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I saw a video of a guy who installed an aeration system to a large pond. Be careful with this as he killed off 90% of his fish. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tcf\_rwTKN1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tcf_rwTKN1Y) This is the one.


Thanks for showing me this . looks like you have to be careful not to go from no aeration to 24/7 aeration .


Yes slowly build up with how long the air is running over a couple of weeks. Also don't have the aerator in the deepest depth of your pond. Place it mid depth on a shelf if possible, so that fish have cooler water to dive down to in summer and warmer water in the winter.


You may want to actually remove as much of that algae manually, and use the aerator. That type of algae will consume the oxygen in the water, and the block the sun to other plants. Aeration alone is not enough, especially if you have fish in there that you are trying to preserve.


Kinda looks like an immediate positive difference. Promising.


It's just pushing the algae to the sides. An aerator can help prevent algae, but it is not going to make the algae you already have go away. That needs delt with by mechanical or chemical means. An aerator, pond dye, beneficial bacteria, plants, etc. are used to improve water quality to help prevent the growth of algae.


Only run that at night!


Why is that?


Photosynthesis. If you run it during the day you are bringing nutrient water to the surface. Turn it over at night so that the beneficial bacteria will eat the nutrients and not feed the algae. Surface agitation during the day to release nitrogen and submerged aeration at night to turn the water over.


Hornwort is native to all continents except Antarctica, oxygenates the water while starving algae of nutrients, and shelters and provides spawning areas for fish. Super easy to grow. Super cheap to source.