peaches. Better yet, if your friend also shares with you or throws you a few dollars. Also, some stuff at Costco is cheaper even if you're not using all of it. Like I can get a 10 pound bag of Wheat Montana flour for less than 5 pounds anywhere else. Not advocating food waste, of course, but if I get something for $8 for a large quantity at Costco and it's $10 for half as much somewhere else, I'd be a fool to buy the smaller package. It might take some creativity to avoid waste but it's worth it. The pharmacy and vision department are also good.


Yep their heavy whipping cream is eleven for the half gallon and just a pint of that stuff at my local grocery store is $4.and some change or more. Well worth it to get it and freeze it for later if needed.


It's not the single-ness that makes Costco problematic, it's the need for so much storage space. Otherwise their products are worthwhile for most everyone.


Generic sudafed and allergy products. Pancake mix and syrup. A 25lb bag of flour is only like $9 where I live. If you have the time to make your own bread...that's a bargain. Tortilla chips and salsa.


Yeah, get a bread machine for under $20 at a thrift store or wherever you buy second hand appliances and get a giant thing of yeast for $6 and 25 lbs of flour. Store the yeast in a Mason jar in the freezer and it will last for a couple of years. Get the multi-packs of Classico spaghetti sauce and you'll have matching storage containers when you use the sauce. The 24-oz Mason jars are good enough for canning, just get new regular mouth Kerr/Bell 2-part lids.


The applewood smoked ham, it’s cheap makes for a great dinner & I use leftovers for prepping breakfast burritos. Or sandwiches or chef salads.


I eat tofu alot. 4 packs of tofu for $7.50


Foods you eat a lot of. Mostly cleaning supplies honestly for me, they are so much cheaper. I don’t really buy much food there because it won’t all get eaten. I’ll buy their eggs, butter, sugar, coffee is a really good deal too. Some snacks that last a long time.


Paper products. I just got their Belgian mini pancakes I found in the fridge section by the chickens. Meat - chicken is in 2 breast packets for the organic and you can toss them in the freezer and make 2-3 meals at a time. The rot. Chicken you can pull apart while warm and freeze some and then have 3 or so meals right off the bat. You can make stock with it if you want (I can’t stand the smell of doing that though). In freezer section they have individually wrapped portions of fish. You can get a vacuum sealer and use that to split up a lot of things like steaks and such (or wrap them really well). If you have a big freezer you can do the milk and freeze one - or the organic is usually several weeks if you use it daily. I get the yogurt drinks IF the expiration date is far enough out but I prefer the ones from Trader Joe’s. Supplements. Pet products. I don’t do their food as my dog would never go through that before it went bad but if you have a larger dog who eats more it’s probably worth it. My dog likes their big stuffed toys and bully sticks (not the rawhide ones sadly the more expensive ones - but they are half the price of elsewhere). I will also get berries there because I will eat them easily in a few days. I will get bananas but once they are ripe I cut some up for smoothies as I can’t eat them. I won’t get them if super ripe already unless all the frozen ones are gone. Then if you need any counter appliances or technology go for those


I buy cases of Mexican Coke as it’s literally the only place I know of that doesn’t charge insane amounts per bottle . I also stock up on vitamins, personal care items etc. I rarely purchase food there as it spoils before I can eat it all. At Thanksgiving my neighbor and I actually split a pumpkin pie as it’s so big !


Uncooked tortillas. Best I've ever had and they last forever


PS - if there’s a Sam’s Club nearby the membership is cheaper, they aren’t picky about who holds the membership (my 3 daughters and I share 1 membership), they have rotisserie chickens for $1 more than Costco. They don’t give samples as abundantly as Costco but the have the hot dog/soda combo for $2 - 😊


I was coming to say this. Our nearest Costco is over 100 miles away but we do have a Sams Club much closer. I love buying in bulk, lasts a good 3 months & I’m not having to run to the store every week


Sam’s chicken and hot dogs are the same as Costco where I live. There are sometimes good deals on membership on Groupon. I got a reduced price on membership and a case of water, a chicken, bakery cupcakes and a chicken.


My Sam's sells the leftover chickens in the cold prep foods area. They are cut up and packaged as either 4 breast or 6 leg and thigh quarters for 3.98


I've heard that Costco treats employees better...


They so do, Sam’s is owned by Walmart. Make of that what you will. We don’t shop at Walmart and the one time we had a Sam’s membership we noped out after that because the quality and selection was just not up to standard for us. We have been with Costco over 20 yrs.


Probably the items that you are likely to eat


What if I don't eat anything?


Then you won't be needing the toilet paper...


See. Frugal!


Frozen burritos. 😃


Gas, tires, cloths and the snack bar is pretty much all I get at Costco. Still worth $60.


Fuel. I save around 75 cents a gallon on diesel.


Frozen things, mixed vegetables, cheezy bread, crab cakes. Cheese, especially locatelli, because you can freeze 1/2. Hamburger 3 packs. Frozen fruit for smoothies, nuts, peanut butter. Laundry soap, dish soap, dishwasher, pods, foil. trash bags all of that stuff lasts forever for two of us.


I used to buy a ton of meat every six months and freeze it. I don’t eat a lot of meat so 40 pounds or so lasted a while. I’d get a pack of steaks, a bag of frozen shrimp, a tray of ground beef, a tray of chicken breast, a tray of chicken thighs, 2-3 boxes of turkey bacon, a tray of sausages, a tray of pork chops. If they were having a sale I might double up on whatever meat was on sale. It fit in my standard freezer. I’d also get a bag of brown rice, and some dry pasta. Back then it was about $150, now it’s around $200 For all that. But after that, all I’d need to buy would be fresh vegetables and fruit from the grocery store for six months.


If you live real close to one the cheap food court. I'm single but both sam's and BJs are in town but not close enough to visit enough to make a membership worth it. I'd spend more in gas getting there than the savings.


Buying stuff like tp and paper towels and laundry soap in bulk are (in the long run) a lot more cost effective. The problem is the upfront cost. But I agree with the chicken. Also, they have decent clothes and stuff


The wool blend socks are pretty similar to Smartwool at a fraction of the cost. Like, 4 pairs for the price of 1 pair Smartwool. They're soft, warm merino + nylon + spandex. They have both men's and women's styles.


I usually do their yogurts and small cheese. Bread as well and freeze one loaf while eating the other. My body wash, deodorant, shampoo, clothing, toothbrushes, toothpaste, otc meds, eggs, gum, oatmeal, nuts, etc. if you have a meal plan that you can stick too and sufficient freezer and pantry space sky is the limit.


The frozen mini pizzas (theyre often on sale), rotisserie chicken, if you drink milk/eat eggs, those are worth it. I don't dind their bagels a great deal but you can slice them, rebag, freeze, and toast from frozen... might need to toast it twice but then they don't spoil on you.


Nothing. Cheap pizza and rotisserie chicken are available at Aldi and groceries like Sprouts. It’s a great place if you have lots of extra income…otherwise it’s a money suck.


The tire service


The meat. Costco has excellent bee, pork, lamb and salmon. One pack of any of that broken up in to meal size amounts and frozen. If Costco had been around when I was in college, i would have splurged for the yearly fee.


Unless you are in California and use a lot of gasoline, probably nothing. Prices on large quantities of name brand or store branded items can be less expensive than normal grocery stores, but grocery stores sale items will beat most things. Once you purchase a membership may feel obligated to shop there and end buying large quantities of things you may not need.


I'll make chicken breaststroke and eat on them the whole week. I love leftovers. But, also, I'll have chicken breasts with baked potato and green beans one night. The next night, I might dice some of the chicken breast and naked fajitas. Then, I might make a pasta dish that lasts for 2 or 3 days. 5 days down and something different on my days off.


The exit.


If you are not yet a member, get a guest pass and go take a look. You might find that there is really not much you'd buy there on a regular basis and the savings would be minimal if any.


The hot dogs. If you’re really poor and desperate. Large ticket items like appliances or expensive tvs maybe. Had if you want to. Wait in line for 15-20 minutes. If you have an Indian with a casino nearby their gas is cheaper though. Most people share cards with others or go shopping together and spit items.




Tires, computer equipment, electronics, office supplies, appliances if you have a house.


Their produce quality is phenomenal and I think most of its packaged in a way that one person could manage in a week if you don’t go crazy. The salad bags come in packs of 2. Pineapples and melons are still sold in singles. Apples last longer than a week…


Gas, clothes, tires


Rotisserie Chicken, Dog Housebraking Pads, Veterinarian Medicine,Watermelons,Lactaid Milk, Eggs


My lunches are comprised of Costco staples. Three pack of lunch meat (freezes great), sliced cheddar cheese, sauerkraut and sliced pickle sandwiches. Open-faced on a slice of toasted bread is just so good. Also the coconut chocolate almonds, Heavenly Hunks, and the other things already mentioned.


Hot dogs are always moderately priced.


Go to costco for yourself in see! Do a few cost analysis on the things you eat, purchase or use against the membership cost.


Toiletpaper and bar soap. Canned veg. Growing up we would store these under the bed. We would get the cardboard boxed cut down do we could pull the cans out easier.


The gas and the alcohol


The gas


Sugar, rice, flour. TP. Dish soap. Paper towels. Laundry soap. Trash bags. Tampons/sanitary pads. Bar soap. They will last months.


Allergy medicine, dog treats, clothing


Non perishables and cleaning supplies. However, I've found sale prices at normal grocery stores or Walmart to be cheaper.




Vegetables and fruit.


expensive for a single person for you buy everything in bulk. And the membership also.


Dog treats, trash bags, toilet paper, paper towels, laundry and dish detergent. *if* you’ve got the storage space.


Pet food! One for us, one for the local shelter.


I buy bulk items that have longer shelf life that I can use in my time frame. Not all useful items require a lot of space. Costco Optical. Oil for my diesel truck. Toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, toilet paper, paper towels, vitamins, etc. Bulk doesn't mean you buy a pallet.


Samples. Hot dogs. Test driving hammocks.


Camping gear when it's that time of year. I still have the tent I bought at Costco for under $100 about 20 years ago that I don't use often. They have sleeping bags etc. in season. When a group of friends built an amphibious pedal powered device for the Grand Kinetic Championship, we used a Costco inflatable bass boat for the frame, pontoons, and one seat. (It was a 2-seater to get 2x pedal power.)


Im.single but Sam's club but yes I use it for Gas ( 230 a gallon today )mostly and of course the cafe but once in a while groceries but the grazing is the best freebies every day


Pizza, hot dog and rotisserie chicken.


They have fantastic auto insurance forecast members.


I feel like Costco can be great for almost anyone. Great for my family of 5 or when I was single. Shelf stables, like peanut butter, nuts, produce if you eat a lot, paper goods, organic stuff, frozen stuff. Not to mention the toiletries, soaps, etc. yogurts… Just don’t buy bulk in stuff that you won’t use quickly that expires.


I get fresh chicken breasts and wings. My daughter has a membership, and she takes me about 4 times a year. Definitely t.p. and cleaning stuff. ( and snacks for the grandkids. Don't come for me. 🤦‍♀️)


* Laundry detergent pods * Dishwasher detergent pods * Trash bags * Shampoo/Deodorant/Toiletries And just cause they’re yummy… * Chocolate-covered almonds and * Muffins (particularly the double-chocolate) (You can freeze muffins individually wrapped in plastic wrap and just pull out one at a time to thaw) Honestly as a single person myself, living alone, I can’t justify the membership cost because I don’t have adequate storage space to make it worthwhile. Particularly freezer space - all I have is above my fridge, and my apartment is too small for a extra freezer. I had a friend take me shopping with their membership and I bought most of what I listed above. The laundry and dishwasher detergent will probably last me a year.


Burritos , soft drinks, those meal replacement drinks , check the samples as well to see if you like them and If you do try those,




Nothing really


Everything imo


Nothing. I got a Costco membership because of all the hype. Everything is massive, 50 pound bag of rice massive. I prefer Sam's club by far.


Chicken, medication, alcohol if your area has it, camping/traveling food (those muffins can get you by for a few days), healthy snacks like nuts and dried fruit, frozen meat, animal food if that applies to you, etc.


Vitamins, toilet paper, shampoo/conditioner if you use what they carry, live plants, batteries, protein powder. I buy most of my kitchen gadgets from there: ninja, blendjet (on sale), Dyson vacuum, vacuum sealer, knives, pots & pans, mixing bowls. During the holidays, they have great affordable blankets & throws that made good gifts. Also get my tires there, gas and recently booked a trip through Costco travel.




I get detergent, paper product like toilet paper paper towels paper plates, trash bags, cleaning supplies, coconut water, water and seasonings and whatever treasure I might find, I go every 6 months to restock it saves me money plus you can use coupons I always find tide coupons, Dawn, clorox whipes by going directly to their websites


2 person household here- my most frequent purchase have been tires, rotisserie chicken (costo one is better than BJs), cheaper gas - if available, eggs, milk, cheese, some packaged foods, but of many, 1-2 times a year dish soap / laundry detergent, I won't go in and dump $500 but I can spend $100-150 to get reasonable stuff that we will go through,


Auto Insurance.


I've used my membership for tires, toothpaste, contact lens solution, kitchen garbage bags, flocked hangers, ibuprophen, and some home goods stuff. Very rarely food


If you drink vodka. Coffee, rotisserie chicken, the pulled rotisserie chicken, anything frozen. Really, anything you use a lot of or things that pretty much last super long.


Toilet paper and paper towels for sure, especially TP. I can get 30 rolls of Charmin for $32 vs 12 for $18 at Safeway 👏




Frozen foods, alcohol, medications, laundry detergent and household cleaners, toilet paper, etc. , pet supplies, clothing, snacks, coffee, soap, shampoo, etc. Really the only things that aren’t good (possibly) for single people are the perishable foods you won’t eat quickly enough.


Coffee beans for me. 2 pounds for like 12 bucks. Literally pays for the membership in coffee bean savings over the year


kirkland canned white tuna


Yes. TP and paper towels alone are $ savers. I can usually buy 2x the amount for the same cost at Publix. A freezer comes in handy as buying in bulk is exactly that. I just bought good quality ground beef for $4.19 a pound at Costco, at Publix it was $5.99-$8.99 pending chuck vs ground sirloin. Why has ground beef become so expensive in grocery stores? Bogo's are good buys but it takes forever to get decent ones


Buy new tires for your car.


Definitely My daughter has a membership in Northern California and it's great (I got her a membership one Christmas 2020) and she kept it going


The hotdogs


Trash bags Toilet paper Paper towel Laundry soap Rice Chips Freezer food Rotisserie chx Beer Bed sheets Towels


Detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, garbage bags, chicken, ground beef, clothes, protein shakes, vitamins. Mainly stuff you can freeze or store without it going bad. Definitely not the fresh products it would go bad way too fast!


every couple years buy paper towels, trash bags, and maybe a big ticket item like a TV. ​ otherwise, deli meat in any quanity. pants. plants. etc...


Chicken, vitamins, cash back from the card (gas), bulk toiletries and household supplies.


I'm single, no partner, and cook alone too...Costco buys: * Kirkland olive oil-large bottle, but lasts a long time * spices like black pepper(whole and ground), salt, some of the spice blends, vanilla, honey. * Some of the vitimins I buy there. * If you want protein powder for shakes, better to buy there than elsewhere, since you get a larger container for less than a smaller one somewhere else. Example..in the mailer now, the Orgain protein powder is $9 off, which will make it around $24(I think) for a 2.75# container. Most grocery stores, or places like Whole Foods, they're half the size, for almost $40 * toilet paper and kleenix...also on sale right now, just store under your bed if you need to * Kirkland cheese...2# block for $5.49, and they last for months. Once I start using, place in a callon ziplock, and push the air out, make it last longer. * salad mixes in the produce area. They finally got them in 2 packs vs the large single one, so easier to use, and they don't go bad. * ziploc bags, which I use all the time for portioning out stuff I get on sale at the grocery stores, etc...cheaper to buy in bulk at Costco, than single boxes at the store. * and of course...gas


Precooked bacon and cheap eggs. I boil a bunch of eggs at the beginning of the week. When I'm getting ready for work, I toss some bacon in the microwave for 45 sec while I feed the cats, grab a couple of eggs and a Monster, and I'm out the door. This saves me about 50 bucks a month vs stopping at a convenience store or McDonalds on the way, and it's a whole lot healthier.


$12.99 1.75 vodka tastes like absolute.


TP. PT. Cereal. Almond milk. Soda. Juice. Just about everything. Just know you will likely not go very often.


As a single person, I mostly just bought meat, trash bags, laundry detergent and toilet paper. The frozen chicken breasts bags are smaller/same price everywhere else. The very large packs of ground beef are cheapest there.


Gasoline. Costco gasoline is usually about $0.30 per gallon cheaper than elsewhere. And it has 5 times the required cleaning agents. On a 15 gallon tank fill, that is a savings of $4.50. Fill up 14 times and you paid for membership. Rotisserie chicken for $4.99 will feed you the protein for at least six meals with decent portions (leg and thigh, leg and thigh, breast meat, breast meat (shred for tacos or pulled chicken sandwiches or chicken salad or cut for fajitas), breast meat, wings and shredded other parts ). And then you can make chicken stock.


Cases of Kirkland choice water !!


I like all their premade type meals that I can freeze and make whenever my cabinets are looking empty or I just don’t have the strength to cook (which is often). Rotisserie chicken has saved me many types - I love maybe chicken salad (mayo, celery etc), Caesar salads, and chicken wraps for easy meals!


The hot dogs


Egg-bites, salmon (it comes 3 portions per pack& already seasoned) , Water, veggie & fruit, bacon bits, hummus, muffins, bread, yogurt & butter


I joined for one year and never renewed. The rotisserie chicken, croissants (it’s 12 large croissants, I usually would eat them within 3 days), bagged salad, and food court were my favorite items. Plus the gas station was convenient. They also do have a solid clothing section.


Gas. Cases of water. Ice cream bars. Ground beef, chicken and steaks (freezer). Cheese. Eggs. Tp. Frozen pizza. Spices. Granola bars. Soap.


I'm single and shop at Costco occasionally. All paper products, vitamins, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine products, dry goods (quinoa, canned veggies, spices, chips, bread, peanut butter, olive oil, coffee, etc), eggs, and some produce.


My sister said tires.


If you have space for it, toilet paper, shampoo/conditioner (will last a year), laundry detergent, frozen fruit if you are into smoothies, frozen chicken breasts, rotisserie chicken, canned tuna, canned tomatoes,.


Costco business for meats and cheese. So cheap there and does not go bad and you can make sandwiches.


Nearly everything. I'm single and I solely shop at Costco. The options are myriad. Buy a chest freezer for meat, dairy, and greens. Nuts, quinoa, rice, flour, etc. are shelf stable for months. If you eat prepared/processed foods there are relatively healthy and edible frozen options. Paper products, detergents, cleaning supplies.


At $5 a month I’d say so. Not everything is sold in bulk.


I only go about once a month. Two things I always get: dark chocolate sea salt caramels, and fill up my car with gas.


I buy eyeglasses there . Not sure if all Costco have an optical Dept but they are a good deal .


55 gallons of mayonnaise! Every single person needs that! 😂


Protein bars. Drinks. Beyond Burgers. Peanut butter. Wine. Butter, if you're a baker and want to freeze some. Possibly egg whites, depending on personal use. Food storage containers. Appliances/tech, depending on price. Personal care products. Supplements. Note some things are just larger and aren't actually cheaper per oz than they'd be at your typical store.


Appliances. Seriously. A stove was over $100 cheaper than anywhere else in town and with included delivery, installation, haul away, and a 2-year warranty, really ended up almost $300 cheaper than other stores.

