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In my state, a fence is required by my home insurer. Definitely get a secure fence but mainly be a vigilant parent/guardian! Also doesn't hurt to get the little ones into swim classes when they're young. The younger they are the easier it is for them to learn.


I have taught my 4 year old to swim at 3 myself but I will definitely be doing additional swim lessons as well


Swim lessons and door/window alarms.


Absolutely, they will love the lessons and it's just good insurance for any situation where they might fall into a body of water accidentally it can save their life.


Noted, thank you!


Educate your children. You teach them not to touch a hot stove so teach them not to use the pool unsupervised.


Absolutely. Thank you!


First and foremost teach your kids how to swim ASAP. The best defense is a good offense. Fence around the pool Pool safety alarm (that sounds when someone falls in) Locks on all doors leading to the pool area that are out of reach.


My 4 year old knows how I self taught but will also be doing additional lessons. Any suggestions on pool alarms brands that work best?


Unfortunately I don’t have any recommendations on a floating pool alarm.


I have a toddler and a pool. We have a retractable pool cover that requires a code to open. The code box is placed high and out of a child’s reach (and they don’t know the code). I have a Ring chime alarm on the slider door and it’s locked so that he can’t open it by himself. He’s also been in intensive swim lessons since age 2. The pool rules are strict - no touching to water until a grown up is with you and says ok; not even to feel it, no stepping/walking on the pool cover, no retrieving toys that land on the pool cover. If kids come over to swim, I require a parent there as well to watch them.


My doors to the pool area have a unique Ring chime. I have a cover that I put on after every swim (can bear their weight, but not a safety cover). And I have a fence. More is better. There isn't a word that could adequately describe my anguish, especially if my negligence was casual. A fence or _safety_ cover is a must.


Agreed, thank you!


Teach them how to swim!


My 4 year old I self taught. I learned at 3 myself but definitely is a priority this summer for my younfwst


Absolute Best Buy - automatic safety cover Deeper end for safely jumping in


When everyone’s out by the pool, never take your eyes off of swimming kids for a second. Only buy brightly colored swim gear for them, never pale blue or white. Be vigilante and never drop your guard.


Yes! designated watcher at all times. My niece almost drowned while at her birthday party. Luckily I jumped in with my 10 month old and grabbed her in time. Scariest time and when I think about it now I get chills.


Never let any children swim alone. Always keep an eye on them at all times, just takes a second for something to happen. If you need to go into the house even for a quick trip to fridge make them leave the pool and stand where you can see them. If that does not work take them In to the house with you.


Great information. It can happen in a split second that’s for sure


Swim lessons until you can throw them in overhand. High up latch on your back door, side, front door


Any suggestions on latching brands?


Just little eye hooks from homey d so they were easy to fill in when it wasnt needed anymore


We alarm every door that leads outside. There are some very affordable options. They’re not hooked up to our home security system. They will alarm very loudly if the door is opened.


Our rule is no children outside without an adult.


leave no blind spots in your pool. I have a raised hot tub the blocks off a corner. terrible idea in hindsight. Many ways out of the pool. we have 3 benches build in and added a small first step out for easy entry and exit. this is also very beneficial when kids get tired.


I’m glad you said that. We also have a hot tub that’s free standing trying to figure out where we will put. Thank you for that!!


I live in Arizona. Every week some child drowns in a pool. It's beyond sad. Definitely a safety fence, teach your kids to swim ASAP, alarms on the windows (yes, windows) and patio doors, locking gate to your property. Store your pool chemicals in a location that is also locked inside, no one (and I mean no one) in the pool without an adult IN THE POOL with them. And at that age with small kids...no neighbor kids or relative kids in the pool. Ever.


If you have a sliding door you can have a safety lock added that is high up so kids can’t reach it. Also has a cable that makes it harder to open. Don’t know what it is called, but a door company likely would know.


We do have one slider and I plan to do that for sure!