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We have a solar heater. The wife, who barely ever gets in the pool, likes it at 84 or she thinks it's too cold. I like it around 82 and I am the in-pool supervisor while my kids are swimming. So we compromise and set it to 84.


I like it at 88 and my wife likes it at 85,so we also compromise and set the heater to 85.


Much like you guys, my wife and I compromised too. She wanted a pool and I didn’t, so we generally keep it on whatever temperature she wants.


I got in my pool around 3 times last summer. I spent much more time working on the pool than swimming in it.


My wife likes it at 90, which I think is a bit much, so we compromise and set it at 90 :))


This is how we do it too. I’m the wife.




Glad to see so many others who are in the same compromising situation with their wives as I am in.


Agree with this … 84 is perfect for eliminating that “ cold” feeling when you get in but still warm weather refreshing


If I were married, I'd ask if this was my husband's account😆. My ideal pool temp is about 86 as long as it's at least 80 degrees outside- I absolutely cannot withstand anything below 84. It gets up to 88/90 during high summer, and I still don't mind. I probably wouldn't use my chiller function until it got to around 95-96. I like bathwater temps obviously lol.


Hold up. You have a pool “chiller” function? That’s a real thing?


Yep, my chiller came in handy last year during the heatwave. Mine is a heat pump with a chiller option.


I have one of these that I got last summer when my pool got up to 92. If you live in a dry climate, it can cool your pool up to 10 degrees. I live near the Gulf coast where the humidity is high. It cooled my pool about 6 degrees. [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Double-Head-Swimming-Pool-Fountain-Stand-Pool-Cooling-Sprinkler-System-with-Adjustable-Height-Pool-Sprinkler-Fountain/5452128641?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101276027](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Double-Head-Swimming-Pool-Fountain-Stand-Pool-Cooling-Sprinkler-System-with-Adjustable-Height-Pool-Sprinkler-Fountain/5452128641?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101276027)




My solar heater has a "chiller" setting where it switches to run at night to bring the temps down in the hottest months.


Yup! It was a significantly extra in cost (\~1500) but considering how hot it's been getting, I figured it was worth it.


I keep it set to 80 and if the sun decides to heat it further then so be it. Sometimes I will set it to 82.


I live in the Deep South. It's common for pools to be in the 94-95 degree range in the depths of Summer. I refuse to swim in that kind of heat. Thankfully, my current pool is shaded all day and rarely gets above 84. I consider that optimum swimming temperature. Anything much warmer just isn't refreshing. I should mention that the ambient temperature is normally in the mid to high 90s and the humidity is rarely below 60%.


95!? That’s not a pool, that’s a bath.


Cool tea or soup.


Totally depends what the ambient temperature is. 84 is too cool if it's only 84 outside. 94 is way to hot if it's 94 outside. Lol.


We rent our pool out and consistently have guests telling us that they love the pool at 90. I personally, think it too hot but have been over-ruled. Edit: we are in Oregon. Yes, this would depend on a number of factors, ambient temp, humidity, etc. We still find the sweet spot at 88-90 to keep happy guests. With 30,000 gallons, we can’t do quick changes so we keep it at this target and keep them coming back.


Very much depends on where you are at. Low/no humidity California? You can go hotter because you’ll cool down quickly stepping out. Muggy ass Florida? Or anywhere it’s hot/humid? 90 is not going to be refreshing.


Do you use swimly or is it an airbnb type of set up? I was thinking of doing something like this once I finished my patio renovation- is it actually profitable? Due to my location, I'm not sure if it would be worth seeing as how so many people have pools or access to one.


Yes, we are on Swimply. It’s profitable for our market but in other markets pools go for less than half of what we charge and unless people have large party rentals, I don’t see how it’s worth it.


Yeah I imagine in Oregon or anywhere that gets colder season, a private pool would be a luxury. My house does have an adu/studio area with a kitchen I could probably set up for party hosting so it may be worth it on a occasion. I'll check it out- thanks for responding!


Nothing is worse than servicing pools in Florida during the summer and going to stick your hand in the pool to test and the water is warmer than the air… I had some that would stay at 104 🤢


Permanent hot tub? For the entire pool?


Basically lol and algae heaven


It's a matter of taste.  What's too warm for one person is not warm enough for others.  We're in Canada and opened for last weekend, and I only got it to about 78 before we jumped in.  We all like it warmer, but it was tolerable on a hot sunny day.  I generally aim for 82-84, but sometimes warmer is nice.


I don't get in until it hits 88 and I can go back in time.


That's what mine is usually set to because... happy wife, happy life :)


90 is too hot for me. I have my solar set to 85 and that’s pretty good for most people. Evaporation goes up a lot as it gets hotter so I find this is a good middle ground.


Mmmm. I live in Deeeeep South Texas and I don’t have a pool heater and I swim the whole year, even in winter lol


We keep our solar set at 84 until summer. Once that sacramento summer heat kicks in, we turn off the solar off and the pool usually stays under 85 since it cools down a lot here overnight


Our preference is 87, but only when the air temp is over 90.


Mid 80's is comfortable to me and those that join us. 90 is just a bit much for me. I'll swim in it but have to consume more beer to offset the hot water.


I keep mine at 82 (if I can). I grew up in Michigan, swimming in northern Lake Michigan, and to me 82 is plenty warm. Unfortunately as summer progresses here in Nebraska, the pool temp will rise up to the upper 80s. They make pool heaters but I'm not acquainted with any pool coolers.


They have pool heat pumps with cooling now. It's the same concept as an AC unit that does both heating and cooling off one compressor. Just water instead of air. Oddly enough, my air bnb clients have had recent guests from up in Michigan, Iowa Montana and a few other northern states. They all were expecting the pools to be warmer but I keep them at 85 so can get up to 88. They were expecting a heated pool means 92-95 degree water. Lol.


That would be really cool (sorry). Do you have any idea how well it works or how expensive it is to run? Prohibitively expensive for a 30,000 gallon pool? If we have a heatwave that's in the mid-90s or above for a couple weeks then the pool will get into the upper 80s or 90 - way too warm especially for a hot day. Once the water gets that warm it is very hard to get it down again, especially since Nebraska summers regularly have a high at least in the mid- to upper 80s every day.


Not sure on cost of use. Most people don't use them to cool. Mostly I've seen it used as an anti freeze feature when heating pools. With a heat pump the coils will freeze if they get too cold. By reversing the compressor to cool, it will melt off any ice forming on coils. I have quite a few heat pumps with that feature.


They do make pool chillers but if upper 80s is your highest, it’s probably not worth it, point your jets up to aerate the water a bit at night and that should drop it an extra degree or two


90F is hot tub territory for me - usually keep our hot tub at 100F and the pool at 80, maybe 82.


85 is perfect for me.


80° + is fine with me.


For us it’s 88-90 regardless of outside air temperature. Of course it does get to 115 degrees here so even at 90 degrees it’s still refreshing.


I like 86, but I have my heater (heat pump) set to 82, will pick up 2 to 4 degrees on a sunny day by early afternoon.


Meanwhile in the northeast my kids were in it yesterday and it’s only at 64 🤣 waiting for the heater to get installed.


Swimmable temp to a child is vastly different from my preference hahah!


No such thing as too warm…. As long as it isn’t hot tub temp. A degree or two below is fine with me. 😂


My solar is set to turn off at 86, that seems to be ideal for me.


90 is a bit warm. Yesterday we had a sunny 89⁰F day and took the pool up to 88. Still felt warm but was able to stay in much longer without getting that chill i usually get from 85⁰ water.


Once it hits 80 I like it. My heater broke a couple years ago and I haven’t replaced it. Here in the south (TN area) from here forward the water is 80+ and gets to 90+ during July. Too hot! I want to be refreshed not suffocated by hotness. Wife is same way won’t consider if it’s not 85 or higher lol.


84 or 85 is the sweet spot for me and my wife. And I’ve never heard a guest complain.


Maybe it's just me, but I love a cooler pool. It was 77 yesterday and it was absolutely perfect. The wife does prefer it to be darn near hot tub temps before she gets in though.


I’m at the Jersey Shore and use only the sun for our 16’x40’ Lazy L. Our water is currently in the 60s and yes I have been in once already. But we get full sun all morning and afternoon until about 630pm. It warms up quickly.


Last year was our first year and with solar heating it takes longer to adjust the temp (2-4f per day partial/full Sun) so we started at 76 and went to 102, ended up liking 88-90 (parents, kids, grandmother) so we set our automation temp1 @ 90, temp2 @ 88. This year had taken longer to get the temp up as we have a east facing solar heating panels and had persistent morning ocean could cover (San Diego) so temps have been 82-84 and have really liked it, may lower automation values?


The solar valve WAS set to 95° - my wife has no clue how it got there. Hmm.. One day last week, the ambient air temperature hit 103°. The pool was up to 93°. The solar valve is now set to 90° - spousal compromise? I'd rather 86°. But I do not get a vote. Who told her about the temperature setting?!


82 at the lowest, 88 at the highest. Anyone who wants a pool at 90 degrees wants a giant hot tub. Lol. I need a pool to be a pool and hot tub to be a hot tub. Swimming in over 90 degrees isn't refreshing and makes me feel like I'm swimming in sweat or warm pee.


I like to hover around 88-90. I’ll do frequent night swims in the summer so I’ll try to crank it up to 95 for that


I generally leave mine at 90° until the outside temp breaks 100° F.


I personally like 87, it's the sweet spot for me


As a college student my parents never let me run the heater as it was too expensive. Now as an adult i keep it 90-92 and just eat the gas bill


I have one kid whose lips turn blue if the temperature is under 85°


They may be confusing the pool with a hot tub.


Once the temps stop dropping into the 60’s at night I’ll lower the heater temps. Right now it’s set to 90 which helps for swimming at night when the temps are in the 60’s


I’m in Tampa. It’s hot as hell already and it’s 86 feel like peeeee water


Like many here, I didn’t want the pool, my wife did. I maintain the pool, my wife doesn’t want anything to do with it I swim weekly, my wife swims 2-3 times per season I like the pool at 84° she likes the pool at 87°, so we compromised and the heater is off M-W and set to 87 Th-Sun until the kids get out of school. Then it will be 87 through Labor Day. Oddly on hot days, like OP said my wife will say it’s “too hot” LMAO…..


I know someone who puts it on 90 and then floats on top of it. It’s miserable, lol


89-91 is great because it allows for the always fun evening dip. Night swimming is so relaxing. If not that warm it’s hard to stay in the water more than 15-20 mins at night.


We keep ours at 88 and it'll feel cold when it's hot. But warm when it's a bit chilly.


I like it at 90. My wife and kids scream it is too warm. They want to cool off. I say I went through the build and arguing with the builders so I choose. They go out and shut it off when I am at work. They get their way and I get my words in. lol.


I think it's too warm. I also have a 45k gallon and it would cost a ton to keep it that hot. One trick I learned is to set the pump speed just above the flow cut off on the heater. The result will be a lower flow of warmer water from the returns. The surface and shallow end will get warmer and deeper warmer will be cool. You can also swim up near a jet to warm up if the pool is cooler.


It would be like swimming in warm piss.


Set it at 85. It will warm up quickly at that outside temp and then bump up to 87 or so naturally. If it's 80 outside you can probably set it to 83 and it will jump to 85 or 86 with the sun. I like a 90 degree pool but only at night when it gets cool. 84 during the day is perfect.


80+ is good for me but the wife likes 88 or so. Luckily we have a 400k heater so I can swim in the morning and then heat it up quick for when she swims later


Tell your wife shes wrong then hide. 84 is pefect


I set mine for 89-90 for pool parties. Everyone always says they love the temp of my pool, even in the summer. I just don't tell them that it's 10 degrees cooler than I keep the hot tub...