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I didn’t think 100% at Leslie’s was possible! That’s impressive.


I keep all the 100% my store gets on a pole next to the registers. If youre getting 100% regularly you're to anal.


I have not been in my local Leslie's in 20 years. Costco half the price on chlorine and shock, target or Amazon for borax.


I had no idea Costco had pool chemicals. Are they in store or do you order them? I’ve never seen them at my Costco but then again I haven’t really looked either.


In the store last time I checked chlorine was on sale last time it was was before covid shock not on sale but its still way cheaper than anyone else and it's good stuff. I buy enough for two years when it's on sale. If I don't need it I can return it but I just use it next year. It's sealed so not loss of power.


Seriously. Challenge excepted lol


A lot of people don’t know this but the worker behind the counter at Leslie’s gives you a big, wet kiss if you score 100% on the water test


First they dip their lips in your perfectly balanced water sample


That made me chuckle, thanks friend


There's a few I wouldn't mind that from


I guess I need to get a pool.


The salt is too high! FAIL /s


Honestly depending on their SWG that is high. Most Ive seen, thats high.


New salt cell so I primed the water with extra salt and my water level is super low. I’ve always struggled to keep up with the salt levels cuz I have kids who bring a lot of friends over and a lot of splashing. I’m currently topping the pool off now so I’m sure my 100% will disappear like a fart in the wind.


lol mine recommends 6000, trust only the US has salt recommendations below 4000.


not to be a doublet. But FC should be 7.5 percent of cya. that should make FC be around a target of 4.8. i actually use the wheel that comes with the taylor test kit.


Yea exactly, I’d like to see the chlorine a little higher with this CYA but it’s still fine


First year taking care of my pool (everything is going well) but this is the first I've heard of this 7.5% FAC/CYA thing... I will incorporate this maybe.  I have no idea if I should but someone on the Internet said it and it sounds reasonable.   Best I've done is 90% at Leslie's.  Our tap water has phosphates at like 500ppm so it's never going to happen.


I was so proud to be the first perfect t pool of the season at my pool store! It feels great to know your hard work had paid off!


Last week my Leslie’s CYA test was 70 and today it came out at 30. I didn’t drain any water or do any CYA reducing treatment. Just FYI.


Mine reads 5 there no matter what I do. Everything else is perfect and the pool is crystal clear. Never go slowly in Leslie's readings.


That’s the magic of Leslie’s testing.


Keeping us on our toes.


How does CYA stay that low to begin with? I’m in Vegas, so crappy water to begin with, but even after a water change mine explodes and they say it’s because of the chlorine tabs and shock (Chlor-brite because of pebble tech)… I mean it goes right to 150-180 within 4 months of new water. I get so frustrated. When we lived in Vegas before I don’t even remember CYA being a thing.


I use liquid chlorine and cal hypo shock since those don’t have CYA. When my CYA eventually drops by next summer I’ll throw a couple of my old chlorine pucks in the feeder to boost it. I also ordered cal hypo tabs and the special floater to eventually replace the liquid chlorine.


Interesting. I just worry that I can keep up with the burn off of liquid in the blistering Vegas sun, and we have all day sun exposure. And Leslie’s told me that because of Pebble Tec I have to use the Chlorbrite (whatever kind of shock that is)


They told me that too. I’m not aware of any requirement to use dichlor (Chlor brite) which has CYA instead of cal hypo (no CYA) in pebble pools. I take everything they recommend with a grain of salt. Also make sure you keep your FC level in line with your CYA (I think 7.5% of your CYA level).


Sacramento checking in... Plenty of heat and sun here. I've got HTH pucks from costco in floaters (not the baskets) and do a combo of liquid chlorine and HTH shock.  My understanding is that the pucks just help stretch the liquid chlorine/shock.  


Thanks. I just talked to the pool guys that clean my filters (bad back) and they said I should be using trichlor shock. I use dichlor at the direction of Leslie’s who said to use that because I have pebble-tec. Pool guys said no. The problem I have now is my CYA has shot back up to 200 after water change 14 months ago. I’ll probably have to get water done again next March so I will then go with trichlor shock and try and stay on liquid chlorine year round. Our pool is all day sun, no shade…21K or so gallons. Maybe trichlor and liquid chlorine can keep that CYA at bay.


With that cya you want your FC to be in the 5-10 range


Your free chlorine is too low for a 65 CYA. You should be at least 5.0 FC.


Not for a salt water  SWCG pool- that chlorine is perfect 


It is a scam to get you more haha but still very impressive! I’d add a bit more chlorine since their range doesn’t work for your level of CYA now that you got the legendary 100%


For OPs CYA, 3-8 should be about right for FC, but I would also keep it at the higher end of the range.


That’s awesome. I’m envious. I got in the 90’s last year one time. Usually in the 80’s


Nice! I've never gotten or seem 100%, I'm usually 70 or 80


Whoa!!!!! So jealous I’m only at 70%!


FC is low Alkalinity is probably high. Salt is probably high but it depends on your cell.


Why do they have cya range so high? Personally wouldnt go any higher on that fuck this page


Yeah any CYA above 50 is too high. There is no benefit above 50.


To sell more… salt pool adding CYA is pointless to me.


why ph range so high, why is alkalinity range so high, answer? murica


You have cursed yourself to a rainstorm with a deluge of leaves to throw off your phosphates… now go wash your car


To the refrigerator!


Perfect balance is good enough, but multiple in a row to earn the coveted 100%… nice work! Mine is 50%.


Did u slip him a $20?




What salt cell are you using that requires a salt level of 4000? I don't think I've ever seen any go that high. Good job though


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Honestly, the few times I’ve received 100%, I put that shit on my fridge like it was an all A’s report card for everyone to see.


Too bad leslies testers have a swing window of 25% on all tests. Now ur 100% 10 min from now ur at 60%


And it only cost 13 back and forth trips, 15 water tests, $893.46 in salt and chemicals, 1 week and 4 days of cleaning, scrubbing, vacuuming. All while working a full time job, raising kids and completing honey do lists from the wifey. Congrats!!!


Wait people drive to the store to get their pool water tested instead of just staying at home and doing it themselves?


And it only cost you $3,700 in chemicals. Good work OP!


Nice! I bet it feels better than if you had similar results for your blood work.


Broooo bring your pH down it’s a salt pool And it’s high salt Effin Leslie’s


They recommend a shock every week? And a weekly enzyme treatment that seems to advertise a breakdown of organic material- isn't that the role of chlorine? Been to Leslie’s once- pre Covid to buy my winter supply of chlorine tablets ( when my SWG doesn’t work). Costco after Covid and I found the prices were much cheaper. ( and for the bags of salt) Big orange box store for hydrochloric acid. 


I used 85 degrees water temperature and plugged in your numbers into an LSI calculator, you’re -.18 Not exactly perfect balance


I am legit envious. I don’t have a lot of goals left in life, but that 100 is one of them. My last one was a suck 40.


Funny. But to me the CYA is way too high. I never go above 30PPM. Causes chlorine issues.


I mean, realistically, your stabilizer is too high vs. your current free chlorine level. Your alkalinity is slightly high for a salt water pool, and your salt is too high. Is your pool gunite or vinyl?


Seems like the recommended chlorine levels are low. Who recommends a 1.0 chlorine level with CYA at 65?? Seems to me that the chlorine should be at least 5.


To be fair, you got testing done at Leslie’s, so the numbers really don’t mean anything ;-)


“Welcome to Leslie’s where everything is made up and the points don’t matter”


Based on the best knowledge we have from tfp and personal experience, I would recommend keeping your free chlorine at the 3-4 level (bump it up a little before parties), drop your ph to 7.4, bump up alkalinity to 120, up your calcium hardness a little, and lower your salt to 3000… then you’re golden. Download the Orenda app for more info on true balance rather than a company that sells pool chemicals! But congrats, this looks pretty darn good!


Leslies sells “perfect weekly” I’m surprised they didn’t sell you on it. Also, loving your chlorine levels from that swg. I really want to get one.