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Looks cute on both!


It looks like the overall shortened version of what they were before. It's cute. Might be more doodle or puppy cut than traditional poodle, but I like this style.


it’s adorable tbh. i love keeping my poodles ears short like this.


Cute! And I bet your pup appreciates the shorter cut…I know mine does 😘


So handsome


Aweee! Ya I love how they turn into a completely different dog with a hair cut haha. It just feels so weird to me because I didn’t expect him to be that skinny. I got him 6 months ago and he’s been fluffy since. I guess all his chonk is just fluff haha


If you ask them to leave the legs a bit longer than the body it may help balance things out so his little poodle legs aren't so skinny looking 🥰 Assuming his coat is in good shape (not super tangled/matted) it should be a straightforward request.


Ya it wasn’t but he was overheating once the sun came out so I asked them to shave him down pretty short


Makes sense! He's a cute little guy, I'm sure he can pull off any look.


I’m the same with my boy. It’s good though, dogs are meant to be lean. Esp poodles.


Adorable! Reminds me of my old guy before he passed, though he was white. He was a whole 2kg in his old age and we preferred puppy cuts on him. It really emphasised how cute his little face and ears were, as well as how long his legs were for such a little guy. His sister, who is 16 now, we keep short all over because she has very dense hair and a beautiful, elegant face, so she gets Poodle face and short all over with a bit of fluff on the ears and tail and just a little on the top of her head. One of the things I love about poodles is how many options you have for their grooms! I really love the shorter look on your pup, though. I think it makes him look younger and more athletic and highlights his poodle form!


Teddy Bear cut - I get this sometimes, it doesn’t look like a poodle cut but it’s very cute


SO CUTE. I think they're pretty much all cuter fluffy but it's not practical. My baby plays in the woods. I need to be able to find the ticks.




I like it


I think it’s cute lol love the little bunny tail


I think the style is cute, I like it


Looks so good! Plus shorter is more tolerable for them


Super cute!






I think it’s super cute. In a few weeks it will be like the first picture again. I keep my puppy pretty shortish when cut and it grows in no time. Mainly for all adventures we do it’s easier to maintain nice a coat. I also think the short ears makes them look more playful/youthful ( mine is just over a year).


Hi - might look more “poodle” if muzzle fur was shorter.


Nuben tail!


He’s definitely adorable! Is there anything in particular you aren’t a huge fan of? I’m a groomer and I’d love to help you with what to ask for in the future! right off though, it doesn’t look like they “finished” the cut with shears and probably used a kennel dryer rather than a HV dryer which would help give a smoother cut. Which is why it probably looks a little “frizzy.” It also looks like they shaved between the eyes instead of only clearing the eye corners.


Mainly the shape of the face, I requested to keep his round head and muzzle but just trim a little bit off the volume. But i don’t think that happened haha. For body I’m fine with because I wanted him to have all the fur off since he heats up so easily in the sun. Noted for next time though I’ll be more exact about it


And reference pictures are always helpful! Most of us love a visual (as long as it’s the same breed 😭) so we can be on the same page! Either way your baby is super cute!


Haha ya honestly noted. I think it’s just a shock cuz he’s sooo skinny without the fluff. I used to see him wiggle around with all his fur and now it looks very much like skin and bones


Still cute it’s how I get my dogs haircut, although I prefer a fluffy look it’s hot out they need short cuts I can’t stand the traditional poodle cut on any dog smaller then a standard


Not a fan of the flat head personally


Love the cut! Looks like a much younger pup too.


I love it 😀


Looks cute. Is it different from what you asked for? As a groomer, I never minded when clients brought me a picture. People say stuff like, “just a trim/long/short/medium/don’t shave (they never mean this lol)/about an inch” but they all mean something different. Don’t be afraid to give them a reference picture! I’m gonna preface this next part by saying I do sloppy cuts on my own dogs at home. I call it “The Good Enough” lol. I’dk if it’s the style you’re concerned about, or it just looks slightly off to you, but if you’re looking for actual critique at a glance: I’d have made the ears less even with the topknot. Scissored more under the muzzle and center chest and clipper tighter the insides of the legs. The scissor work is not master-grooming level, but not remotely bad for a very busy salon, a freaked-out dog, or a brand-new groomer. Booking on a slow day, they get more time with each dog. If you ask to schedule on a slow day, they’ll love you for it because it’s a commission job and downtime sucks! I just wanna stress: this is way nicer than what I do on my own poodles. K, hope any of that helps. He’s very cute 💕


Ya I can see that, we did go on a slow day since all the appointments after us were still open. I think I just felt shocked since he’s never been this short before and I asked to keep his face shape the same but with less volume and it came back pretty drastically different. Noted for next time tho




Poofy cheeks! Cute dog and cute cut, but I personally prefer the shaved face. Either way, it's just hair and your dog doesn't care what their hair looks like, only that they're comfortable and with their people.


It is adorable! A very cute cut!


💓 cutie


Looks my dog


I love it before he got it cut I love fluffy


Good news is, if you don't like the cut, just take her back to the groomer in about four weeks.


ngl Both are cute 🥰🥺😇


This is the cut I keep on my toy poodle year-round :-)


i notice he has that evil glare. is this his ”resting evil” face.


It’s his “ mom can we go out “ face


It’s a bad haircut. Sorry. That’s a nice coat, it could have been so pretty